广州深圳新版牛津英语八年级上册 1-8 单元 综合试题.doc

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_八年级上英语综合试题1-8(广州深圳牛津版)八年级上英语综合试题(一)一. 单项选择1.There is_ cooking oil left in the bottle. Would you go to the supermarket and get _?A. a little, someB. a little, someC. little, anyD. little, some2.Listening is just as _ as speaking in language learningA. ImpotantB. More importantC. Most importantD. The most important3.We were glad to see that _ people worked as volunteers during the 2010 Asian Games in Guangzhou.A. Thousands ofB. Thousand ofC. ThousandsD. Eight thousands4.The air pollution in some areas is getting _ than beforeA. More worseB. Much worseC. More badD. Much bad5.Linda is one of _ in her class.A. The cleverest girlsB. The cleverer girlsC. Clever girlsD. Cleverest girl6.He_ Beijing twice.A. Has gone toB. Has been toC. Has been inD. Has gone7.How long _ you_ a League member?A. Have; joinedB. Have; beenC. Has, joinedD. Has ,been8.You _ late for school if you_ get up early tomorrow morning.A will be, wontB. Will be, dontC. Are, dontD. Are, wont9.We should try our best to keep our classroom _ every day.A. CleanB. CleaningC. To cleaningD. Cleaned10.You _ stand in the cold or you will feel frozen.A. Hadnt betterB. Had better notC. Not have betterD. Have better二.语法选择During the Tang Dynasty more than 1,000 years ago, people had to send gifts to the emperor(皇帝). Once, a man called Mian _1_ to take some swans(鹅) in cages to the emperor. _2_ he was passing a lake, he found that the swans were hot and dirty. He wanted to let the swans loose so they _3_ have a bath in the lake. _4_ the swans flew away as soon as they were let out. Only a few feathers(羽毛) were left. _5_ frightened the man was when he saw that. Suddenly, he got _6_ idea. He picked up a feather from the ground and left for the capital.The emperorwas accepting valuable gifts from officials. Everyone was surprised when Mian _7_ his feather. Mian then began to sing, “Ive come a thousand li _8_ you the gift. But I lost my swans at a lake. My gift is not_9_, but my love and respect for you are true.” The emperor was pleased at Mians wit(智慧). Instead _10_ punishing him, he gave him a big reward.People then drew the idiom(典故) “a swan feather sent from a thousand li away.”1. A. was askedB. asksC. were askedD. was asking2. A. BeforeB. AfterC. UntilD. When3. A. shouldB. mayC. needD. could4. A. AndB. SoC. ButD. Though5. A. WhatB. HowC. What aD. How an6. A. /B. anC. aD. the7. A. presentB. was presentedC. has presentedD. presented8. A. sendingB. sentC. to sendD. send9. A. heavierB. heaviestC. heavilyD. heavy10. A. ofB. inC. withD. to三.完形填空A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody _1_his own language by remembering what he _2_ when he is a small child. Some boys and girls who live _3_ with their parents seem to learn two languages almost as _4_ as one. In school it is not easy to learn _5_ language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other _6_subjects, too.A mans mind is rather _7_ a camera. It takes photos not only of what we see, but of what we feel, hear, smell and taste. _8_ we take a real photo with a camera, we have much to do before the photo is finished and ready to _9_ to our friends. In the same _10_ there is much work to be done before we can take a picture forever in our mind.1. A. learnsB. speaksC. talksD. says2. A. saysB. hearsC. seesD. thinks3. A. in big citiesB. in their schoolsC. in their hometownD. in foreign countries4. A. quicklyB. easilyC. happilyD. hardly5. A. a secondB. the secondC. our own languageD. the English6. A. homeworkB. subjectsC. houseworkD. friends7. A. sameB. asC. likeD. similar8. A. WhereB. HowC. WhyD. When9. A. showB. giveC. sendD. lend10. A. ideaB. wayC. timeD. opinion四.阅读理解You can probably all ride a bike well. Im an exception (例外).I started riding a bike when I was three. It was a tiny toy bike with four wheels. I loved it very much and rode it every day.When I was 5, my cousin gave me a pink bike. It was a true bicycle with just two wheels! At the time, my parents were too busy to teach me how to ride it. So I had to learn to ride by myself. I practiced hard on weekends and during vacations, although I still didnt know how to make turns.One summer vacation, I borrowed an old bike and rode it with my friends on a country road. We sang and practiced our riding skills. Suddenly, a small boy ran into the road. I was shocked and couldnt control the bike at all. My bike ran into the boy and he fell. He didnt get very seriously hurt, but his grandma was too angry to accept my apology. My cousin appeared five minutes later and saved me from the mess. But the experience frightened me: I no longer dared to ride a bike.Then, last year, free bikes were offered to children. My mother tried to teach me how to ride. But the traffic made me so nervous that I had to ride really slowly. But Im not going to give up. One day, believe me; youd see me riding a bike in a big street.1. What kind of bike did the writer have when he was five?A. An electric bicycle.B. A bicycle with two wheels.C. A bicycle with three wheels.D. A bicycle with four wheels.2. Who taught the writer to ride a bike when he was five?A. His fatherB. His motherC. His brotherD. No one.3. Who did the writer hit on the road?A. A small girl.B. A small boy.C. An old man.D. An old woman.4. Why did the writer say “I no longer dared to ride a bike”?A. Because his parents didnt allow him to ride a bike.B. Because he didnt have bikes any longer.C. Because he hit a small boy and was very frightened.D. Because he was afraid of that small boys grandma.5. What is the best title of the passage?A. My experience of riding bikes.B. The bike I love best.C. How to ride a bike.D. An accident.(B)It is the fifth day. Robinson Crusoe is all alone on a small island. He feels hopeless. He is tired and hungry. Now he can catch fish for food but he doesnt have a fishing rod ling enough. He sleeps in a cave but he also has some unfriendly visitors at night. Every day he stands on a rock by the sea. He can not see a boat or a sail. He can only feel the wind from the sea and the waves under his feet. How he misses his beautiful hometown! How he wishes to be away from this place! But he can not, just wait to die! Robinson Crusoe tells himself, “I have to do something!” the next day he starts a long walk around the small island.6. How long do you think Robinson will stay on the small island?A.Five daysB. More than 5 days.C.More than a monthD. Less than half a month7. What do you think “some unfriendly visitors” most likely means?A. some of the pirates (海盗)B. Some of his enemies ( 敌人 )C. Some of the natives ( 当地人)D. Some of the sea animals.8. Why does he feel hopeless?Because_A. he cant see any boats or anyone come to save (救) himB. he feels tiredC. he feels hungryD. he cant catch fish for food9. What does he wish to do when he stands on a rock by the sea?A. He wishes to wait for others to fish with him.B. He wishes to leave the island and return to his hometown.C. He wishes to drive (赶走) the unfriendly visitors at night.D. He wishes to play with others.10. What does he do the next day?A. He catches fish for food.B. He goes back to his hometown.C. He starts a long walk around the small island.D. He stands on a rock by the sea.(C)People say the lion is the “King of Animals”because we are very strong.So people watch us live in zoos behind bars or in parks when they drive in cars.But we are not happy there. We should live in grassy land in Africa. We live in families, too. In a lions family, there are usually about 12 members. We live and work together to get food and help the small ones. The mother lions usually get food for the baby lions . The father lions sleep most of the day.But you dont think we are lazy. We are listening and watching all the time.Now there are only a few thousand lions in the world. People are killing us.11. How many members are there in the lion families?A.TenB. ElevenC. NineD. About twelve12. How do the lion families live?B. They live each alone( 独立 )C. All of the members of a family live together.D. They live on grass (以为主食 )E. D. They live on fish.13. Who get food for the baby lions?B. Father lionsB. Grown-up lions.C. Young lionsD. Mother lions14. Why are there only a few thousand lions in the world?Because _A. they kill their baby lionsB. people have killed many of the lionsC. they dont want to feed too many baby lionsD. many of them die from illness (死于疾病)15. People say the lion is the “King of Animals” because_A. they are very small.B. they are very big.C. they are very weak.D. they are very strong.(D)Harry Peter taught science at a high school. Once he went to a bookshop and bought some books. All of them were expensive ones. He left them in his car in a quiet street. Then he went to buy some fruits in the market. At six oclock he came back to his car. He was surprised to find one of the windows was open, and the books were gone. Harry drove back to his home in Lake Street. That night he wrote a letter to a newspaper. The next day he went to the police.On Friday people read an advertisement(广告) in the newspaper:Books wantedHave you any books that you no longer want? I buy old and modern books. Open all day on Saturdays. Harry Peter,18 Lake Street.Harry stayed at home on Saturday. His first visitor came at nine oclock. Harry took him to the kitchen(厨房). He was sure that another man was coming. At ten oclock, the second man arrived. He had a bag under his arm.“Mr Peter?” The man asked.“Thats right,” Harry said, “Can I help you?”“I have some books. You buy books, dont you?”“Yes. Bring them in. Ill have a look at them.”Soon the books were on the table. “Come in now,” Harry called out, “And bring the list(目录).A policeman came in. He read the titles(书名) on the books, and then those on the list on his hands. They were the same. “Come with me, sir,” the policeman said to the man.16. Harry Peter is a _ .A. studentB. teacherC. thiefD. policeman17. One day, Harry bought _ .A. some booksB. some pensC. some fruitsD. both A and C18. The man got the books from _ .A. HarryB. Harrys carC. a book storeD. a library in a quiet street19. Who was the first visitor?A. A thiefB. A newspaper reporter.C. A policemanD. A seller from the bookshop.20. How did the thiefknow where Harry lived?A. He got Harrys address from the newspaper.B. He got Hattys address from the books.C. The policeman told him.D. He got a letter from Harry.五.写作(共三节,满分25分)第一节 单词填空.( 每空一个单词,每空1分,共5分.)1. He was very tired. H_, he went on working.2. Madame Curie(居里夫人) was the only famous woman s_ in the world.3. At the age of five, he w_ the first prize in a piano competition.4. Xiao Ming is very clever, he has the a_ to work out all the problems.5. P_ he is right, but Im not very sure.第二节 完成句子 根据汉语完成句子 (共5小题, 每小题2分,满分10分)1. 安娜最终发现那个老人是个杀手.Anna finally _that the old man was a killer.2. 这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。This film_ that one.3. 过去,爷爷常去河边钓鱼。My grandpa _ go fishing by the river.4. 汤姆在暑假期间去了农村的祖父母家.Tom visited his grandparents _ _ _ during his summer vacation.5.在大学里, 他学会了做很多事情。He _ _ _ lots of things in the university.八年级上英语综合试题(二)一单项选择1. -Would you like _ more soup?-Just _, please.A. any, littleB. some, a littleC. any, a fewD some, few2. Is there _ on todays newspaper?A. something interestingB. interesting somethingC. anything interestingD. interesting anything3. _people lost their life because of the earthquake.A. 500 hundredsB. 500 hundred ofC. 500 hundreds ofD. 500 hundred4. Today is Toms _birthday. So he looks very happy.A. twelveB. twelvethC. twelfthD.the twelfth5. Beijing is one of _ in China.A. most beautiful citiesB. much beautiful citiesC. more beautiful citiesD. the most beautiful cities6. Kelly prefers Chinese to history. She thinks Chinese is much _.A. more usefulB. usefulC. the most usefulD. most useful7. The Whites throw away as _ the Blacks.A. many paper asB. much paper asC. many as paperD. much as paper8. My sister can play the piano as_ as me.A.goodB. wellC. bestD. better9. Zhao Lan _already_in this school for two years . was ; studying. will ; study. has ; studied. are ; studying10. Have you met Mr Li _?.just.ago. yet.a moment ago二语法选择People use different ways to communicate. We communicate with each other not only through_1_ but through body language. Because body language is so_2_,youll have to know what yours is saying and what other peoples is saying. Here are some_3_ of body language and its meaning in North America If you drop down heavily and your head is down, this could_4_ that you are sad or not happy. If you sit with a smiling face and look_5_.you are expressing friendliness. A smile is a way of expressing friendliness and interest. But people_6_ smile just to be polite. Friendliness and interest are expressed when a persons eyes_7_ yours especially when youre the one whos talking. A person who doesnt_8_ you is expressing that he is not interested or is shy. Hand gestures can mean a person is interested in the conversation.But_9_ movements, like hitting a pencil lightly against something again and again, often mean the person is nervous or not patient._10_ someone who point at you while talking with you-that person might be angry at you or feel better than you.1.A.actions B. gestures C. words D. smiles2.A.importantB. difficultC. easyD. funny3.A.suggestionsB. examplesC answersD. problems4.A.meanB. knowC. findD. Guess5.A.worriedB. surpriseC. disturbedD. Relaxed6.A.sometimesB. neverC. hardlyD. Seldom7.A.seeB. avoidC. meetD. watch8.A.believeB. care aboutC. laugh atD. look at9.A.excitedB. repeatedC. crazyD. strange10.A.Look forward toB. Stand close toC. Stay away fromD. Get along with三完形填空Stuart and Steve were twin brothers. Stuart loved to play basketball. But Steve loved to read books.One day Stuart was playing basketball1he fell and broke his leg. When they took him to the hospital, the doctor said he wouldnt be able to play for six months. Steve went2him and brought him books on basketball. At first Stuart wasnt going to read them. Then he began to read them and3that there were ways he could play basketball better. He began to think that books werent that4.When Stuarts leg started getting better, Steve would help him by going for walks with him.5Stuarts doctor said he could start playing basketball again. Then Stuart showed Steve how to toss (投) for baskets. Steve found that he enjoyed it.Then Stuart was ready to6the basketball games. Steve went to games and enjoyed himself. They then7practiced basketball and read books together.So you can see, when8happens, something good may also happen. Steve showed Stuart about books and Stuart showed Steve about basketball. So you can also9showing others something that you like to do and they can show you something that they like to do.10you can find new things to do.()1. A. untilB. whenC. afterD. where()2. A. on seeingB. to callC. to visitD. to look()3. A. sawB. lookedC. readD. found()4. A. goodB. badC. betterD. worse()5. A. ButB. HoweverC. FinallyD. So()6. A. take partB. winC. loseD. join in()7. A. alwaysB. neverC. seldomD. much()8. A. anything goodB. something niceC. something badD. anything wrong()9. A. tryB. practiceC. enjoyD. like()10. A. On the wayB. By the wayC. All the wayD. In this way四阅读理解AThere was once a big, fat woman. She had a small, thin husband.Hehadajobin abigfactoryand got his weekly wages (工厂 )every Friday evening.Assoon as he got home on Fridays,his wife would make him give her all his money, andthen she gave him back only enough money to buyhislunchin the office every day.Oneday the small man came home very excited. He hurried into the living room. His wife was listening to the radio and eating chocolates there.“Youwillneverguesswhathappenedto me today,dear, ”hesaid. Hewaitedforafew secondsand then said, “Iwontenthousand pounds on the lottery (彩票).”“Thats wonderful!” said his wife happily. But then she thoughtforafew secondsandsaidangrily,“Wait a minute! How could you afford (负担得起) to buy the lottery ticket?”1.How was the woman ?A. Thin and tall.B. Big and fat .C.Bigand pretty.D. Smalland thin2.How often did the man get his payment?A.Once a week .B. Once a month .C. Once a year.D. Every day.3. The woman was angry because_.A . She thought her husband didnt give all his wages to herB. Shethought she wasnt luckyC. Herhusband lost moneyD. Herhusband was foolish4.Where did the man work ?A. In a school.B. In a factory.C . In a market.D. In a bank.5. Which of the following is true according to thepassage?A. The wife only gave her husband money for supper.B. The husband won 10,000 pounds on the lottery.C. The husband didnt have money to buy the lottery ticket .D. The wife was very kind to her husband.BAt the Barbers Shop(理发店)Jack went to a barbers shop and had his hair cut, but when he came out,he was not happy with the result(结果). When his friend Bob saw him, helaughed and said, What has happened


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