2019-2020年中考复习专题创新 书面表达.doc

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2019-2020年中考复习专题创新 书面表达导向一课外活动(改编)课外活动可以让我们增长知识,发展智力,开阔视野和塑造性格。许多学校创造性地开展了课外活动,如朗诵、唱歌、讲故事、演话剧、办刊物以及举办各种体育活动等。最近,某中学生英文报开设了“Afterclass Activities”的栏目。请你根据以下提示,为该栏目写一篇英文稿件,并鼓励同学们积极参加课外活动。1你校开展课外活动的情况;2你参加过的课外活动及给你带来的益处;3为同学选择课外活动或为学校开设课外活动提出建议。注意:1.词数80以上;2文中不得提及具体人名、校名及地名;3稿件的开头已为你写好(不计入总词数)。提示词:take part insportsinterestingfavouriteAfterclass ActivitiesNowadays,afterclass activities are being more and more popular in junior schools._【参考范文】Afterclass ActivitiesNowadays,afterclass activities are being more and more popular in junior schools.In our school there are various kinds of activities,for example,arts and sports.We enjoy them very much.Playing football and reading are my favorites which do me lots of good.Besides building my body and improving my skills,they also free me from the heavy work of study.Here I have some suggestions.To students,wed better choose the activities which interest us and suit us.Schools should organize more activities for students and leave more time for activities by giving us less homework.Dear friends,please actively take part in afterclass activities,which will not only make your school life colorful,but also improve your learning.导向二素质教育 (原创)山东省自全面实施素质教育、规范办学行为以来,学生自主学习的时间多了。自由支配的时间多了。假设你校学生会委托你做一项关于“实施规范办学以后,学生怎样利用双休日”的问卷调查,请根据下列图表中的调查数据,以“A Report on Weekend Activities” 为题,用英语写一篇短文,简单介绍调查情况并发表自己的看法(至少两点)。注意:1.短文应包括所给内容要点,可适当发挥,使文章连贯;2词数100左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数;3文中不得提及考生所在的学校及自己的姓名;4参考词汇:对做调查:do an investigation on.A Report on Weekend ActivitiesSince the regular schoolrunning policy was performed in Shandong Province,the students in our province now have more free time on Saturday and Sundays.So the English Club in our school invited me to _ _【参考范文】A Report on Weekend ActivitiesSince_the_regular_schoolrunning_policy_was_performed_in_Shandong Province,the_students_in_our_province_now_have_more_free_time_on_Saturday and_Sundays.So_the_English_Club_in_our_school_invited_me_to_do an investigation on how the students spend their weekends.I find that almost half of the students study by themselves at home.About 25% of them prefer to watch TV or listen to music.20% of them like to chat online or play puter games,while 10% of them help their parents do housework.Only a small number of them go in for sports or travelling.In my opinion,all of us students should have a proper plan for our weekends.We should make good use of our time,learning more knowledge,developing our interests,.We should also learn to relax,but I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time watching TV,chatting online or playing puter games.导向三环境保护(原创)近期地震频发,极端天气在世界各地出现,让人们意识到环境保护刻不容缓。可许多人说他们不知该如何做,请根据下表提示,完成一份“环境保护从我做起”的倡议书。要求书写工整,结构合理,语句通顺,80字左右。倡议书开头部分已给出,并不计入字数。项目内容节约用纸1.使用再生纸;2.纸的两面都尽量利用起来;3.用玻璃杯代替纸杯节约能源1.人走灯灭;2.随时记得关水龙头(tap),即使只是一会儿;3.将自己不用的书捐赠给偏远地区的孩子们。减少污染1.尽量坐公交车出行;2._;3._Do It Right Now To Protect Our EnvironmentRecently,earthquakes happened so often and the extreme climate appears all over the world.All these show us that its the very time to do something to protect our environment.There are so many people who dont know how to do it.In fact,there are lots of things we can do._【参考范文】Do It Right Now To Protect Our EnvironmentRecently,earthquakes_happened_so_often_and_the_extreme_climate_appears all_over_the_world.All_these_show_us_that_its_the_very_time_to_do_something_ to_protect_our_environment.There_are_so_many_people_who_dont_know_how_to_do_it.In_fact,there_are_lots_of_things_we_can_do.First,we can try to save the paper by doing these things:(1)Use the recycling/recycled paper as often as possible.(2)Put the paper to good use by writing on both sides.(3)Dont use the paper cup any more.Use glass cups instead.Second,its necessary for us to save the energy.Remember to turn off the lights when you leave.Turn off the tap every time when you dont need to use the water,even for a while.You can also give the books that you dont need away to the children in rural areas.Finally,its very important to make the pollution bee less and less.So try to take the bus when you travel or go to work.Next,youd better stop using plastic bags when shopping.And remember not to throw the litter here and there.Im sure if we can do all the things mentioned above,our environment will bee better and better.导向四节能减排(改编)现在越来越多的城市都在倡导“无车日”,希望有车族选择步行、骑自行车、坐公交等方式外出,在xx年第八个“中国城市无车日”到来之际,网友们在贴吧上发表了自己不同的观点,有人赞同,有人反对,你的观点是什么?现在请你以 “Is it good to go out by car?” 为题,写一篇英语短文。Is it good to go out by car?Recently there has been a discussion among people on baidu post bar about “Is it good to go out by car?” Some people think_ _【参考范文】Is it good to go out by car?Recently_there_has_been_a_discussion_among_people_on_baidu_post_bar_ about_“Is_it_good_to_go_out_by_car?”_Some_people_think its good to go out by car.Its very convenient to go out in their own cars.They will feel fortable when they drive their cars.The drivers feel good driving the cars.But other people dont think its good to go out by car.More and more cars are in the street.Its bad for our environment.It makes the air dirty and makes the streets crowded and noisy.In my opinion,I hope more and more people go out by riding bikes or taking buses.Its not only good for our environment,but our health as well.You will not worry about the place to park your cars.Its better for you to ride or walk than driving your cars.导向五利弊分析(改编)假如你是李华,是一名初中生。随着科技的发展,iPad已成为中学生的新宠。用iPad既可以听音乐,阅读纯文本电子书,又可玩电子游戏。请你用英语给某英语报社写一篇短文,谈谈中学生使用iPad的利弊。短文内容必须包括以下几点:1使用iPad对学习的好处;2对课堂纪律和学习可能产生的负面影响;3提出自己的建议并说明理由。注意:开头已经给出,不计入总词数。词数100字左右Is iPad good or bad for middle school students?Im a junior middle school student named Li Hua.Now many students have iPads and they think its a fashion to use them._ _【参考范文】Is iPad good or bad for middle school students?Im_a_junior_middle_school_student_named_Li_Hua.Now_many_students_ have_iPads_and_they_think_its_a_fashion_to_use_them.Using an iPad,we can listen to music,download a lot of learning materials and read them on the screen.Apparently,its helpful to our study,especially to our English listening.Some students,however,bring their iPads to the classroom and listen to music without earphones,which makes the teacher and other students greatly annoyed.Some of them even waste precious time in class playing video games.In my opinion,as students,we should make good use of iPads to help us achieve academic success.The classroom is a place for students to study,and therefore concentration is awfully needed for us to learn our lessons.Furthermore,the school should make a rule to guide the students to use iPads in a proper way.导向六社会现象(原创)前段时间媒体报道了多地发生老年人摔倒,好心人扶起反被诬陷的事件。对老人摔倒扶与不扶的问题,引起了民众的热议,大致有以下两种观点:一是主动扶,助人为乐是一种美德,人人都有需要帮助的时候;二是可先不扶,拨打120或者l10求救,或在多人在场的情况下采取相应措施。你有何看法?请用英语写一篇短文。短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。写作要求:1短文必须先写出热议的两种观点,再谈谈你自己的看法;2不得逐句翻译,可以适当发挥;3条理清晰,字迹工整,词数不少于80;参考词汇:美德virtue(n.)If an old man falls down,will you support him with your hands?There are probably two Opinions in our life._ _【参考范文】If_an_old_man_falls_down,will_you_support_him_with_your_hands?There_are_probably_two_opinions_in_our_life.Some people think they should help people in trouble actively.Helping others is a virtue.And everyone may need help at any time or in any place.However,other people think they wont help at once.They will call 110 or 120 for help.Besides,they wont help unless there are some others around,for they are afraid to get into trouble.I think its good to help others in a proper way.If everyone is glad to help others,our world will bee more beautiful.导向七理想愿望(原创)每个人,每个民族,都拥有自己的梦想。千万个梦,汇聚成中国梦(China dream)。努力坚守,终能梦想成真。作为一名中学生,你的梦想是什么?为什么?怎样实现自己的梦想?假设你叫李华,请以“My Dream”为话题,写一篇80100词的英语演讲稿,在主题班会上交流。要求:1.条理清楚,意思连贯;2书写工整,表述规范;3文中不能出现真实人名、地名、校名。_【参考范文】My DreamGood morning,my dear friends.My names Li Hua.Im glad to be here to talk about my dream.Everyone has his own dream.Dream is regarded as the goal of ones life.My Dream is to be a good doctor.The reason why I want to be a doctor is that some doctors saved my life after I was badly injured in a traffic accident.Their super medical skills impressed me deeply.From then on,to be a doctor in the future has always been an inspiration to me.I have been working very hard in order to turn my dream into reality.Ones personal dream is a part of the Chinese dream.Therefore,as long as everyone makes great effort to do their own jobs very well,it will be easier to achieve our China dream.Because we know “the more people,the more strength”Thank you for listening!导向八感恩父母、老师(改编)在初中三年的学习生活中,父母、老师给了我们很多帮助。假设你是李明,在即将毕业之际,用英语写一段文字以表达感激之情,感谢的对象可在父母、老师中任选其一,内容必须包括以下提示要点:A感谢的对象及原因;B举例说明帮助你的事由、经过和结果;C你的感谢和打算。注意:1.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;2词数在80100 之间,已给出的文字不计入总词数。Dear _Words cant show my thanks to you._ _Best wishes【参考范文】Dear_father,Words_cant_show_my_thanks_to_you.I have never expressed my thanks and respect to you.Today I want to say,“I love you,dad!” In my heart,you are not only my father,but also my good friend.Since I was born,you have given me all your love and care.In order to create a better living condition and let me receive better education,you have to work hard every day.I always remember your ing home late and feeling tired.Except that,you are very strict with me.You often tell me to study hard,get along well with others,not to give up when facing difficulties.Once I got a C in the math exam,I felt sorry for it,I thought you would be angry,instead,you werent angry with me,you helped me to find out why I failed,and encouraged me to be brave.Since then,I always smile at life whenever I have any trouble.Thank you very much for everything youve done for me.Best_wishes导向九传统节日(改编)假如你是王昆。你的美国网友Tom对中国的传统节日“春节”非常感兴趣,请你以“My Favorite Festival”为题。写一封Email。给他作一介绍。1要点包括:节日简介、节日准备、节日活动等;2字数要求:100字左右。3提示:the Spring Festival,traditional,get together,clean up,be dressed in.Subject:My Favorite FestivalFrom:Wang KunDear Tom,_Wang Kun【参考范文】Dear_Tom,The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival to Chinese people.Several days before the New Year,people begin to prepare for it.My parents buy meat,fish and vegetables.Houses are cleaned up.On the evening of the New Year,the whole family get together and have a big dinner.After the meal we watch “the Spring Evening” on TV until twelve oclock.On the first day of the New Year,each of us is dressed in new clothes.When meeting others outside,we say “Happy New Year” to each other.We pay New Year calls to friends and relatives.That day my parents and relatives give “Red Bags(money)”to us children.All of us have a great time.Wang_Kun

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