2019-2020年高三英语二轮复习 板块2 第3讲 情态动词和虚拟语气检测.doc

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2019-2020年高三英语二轮复习 板块2 第3讲 情态动词和虚拟语气检测.单句语法填空1(xx高考重庆卷变式)You _ be Carol.You havent changed a bit after all these years.2(xx高考浙江卷变式)It was so noisy that we _ hear ourselves speak.3(xx高考天津卷变式)I _(need)have worried before I came to the new school,for my classmates here are very friendly to me.4(xx高考陕西卷变式)You _ feel all the training a waste of time,but Im a hundred percent sure later youll be grateful you did it.5(xx高考陕西卷变式)Ellen is a fantastic dancer.I wish I _(dance)as well as her.6(xx高考江苏卷变式)It _(save)me some trouble had I known the schedule.7(母题)The teacher suggested that we _(clean)the blackboard after class.(变式)The teachers words suggested that he _(know)who cleaned the blackboard after class.8(母题)If they _(study)hard,they _(do)it easily now.(变式)If you _(e)a few minutes earlier,you_(meet)him.答案:1.must2.cant/couldnt3.neednt4.may5danced6.might have saved7.(should)clean;knew8had studied;could do;had e;would have met.单句改错1(xx高考四川卷变式)You may be careful with the camera.It costs!_2(xx高考福建卷变式)Sorry,Mum! I failed the job interview again.Oh,its too bad.You must have made full preparations._3It is a set rule that all payments may be made by the end of the month._4She looks very happy.She might have passed the exam._5All of us had a good time in the park last Sunday.Pity you werent there.I really should e,but I was looking after my mother in hospital._6We should have studied last night,but we have gone to the concert instead._答案:1.maymust2.mustshould3.mayshall4.mightmust5.should后加have6.have gonewent.短文填空在下面短文中的空白处填上所给单词的适当形式,使短文意思通顺I am a middle school student.I have many dreams.If there 1._(not be)so much homework,I would have more time to do what I like to do.How I wish I 2._(listen)to my favorite music for an hour a day and 3._(play)table tennis for an hour in the morning.Its my desire that we 4._(hold)evening parties or 5._(organize)some interesting activities at weekend.I suggest that there 6._(not be) so many tests.You can imagine what life 7._(will)be if I 8._(realize)my dream.But I must face the exams.Without good marks,I 9._(will)not enter my ideal university.Anyway,its high time that I 10._(encourage)myself and worked hard from now on.答案:1.were not2.listened3.played4.(should)hold5(should)organize6.(should)not be7.would8.realized/should realize/were to realize9.would10.encouraged/should encourage.写作提升根据上下文和括号中的提示,用正确的虚拟语气完成语段Im very grateful for your help doing my study in America.Without your help,1._(我的英语不会提高的那么快)If you were to visit China this summer,2._(我将到机场接您)By the way,do you know how everything is going with Mr.Smith?I failed to get in touch with him after I left America.I would be very thankful 3._(要是你能给我提供他的电子邮箱和电话号码)How I wish 4._(我能尽快与他取得联系)!答案:1.my English couldnt have improved so quickly2I would pick you up at the airport3if you could offer me his email address or telephone number4I could contact with him as soon as possible


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