2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册上:Unit6 Life in the future(第五课时).doc

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2019-2020年高中英语(人教大纲)第二册上:Unit6 Life in the future(第五课时)Teaching Aims:Summarize the usages of the Noun Clauses.Teaching Important Points:1Let students master the functions of the Noun Clauses2Let students know how to choose the con-nectives and the differences among the connectives3Let students correctly use the word order in the Noun ClausesTeaching Difficult Points:1The choice of the connectives2The differences between“that”and“what”3The differences between“if”and“wheth-er”Teaching Methods:1Review method to master what students learnt before2Explanation and parative methods to master the important and difficult points3Practice method to make students use the Noun Clauses correctlyTeaching Aids:1a puter and a courseware2a projectorTeaching Procedures:Step I GreetingsGreet the whole class as usualStep RevisionT:Today well review the Noun Clauses(Bb:The Noun Clauses)First lets do some exercises(Teacher shows the exercise on the screen)Choose the best answers1_they are leaving for Paris has not been decided yetAWhen BWhereCThat DWhy2Go and get your coatIts_you left itAthere BwhereCthere where Dwhere there 3Last night we heard the news_the British Prime Minister was on a three-day visit to ChinaAwhich BwhatCwhatever Dthat4It is generally considered unwise to give a child_he or she wantsAhowever BwhicheverCwhenever DwhateverT:Please look at the screenIll ask some of vou to tell me the answers one by oneAny volunteers?S1:The first answer is AS2:The second answer is BS3:The third answer is DS4:The last answer is DT:Well done!Sit down,pleaseWho can tell me what clauses they are?S5:Suggested answers:l.the Subject Clause2the Predicative C1ause3the Appositive Clause4the Obiect ClauseStep Explanation and SummaryT:As we all know,the Noun Clauses can be classified into the Subject C1ause,the Predicative Clause,the Object Clause and the Appositive Clause ac-cording to the function of each clause in the main clause(Bb:the Subject Clausethe Predica-tive Clause,the Object Clause and the Appositive Clause)T:Now look at the sentences on the screenIthe Subject Clause1Whether he has enough time to finish the work is still a question2It is still a question whether he has enough time to finish the work.3. Who did that is unknown to all.the Predicative Clause1. The question is who can do the experlment.2He looked as if he was going to cry3The reason for his lateness was that he got up late4That was because he got up latethe Object Clause1I didnt know that Pierce Brosnan is from Ireland.2I find it hard that I learn English wellthe Appositive Clause1Some senior officials eat chicken in public in order to remove the Chi-nese citizens fear that it is not safe to eat chicken2Word has e from his sister that she will arrive on FridayT:Attention,please1In order to keep the sentence balancedWe often use“it”as the formal subject,which re-places the real subjectFor example,the No2 sentence in the column of the Subject2“As if”“as though”and“be-cause”can also be used to introduce the Predicative ClauseFor example,the No2 and the No4 sentences in the column of the Predicative Clause3In the sentence if the verb is“makefindthinkbelieve”,we can“it”as the formal object,which replaces the real objectWe put the real object behind the Object plementThat is to say,Sub+findmakethinkbelieve+it+Object plement+that clauseFor example,I thought it strange that he failed to call meNow we have known about the usages and the func-tions of the Noun ClausesBut we must pay attention to the conneetives introducing the Noun ClausesNow please look at the diagram on the screenYoud better remember them(Teacher shows the diagram on the screen)T:Attention,please.1In the Noun Clauses,we must use the normal word orderConnective+Subject+VerbThat is to say,there is no inversione.gWhether he left is unknownThats why he fell i11Can you make sure where Alice has left the gold ring?The fact that he hadnt said any-thing surprised everyone(Teacher writes the four sentences on the blackboard)2Dont use double connectives in the Noun Clauses3The subordinate conjunction“wheth-er”can introduce all the Noun Clau-ses,while the subordinate conjunc-tion“if”can only introduce an Ob-ject Clause used as the object of a verbFor example,we cant say“It all depends on if they will support us”We should say“It all depends on whether they will support us”4The subordinate conjunction“that”has no meaning and doesnt act as any omponent in the Noun Clau-sesWhen“that”is introducing a Noun Clause as the object of a verb(believe,consider,hear,know,say,understand etc),it can be omitted5The conjunctive pronoun“what”means“the thing thatall that”in the Noun Clauses“what”intro-duces a Noun ClauseAt the same time it can be used as the subject,the object or the predicative in the Noun Clause.You must pay atten-tion to the differences between“that”and“what”Now lets look at these sentences on the screenThat she was closed made us very happyWhat he did quite surprises usThis is what interests me mostThe reason was that he had never seen her beforeStcp Practice and ConsolidationT:Now you have known something about the Noun ClausesLets do some exer-cises so that we can use them correctly and freelyPlease look at the screenICorrect the following sentences1The news which our team had won pleased everyone2I dont doubt whether he can work out the problem3I have been worrying about if I have hurt her feeling4I dont know that he wants5The reason why he didnt e is because he was ill.6Who walks around in such a heavy rain will catch a cold7I think important that we learn English well8Its not certain that the sports meet will be held9This is the suggestion which we have a trip the day after tomor-rowlOChina is a great socialist country is well knownSuggested answers:1whichthat 2whetherthat3ifwhether 4thatwhat5becausethat 6WhoWhoever7importantit important8thatwhether9whichthat10ChinaThat ChinaChoose the best answers1The photographs will show you_.Awhat does our village look likeBwhat our village looks likeChow does our village look likeDhow our village looks like2I still remember_this used to be a quiet placeAwhen BhowCwhere Dwhat3_he said at the meeting as-tonished everybody presentAWhat BThatCThe fact DThe matter4一Do you remember_he came? 一Yes,I doHe came by carAhow BwhenCthat Dif5Sara hopes to bee a friend of_shares her interestsAanyone BwhomeverCwhoever Dno matter who6_we cant get seems better than_we haveAWhat;what BWhat;thatCThat;that DThat;what7Its generally considered unwise to give a child_he or she wantsAhowever BwhateverCwhichever Dwhenever8Someone is ringing the doorbellGo and see_Awho is he Bwho he isCwho is it Dwho it is9_she couldnt understand was_fewer and fewer students showed interests in her lessonsAWhat;whyBThat;whatCWhat;becauseDWhy;thatlOThese wild flowers are so special that I would do_I can to save themAwhatever BthatCwhich Dwhichever11Eat_cake you like and leave the others for_es in lateA.any;whoB.every;whoeverC.whichever;whoeverD.either;whoever12_he told you is not trueDont believe itAThat BWhatC.If D.When13What a pity_is that you didnt arriveAthat BthisCthere Dit14_he accepts or refuses the present is none of your businessAThat BIfCWhether DWhich15His grandfather was among the first to settle in_is now a famous holiday centerAwhat BwhichCwhen DthatSuggestcd answers:1.B 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.D 14C 15.AStep V HomeworkT:In this class,we have done lots of ex-ercises about the Noun ClausesNow Ill give you some more exercisesDo them after class(Teacher shows the following on the screen) plete the following sentences:1Do you still remember_(何时何地见到那位著名的歌唱家吗)?2_(无论是谁最后离开教室)ought to turn off the light3_(明天是否下雪)makes no difference to me4This is_(他出生的地方)5She expressed the hope_(她将再来中国)6_(你不喜欢她)is none of my business7.One of them held the view_(书中所说的是对的)8The question is_(这本书是否值得看)9.She always do_(她老师让她做的)1O.They want to make it clear to the public_(他们在做着一件重要的必不可少的工作)Suggested answers:1when and where you met the famous singer2Whoever leaves the classroom last3Whether it will snow or not tomorrow4where he was born5that she would e to China again6That you dont like her7that what the book said was right8whether the book is worth reading9what her teacher tells her to do10that they are doing an important and necessary jobStep The Design of the Writing on the BlackboardUnit 6 Life in the futureThe Fifth Period Grammar:Noun ClausesIthe subject ClauseWhether he left is unknownthe Predicative Clause Thats whv he fell i11 the Object clauseCan you make sure where Alice has left the gold ring?the Appositive clauseThe fact that the hadnt said any-thing surprised everyone.Step Record after Teaching_


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