2019-2020年高中英语 素能提升演练(二十三) Unit4 译林牛津版选修7 含答案.doc

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2019-2020年高中英语 素能提升演练(二十三) Unit4 译林牛津版选修7 含答案. 用下列句型翻译句子1. 昨晚他直到十一点才睡觉。(It is/was not until. . . that. . . 直到才)_ 2. 母亲生病了,我不能去度假。(with+宾语+现在分词作宾语补足语)_ 3. 他今晚很可能给我打电话。(It is likely that. . . 很可能)_ 4. 汤姆很擅长理科而他弟弟却喜欢文科。(while连接并列句表对比)_ 5. 他匆匆忙忙回家,边走边回头看。(as引导时间状语从句)_ 6. 即使我在你的位置,我也不会接受这份工作。(even if引导让步状语从句)_ . 单项填空1. _ at the meeting to be held about three days away? A. Do you think what will he sayB. Do you think what he will sayC. What do you think will he sayD. What do you think he will say2. When you _ a form, please write information in the spaces on it. A. fill inB. fill withC. fill upD. fill of3. xx杭州模拟Mary _ at school wearing a T-shirt with some slogans. A. broke upB. came upC. ended upD. turned up4. xx成都模拟Out of the crowded bus _ , who was dressed in a black suit and waved to a woman. A. a tall man in his thirties steppedB. stepped a tall man in his thirtiesC. did a tall man in his thirties stepD. did a tall man step in his thirties5. The building _ a hospital for the town and the surrounding areas till the early 1960s. A. regarded asB. set upC. split upD. functioned as6. Was the proposal passed at yesterdays meeting? Yes, but some members at the mittee expressed _ . A. associationsB. authorityC. corporationsD. reservations7. xx淮南模拟What courses are you going to take next semester if you want to receive enough credits to get your degree? I dont know. But its about time _ on something. A. Id decideB. I decideC. Im decidingD. I decided8. xx南通模拟Colors like red _ a sense of energy and strength. A. exchangeB. conveyC. transformD. transfer9. Although his wife was killed in the earthquake, he _ his sobs to rescue others. A. showed offB. contributed toC. accounted forD. choked back10. If you _ this task, you must be ready to suffer from hardship. A. applyB. experienceC. undertake D. mand11. The Internet is widely used, which _ the development of English. A. speeds upB. takes overC. gets acrossD. turns to12. The lorry, _ bricks, has broken down suddenly in the middle of the bridge. A. loaded upB. loaded withC. full withD. filled of13. _ of the meeting, I failed to attend it. A. Having not been informedB. Not having informedC. Not being informedD. Not having been informed14. xx长春模拟Obviously, we can draw the conclusion that good manners _ from politeness and respect for others. A. happenB. ariseC. eD. rise15. Our puters are _ to the worldwide Internet, which provides munication channels between people and access to the information we need. A. put upB. made upC. linked upD. called up. 完形填空In the doorway of my home, I looked closely at my 23-year-old son, Daniel. In a few hours he would be flying to France to1a different life. It was a transitional (过渡的) period in Daniels life. I wanted to2him some words of significance. But nothing came from my lips, and this was not the3time I had let such moments pass. When Daniel was five, I took him to the bus stop on his first day of kindergarten. He asked,“What is it going to be like, Dad? Can I do it?” Then he walked4the steps of the bus and disappeared inside. The bus drove away and I said nothing. A decade later, a similar5was played out. I drove him to college. As I started to leave, I tried to think of something to say to give him6and confidence as he started this new stage of life. Again, words7me. Now, as I stood before him, I thought of those8opportunities. How many times have I let such moments9? I dont find a quiet moment to tell him what he has10to me or what he might11to face in the years that followed. Maybe I thought it was not necessary to say anything. What does it matter in the course of a lifetime if a father never tells a son what he really thinks of him?12as I stood before Daniel, I knew that it did matter. My father and I loved each other. Yet I always13never hearing him put his14into words. Now I could feel my palms sweat and my throat tighten. Why is it so15 to tell a son something from the heart? My mouth turned16, and I knew I would be able to get out only a few words clearly. “Daniel,” I said, “if I could have picked one, I would have picked you. ” Thats all I could say. He hugged me. For a moment, the world17, and there were just Daniel and me. He was saying something, but tears misted my eyes, and I couldnt understand what he was saying. All I was18of was the stubble (胡子茬) on his chin as his face pressed against mine. What I had said to Daniel was19. It was nothing. And yet, it was20. 1. A. experienceBspendC. enjoyDshape2A. showBgiveCmakeDinstruct3A. lastBfirstCveryDnext4A. alongBintoCdownDup5A. signBsceneCsceneryDsight6A. interestBinstructionCcourageDdirection7A. failedBdiscouragedCstruckDembarrassed8A. futureBembarrassingCobviousDlost9A. lastBpassCflyDremain10A. countedBmeantCvaluedDcared11A. thinkBwantCexpectDwish12A. ButBAndCInsteadDSo13A. wonderedBregrettedCmindedDtried14A. viewsBactions CfeelingsDattitudes15A. importantBeasy ChardDplex16A. blueBdryCsweetDbitter17A. disappearedBchangedCprogressedDadvanced18A. sensitiveBconvincedCawareDtired19A. clumsyBgentle CabsurdDmoving20A. noneBall CanythingDeverything. 阅读理解xx淮南模拟These days no car show is plete without an electric car, and the 2011 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, US, which ran from January 10 to 23, was no exception. Among the fully electric vehicles on display were the Ford Focus Electric and the Honda Fit EV. BMW and Volvo also had prominent displays at the show, proving that they can produce practical, yet spacious family-oriented electric cars. Industry insiders at the show claimed that more efficient batteries, improved performance and greater consumer acceptance could make 2011 the “year of electric car”. Its long been clear that electric cars score heavily for convenience. They are, for instance, much easier to maintain than gasoline-powered cars. When the battery runs out, you simply replace it or recharge it, just like you would do that for a cellphone or a laptop. This is also a much cheaper method than filling your tank with gasoline. Better yet, electric cars dont emit exhaust fumes. As a result, they dont produce environmentally damaging greenhouse gases. It appears that improved technology is making electric cars and their maintenance much more user-friendly. So, what are the obstacles which are preventing electric cars from being popular and fashionable? Home charging for electric cars could be extremely convenient for users. However, it is also a potential obstacle. For a start, installing charging stations in owners homes will be a challenge, particularly for those who have to park several blocks away from their homes. Also, charging the cars battery still takes quite a long time. It may be some time yet before you can recharge an electric car in the same time as you can refill your gas tank. Another problem is that many electric vehicles have limited ranges that may only allow for journeys of 50 miles (80 km) or less between charges. In cases where a driver wishes to charge the car primarily at home (perhaps overnight), this limits their daily driving to the range of their vehicle. This may be one reason why hybrid cars are now being more popular. A hybrid car has more than one energy source, usually a traditional gasoline fuel tank and an electric battery. Its like a more practical version of an electric car: Its greener than a conventional vehicle, with fewer CO2 emissions, yet it also doubles as a conventional vehicle. “I would say that hybrid is a transition to fully electronic, ” Road and Track magazine editor Richard Horman told Detroit News during the show. “The trend is for lighter, smarter, more economical cars. Of course, electronic vehicles are meant to be that way. ”This sounds promising, particularly in light of the fact that the show featured more electric cars from big manufacturers than ever before. However, it seems that the technology associated with electric cars is not yet able to fully meet peoples expectations. Dont expect gasoline-powered cars to disappear from roads just yet. 1. What made electric cars more convenient? A. Easier maintenance. B. High scores on the show. C. Practicality and large space. D. Much lower prices. 2. Which of the following could NOT act as a potential obstacle of electric cars? A. It is rough work to install charging stations at home. B. It is time-consuming to charge the batteries. C. The ranges between charges are limited. D. Theres no need to fill the tank with petrol. 3. In Paragraph 10, the underlined word “hybrid” is probably the closest in meaning to _ . A. gasolineB. electricC. binedD. separated4. The writers purpose in writing this passage is to _ . A. introduce the 2011 Auto Show in USB. get readers informed of electric carsC. ment on different types of carsD. advertise for electric cars答案解析. 1. It was not until 11 oclock last night that he went to bed. 2. With my mother being ill, I wont be able to go on holiday. 3. It is likely that he will ring me tonight. 4. Tom is very good at science, while his brother likes arts. 5. He hurried home, looking behind as he went. 6. Even if I were in your place, I wouldnt take the job. . 1.【解析】选D。“do you think”是一个插入语,用在特殊疑问句中的语序是“疑问词+do you think+句子的其他成分”。【知识拓展】双重疑问句用法双重疑问句的句型结构为:特殊疑问词+do you think/suppose/believe/guess/say等+陈述语序的句子Who do you think will be the winner of the Maodun Literature Prize this year? 你认为谁是今年茅盾文学奖的得主呢?Where do you suppose they will have their contest? 你认为他们会在哪里进行竞赛呢?注意:若插入语为do you suggest,其后句子要用(should)+动词原形。例如:How do you suggest she go there? 你建议她如何去那里呢?2.【解析】选。句意:当你填写表格的时候,请在上面的空格中填写信息。fill in 填写(表格);fill with充满;fill up装满;fill of没有这种搭配。3.【解析】选D。考查动词短语。句意:玛丽穿着一件印有标语的T恤出现在学校。turn up出现;break up分裂;e up开始,发生,被提出;end up结束。【变式备选】None of us expected Mr. Johnson to _ at the party. We thought he was still abroad. A. turn inB. turn onC. turn upD. turn over【解析】选C。句意:我们中没有人预料到Johnson先生会出席晚会,我们以为他还在国外呢。turn up出现;turn in上交;turn on打开;turn over翻转。4.【解析】选B。考查倒装。句意:在拥挤的公共汽车上走出一个三十多岁的高个男人,他穿着黑色的西服,向一个妇女挥手。表示方位的副词或介词短语放在句首时,句子采用完全倒装的形式,故选B。5.【解析】选D。考查动词短语辨析。句意:这座建筑物直到二十世纪六十年代初期一直为这个城镇和附近地区起着医院的作用。function as起作用;regard as把看作;set up建立;split up分组,分离,分解。6.【解析】选D。考查名词辨析。句意:在昨天的会议上,那个建议通过了吗?是的,但是委员会的一些成员持保留意见。reservation保留意见; association联合,结合;authority官方,权威;corporation合作。【变式备选】xx嘉兴模拟What do you usually do in the afternoon, Mrs. Smith? My afternoon _ includes doing some shopping and walking my dogs. A. appointmentB. action C. routine D. reservation【解析】选C。考查名词的辨析。句意:史密斯夫人,下午你通常做什么?我下午一般是购物和遛狗。routine常规;appointment约会;action行为;reservation预订,预约。7.【解析】选D。考查虚拟语气。句意:如果你想得到足够的学分拿到学位,下学期你打算学什么课程?我不知道,但是是该决定的时候了。句型Its about time that. . . 中应该使用虚拟语气,即sb. did sth. 。【变式备选】Lets put our heads together and _ a plan of action. A. decide toB. decide inC. decide onD. decide at【解析】选C。句意:让我们一起商量一下确定下来行动计划吧。decide on就做出决定。decide to 后接动词原形。8.【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意:像红色这样的颜色传达了有精力和体力的意识。convey传达,表达;exchange交换;transform使改变,改善;transfer转换,转变。【变式备选】A good teacher must know how to _ his ideas. A. conveyB. displayC. consultD. confront【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。句意:好的老师必须了解如何表达他的观点。convey表达;display显示;consult商量;confront遭遇。9.【解析】选D。考查动词短语。句意:尽管他的妻子在地震中死了,但他还是抑制住哭泣去营救他人。choke back控制住,忍住;show off 炫耀;contribute to有助于;account for说明的原因。10.【解析】选C。考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你承担这个任务,你必须做好受苦的准备。undertake承担;apply申请;experience经历;mand命令,指挥。11.【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意:网络被广泛运用,这加快了英语的发展。speed up加速;take over移交;get across(使)被理解;turn to转向,求助于。12.【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词。句意:装载着砖块的卡车突然在桥的中央出了故障。be loaded with. . . 装载着,此处用过去分词短语作定语。C项应为full of;D项应为filled with。13.【解析】选D。考查非谓语动词。句意:由于未被告知开会,我未能参加。“未被告知开会”发生在“未去开会”之前,因此用现在分词的完成被动式。14.【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意:显然我们可以得出结论,良好的举止源于礼貌和对他人的尊重。arise from起源于;happen发生;e from来自;rise上升。【变式备选】Accidents _ from carelessness cause many deaths and injuries every year. A. arisenB. aroseC. to ariseD. arising【解析】选D。考查非谓语动词。句意:每年源于粗心的事故造成多人伤亡。accidents与arise from为主动关系,故用现在分词短语作后置定语。15.【解析】选C。考查动词短语。句意:我们的电脑和世界范围内的网络连接,这为人们提供了交流的渠道,也为我们提供了需要的信息通路。link up联合,连接;put up 举起,张贴,搭建,提供食宿等;make up 弥补,编造,虚构,化妆;call up 征召。.【文章大意】俗话说,“父爱无言”。儿子再过几小时就要远去法国了,作为父亲的“我”却不知该向儿子说些什么,仓促而简短的一句“假如让我选择的话,我会选择你”让儿子深深地懂得了父亲的爱,父子相拥而泣,一切尽在不言中。1.【解析】选A。考查动词。去法国体验一种不同的生活。2【解析】选B。考查动词。第三段提到“Maybe I thought it was not necessary to say anything. ”,所以此处作者在儿子临行前想嘱咐他几句有重要意义的话。3【解析】选B。考查形容词。这已不是我第一次想对儿子嘱咐几句却最终没说出。接着,作者回忆这些时刻。4【解析】选D。考查副词。根据后面的“and disappeared inside”可知,儿子是“上了公共汽车”。5【解析】选B。考查名词。十年后,一个相似的场面出现了。根据句意可知此题选B项,scene意为“场面,情景”; 而sign意为“符号,征兆”;scenery意为“风景,景色”; sight意为“视力,视觉”。6【解析】选C。考查名词。儿子上大学,开始了人生新的生活,我想说些话以便使他有勇气和信心面对新的生活。此空后的and说明此处所填词与confidence属同一范畴。7【解析】选A。考查动词。words failed me意为“我没能说出话来”。8【解析】选D。考查形容词。现在我站在他的面前,想到过去那些已经失去的(lost)机会。9【解析】选B。考查动词。此题属于原文词汇。根据第一段最后一句中的“let such moments pass”可知。10【解析】选B。考查动词。我无法找到一个安静的时刻来告诉他他对我来说意味着(mean)什么。11【解析】选C。考查动词。我也想告诉他在接下来的几年会面对什么样的问题。expect表示“预料,预计”,符合语境。think后接动词不定式只能用于被动语态;want和wish表示主观上的意愿或希望,均不符合语境。12【解析】选A。考查连词。上文的言外之意是这件事不重要,该句和上句构成转折关系,故选A项。13【解析】选B。考查动词。既然作者没有听到父亲对他表达爱的话,那么他一定感到遗憾(regret)。 14【解析】选C。考查名词。作者的父亲也深爱他,但却一直未将此情感用语言表达出来。15【解析】选C。考查形容词。根据上文中的“Now I could feel my palms sweat and my throat tighten. ”可知,此处表示“告诉儿子自己心里的想法为什么就那么难呢?” 16【解析】选B。考查形容词。由下文中的“I knew I would be able to get out only a few words clearly”可知,此处表示“我”因紧张而口干舌燥。17【解析】选A。考查动词。根据下文中的“there were just Daniel and me”可知,此时此刻“世界消失了”。18【解析】选C。考查形容词。根据下文中的“the stubble on his chin as his face pressed against mine”可知,此处应该是指感觉的东西,因此答案选aware, be aware of意为“意识到,察觉到”。be sensitive to“对敏感的”;be convinced of“确信”;be tired of“对厌倦”。19【解析】选A。考查形容词。根据下文中的“It was nothing. ”可知答案。clumsy“笨拙的”;gentle“温柔的”;absurd“荒唐的”;moving“动人的,令人感动的”。20【解析】选D。考查代词。此题属于反义复现。本句与上句存在转折关系,因此答案选everything,和nothing相对应。. 1.【解析】选A。细节理解题。由文章第四段They are, for instance, much easier to maintain than gasoline-powered cars. 可知。2.【解析】选D。细节理解题。由文章第七段到第九段可知。3.【解析】选C。词义猜测题。由第十段A hybrid car has more than one energy source, usually a traditional gasoline fuel tank and an electric battery. 可知。4.【解析】选B。写作意图题。文章对电动汽车做了详尽的描述,旨在让读者了解电动汽车。

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