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2019-2020年高中英语Unit3CelebrationSectionLesson4课时作业北师大版必修.用所给词的适当形式填空1The student never takes his study_(serious)答案:seriously2They all said the problem of the puter was hard_(deal) with.答案:to deal3In the room _(find) a pretty bookshelf and a great many books.答案:are found4He has two children,doesnt he?Thats right.He got _(marry) in 1972.答案:married5When _(take) according to the directions,the medicine has no side effect.答案:taken6While _(walk) in the street,she saw a young girl fall over suddenly and _(lie) still on the ground.答案:walking;lying.单词拼写1She ate salad,steak and_(布丁),and then drank two cups of coffee.答案:pudding2Her_(长袜) were purple above the knee and red below it.答案:stockings3They will plete the_(装饰) of their new house on the weekend.答案:decoration4You are not_(认真地) expecting me to believe that?答案:seriously5Dick put the photograph against his_(胸前)答案:breast6_(成年人) cant understand young peoples thoughts,so they dont know how to help them.答案:Adults7You put the letter in the_(信封) and send it through the post office.答案:envelope8I put so much food in my mouth sometimes that it was hard to_(吞下,咽下)答案:swallow.翻译句子1桑迪过去一向对她自己非常认真。_答案: Sandy used to take herself so seriously all the time.2一有更大的房间,我们就提供给你。_答案:Well offer you a larger room as soon as it bees available.3如果你这样继续下去,你不久就能在深水区游泳了。_答案:If you carry on like this,you will soon be able to swim in the deep area.4在我家房子前有棵大树,结满了苹果。(倒装句式)_答案:In front of my house stands a big tree,full of apples.5在大城市保持单身是很流行的。_答案:It is very popular for people to stay single in big cities.完形填空I spent two years homeschooling my boys,Harper and Will.I am a trained Waldorf_1_.Before teaching my boys at home,I had been teaching at Waldorf for many years.I spent years_2_education in college and had many years of teaching experience._3_,I learned more about how children learn during those two years than I did from all my teaching training and the books I had read on_4_.I wanted to give my children a_5_Waldorf experience at home.Therefore,when we started,I_6_a miniWaldorf school at home,plete with walls,wooden desks,and a large_7_.Since I had also_8_to homeschool my niece,I had to offer teaching to three_9_grades,as it would be taught in a Waldorf school.During the first couple of months,I would often_10_until midnight preparing three lesson plans:I was getting_11_.I worked hard,but my students seemed to be growing more and more_12_my lessons.I knew that something had to_13_.I had to relax and let go of my thought of what and when the children should learn.We_14_planning more field trips,which were warmly_15_.They all liked it.We had a talk with a naturalist about eagles and owls.Then I turned our newly found interest into_16_.We drew pictures of owls and eagles_17_colored pencils;we read a poem about owls;we learned an American song about the eagle and_18_ it on our recorders.Our_19_became more inspired by the childrens interests,and our days became much lighter and_20_.语篇解读作者在家里教三个小孩,一开始孩子们不喜欢他的课,改变教学方法后,他的课程变得受欢迎了。1A.teacherBdoctor Cwriter Dwaiter解析:根据had many years of teaching experience可知作者是一位接受过训练的“老师”。答案:A2A.imagining BimprovingCfinding Dstudying解析:这里是指作者在大学所“学”的专业是教育。答案:D3A.Still BHowever COr DAlso解析:作者虽然接受过教师培训,“然而”真正让他明白小孩想怎么学的却是他在家里给小孩上课的那两年教学经历。答案:B4A.food BdressingCtraveling Deducation解析:作者在大学所学的是教育专业,故可知这里是指关于“教育”方面的书。答案:D5A.long Bnew Creal Dspecial解析:根据plete with walls,wooden desks可知作者想给孩子们一种“真正的”学校的感觉。答案:C6A.created Bpainted Cvisited Dbought解析:作者想给孩子们真正的学校的感觉,故在家里“创建”了一个小型的学校环境。答案:A7A.bathroom BkitchenCbed Dblackboard解析:上课得用到“黑板”,故选D。答案:D8A.remembered BagreedCseemed Djoined解析:这里是指作者也“同意”教他的侄女。答案:B9A.large Bstrange Ceasy Ddifferent解析:因为三个小孩的年龄各不相同,又根据后文的preparing three lesson plans,可知三个小孩属于“不同的”年级。答案:D10A.stay up Bwake up Clook up Dstand up解析:根据until midnight preparing three lesson plans可知作者“熬夜”备课。答案:A11A.excited Bpleased Ctired Drelaxed解析:根据I worked hard可知作者感觉“累”。答案:C12A.fond of Buninterested inCcareful about Dsurprised at解析:根据but的语境,可知虽然作者努力准备,但孩子们“兴致不高”。答案:B13A.last Bmove Cchange Dsucceed解析:根据后文作者做出改变的语境,可知他意识到需要做些“改变”。答案:C14A.started Bstopped Cdisliked Dminded解析:作者意识到需要做些改变,所以“开始”去户外上课。答案:A15A.spent Btalked Cpaid Dweled解析:根据They all liked it.可知去户外上课的举动很受“欢迎”。答案:D16A.methods Bactivities Cplaces Dwishes解析:后边这些都是作者跟孩子们一起参与的“活动”。答案:B17A.on Baround Cwith Dfor解析:这里是指“用”彩色铅笔来画老鹰。答案:C18A.answered Bwatched Cprinted Dplayed解析:根据American song和our recorders可知这里是指“播放”那首歌。答案:D19A.dream Bcost Clearning Dvacation解析:这里是指从孩子们兴趣出发的“课”。答案:C20A.happier Bworse Ccheaper Dbigger解析:作者做出了一些改变,孩子们也喜欢这些改变,故他们的日子变得比以前“更开心”了。答案:A.阅读理解First Lady Michelle Obama is a big fan of volunteering.Volunteering means working for free to help someone else.Mrs Obama says volunteering is very important.“It should be part of everyones life.” she says.Many teens agree.They say that helping others feels great and makes a difference.These days,more teens volunteer than work for pay.Teens clean up parks,walk dogs at animal shelters (收容所),visit with the elderly,and more.Some citiesincluding Seattle,Chicago,and Washington.D.C.require high school students to volunteer.Students must volunteer in order to graduate.The student volunteers learn new skills and help their munities (社区)Many parents are_in_favor_of the ideathey say volunteering helps teens build job skills.But most teens dont want to be forced to volunteer.They say they are busy.And they say volunteering is only fun if its a choice.Read both sides of the debate (辩论) and decide.YES Volunteering can help teens get into college or get a job. Many cities and towns need help.Volunteers can help keep important programs going. Not all teens will volunteer if it isnt required.Schools should require students to do all they can to get ready for adult life.NO Most teens are already very busy with classes,homework,jobs,and sports.Forcing them to do more isnt fair. It should be up to each person.Helping out doesnt feel as good if you have to do it. Finding a volunteer job isnt always easy.Students shouldnt be kept from graduating because of something they cant control.语篇解读本文是议论文。文中探讨的是学校是否应该要求学生做志愿者工作。赞成和反对的人都给出了他们的看法。1The writer mentions Michelle Obama in order to_.Aintroduce the topic of the textBexplain what volunteering isCtell what she does for the USDshow she enjoys volunteering解析:写作意图题。本文用美国第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马作引子引出本文的主题:学校是否应该要求学生做志愿者工作。答案:A2The underlined part “are in favor of” in the text means_.Adrop BdevelopCcatch Dlike解析:词义猜测题。根据画线部分的下文they say volunteering helps teens build job skills可知,许多父母是赞成“要求高中生做志愿者工作”的。答案:D3The YES side thinks that volunteer jobs_.Ashould depend on ones own choiceBare as important as students homeworkChelp teens prepare for their adult lifeDare usually easy to find for most teens解析:细节理解题。根据YES部分的第三点Schools should require students to do all they can to get ready for adult life可知选C项。答案:C4Which question does the text mainly discuss?AIs volunteering good for students?BWhat is the best time to volunteer?CShould students be required to volunteer?DWhich volunteer jobs should students do?解析:主旨大意题。文章第一段提到米歇尔奥巴马的观点:It should be part of everyones life.紧接着指出Many teens agree.But most teens dont want to be forced to volunteer,然后给出了双方的看法。答案:C


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