2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 考点规范练40 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 新人教版选修8.doc

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2019-2020年高考英语一轮复习 考点规范练40 Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 新人教版选修8.阅读理解The summer before my senior year of high school,I was eating in a cafeteria with some other high school students,and one girl asked me,“Do you live in a teepee(圆锥形帐篷)?”It was such a silly question that,at first,I thought she was joking!I said,“Are you serious?”She said,“Oh,wait,Im sorry.Is that something I shouldnt ask?”She wasnt trying to be rude,so it didnt bother me.I just said,“No,I have a house with electricity and running water.Im not disconnected from the world!”But the truth is,I did grow up differently.Im a Native American,and Im from a reservation in California.A reservation is a place thats reserved for Native American tribes(部落) by the federal government.People often have misconceptions about what living on a reservation means.In reality,though,my life probably looks a lot like yours.But there are ways that my life has been different.The reservation is an hour from town,and theres a big connection to the land.Our house is surrounded by a mountain,a river,and a farm.We have 23 animals including 10 chickens.Its not just for show!We collect eggs from the chickens,use manure(粪肥) from the animals to fertilize soil,and pick fruits and vegetables from our garden.Ive also learned how to hunt and fish.When hunting for deer,my tribe has two rules:1)Never shoot a female deer,because she might be pregnant;2)If you kill a deer,find a way to use all of it.Going to college has been a big change for me.There were only 25 people in my graduating class,and now I go to school with thousands.On my reservation,I was surrounded mostly by Natives,and at college,the Native population is only 0.07%.Its intimidating but also exciting.Im studying to bee a vetthere arent any on my reservation.If an animal gets sick,you have to drive an hour to get them help.My goal is to open a veterinary clinic that will help my reservation develop.1.Why did the girl ask the author if she lived in a teepee?A.Because she was silly.B.Because she liked teepees.C.Because she was just curious.D.Because she was being rude to the author.2.Life on the reservation where the author grew up is .A.pretty hardB.very boringC.close to natureD.just like city life3.The two rules mentioned in Paragraph 4 are .A.quite eco-friendlyB.frequently brokenC.very unreasonableD.difficult to understand4.The underlined word “intimidating” in Paragraph 5 can best be replaced by “”.A.tiringB.annoyingC.interestingD.frightening.七选五Chuck was in my high-school English class.1. So,when he told me he had been accepted into the journalism program at the University of Missouri,I wasnt surprised.During the first year at college,Chuck stopped by school a few times.We talked about our work together several years before.We had raised money together for twenty-three sick and abandoned babies.2. It was an activity that in some ways changed our formal relationship into a friendship.In his second year in college,it was discovered that Chuck had lung cancer and had only a short while to live.So he left school and came home to be near to his loved ones.About six weeks later,Chuck died.3. The youngest of nine children,Chuck was talented and full of promise.More importantly,he was a good person,a just man.When I went to his funeral(葬礼),his father asked to speak with me.He told me that before Chucks death,he chose six items to bury with him.4.He told me that Chuck had always kept the piece because he liked the message I had written to him at the bottom of the last page.In that little note,I affirmed(肯定) his talent as a writer and I encouraged him to be responsible for the gift.5. His taking my note with him forever offered me a great opportunity for influencing students lives.I felt inspired with a sense of purpose that was greater than ever:teachers have the power to affect hearts and minds for a long time.A.He was a writer of great promise.B.Chuck helped to raise several thousand dollars.C.Whenever I forget my purpose,I think of Chuck.D.It was a great loss for everyone,especially for his family.E.My spirits were lifted up as Chuck was filled with the joy of life.F.One of them was an essay he had written in my class some years before.G.I was touched and grateful to Chuck who gave me a special gift that would change my life.#.【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了一位美国土著学生的生活。1.C推理判断题。由第一段中女孩所说的“Oh,wait,Im sorry.Is that something I shouldnt ask?”可推断,她只是出于好奇才问作者这个问题。2.C推理判断题。由第三段中的“theres a big connection to the land.Our house is surrounded by a mountain.our garden.”可推断,作者成长地方的生活比较亲近自然。3.A推理判断题。由第四段中的“1)Never shoot a female deer,because she might be pregnant;2)If you kill a deer,find a way to use all of it.”可推断,这两条规定非常注重对生态环境的保护。故A项正确。4.D词义猜测题。由倒数第二段中的“Going to college has been a big change for me.”及下文提到的学校人数变得很多、身边的土著人所占比例极小可推断,这种与以往截然不同的生活对作者来说有点“恐怖”但也很令人兴奋。故画线词的意思应是frightening。.【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。Chuck是作者曾经教过的学生。在他英年早逝后,他让家人把作者给他一篇文章的评语陪他一起埋葬,这让作者意识到了身为教师能带给他人的巨大影响。1.A根据本空后的内容可知,Chuck被密苏里大学的新闻学专业录取后,作者并不感到惊讶,这是因为Chuck“是一个很有前途的作家”。2.B根据本空前的“We had raised money”可知,Chuck和作者一起为23个病婴、弃婴筹钱,由此可推测,这里是说“Chuck帮助筹集了几千美元”。3.D根据本段内容可知,Chuck是家里最小的孩子,而且有天赋、有前途,是个正直的好孩子,所以他的去世“对所有人,尤其是他的家人来说,是个巨大的损失”。4.F根据下段中的“.the piece because he liked the message I had written to him at the bottom of the last page.”可推测,Chuck选择的陪葬品之一是“多年前他在作者的班上写的一篇文章”。5.G根据本段中的“offered me a great opportunity for influencing students lives.I felt inspired.”可知,Chuck的这个选择让作者“既感动又感激”,因为“他给了作者一份可以改变作者人生的特殊礼物”。


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