2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday?(第一课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday?(第一课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday?(第一课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday?(第一课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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2019-2020年七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday?(第一课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版I Teaching and Learning Goals(教学目标): i语言知识和语言功能:1.能争取学会使用下列词汇造句子(Curriculum words) January, February, March, April, May, June, July,August,September, October,November,Decemberfirst , second, third fourth fifth , sixth, seventh , eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, twenty-first twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth thirtieth, thirty-first 2. 能争取学会使用下列常用短语造句子(Useful expressions) a great month ;an art festival; some interesting and fun things a busy term ; School Day ; Sports Day ;English Day ;book sale ;birthday party ; soccer game; school trip; volleyball game 3. 能认读下列词汇和句子(non-curriculum words and sentences)events; activities ; Have fun! Enjoy yourselves. 4. Understand, translate and retell a passage made up of the above Curriculum words and phrases according to a mind map (理解、翻译并复述用课标内单词编写的故事。)ii 学习策略:Remember the Curriculum words and phrases in specific situations. (在语境中记忆单词)iii 情感态度:Love all activities , love every day and love life. (热爱活动,热爱每一天,热爱生活)II Teaching and Learning Steps(教学步骤) Step I Warming up and lead in . 1. Write the word “birthday” on the blackboard. Ask the students: Do you know the word“birthday”?Yes, “birthday”.Can you sing the song “Happy birthday”? Lets listen and learn it. Listen to “Happy birthday”first. Well, boys and girls! Can you sing the song by yourself?(Yes./No.) Whose birthday is today? Hands up! Oh! Happy birthday to you! Can you tell me whats the date today? (Yes./No.) Some of you can , but lots of the students cant. Now lets learn how to read and write the dates. (设计意图:由歌曲导入本单元主题内容,既活跃气氛又顺利导入日期表达法。利用了学生的积极性,抓住了学生的注意力。)Step II. Learn to read and write the new words.I Preview.1. Learn to read the words and phrases of unit 8 on P100-101. Read the new words using the phonetics(音标) and mark(标记) the words difficult to pronounce (难发音的单词).2. Read the marked words in turn in small groups. One student read, the others listen and help to correct the wrong pronunciation(纠正错误发音). List the difficult ones on the blackboard. Work with the whole class and see who can read them. Help them remember the new words.3. Several students read the words aloud in turn in class and the others correct their wrong pronunciations. At the same time, help them read the words that they cant pronounce.4. Read after the tape. At the same time, correct their pronunciation.5. Read the words aloud by yourselves again. If there were mistakes, let others correct them.(设计意图:本环节设计让学生练习运用已经学习的音素拼读单词,一般的词汇学生能够通过自身或同学间的合作拼读出来,就培养学生自主学习和合作学习的能力,让他们养成良好的自主学习习惯。通过听录音跟读和听他人读,练习听力,既让学生纠正了部分单词的发音,又能巩固掌握部分单词的拼写。)II Learn to read and write the words of 12 months.1. Lets learn how to read the months of the year together.Month-month-months. Pay attention to there is an “on” in it.Look at the screen and learn the month of the year . Read after me together, please.January, February,March ;April,May ,June;July,August,September;October,November,December。Look at the screen and look at another chant. Lets read and chant together, please.January, February, March ;April, May , June;July, August, September;October, November, December。 (设计意图:借助图片引入月份,把表示月份的12个单词可以根据月份顺序进行每三个为一组进行记忆,先熟悉单词的发音,帮助学生学会记忆单词的发音和意思,加强了学生的记忆,练习了学生的口语,帮助学生更好地读12个月份的单词。利用chant形式每三个一停顿让学生练习12个月,更加顺口,容易记忆。)2. Great! You can read the months of the year. Lets learn how to write the months of the year together.January , January, Ja-nu-a-ry , January;February , February, Feb-rua-ry, February;March, March , M-A-R-C-H, March;April, April , A-pril, April;May, May , M-A-Y, May, May;June, June,J-U-N-E, June;July, July, J-U-L-Y, July;August ,August, Au-gust, August;September, September, Sep-tem-ber, September;October, October, Oc-to-ber, October;November ,November, No-vem-ber, November;December, December , De-cem-ber, December;(设计意图:表示月份的多音节单词,可以根据单词中的每个音节的字母组合巧妙地记忆,拼读单词,能够帮助学生更形象地学会记忆拼写单词,单音节单词可以根据字母拼读单词,加强了学生的记忆,利用chant形式练习学生的口语,帮助学生更好地记忆。)III. Learn the dates expressions.Good job! Boys and girls! Do you know your birthday? When is it? Do you know this word? Read after me“when, when, w-h-e-n ,when.” “When is your birthday? When is your birthday? When is your birthday?”“你的生日是”“什么时候?”When “wh-/w/,en-/en/”“When is your birthday?” “你的生日是什么时候?” “我的生日是12月12号。” Speak in English. “My birthday is December twelfth.”表达生日的时候应该先说月份,再说日期。1 When we write the dates , we need the ordinal numerals. Lets learn how to read and write the ordinal numerals together.Cardinal Numbers(基数词) Ordinal numerals(序数词) one first two second three third four fourth five fifth six sixth seven seventh eight eighth nine ninth ten tentheleven eleventh twelve twelfth thirteen thirteenth fourteen fourteenth fifteen fifteenth sixteen sixteenth seventeen seventeenth eighteen eighteenth nineteen nineteenth twenty twentieth twenty-one twenty-first twenty-two twenty-second twenty-three twenty-third twenty-four twenty-fourth thirty thirtieth thirty-one thirty-first (设计说明:基数词变序数词,不变的部分用 表示,变化的部分用 表示,让学生明确变化的规则。)2. Look at the cardinal numbers and the ordinal numerals, we can find some rules of the changes.基数词变序数词记忆口诀基数词变序数词,加-th莫迟疑;八(eight)去t,九(nine)去e, f要把ve替(five, twelve);遇到整十(twenty,thirty,forty,fifty)要注意,变y为ie,再加th莫忘记,若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以,1,2,3特殊记,1,2,3词尾t, d,d.序数词表顺序,前面加the要牢记。(设计意图:基数词变序数词有规律可循,可以先让学生发现变化,再帮助学生寻找变化的规律,然后帮助学生在复习基数词的基础上总结规则变成口诀,再利用口诀chant记忆,这样基数词变序数词的规则变得比较简单明了了,记忆起来更加容易了。)2. Look at here, can you read “December twelfth”? Students read“December twelfth”.You know “December is the twelfth month of the year.” “January is the first month of the year.”So we can remember these dates to help us to remember the months and some of the Ordinal numerals. Dates(日期) 读法 写法一月一号 (1.1) January first (Jan.1st)二月二号(2.2) February second (Feb.2nd )三月三号(3.3) March third (Mar.3rd )四月四号(4.4) April fourth (Apr.4th )五月五号(5.5) May fifth (May.5th )六月六号(6.6) June sixth (Jun.6th )七月七号(7.7) July seventh (Jul.7th )八月八号(8.8) August eighth (Aug.8th )九月九号(9.9) September ninth (Sep.9 )十月十号(10.10) October tenth (Oct.10th)十一月十一号(11.11) November eleventh (Nov.11th)十二月十二号(12.12) December twelfth (Dec.11th)Students read the chant in pairs or in groups to remember it. Read the chant together again.“January firstDecember twelfth. ”(设计意图:根据一月是一年中第一个月,并且使用日期的表达法,加上序数词变成January first,利用月份和序数的巧妙组合,加强了学生的记忆,利用chant形式练习学生的口语,帮助学生更好地记忆。)Step III. Learn to remember the other words1. Remember the words by looking at pictures. 他是“愉快的;高兴的”; “Happy ,happy, he is happy.”生日快乐!Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!(按照唱歌的方式唱诵。) 年老的“old”; “Old, old, old. How old?” “多大年纪?”“几岁了?” 旧的“old” ; “Old, old, these are old books.” See you! 聚会;晚会 “party”; “Party, party, party, have a party.” 测验;检查“test ”; “Test, test, English test .” 旅游;旅行“trip”; “Trip, trip, have a trip.” 艺术;美术“art”; “Art, art, we like art.” 节日,(音乐、戏剧等的)会演日“festival”; Festival, festival, Spring Festival(春节).艺术节;Art Festival; Art Festival, Art Festival, an Art Festival. 亲爱的dear; Dear , dear, my dear. 学生“student”; “Student, student, they are students.” 物品,事情thing ; Thing, thing, many things.学期term, Term, term, a busy term. Its a term from September 1st to January 17th. .We go to school from September 1st to January 17th this term . 繁忙的busy ;Busy, busy, they are busy. 时间“time”. “Time, time, have a good time.” 过得愉快!Have a good time!=Have fun!=Enjoy oneself! (在那里)there; There, there, shes there. 校庆日School Day ; School Day, School Day, have a School Day. 英语日English Day ; English Day, English Day, have an English Day. 图书展销book sale ; Book sale, book sale, have a book sale.生日聚会birthday party ; Birthday party, birthday party, have a birthday party.足球比赛soccer game; Soccer game, soccer game, have a soccer game.排球比赛volleyball game; Volleyball game, volleyball game, have a volleyball game.运动会Sports Day; Sports Day, Sports Day, have a Sports Day.3. 能认读下列词汇和句子(non-curriculum words and sentences)events; activities ; Have fun! Enjoy yourselves. (设计意图:本课时学习的单词比较简单,借助汉语翻译配上直观的图片,学生会更加容易理解和记忆.利用chant和部分顺口的句子,让学生学习在语境中理解单词、记忆单词,较大程度地降低了记忆单词地枯燥。)2. Practice the phrases. Remember the phrases by matching itself with its meaning. a great month 忙碌的;无暇的学期 . art festival 英语日 . some interesting and fun things 足球比赛. a busy term 生日聚会 . School Day 艺术节日;会演节 . Sports Day 学校开放日 . English Day 很重要的月;月份 .book sale 学校郊游(9) birthday party 排球比赛 (10) soccer game 一些有趣又好玩的活动;东西;事情 (11) school trip 运动会 (12) volleyball game 图书展销 (设计意图:该部分涉及的单词和短语比较抽象,如果通过连线的形式进行练习,能够让学生更好地掌握单词的形义.)再见!3Remember the words by their similar pronunciations and forms. Pay attention to the same and the differences. .when , what , where, why, .there , their, .dear here.term, time.January, February .June, July.September , October, November , December(设计意图:以上几组单词具有相似的读音或形态,通过归类进行学习,学生能够更加容易记忆或区分。)4. Consolidation of wordsGive the students a few minutes to try to memorize the words first. Then let them write down the words according to their meanings .Finally, check what they have write in pairs. Correct their mistakes and master the words in pairs.(设计意图:本环节让学生把本节课所学的词汇落实到纸上,让学生互相发现错误并改错,从而了解自己对单词的掌握程度,巩固单词的默写,帮助掌握单词。)Step IV Remember the words by reading the story. 1. Read the story and fill in the blanks with the new words. We have many _(事情) to do this _(学期). On_ (九月九日), we will have a _(聚会) for our _ (亲爱的) teachers , because its _ (教师节). On _(10月10日), we will have a basketball game. I will go to the zoo with my classmates. The Sports Day is on _(11月11日). On _(12月12日), we will have an _ (艺术节). _(在1月), we will have a _ (新年晚会). The next month, we will have a _(生日聚会) for my classmate Jenny. Because her birthday is on _(2月2日). I think she will be very _(愉快的,快乐的). Many _(学生) will e to her home, so _ (玩得愉快) then! I will be very _(繁忙的) next_ (学期),too. _ (在3月3日), I have to study hard because there is a _ (测验). The book sale is on _ (4月4日). And the English Day is on _ (5月5日). The school trip is _(在6月6日). The volleyball game is on _ (7月7日). The School Day is _ (8月8日).2. Work in pairs and read the story fluently by themselves.3. Translate the story into Chinese in groups . 这个学期,我将会非常忙。我有许多事情要做。在九月十号,我们将为我们亲爱的老师举行一个聚会,因为这天是教师节。在十月二十五号,我们将有一次学校旅行。我要和我的同学们一起去动物园。在十一月二号,我们将要去敬老院。我想那些老年人会非常高兴。在十一月十五号,我们将举行一个艺术节。下个月,我们会为我的同学玛丽举行一个生日晚会。因为她的生日在十二月六号。许多学生会去她家,因此到时候玩的开心!在一月,我得努力的学习,因为在一月二十号将会有一次测试。(设计意图:该短文涉及到了本单元的大部分词汇。通过这一短文的阅读和翻译,能够让学生结合语篇,更好的理解和体会这些单词的意思。) Step V . Mind mapRead the mind map and fill in the mind map according to the dates and the activities of this unit . (设计意图:利用知识树梳理本单元的大部分词汇,更好地理解和体会这些单词的意思,记忆单词的拼写。)Step VI. The end-of-class test一.根据句意和首字母提示完成句子。1.D_ is the last month of a year.2.J_ is the first month of a year.3.This is a really _ (忙碌的)term. 4._ (什么时候)is the book sale?5.The Spring (春天) F_ is very interesting. 亮点:本节课主要学习本单元的所有词汇。本单元的词汇大部分比较难写,例如十二个月份和序数词等,利用音节教学,把较复杂的单词划分成若干音节,让学生能够更容易地学会记忆单词,不怕复杂的单词。针对这部分词汇我还采取了归类梳理,让学生发现规律、总结口诀等方式帮助学生记忆。故事编写环节让学生在语篇中更好地练习运用单词,记忆单词的含义,拼写和用法。在知识树环节,引导学生把日期、活动连接起来,从而进一步巩固了词汇的用法。不足之处:本节课的部分词汇有难度,通过课上的学习和操练,学生能做到熟练拼读,但是达到准确熟练地掌握和默写,还需多加理解和记忆。使用建议:要对本单元的词汇有清晰的分类,明确各类单词的教学方法,并且充分准备教学课件和材料,从而引导学生高效的达成学习目标。当堂检测答案:Step IV Remember the words by reading the story. 1. Read the story and fill in the blanks with the new words. things, term, September 9th, party, dear, Teachers Day, October 10th, November 11th, December 12th, art festival, in January ,New Years Party, birthday party, February 2nd , happy, students , have a good time, busy, term, On March 3rd , test, April 4th., May 5th , on June sixth, July 7th, August 8th.Step VI. The end-of-class test一.根据句意和首字母提示完成句子。1.December, 2. January 3. busy 4. When 5. Festival


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