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2019-2020年九年级上册第一单元讲学案1【学习目标】1.掌握重点单词 2.掌握重点短语3.掌握重点句子 4.掌握本单元语法【重点难点】 根据自己的星座谈论自己的个性,根据所学词汇描述人的性格特征和个性品质。【预习指导】一,短语1、担忧没吃早饭 worry about not having breakfast2、对熟悉 be familiar with 3、做为了玩 do sth for fun4、被分成 be divided into 5、容易放弃 giveup easily6、有时 at times=sometimes=from time to time7、照顾别人take care of others 8、节约钱 save money9、过去忧虑 worry too much10、注意细节 pay attention to details11、一位高雅的女士 an elegant lady 12、与别人争论 angue with others13、擅长制作或计划某事 be good at making or planning things14、不同方法试做一切事try to do everything differently(in different ways)15、梦想一切 dream about everything 16、容易变得生气 get angry easily17、只关心自己 care only about oneself 18、了解 know about19、平等地对待每个人treat everyone equally20、有许多精力 have lots of enerty二,句子1、You are practical and always pay attention to details2、You are patient enough to wait for a long time without getting angry.3、You try to do everything differently.4、You like to dream about everything.5、You are outgoing but your feelings change easily.6、You will have success at school or work around the middle of the month.7、I dont think he would be able to organize things well.8、He is imaginative enough to e up with new ideas.9、He thinks he can do anything if he tries his best.10、He always gets good marks in tests.【学习过程】 一,语言点. 重点难点详解 1. You shouldnt worry about not having breakfast. (P.6) 你不应该担心没早饭吃。worry about not doing sth., 意为“担心做不成某事”,about是介词,后接名词或动名词(即动词-ing形式),而 not doing就是其否定形式。如:My mum often worries about me. 我妈妈常为我担心。Dont worry about not drinking water.不用担心没水喝。2. A year is divided into 12 different star signs. (P.8) 一年被分成12个不同的星座。be divided into意为“被分成”,这是一个被动语态的句子。又如:A year is divided into four seasons. 一年分成了四个季节。 The whole class is divided into 4 groups. 全班分成了四组。3. Some people believe that people born under the same star sign share similar characteristics. (P.8) 有些人相信,属于同一星座的人具有相似的性格特征。similar,在这里是形容词,其意思是“相似的”。如:We have similar hobbies.我们爱好相仿。My teaching style is similar to that of most other teachers. 我的教学风格和多数老师相似。 The two houses are similar in size.这两座房子大小差不多。4. You are patient and do not give up easily. (P.8) 你很有耐心不会轻易放弃。patient,在这里是形容词,其意思为“有耐心的”如:Shes very patient with young children.她对幼儿特别有耐心。其反义词是impatient; 作名词时patient意为“病人”。如:The patients are taken good care of in this hospital.这些病人在这家医院被照料的很好。give up,意思是“放弃”,在句中可带宾语,也可不带宾语,带宾语时,宾语可以是名词、代词或动名词。如:At last, he gave up his foolish ideas.最后,他放弃了他那些愚蠢的想法。 Youd better give up smoking.你最好把烟戒掉。I like playing football, but I have to give it up because of too much homework. 我喜欢踢球,但由于作业繁忙我不得不放弃。5. You like saving money and cooking. (P.8) 你喜欢节约和烹饪。这里save作动词,其意思为“积攒”,如:Im saving for a new bike.我正攒钱买辆新自行车。 另外save还可以理解成“挽救”“拯救”,如:Doctors were unable to save her. 医生未能把她救活。6. You love peace and do not like to argue with others. (P.9) 你喜欢和平不喜欢与别人争论。这里argue作动词,意思为“争论”“辩论”,短语argue with sb. about sth. 意为“与某人争论某事”如:He always argues with his brother about politics.他和他兄弟总是争论政治问题。 还可以理解为“论述”和“表明”,如:Columbus argued that he could reach India by going west. 哥伦布论证说向西去就能到达印度。His accent argues him (to be) a northerner.他的口音表明他是北方人。7. You work hard and are often successful. (P.9)你有条不紊,成功率高。successful,在这里作形容词,意思为“成功的”,如:His uncle is successful in his business.他叔叔事业有成。successful的动词形式为succeed,一般用作不及物动词, succeed in sth./doing sth.表示“在某方面取得成功”。如:This time I succeeded in passing the exam.这次我成功得通过了考试。successful的名词形式为success, 如:We all hope that the show will be a great success.我们都希望这次表演成功。8. You like to dream about everything. (P.9) 你喜欢幻想。dream about/of,这里dream是不及物动词,意思是“做梦”“梦见”“梦想”,后面接介词about 或of短语。如:I didnt dream last night.我昨晚没做梦。I dream about/of traveling around the world我梦见环游世界。What did you dream about last night? 你昨晚梦见什么? dream也可做及物动词,后接同源名词dream 或that从句。如:I dreamed a sweet dream last night. 我昨晚做了个美梦。He dreamed that he was in Shanghai.他梦见在上海。dream还可以用作名词,意为“梦”“理想”。如:Our dream will e true one day.我们的梦想总有一天会实现的。9. Daniel is very clever, but he never shows off. (P.12) 丹尼尔很聪明,但他从不炫耀。这里show off意思为“炫耀自己”,如:He just likes showing off. 他就喜欢卖弄自己。show sb./ sth. off意为“炫耀某物”。如:She wanted to show off her new husband at the party.她想在晚会上炫耀她的新婚丈夫。10 Daniel is kind enough to help his friends all the times. (P.14) 丹尼尔太好了,他在任何候都帮助他的朋友。 at all times, 意为“随时, 永远”,在句中作状语, 常置于句末。又如: I am ready to help you at all times. 我随时都愿帮助你.二,语法1. It is + 形 + of sb to do sth形容词有careless, clever, foolish, good, kind, nice, polite, selfish, silly, wrongIts nice of you to bring me the newspapers.2. It is +形+ for sb to do sth形容词easy / important, impossible.Its difficult for you to finish the work within one week of / for选择:Its wrong _ you to do so. Its important _ you to leaven English.3. be + 形 + enough to do sth.I am old enough to go to school.(1)Daniel一直帮助他的朋友是足够地好。(2)Andy是精力足够好做一位领导。(3)他足够高能够摘到树上的苹果。替换句型为so+形+that+句子如:He is creative enough to be a writer. He is so creative that he is a writer.主+谓+宾+宾补 S+V+DO+OC谓+谓+表 S+V+P副词adv. 定语attributive(一)划分下列句子结构(1)We call the baby panda Xi Wang.(2)He makes me very angry.(3)Can you lend me your bike?(4)You always worry.【教学后记】牛津英语中考一轮复习9A第一单元讲学案当堂检测主备人:张荣江 2011年4月18日一、根据中文、英文解释或句意填入恰当的单词。1. Our teachers are always (耐心的) to us.2. All my classmates think David is a good _.( 主席)3. Last year, he (积攒) enough money to buy a puter.4. Daniel is _ (合适的) person for the job in our class. 5. His tie (go well with) his shirt.6. Please be (not talking much about your own abilities) when you make friends with others.7. Ill never (stop feeling angry with sb. who has done sth. to harm you) him for what he did.8. People cant live w air or water.9. Amy is e_ enough to make friends easily.10. He has all the good q to be a leader.二、用括号内单词的适当形式填空1. Is she very good at (plan) things?2. The student is very (energy) and outgoing.3. He did his best to give up (smoke) last year.4. Its correct (not let) strange persons e into your house.5. He got the best medical treatment from ORBIS without (pay) any money.6. Students _ (give) too much homework every day!7. PC is short for _ (person) puters.8. Thanks a lot. -It is my _ (pleasant).9. You should be confident enough _ (take) this job.10. He isnt afraid of (make) a speech in front of the whole school.三、单项选择( ) 1. A year is divided _ 12 months. A. in B. into C. about D. of( ) 2. Its creative _ you _ this good idea. A. of, e up with B. for, think of C. of, to e up with D. for, to think of( ) 3. A _ person cares only about himself / herself instead of others. A. impatient B. selfish C. unfair D. curious( ) 4. Amy wants to be a good teacher. The underlined part is _. A. predicate B. predicative C. adverbial D. attributive( ) 5. You shouldnt worry about _ breakfast then. A. having B. not having C. not have D. have( ) 6. You should study hard, _ you cant catch up with others. A. otherwise B. because C. though D. so( ) 7.I dont think you are as _ as my uncle. Hes much _ than you.A. smart, smarter B. smart, smart C. smarter, smart D. smarter, smarter( ) 8. He will _ the chairperson of the Students Union. A. remend B. be remended C. remend as D. be remended as( ) 9. Would you mind _ the window for me? Its too cold. A. open B. close C. opening D. closing( ) 10. Sandy isnt _ to help his teacher _ the work. A. active enough, with B. inactive enough, with C. inactive enough, on D. active enough, on四、根据汉语提示完成句子1.你没必要担心得不到我们的支持。You dont have to our support.2.一年有12个月。A year 12 months.3.请注意细节。Please details.4.他总愿意宽恕别人的过错。He always .5.我试了几次,但最后还是放弃了。I tried some times, but I in the end.6.杰姆有很强的乐感。Jim music.7.他喜欢炫耀。He likes to .8.你能想出一个办法来解决这个问题吗?Can you to solve this problem?9.你怎么度过暑假剩余的日子啊?How do you spend the summer holiday?10.我不害怕一个人在家。I at home alone.11.请帮我保密。Please me.12.在数学考试中,我经常得了满分。I often in the maths exams.13.你介意帮助我学英语吗?Do you mind my English?14.她已经打了好几个小时电话了。She for hours.15.我想推荐西蒙担任学生会主席。I would like the chairperson of the Students Union.牛津英语中考一轮复习第一单元讲学案参考答案一、1. patient 2. chairperson 3. saved 4. suitable 5. matches 6. modest 7. forgive 8. without 9. easy-going 10. qualities二、1. planning 2. energetic 3. smoking 4. not to let 5. paying 6. are given 7. personal 8. pleasure 9. to take 10. making三、 BCBAB AADDA四、1. worry about not having 2. is divided into 3. pay attention to 4. forgives others for their faults 5. gave up 6.has a good sense of 7. show off 8. e up with /think of an idea 9. the rest of 10. am not afraid of staying 11. keep the secret for 12. get full marks 13. helping me with 14. has been on the phone 15. remend Simon as


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