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2019-2020年九年级英语上学期第二次达标检测试题 A.The Spring Festival B.The Dragon Boat Festival C. The Mid-Autumn Festival ( ) 15. When will Tom go to the bookstore? A. This afternoon B. Tomorrow morning C. Tomorrow afternoon D. 听短文,完成表格,每空词数不限。(共5分) A help Time (16)_. PlaceAt the doctors office. Event*The speaker had a(n) (17)_.*The old man had trouble (18)_.*The speaker helped the old man (19)_. FeelingThe speaker thought $1.00 really can (20)_.笔试部分(100分) I词汇(15分)A.根据句意、首字母或汉语提示,填入适当的单词(7分) 1.C_ is on December 25th. 2.He f_ in the math test and looked sad,lets cheer him up. 3.I used to be afraid of making a s_ in front of class when I was a child. 4.He has an _ (面试) next Monday for the managers job. 5.Mr.Li is very friendly and _(幽默的) .We all like him very much. 6.Next Monday well have an _ (考试),Everyone works hard in the classroom. 7.The noise outside can _ (影响) our sleep very much. B.用所给词的适当形式填空(共8分) 8.She is _(absence) from class again,Which made her mother very angry. 9.I dont know how_ ( use )this English-Chinese dictionary. 10.The teacher saw a little boy _ (stand) at the door. 11.The mobile phone isnt mine, it is my _(sister). 12. I find it very _ (help) to get good grades by reading English aloud in class. 13.The girl gave her seat to an old woman very_ (polite). 14. He said that the moon_ (travel) round the earth. 15.I will let you know about it as soon as I _ (get) the news.II语法与情景对话 (25分)( )1.Jack likes playing _ soccer, but he doesnt like playing _ piano. A. /, / B. the. / C. the, the D. /, the( )2. -In our class a number of students _ able to study hard. -yes,The number of passing exam _ more than 45. A. is, is B.are, are C. is, are D. are, is( )3. She gives young students some advice on _ to _ with danger. A. how; do B: what; deal C: how; deal D. what; by( )4. Go _ the museum, and_the second turning to the right.You cant miss it. A.Pass,take B. Past,take C. Pass, get D. Past,get( )5.whoever came out the last that he should_ the lights. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down.( )6. If you dont know how to spell a new word, youd better_ . A. look up a dictionary B. look up an dictionary C. look it up in a dictionary D. look it up in an dictionary( )7. My grandfather_ us stories when I was young. A. was used to tell B. is used to telling C. used to tell D. used to telling( )8. Most Chinese children like to sleep with their mother. They are_ the dark. A. interested in B. afraid of C. terrified D. sure of( )9. -_it is! A. What important informationB. How important an information C. What an important information D. How an important information( )10. We want to know_ she will e back? - In an hour. A. how often B. how soon C. why D. where( )11. Could you tell us_ from? A. where are you B. where you are C. where were you D. where did you e( )12. How long has his brother _ the book? - About 2 weeks. A. borrowed B. bought C. lent D.kept( )13. She is _ girl that everybody likes her. A. such clever B. so clever C. such a clever D.a so clever ( )14. Do you know_ ? Im going to see him.Sorry. I dont know A. where does Mr Li live B. where did Mr Li live C. where Mr Li lives D. where Mr Li lived( )15. Please tell me_ she will e or not. A. if B. whether C. that D. why( )16. -She didnt e to school yesterday, did she? -_, though she was not feeling well. A. No, she didnt B. No, she did C. Yes, she didnt D. yes, she did( )17. -Sally, I went to the concert last night.How big the symphony hall is! -So it is.It is _ to hold more than one thousand people. Abig enough Benough big Ctoo big Dtoo small( )18. Please tell me when you _ tomorrow.I will meet you when you_ . A. e, e B. will e, will e C. will e, eD. e, will e( )19. So much work usually makes them _ tired. A. to feel B. feeling C. feel D. feels( )20. Excuse me, could you speak a little more _? -Sorry,I thought you follow me. A .sadly B. quickly. C. slowly D. politely( )21. Could you please _ such a thing again? A. not to do B. dont do C. not doing D. not do( )22.-Im too tired to walk any farther,Jack. -_,Daniel.you can do it. A.No, hurry B. No problem C.Thats all De on( )23-What was the girl like in the past? -_ A.She is tall. B. She was shy and popular. C. Sorry,I dont know. D. Sure. ( )24.Shall we go skating with some other boys this afternoon? _ A. That sounds cool.B. What a pity! C. Im sorry for that. D. It doesnt matter. ( )25.You looked very nice in this red shirt _. A. Dont say that. B.Thank you. C. No, I dont think so. D. Yes, I can.动词考查(10分)A.选择填空(5分)()26.The teacher told us that we_a football match tomorrow afternoon. A. have B. hadC. will haveD. would have ( ) 27. My stomach feels_ .I think I ate_at lunch time. A. terrible;bad something B. terribly;something bad C. terrible;something bad D.terribly;bad something()28.Li Ying used to_ playing the piano,but now she gets used_ the violin. A. like;to play B.liking;to playing C.liking;to play D. like;to playing()29.Seeing their teacher _ into the classroom, they stopped_ at once. A. Walk,telling B. entering,to speak C. enter, to tell D. walking,talking ( ) 30.-Do you know the movie Lost in Thailand? -Yes. I _ it twice. Its funny. A. saw B. see C. have seen D. will see B.综合填空(5分)用方框里词的适当形式填空。 Play, show, waste , learn , worry, 1.Dont_ water .Its important to us.2.He used to be interested in_soccer when he was five.3.We _ _many English words in the past few years.4.The little girl is very weak.Her mother is _about the little girls health.5.They asked all the visitors to _ their tickets at the gate of the park.IV.句型转换。(每空1分,共10分)1. I thought that the earth is round. (改为否定句) I_ think that the earth _ round.2.Does he like reading? Did you know? (改为宾语从句) Did you know _ he _ reading?3. Bills brother is a teacher,Bills cousin is a teacher, too.(同义句) _ Bills brother _ cousin are teachers.4.Mr.wang has been a member of Party for 19 years.(同义句) It _ 19 years _ he joined the Party.5.He seldom caused any problems when he was a little child.(反意疑问句) He seldom caused any problems when he was a little child. _ _?V.补全对话(5分)有两项是多余的。 (每小题1分,共5分)A: Excuse me,sir._1_ B: Yes.What can I do for you,young man ?A: Ill finish my junior high school next month ._2_ Id like to ask for some sightseeing information. I want to know if you have a four-day tour.B: We certainly do.There are many such tours._3_A: Maybe some famous places such as the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. B:When? A: Well,today is June 25._4_We will be free after that. B:Oh, I see._5_ .A: Thank you very much. B: Youre wele.A. Four days is long enough.B. What places are you going to visit?C. Could you please give me some help?D. When would you like to go there?E. Heres the information about the tour and it will help you.F.Some of my classmates plan to go to Beijing for a short visit.G. We still have three more days before finishing the exams.1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ VI.完型填空(10分)Peoplesucceedandpeoplefail.Somesaynothingis_1_whilesomesaytheycant.Ibelievewherethereisawill,thereisa(n)2 .Ifweworkhard,wewillsucceedoneday.Iam3 becauseMr“Icant”hasbeenforgottenbyme.Iwillnever4thedaywhenI was aprimaryschoolstudentofGrade3,togetherwithmyclassmatesburied(葬)Mr“Icant”.5thatday,ourteacheraskedustowritedownallthethingsthatwecouldnt6.Wealldidasshetoldusto.Inamoment,ourpaperswere7withalotof“Icants”.Thenweweretoldtofoldthepapersandhandthemin.Sheput8inaboxandledustothefarthestcorner oftheplayground.Shethenaskedustodigahole(挖洞)andburythebox.Wecouldnt9heruntilshesaid“Goodbye,MrIcant”.Thensheaskedustoremembertheday,tobeconfidentandtodecideourownfuture.Thelessonhaslefta(n)10impression(印象)onme.ItmakesmeunderstandthatoneshouldhavethecouragetosaygoodbyetoMr“Icant”andbeself-confidentifhewishestoachievehisdreams.()1.A.successful B.impossibleC.necessaryD.important()2.A.Way B.idea C.dream D.circle()3.A.tired B.poor C.relaxed D.confident()4.A.miss B.change C.forget D.remember()5.A.On B.With C.In D.At()6.A.make B.read C.do D.reply()7.A.agreed B.cut C.Discovered D.covered()8.A.it B.that C.them D.theirs()9.A.meet B.Understand C.see D.refuse()10.A.deep B.Different C.wrong D.oppositeVII.阅读理解(20分)AInChina,moreandmorevillagershavelefthometomakealivinginbigcities.Asaresult,theirchildrenhavebeeleftoverchildrenandtheyneedmorecare.ThesurveybelowisfromsomevillagesinCentralChina.Threehundredchildrenwerechosentoanswerthequestions.WhattheywantLoveMoneyFreedomControlSomethingelse40%18%28%10%4%WhototalkwithOneselfFamilymembersNoone27%55%18%municatewiththeirparentsfreelyornotYesAlittledifficultNo46%44%10% ThewaytheyliketoliveLivingwithparentsLivingwithoutparentsNoidea58%14%28%WhattheythinkoftheirparentsworkingincitiesBadGoodNoidea20%39%41%HappiestplaceSchoolHomeFriendshome48%34%18%()1.Ofallthefourthings,theleftoverchildrenneedmost. A.love B.money C.control D.freedom()2.ofthechildrenthinkitgoodtolivewiththeirparents. A.14% B.28% C.44% D.58%()3.Howmanychildrenthinktheirhappiestplaceistheirschool? A.48%. B.102%. C.144%.D.156%.()4.Duringthesurvey,thechildrenwereaskedaboutmanythingsEXCEPT. A.pocketmoneyB.placestheylikeC.theirneedsD.theirparentsworkingincities()5.Wecanlearnthatfromthesurvey. A.mostleftoverchildrenwantmorefreedomwithoutparents B.over40%ofthechildrenhavedifficultytalkingtoparentsfreely C.alltheleftoverchildrendreamofmakingmoneyinbigcities D.mostvillagerspreferlivingalifeinthecountrysideBAgirltoldhermomeverythingwasgoingwrongforher,andshealwaysfailedhermathexamsothatshewouldntliketostudyatall.Afterhearingthedaughterswords,theniceandpatientmotherthoughtofagoodwaytomakeherdaughterhappy.Iwillmakeadeliciouscakeforyou,”saidthemom.Shewalkedintothekitchen,andthedaughterfollowed.Whenthemompreparedthecookingutensils(具)andingredients,thedaughtersatagainstthekitchendoor,watchingher.Hermomaskedher,“Mydear,wouldyoulikeapieceofcake?”Thedaughterreplied,“Sure,Mom!YouknowhowIlovecake!”“All right,”themomsaid,“drinksomeofthiscookingoil.” Thedaughterwasverysurprisedandsaid,“What?Noway!”“Howaboutacoupleofraw(生)eggs?”askedthemomandthedaughteranswered,“Noway!”“Howaboutsomeflour(面粉)?”“No,Mom!Iwillbesick!”Themotherexplained,“Alloftheseareuncookedandtastebad,butifyouputthemtogether,theymakeadeliciouscake.Lifeworksthesameway.Whenweaskourselveswhytherearesomanydifficulttimes,wedontrealizewhatasuccesstheseterribleeventswillleadusto.HavingagreatdayalsomeanshavingagreatCAKE!KeepthehopethatonedayyourdayisAPIECEOFCAKE!”()6.Whatdoesthegirldo? A.Acook. B.Anactress. C.Astudent. D.Aclerk.()7.Thegirlsawhermominthekitchen. A.dothedishes B.makeacake C.havedinner D.drinksomeoil()8.Atfirst,themotherletthegirl.A.eatsomeflourB.breaksomeeggsC.preparetheingredientsD.drinksomecooking.()9.Themomthinksthattherewillbeasuccessatlastafter. A.someonehasdifficulttimesB.someoneenjoyshimself C.someonehasagreatcake D.someonehasagreatday()10.Whatisthemomlike?A.Sheiskindofsilly. B.Sheishard-working.C.Sheisniceandpatient. D.Sheistoostrictwithherdaughter.VIII.书面表达:根据提示写一篇不少于80个词的短文:(5分)假如你叫李磊,进入九年级后,周末活动发生了很大的变化。请根据表格内容所提供的信息,以“How Ive Changed!”为题写一篇80词左右的英语短文。首句已给出,不计入总词数。PastNowIn the dayGoing shopping,playing sports wish friendsHaving classesAt nightWatching TV ,reading a newspaper or a magazine,chatting onlineDoing lots of homework ,reading icsFeelinghappyStressed out How Ive Changed My life on weekends has changed a lot in the past two months._答题卡听力(20分) 总分:_ 1234567891011121314151617181920一、词汇测试(15分) 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8 . 9. 10. 11 12. 13. 14. 15. 二、语法与情景对话 (25+5分)123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930三、动词考查(10-5=5分)1 2. 3. 4. 5. 四、句型转换。(每空1分,共10分)1 2. 3. 4. 5. 五、补全对话(5分)有两项是多余的。1-5 _ _ _ _ _六、完型填空(10分)12345678910七、阅读理解(20分)12345678910 恭喜你答完了试卷 !请耐心、细致地检查你的答卷!


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