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2019-2020年高中英语必修2Unit5Lesson2BeijingOpera4(一) 教学内容北师大版高中一年级第二模块Unit 5 Lesson 2 Beijing Opera。(二) 学生分析1高一(7) 班是普通班多数学生来自乡镇,拔尖学生都被市属学校录取。但是他们有学好英语的强烈愿望,具有一定的表现欲与成就自豪感。他们对中国的传统文化应该有兴趣去了解和探究。2学生在小学和初中学过了至少三年的英语,具备了一定的语感、词汇、语法知识,基本上能听懂一些简单的对话和独白,能用一些词汇、句型进行造句,但不是很通顺。(三)设计思想1教学方法本课的特点是,听说为主,释词为辅。在教学过程中综合使用以下教学方法:听说相结合、启发式教学、任务型教学法,由浅入深,循序渐进。学生通过个人活动,两人活动和小组活动来进行听说训练。2教学手段为了增强课堂的吸引力,运用多媒体进行教学,制作Powerpoint课件来呈现整个教学流程,课件中的视频,图片形象生动,让学生产生学习兴趣。引导学生从网上下载一些与Beijing Opera,Cantonese Opera 有关的文章来欣赏和阅读,并作比较。 (四) 教学目标 1语言知识目标掌握、理解、运用以下生词和词组bine,treasure,mask,acrobatics,costume,male,female,clown,symbol,represent,play an important role,with a flag on each side,an army of thousands。2语言技能目标听:能运用预测,抓主旨,获取重点词等方法,听懂英语采访节目。说:能够用英语交谈关于Beijing Opera的一些话题,如:the history,the roles,the skills needed,the singing styles,the costumes 等读:课后能去收集,读懂有关Beijing Opera和Cantonese Opera的中英文章,并能说出两者的异同。写:能用150个左右的单词写出一篇Beijing Opera英语介绍。3情感态度目标通过对Beijing Opera的教学,增强学生对中国文化瑰宝的了解和热爱;让学生体验用英语交流的成功与喜悦;培养他们的合作精神、互助精神。4学习策略目标这堂课的学习策略主要有:在听前,利用已有的知识来预测答案;在听的过程中,抓住关键词获取主旨大意;听完之后,把所获取的信息进行交谈和写作。5文化意识目标通过听说训练让学生懂得Beijing Opera是中国的国粹之一,我们要把它作为一个文化窗口,来增进外国人对中国的了解。(五)教学的重点和难点1教学重点能运用预测,抓主旨,获取重点词等方法,听懂英语采访节目;能够用英语交谈关于Beijing Opera的一些话题。2. 教学难点学生对Beijing Opera的话题不是很熟悉,他们在理解听力采访时有一定的困难;有的学生在用英语谈论Beijing Opera时不是很有信心。(六)教学过程Before ListeningStep 1 Word studyI. Study some new words(tresure、acrobatics、mask、costume) by showing some pictures.Example:T:What can you see in these pictures? What about picture 1?Ss:Two pandas.T: Whats in picture 2?Ss: China.T: Yes. It is a vase, which is made of china. What is picture 3 about?Ss: Gongfu/Wusu.T: Do you think all these things important?Ss: yes.T: They are of great value. They are the national treasure of China. II.Match the following words with their meanings.Then use the words to plete the sentences:1)bine a). the clothes worn in a play or film2).treasure b).mix two or more things3).mask c).something with special value4).acrobatics d).movements of ones body in a skilful way5).costume e).something that covers ones face1.This golden ring is a real_.2.My mother sewed my _ for the school play.3.I love watching _ but it looks very difficult!4.The first step in making a cake is to _ the milk and butter.5.The singer wore a _ that was made of wood.Step 2 Leading-inThe teacher asks the students if they have watched Beijing Opera and if they can talk about it.Show a video about Beijing Opera to the students. While watching it, ask them to pay attention to the music, the voice of singing, the costumes, etc. Have a talk about Beijing Opera.Say today were going to listen to an interview about Beijing Opera. After listening, well know much about it.Step 3 Prediction Predict the answers to the following questions according to your general knowledge:1.When did Beijing Opera start?A. the late 18th century. B. the late 19th century.C. the late 20th century.2.How many main roles are there in Beijing Opera?A. 4 B. 8 C. 123.Which of the followings is true according to the passage.A. The costumes in Beijing Opera were black and dark.B. Dan is male roles.C. In the old times, Peking Opera was performed mostly on open-air stages.ListeningStep 1 Listening for the main idea.Listen to the TV programme and check your predictions.Step 2 Listening for details.I. Listen to the first part and do the following exercises.1.Fill in the blanks:Beijing Opera is a national _ of China. The art started in the _ century and it bines acting, _, singing,music,dancing and _.(Show a video about acrobatics in Beijing Opera to interest the students.) 2. Match the main roles with their names. sheng male roles with brightly painted faces dan female roles jing clown roleschou male roles(Show some pictures about the main roles in Beijing Opera. Ask the Ss )which picture is the role of shengdanjingchou? What role do they each have, male or female role? What is used to cover jings face?What do we call chou in English? Sheng-male role Dan-female role Jing-male role with a mask Chou- clown roleII. Listen to the second part and answer the questions.1. Where was Beijing Opera performed at the beginning?2. Why does it have very loud music and a sharp singing style?3. Why do performers wear brightly coloured costumes? III. Listen to the last part and finish the following exercises:1. Match each meaning with the picture on Page 24: They are in the city. Pic.1 She is in a carriage. Pic. 2 They are in their new bedroom. Pic.3 She is on a horse. Pic.42. Listen to the last part of the programme and fill in the blanks:The stage design of Beijing Opera is usually very _. When a lady is riding in a carriage, the performer actually walks _ .Four generals and four soldiers represent _. IV. Finish the information spider and do a summary:Skills neededMain rolesHistoryBeijing OperaCostumesSinging stylesStep 3 Speaking in groups: Group 1history, main roles, skills Group 2singing styles, costumeSuppose your partner is a foreigner.He/She is interested in Beijing Opera. Have a talk about Beijing Opera in pairs.Example:A: Hi, Lihua. I have been in China for 3 months. But I cant understand Beijing Opera very well. Can you tell me sth. about it?B: Of course,Beijing Opera is a national treasure.A:When did it start?B: Post Listening1. Surf the internet for the information about Cantonese Opera and the pare it with Beijing Opera.2. Writing: Write a position about Beijing Opera.3. Finish the listening diaryListening Diary:Assessment(评价)about your listening1.The new words Ive learned and remembered in this lesson are:2.The words I still have difficulty remembering are:3.How many correct answer can you predict before listening?_A. All B. Some C. None4.How many times do you need to listen to get the correct answers?_ A. Once B.Twice C. more than twice5.How do you think of the listening materials(材料) in this lesson?_ A. Easy B.A bit difficult C. Very difficult6.Which exercise is easy for you?_ Which one do you think is better to improve your listening?_ A.Multi-chioce(选择) B.The matching exercises(匹配) C.Filling the blanks D.Answering the questions7.After the listening, How much have you learned about Beijing Opera? A. A little B. Much C.None8.I find the following ways of learning useful_. A. Preparing each lesson carefully before class. B. Taking an active part in class discussion. C. Taking notes while listening. D. Using general knowledge to think of possible answers.9.Can you give some advice on how to do listening?


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