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2019-2020年高考英语大一轮复习第1部分模块考点复习Unit16Stories课时规范训练北师大版选修.阅读理解(共11小题;每小题2分,满分22分)A(xx江西八所重点中学联考)Griffith Observatory (天文台) is a national leader in public astronomy,and one of the most popular attractions in Los Angeles.It is located on the southern slope (山坡) of Mount Hollywood in Griffith Park at 1,134 feet above sea level.Visitors may drive to the observatory and park in its parking lot or on nearby roads.No reservation (预订) is required to visit.Parking is limited,and the busiest time is weekends.Buses,taxis,and car pools are wele.LADOT provides weekend public bus service from the Sunset/Vermont Metro Red Line Station.Griffith Observatory is open six days a week.Admission and parking are free.Hours of OperationTuesdayFriday12 noon10 pmSaturday Sunday 10 am 10 pmMonday ClosedThanksgiving Day and Christmas DayClosedSamuel Oschin PlanetariumThe Samuel Oschin Planetarium theater offers 8 to 10 live,halfhour presentations each day.There are usually four different shows from which to choose.Shows are presented every 60 to 90 minutes.Check the website,information desks,or the box office for each days show time.Being seated late is not permitted.Samuel Oschin Planetarium tickets must be purchased at the observatory and are only available on the day of the show.The ticket prices for shows are:Adults (1359 years old) $7.00Children (512 years old) $3.00Seniors (60 years and older) $5.00Students $5.00Children under 5 years old will be admitted only to the first show each day.Hearing assist devices are available on request.Public TelescopesFree public telescopes are available each evening the observatory is open and skies are clear.The Zeiss telescope on the roof is generally open by 7 pm.All observing must be pleted by 9:45 pm.1What can we learn about Griffith Observatory according to the passage?AIt is open all the year around.BIt is mostly visited at weekends.CIt bees famous because of Hollywood.DIt is the most attractive place in Los Angeles.2Which of the following best describes the Samuel Oschin Planetarium theater?AHearing assist devices are provided to seniors.BThe shows there generally last 60 to 90 minutes.CVisitors are required to be seated before the show starts.DThe tickets for the shows can be bought through the website.3To watch the show,a young couple with a 7yearold son should pay A$13.00. B$15.00.C$17.00. D$20.00.【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了美国的著名景点格里菲斯天文台的相关信息。1解析:选B。细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“and the busiest time is weekends”可知,周末是格里菲斯天文台最繁忙的时间。故选B项。2解析:选C。细节理解题。根据Samuel Oschin Planetarium下的“Being seated late is not permitted.”可知,每场剧开场之前,要提前入场就座,迟到了就不能进剧场了。故C项正确。3解析:选C。数字计算题。根据文章所提供的票价Adult,(1359 years old)$7.00,Children(512 years old)$3.00可知,一对夫妇和一个7岁孩子共需要17美元。B(xx青岛市高考模拟)When I began planning to move to Auckland to study,my mother was a little worried about the uncertainty of living in a place that was so different from India,where we lived.She worried particularly about the lack of jobs,the cultural differences and the chance that I would face racism.Despite these worries,I came to New Zealand in July,xx.I have found the place and people very nice and supportive.Soon after I arrived,I realized the importance of getting a job to supply my living expenses.Determined to do this on my own,I spent a whole day going from door to door asking for a job.However,I received little or no response.This became my routine every day after college for a few weeks.One afternoon,I walked into a building to ask if there were any job opportunities.People there were very surprised,and advised me not to continue my job search in that manner.As I was about to leave,a clerk in the building,who had been listening to what the others had said,approached me and asked if I would wait outside.Fifteen minutes later,he returned.He asked me what my plans were and encouraged me to stay confident.He then offered to take me to the Royal Oak area to search for a job.I was a little surprised,but had a good feeling about him,so I went along.Along the way,I realized that I had run out of copies of my resume (简历)The man stopped at his business partners office to make me 15 extra copies.He also gave me tips on dressing and speaking,and added that I should give him a call if I ever needed anything.I handed out my resumes and went home feeling very satisfied.The following day,I received a call from a store in Royal Oak offering me a job.It seems that the world always gives back to you when you need it.And this time,it was a plete stranger who turned out to be a real blessing.4What wasnt the authors mother worried about?APeople might look down on the author.BThe author couldnt speak the local language.CThe author wasnt familiar with local customs.DIt might be difficult for the author to find a job.5After staying in New Zealand for a short time,the author Adecided to go back to his own countryBfelt the local people were not very friendlyChad to find a job to cover his living expensesDwanted to get a job that needed practical skills6When the author went into a building to look for a job, Aa clerk gave him encouragement and adviceBhe was confident that he would find a good oneChe found many college students like him already thereDa clerk remended him to the pany he worked for7What is the story mainly about?AHow a stranger offered the author a job.BHow a stranger turned out to be a real blessing.CHow the author adapted himself to a new situation.DHow the author was helped to get a job by a stranger.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述的是作者在新西兰留学期间如何在好心人的帮助下找到第一份工作的故事。4解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第一段的最后一句“She worried particularly about the lack of jobs .”可知,作者的母亲在其去新西兰留学之前担心他找不到工作、不适应当地文化以及可能会受到种族歧视,文中并没有提到对其语言差异方面的担心。故B项正确。5解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第二段的最后一句“Soon after I arrived .”可知,到新西兰不久,作者就意识到要找份工作来补贴生活费的重要性了。故C项正确。6解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第四段的倒数第二句“He asked me what my plans were and encouraged me to stay confident.”以及第五段的“He also gave me tips on dressing and speaking”可知,作者去一栋写字楼里找工作时,一个好心的职员给了他一些鼓励和建议。故A项正确。7解析:选D。主旨大意题。根据最后一段的总结以及对全文的整体理解可知,本文主要讲述的是作者在新西兰留学期间如何在好心人的帮助下找到第一份工作的故事。故D项正确。C(xx陕西省质量检测二)Whether it is elementary school,middle school,or high school in the United States,there will always be an awards ceremony at the end of the year.Though it varies from school to school,there are a few that are given by most schools across the nation.The first one is given from grades 3 to 8 and it is the Honor Roll Award.In elementary and middle school,this award is used to recognize academic excellence.This award is also separated into two groups: A Honor Roll and A/B Honor Roll.It is given out at the end of a school year and students who receive all averages of a 93 or above (90 in some states) on a final report card receive an A Honor Roll,and students with grades above 85 (80 in some states) would receive an A/B Honor Roll.It is to reward students who have worked hard and received all As or As and Bs.In high school,this is changed a bit,but still can be classified as the same type of award.The difference is that instead of using the scale (等级) of 100,they use a grade point average (GPA) based on a 4 point scale.They recognize students with a high GPA as “Honor Students”If the student keeps it up for all four years of high school,then they graduate with honors.Another notable award is the Presidents Award for Educational Excellence.This is given by the Presidents Education Awards Program each year to students all over the United States.This award is offered to elementary school,middle school and high school students.To be eligible (有资格的) for this award,middle school and elementary school students must earn an average grade of 90 or above on a 109 point scale.High school students must have a GPA of at least 3.5.Students must also have a high score on a statewide or national standardized test or have a remendation from a teacher.Usually this award is given at the end of the year.It is a certificate with a signature from the president along with a letter of recognition.However,many people confuse the Presidents Award for Educational Excellence with another award,the US Presidential Scholars Program.Even though both have the word “President” in the title,they are pletely different awards.Where the Presidents Award for Educational Excellence is relatively easy to achieve,the award from the Presidential Scholars Program is not.To earn the honor of being a Presidential Scholar,a student must be a high school senior last year of high school with outstanding standardized test scores.8If,in most of the schools in the US,a student in Grade 5 wants to get A Honor Roll,he/she must get at least all averages of a A93 B85C90 D809From the passage we know that the students who can graduate with honors.Akeep up the grades of 100 in high school for more than one yearBget averages of 100 in high school for all four years of high schoolCget a high GPA in high school for more than one yearDare recognized as “Honor Students” for all four years of high school10If high school students are to win the Presidents Award for Educational Excellence,which of the following statements should be included?AAn average grade of 90 or above on a 100 point scale.BA remendation from a teacher.CA GPA of at least 3.5 in a national standardized test.DA high school senior with outstanding standardized test scores.11The best title for this passage may be “ ”AAwards in elementary and middle schoolsBAwards in schools of the United StatesCHow high schools reward their studentsDIts easy to win awards in schools【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了美国学校设置的一些奖项以及获得这些奖项需要满足的条件。8解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段第四句中的“and students who receive all averages of a 93 or above (90 in some states).receive an A Honor Roll”可知,在美国大多数学校,想要获得A Honor Roll,平均分必须在93分或以上。故答案选A。9解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第三段最后两句可知,如果学生能连续四年获得“优秀学生”的称号,就能带着荣誉毕业。故选D。10解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第四段第五、六句“High school students must have a GPA of at least 3.5.Students must .have a remendation from a teacher.”可知,B项为条件之一。11解析:选B。标题归纳题。纵观全文可知,本文讲述的是美国学校设置的一些奖项以及获得这些奖项需要满足的条件。B项能概括文章内容,适合做标题。故选B。.七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)Delightful dolphinsDolphins have always been very popular with humans.They have always attracted people and some cultures even worship them.1. Sailors believed that dolphins swimming next to their ships meant good luck on the voyage.Dolphins are not fish; in fact,they eat fish.They are sea mammals.Fish have fins (鳍),while dolphins have flippers (鳍状肢).2. When dolphins swim,they move their tails up and down.Fish breathe in water,but dolphins have to rise to the waters surface from time to time to take a breath.3 They send out clicking sounds,and the sounds strike an object and bounce (反弹) back to the dolphins.They use the sounds to tell where the object is located.They also use these sounds to municate with one another.If you go to a zoo,you may see bottlenosed dolphins.They look like they are always smiling.They are so intelligent that they can learn how to do tricks,such as throwing balls through nets and jumping through rings.4. Dolphins seem to be interested in humans.There have been many reports of dolphins ing to the rescue of swimmers who were drowning or being attacked by a shark.In xx,a great white shark bit a surfer twice.5. ADolphins use sounds to find things.BDolphins often show various types of playful behavior.CWhen fish swim,they move their tails from side to side.DThey can even be trained to “walk” on the water using their strong tails.EDolphins are generally associated in groups,so munication is necessary.FThe ancient Greeks put pictures of them on coins and painted their images on walls.GThen many dolphins surrounded the injured man,keeping the shark away so he could reach the shore.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了海豚的习性及其与人类的友好关系。1解析:选F。由该空前的Some cultures even worship them以及该空后的Sailors believed that dolphins .可知,设空处是举例说明人们对海豚的崇拜,故F项“古希腊人把海豚的像刻在硬币上,把它们的形象画在墙上”符合此处语境。2解析:选C。该段将鱼和海豚进行对比,由该空后的When dolphins swim,they move their tails up and down.可知,设空处指“当鱼游动的时候,它们的尾巴左右摆动。”3解析:选A。由该段中的send out clicking sounds和use the sounds to tell where the object is located可知,海豚用声音找东西。4解析:选D。由该空前的They are so intelligent .throwing balls through nets and jumping through rings.可知,海豚甚至可以通过训练来用强大的尾巴在水上“行走”。5解析:选G。由该段中的dolphins ing to the rescue of swimmers who were drowning or being attacked by a shark可知,一位冲浪者被鲨鱼咬了两次后,很多海豚包围了受伤的冲浪者,把鲨鱼赶走,这样冲浪者就可以到达岸边。Part 2阅读完形组合准度练(建议用时40).阅读理解(共8小题;每小题2分,满分16分)A(xx济南市教学质量调研)Raised by a single mother in Hartford,Fred Wright struggled with behavioral problems and was forced to move from one school to another.He even reached a point where he felt like he had nothing to live for.“I was walking around with a lot on my shoulders,” he said.“I couldnt handle it.I didnt care about life anymore.”But all that started to change when Wright met Patricia Kelly.“I was seven when I met Mrs Kelly.I wasnt used to strictness.I wasnt used to hearing the wordno”, said Wright,now 17.Kelly,a former soldier and an equestrian (骑手),took Wright under her wing and helped him find hope in an unlikely placeon a horse.“Wright was like a round peg that everybody kept trying to squeeze into a square hole,” Kelly said.“He was hurting.He needed a place where he could express himself.The riding field became that place for him.”For the last 30 years,Kelly has helped children stay on the right track through her nonprofit,Ebony Horsewomen.The program offers horseback riding lessons and teaches animal science to more than 300 young people a year.By exposing those children to horsemanship,Kelly aims to give them an alternative to the streets and an opportunity to turn their lives around.“We use horses as a hook to create pride,esteem and healing,” said Kelly,66.“They learn that they have ability.They just have to unlock it.”“When you teach a child to ride a horse,they learn they are the center of their environment,” said Kelly.“Once they make that connection,they can change what happens in school,at home and in the munity.”1Why did Fred Wright have to move from one school to another?ABecause his mother couldnt afford the fees.BBecause his parents got divorced.CBecause he behaved badly at school.DBecause he didnt set a life goal.2How did Patricia Kelly help Fred Wright?AShe provided him with a home.BShe encouraged him to learn science.CShe exposed him to the riding field.DShe found him a better school.3What do we know about the program Ebony Horsewomen?AIt is intended to make money.BIt was founded by Patricia Kelly.CIt aims to protect the environment.DIt serves as a shelter for homeless kids.4What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?AHorse riding is helpful to the growth of kids.BPatricia Kelly is a very successful woman.CHorses are closely related to the environment.DIt is hard for a kid to learn to ride a horse.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Kelly的Ebony Horsewomen组织帮助那些表现不好的孩子成长的故事。1解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句中的“Fred Wright struggled.to move from one school to another”可知,Fred Wright因在学校表现不好才被迫从一所学校转到另一所学校。故选C。2解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第四段“Kelly,a former soldier .on a horse.”以及第五段最后一句中的“The riding field.”可知,Kelly教Wright骑马,让Wright在骑马的过程中重获对生活的希望。故选C。3解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第六段第一句“For the last 30 years,Kelly .”可知,在过去的30年里,Kelly已经通过她创办的非营利组织Ebony Horsewomen帮助孩子们走上了正确的轨道。故选B。4解析:选A。推理判断题。根据文章最后两段内容可知,Kelly建立的Ebony Horsewomen组织把马作为创造骄傲、自尊的方法和治疗的手段,让孩子们意识到他们有能力,只是需要被发掘出来。由此可推知,骑马对孩子们的成长有帮助。故选A。BFor the casual visitor,Teller Lake looks like a delightful fishbowl filled with thousands of beautiful goldfish floating around.However,to the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Department they are a group of invasive (入侵的) species that could end up disrupting the lakes entire ecosystem if not removed soon.The problem lies in the fact that these fish have no enemies.This allows them to reproduce in large numbers.In fact,park officials believe that the 3,000 to 4,000 specimens floating around are all the result of a few unwanted pet goldfish that were dumped into the lake.They estimate the incident occurred about three years ago.As this nonnative species grow in numbers,they pete with the existing fish for food sources.Given that there is only a limited supply of resources,this could result in the goldfish overpowering the native fish species.In the case of Teller Lake,the officials are particularly worried that the goldfish will move downstream and affect the population of some of the endangered native species that live there.Another major cause for concern is the diseases the goldfish may be bringing in.This could be fatal to the native species since they cant fight new illnesses.Fish are not the only unwanted pets that are thrown away.Florida has been fighting an invasion of Burmese pythons and green iguanas.But one of the worst cases recorded is that of the Red Lionfish.They are currently swimming their way to the Atlantic Oceans ecosystem all the way.According to experts,the best way to get rid of unwanted fish or any other animal is to get advice from the people that originally sold them the pet.However,saving one pet often results in destroying the areas ecosystem and hurting other innocent animals.5What can we learn about goldfish from Paragraph 1?AThey arent native to the Teller Lake.BThey attract thousands of visitors every year.CThey make Teller Lake much more beautiful.DThey are destroying the ecosystem in Colorado.6Why do goldfish in Teller Lake grow so rapidly?AThey have no enemies.BThey are unwanted pet.CThey are good at reproducing.DThey have enough food sources.7What are officials in Teller Lake worried about?ANative fish will affect the life of goldfish.BGoldfish may be poured into the Atlantic soon.CMore and more people will keep goldfish as pets.DGoldfish may bring new illnesses to the native fish.8How does the author feel when reporting about the goldfish?AAshamed.BCurious.CDelightful. DWorried.【语篇解读】美国的特勒湖出现了大量金鱼,这些外来物种会影响当地的生态环境。5解析:选A。推理判断题。根据第一段第二句中的they are a group of invasive(入侵的) species可知,这些金鱼是一种入侵物种,不是本地物种。6解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段前两句可知,这些金鱼发展迅速主要是因为它们没有天敌。7解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第三段最后三句可知,地方官员担心这些金鱼会向下游游动,影响那里的濒危物种。尤其担心这些外来金鱼会携带某些疾病。故D项正确。8解析:选D。推理判断题。根据文章最后一句内容可知,作者认为拯救一样宠物会影响当地的生态系统,影响其他的无辜物种,可见作者对这个问题充满“忧虑”。.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)(xx河北省高三三市第二次联考)Each week,I give my elderly neighbor a ride to the store when I am going.She keeps trying to 1 me for the ride,and I always 2 refusing.I tell her that it doesnt cost any more for her to 3 with me and it is 4 for me to do this.Last week,she brought a(n) 5 and said happily,“I have something for you and you must accept it.” I said,“If there is money in it,I dont want it.” But she 6 it on a stand.Later,I opened it to find a “thankyou” card with 7 in it.That night,I stopped at her house to give a plate of 8 fried chicken that I had.I took an envelope and put the $10 9 it along with a “ 10 ” card.When leaving,I left it 11 in her door.The next day,she paid a(n) 12 to my home to return my 13 She said,“Look,I know you put that letter in my door this morning,didnt you?” I had 14 forgotten about it,and I thought from the sincere 15 on my face,she believed me when I said that I hadnt put any letter in her door that morning.Actually,it was the night before, 16 I thought I wasnt lying.She went on to 17 the envelope and enclosed (装入) the “smile” 18 ,and told me how she was blessed with so many good things lately.I told her that I was so 19 for her,and that I hope she 20 to be so blessed.1A.cost BpayC


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