2019-2020年七年级英语上册 unit4-unit6讲学稿 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 unit4-unit6讲学稿 人教新目标版一、 英汉互译where table dresser know 在床上 在抽屉里 在椅子下 on the sofa in the bookcase_under the plant 我们的双肩背包 你的课桌 我的英语书 二一口气英语。1.Wheres the baseball? Its in the backpack.2.Where are your books? Theyre on the sofa.3.Wheres his keys? Theyre on the dresser.4.Is the book in the desk?Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.5.Are the pencils under the table? Yes, they are./No, they arent三给下列句子排序。_I dont know. _Is it on the dress? _No, it isnt. _ Wheres the bag?四根据句意,使用你所学过的介词填空,每个介词只能使用一次on, in, at, behind, between, next to, under1There are some birds _the sky.2We can study this subject _ TV.3Shall we meet _ the bus stop?4My best friend sits _ me. He often helps me.576 is _ 75 and 77.6I dont want to fall _ others.五将下列词组译成英语在课桌下面 _在沙发上面 _在背包里 _在抽屉里 _在椅子背后 _在电话旁边 _在图片里 _在墙面上 _在梳妆台和床之间 _在地上 _六选择填空( )1Is your photo in the drawer? _.AYes, I am BNo,it is CYes,it is DNo,Im not( )2_ my baseball? Its under the chair.AWhere BWheres CWherere DWhere are( )3_ under the tree? No,they arent.AWhere are BWhat is CAre they DIs it( )4Where are your brothers? _.AHe is at home BHe is in his roomCYes,they are DI dont know( )5There _ a puter on the desk.Aare Bhave Chas Dis( )6_ there water in the cup?AIs BAre CHas DHave( )7Whats under the desk? _.AIts a football BI can see a set of keysCThey are red box DTheres a cat七看图并联想观察A、B、C三幅图,用英语表达出Mimi的位置。根据前三幅图联想,画出第四幅图中Mimi的位置,并用英语表达。Where is Mimi?In Pictuer A: _In Picture B: _In Picture C: _In Picture D: _八改正句中的一处错误1Wheres Wuhan and Changsha? _2Wherere the flowers? Its on the table. _3There is a picture book on dresser. _4Theres a window(窗户)on the wall. _5We can see some birds on the tree. _6I need my hat. Please take it here. _7Its on the floor,between the bookcase or the desk. _8We arent know his name. _P11Unit4B讲学稿一英汉互译数学书 电脑游戏 录像带 需要 闹钟 帽子 身份证 拿走,带到 拿来,取来,带来 二阅读3a,1写出相应物品的位置,补全句子1、The hat _ 2、The watch _ 3、The notebook 4、The keys 5、The ID card _(2)请翻译出课文中这段话准确的中文意思。 三合作探究1.Please take these things to your sister请把这些东西带给你姐姐。 Take意为“_”,take sb/sth to + 地点名词或代词,意为“把带到 ”。由近及远,指把靠近说话人的人或事物带到远离说话人的地方。如, My brother takes me _school.我哥哥带我到学校去. 2.Can you bring some things to school?你能带些东西到学校来吗? can 是情态动词,意为“_”,此句表示请求某人做某事,它是含有情态动词 can的一般疑问句,can 应在_位置,can的否定式can + not,缩写成cant, can/cant + 动词原形. can 引导的一般疑问句,否定回答一般用“Sorry,主语 + cant” bring意为“_”,bringto意为“把拿来(带来)”,由远及 近,指把远离说话人的人或事物带到靠近说话人的地方。如,Can you _my hat _me?你能把我的帽子带到我这儿来吗? .some的用法 Some意为“_”, some + 可数名词或不可数名词,some常用于肯定句中。四、请根据中文意思在下列句中填入合适的词。(1) 我的书在书包里。 My book is the bag.(2) 足球在桌子底下。 A football is the desk.(3) 书包在桌子上。 There is a bag the desk.(4) 瓶子里有一些牛奶。There is some milk the bottle.(5) 天上有个风筝。There is a kite the sky.(6) 请把你的妹妹带回家去。Please your sister home.(7) 请明天把你的书带来。Please your book here tomorrow.五1、Where is dog ?Its the floor.A. the, on B. you, on C. a , in D. the, under2、 ?Theyre on the desk.A. Where is my books B. Where is my bookC. Where are my book D. Wherere my books 3、Please this math book John. Thanks!A. take, to B. bring, to C. take , for D. bring, for 六书面表达:你的弟弟明天要和同学出去郊游,你受妈妈委托,将弟弟所需要的东西都准备齐全了,现在你写一张留言条,把东西的清单和它们所放置的地方写清楚书包放置在桌子上,地图(map)在书包里,一串钥匙也放在书包里,一些钱(money)放在抽屉里,一碟CD和CD机(CD walkman)放在电脑旁边,一些水果和食品放在了冰箱上面_. P12Unit5A讲学稿一、预习感知 写出球类名词的英文名称并翻译下列动词短语篮球_ 棒球_ 排球_ 足球_乒乓球_网球_打乒乓球_ 打篮球_ 踢足球_打棒球_打网球_打排球_ 参加运动_二一口气英语。1. Do you have a soccer ball?Yes, I do./No, I dont.2.Does she have a tennis racket?Yes, she does. /No, she doesnt.3. Lets play soccer.I dont have a soccer ball. Well, lets play volleyball. That sounds good. 三、合作探究1.do的用法 作助动词无意义, do not的缩写形式_ does not的缩写形式_dont/doesnt+动词原形. 如,I dont _(have) a soccerball. He doesnt _(have) a ping-pong ball.作实义动词,意为_,它的第三人称单数形式是_ . 如,I do my homework every day.(我每天做作业) 改为否定句:I _do my homework every day2. Lets play volleyball lets=let us, let的意思是_,let+人称代词的宾格,us是_的宾格 lets +动词原形,如,Lets _(play) soccer.3. many many+复数名词,如,We have many sports _(club).4. class作名词,意思是_,如,I am in Class 6 作名词,意思是_,如,I have 7 classes every day.四.用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.I dont_(have) a soccer ball. 2,He doesnt _(have) a tennis racket. 3.Do you _(have) a dictionary? 4.Lets _(play) volleyball. 5.That_(sound) good. 6.Please call _(we) at 495-3935. 7._(Do) she have a sister? 8._(Do)Alan have an eraser?五.翻译下列句子 1.你有乒乓球吗?_? 2.他有排球吗?_? 3我爸爸没有电脑。_. 4.让咱们去踢足球吧。_. 5.我有许多朋友。_.汤姆有一个网球拍。_. 6.那听起来不错。_.六.据上下文,写出句中所缺的单词。 1. _ _ have a banana ? Yes , I do . 2. Do you have a basketball ? No ,_ _ . 3. _ Mary have a sister ? Yes , she _ . 4. _ go to play football . That sounds interesting . 5. _ _ have a puter ? Yes , they do .6. _ you have a bat? 7 _ he have a basketball?8. _ play volleyball.9.My brother _ have a notebook. 10.He_ sports every day. 11 That sounds _. 12 My sister _ five baseballs.13.-Does Tom _ a puter? -Yes, _ _按要求转换句型(1)My mother likes playing football. (变为否定句)_(3)Tim has a green watch. (变为一般疑问句)_ (4)They want to go swimming. (变为否定句)_ P13UNIT5B讲学稿一翻译下列短语Every day_watch TV_,play basketball_playvolleyball_play puter game._二读3a.判断正误。1.Ed has a great map collection.2.He has 5 volleyballs and 8 tennis rackets.3.He has no ping-pong balls.4.He likes playing sports.5.He only watches sports on TV.三Questions:1.Does ED Smith have a great sports collection?2.How many tennis rackets does he have?3. Does he have 7 baseballs?4. Does he have 3 volleyballs?5. Does he play sports? 四看图填空。Sonia Hall _(have) a great sports _ (collect). _(Her) has 5 _(baseball). She _(have) 7 _ (volleyball).But she _(not) play sports. She only _(watch) them_ TV.五语法。1. 当主语是第三人称单数时,动词形式的变化规(1) 一般动词在词尾加_,在清辅音后读/s/,在浊辅音后或元音后读/z/,在t后读/ts/,在d后读/dz/。(2)以字母s,x,ch,sh结尾的动词加_读/IZ/; Watch_ wash_(3).以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i再加es。 do(三单)_ play_study(三单)_5them:它是they的宾格形式,动词后面若接人称代词必须是宾格形式,如,He only watches them on TV. we(宾格)_ you(宾格)_I_六.词汇1. She likes _(体育运动)very much. 2. _(让我们) play tennis. 3. Sue has two _ (篮球). 4. My mother _(看) TV every day. 5. I have a puter game. Its _(有趣的). 6. My mother _(有) a nice book. 7. That music _(听起来) good. 8 To play soccer is _(困难的). 七.用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.It _(sound) like a bird. 2.We only_(have) one earth. 3.Mr Zhang _(be) very busy. 4.Mary _(watch) TV every day. 5.I have two _(basketball). 6.He has 8 _(tennis racket).八.单项选择 1.I watch an _film on TV. A. interesting B. interested C. interest 2.Mr Smith_two basketballs. A. have B. doesnt have C.doesnt has 3.Every student_a ping-pong ball. A. have B. has C. dont have 4.I like volleyball. Its_ A. relaxing B.fun C.boring九.句型转换 1.I have an English book(改为否定句) _. 2.Tom has two baseballs.(改为一般疑问句) _. 3.She doesnt have a soccer ball.(改为肯定句) _.4.Does Mary have a puter game?(作否定答)_.十书面表达。(计15分) 假如你是Jim Green,写一篇介绍自己的短文,内容包括你自己的情况,你的家人,以及你的收藏。不少于8句话。必须用上以下所有的提示词: Class 12, family, like, collection P14Unit6A讲学稿一请你翻译以下短语喜欢 薯条 冰淇淋 五个西红柿 一些草莓三个汉堡 九个香蕉 四个男人 一些花二合作探究1.名词按其所表示的事物的性质分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词有复数形式,如:an apple,two applesbag,some bags。不可数名词只有单数形式,如:broccoli。一些词即可当可数名词,又可当不可数名词,但词义不同,如:chicken(鸡肉,不可数),chickens(小鸡,可数)。将下列单词分类:hamburgers, tomatoes, French fries, oranges, bananas, strawberries, eggs, apples, carrots, pears. broccoli. ice cream, salad, chicken.可数名词: 不可数名词: 可数名词和不可数名词:2可数名词的复数变化规则。在词尾直接加_,如banana_.以s,x,ch,sh结尾的单词加_,如watch_。以f或fe结尾的单词,变f,fe为_, 如life_, leaf _, knife_. 以辅音字母加y结尾的单词,将y变为_再加es,如family_. .以o结尾的部分加s,部分加es,如zoo_, tomato_. 不规则变化有:man_ woman-_三一口气英语。1. I like oranges. I dont like orange.2. They like salad. They dont like salad.3. She likes bananas. She doesnt like bananas.4. Do you like salad? Yes, I do. /No, I dont.5. Do they like French fries? Yes, they do./No, they dont.6. Does she like pears? Yes, she does./No, she doesnt四知识补充:一般现在时一般现在时表示经常性、习惯性的动作,或表示现在的特征、状态。当主语是非第三人称单数时,行为动词的一般现在时变化形式(见下表)。如:句式结构例句肯定句主语行为动词原形其他We speak Chinese.否定句主语dont行为动词原形其他We dont speak Chinese.一般疑问句Do主语行为动词原形其他?Do you speak Chinese?肯定回答否定回答Yes,主语doNo,主语dontYes, we do.No, we dont.如:We have classes from Monday to Friday. 我们从周一到周五上课。Do you often write to your friends? 你经常给你的朋友们写信吗?Yes, I do. /No, I dont. 是的,我经常写。/不,我不经常写。当主语是第三人称单数时,行为动词一般现在时的句型变化如下:肯定句在行为动词原形后s/es(其构成方法与名词单数变复数相同,见141页工具箱)。否定句用助动词doesnt动词原形。一般疑问句则是把助动词does放在句首,后面动词用原形,回答时,肯定用“Yes,主语does.”;否定用“No,主语doesnt.”。下面以为例:She works hard. She doesnt work hard.Does she work hard? Yes, she does. No, she doesnt. 五句型转换1.Xiao Ming likes oranges.(改为一般疑问句) _Xiao Ming _ oranges ?2.Jack likes French fries.(改为否定句) Jack _ _French fries.3.I like chicken very much .(对划线部分提问) _ _ _like very much ?4.Does your sister like salad ?作否定回答No, _.六. 连词成句。6.you ,any ,have ,do ,salad _?7.like , very ,I , strawberries , much_.8.doesnt ,Jerry ,like ,French ,fries _.9.you ,apples ,like ,do _?10.oranges ,every , has, an ,day , tony _. P15 Unit6B讲学稿一Read 3a quickly and answer the questions:1. Who is Sandra, what does she do?2. Does she like hamburgers for breakfast?二再读3a. 回答问题。1. Does Sandra eat lots of healthy food?2. What does she like for breakfast ?3. What does she like for lunch?4. What does she have for dinner?三课文知识重点:1.for breakfast,she likes eggs,bananas and apples.breakfast,lunch,dinner/supper 1)在英语中,表示三餐的名词前,一般不用冠词,但当特指某一顿饭时,也可用定冠词。吃早/午/晚饭_/_ /_.2)for breakfast是介词短语,意为”对于/就早餐而言”,放在句首,也可放在句尾。_, I like rice and tomatoes.对于午餐而言,我喜欢吃米饭和西红柿。早、午、晚餐吃什么,用have. For breakest/lunch/dinnerI _ hamburger_ breakfast.2.Runners eats well!跑步运动员饮食健康Runner的动词形式是run,动词词尾加后缀变成名词。如:work_(工人)write_(作家) read_(读者) teach_(教师)四熟读背诵3a.五Can you finish the exercises?Liu xiang is a _ (run) star. He is the best _(run) in the world now. He _(eat) eggs, milk and beef for breakfast. For lunch, he _(like) vegetables , rice and meat . For dinner, he_(have) chicken and noodles . I _(like) him very well. 六单项选择1.- Can I help you ? -Yes ,Id like five _and some pears .A. potato B. tomatoes C. meat D. banana2. e on ,children. Help yourselves to some _if you like . A. fish and chicken B. fishes and chicken C. fish and chickens D. fishes and chickens3.Tom is strong and he _to school every day .A. walked B. walks C. will walk D. has walked4. Kate _some apples every day. A. has B. have C .eat D. ate5.Do you have _lunch at school ? A. a B. an C. the D. /6. This kind of skirt looks _and sells _.A. nice ,good B. well ,well C. nicewell D. good . nice7 -What do you have _supper ? -Chicken and tomatoes. A. at B. on C. for D. in8. Which do you like better ,broccoli _salad ? A. or B. in C. on D. and9. He eats _for dinner .A. many foods B. much foods C. a lot of foods D. a lot of food10.Bob and Tom _fruit .A. are B. dont like C. likes D. doesnt like七、句型转换。 1. He has some eggs for breakfast .(改为否定句)_. 2. My sister likes fruit very much .(改为一般疑问句)_?3. She likes ice cream.(改为否定句) _. 4. I have some oranges for lunch .(改为一般疑问句)_ _? 5She has two eggs for breakfast .(对划线部分提问)_ _ she _ for breakfast ? 6 .I like oranges , but I dont like pears .(用Lucy作主语改写句子) Lucy _oranges , but _ _ _pears.八。写作练习-MaryTom根据表格内容写一篇短文,介绍两人的饮食习惯。


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