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第九届初中生科普英语竞赛辅导材料1 An Animal that Sees with Its Earsecholocationeku lukein n. 回声定位能力, 回声定位法eyesight asat n. 视力object bdikt n. 物体宾语从句 Scientists now know that bats see by using what we call echolocation.表语从句 Here is how it works.It is + adj. + for sb. to do sth. It is almost impossible to trick them.use their eyesight to hunt for foodcertain bats: some batsmake a soundsend out sound wavesa fraction of a sound later: in a short timenot onlybuteven though: even if 即使without any troublemore importantlycatch it in mid-airtell v. 判断something good to e2Fish with flashlights?现在完成时 have+过去分词 Have you ever heard of a fish with flashlight?现在完成进行时 Have you ever been sitting at home when the electricity went off?现在分词doing,具有形容词或副词的特点,可以做定语、状语、补语、表语。如: There is a man standing there.(后置定语) Being ill today, I wont come.(原因状语)I see him standing there. (补语) He is speaking. (表语)(注意它和动名词做表语的区别,记住动名词是个名词性成分)the 比较级+the 比较级 越就越.The darker the surroundings, the brighter the glow appears to be.定语从句These bacteria produce certain chemicals that give off a faint glow.Some of these fish have special shutters over the pouches in which these bacteria live.Other scientists think that the fish use these flashlights to attract smaller fish which they eat as food.There may be other reasons for this special flashlight that we have not yet discovered.Key structures and Phrases被动语态 be+过去分词 Sometimes the fish do not want to be seen, so they simply close these shutters.This keeps the glow from being seen.(the electricity) go off :go out / have a black outgive off lightpretty scary: very scarysearch for: look forasasto a depth of 到达的深度once 一旦pitch-black adj.漆黑的, 墨黑的have the ability to = be able tokeep from doing sth. =stop from doing sth.at other times = on other occasionsallow sb. to do sth.a colony of thousands of bacteria 聚集着成千上万的细菌give off a faint glow= give off faint light3 Penguins- perfect parentssurvive svaiv v. 生存,生还amazing meizi 惊人的,惊奇的形容词最高级 the most amazing animalsone of the coldest places on Earth虚拟语气 If their eggs were left on the ice, they would freeze solid!被动语态 be left定语从句 They return to the icy shore where the mother lays one very large egg.make their home in the Antarctic 在南极安家not onlybut also =not only but. as wellsurvive the bitter cold 在严寒的环境中生存make perfect parents=be perfect parentsspend(in) doing sth.at the start of winternothing but= onlya fold of feathered skinroll ontostay behindbe full offeed withcare for = take care of = look aftergo back to the seatake turns doing sth.轮流, 依次做某事one parent, the other. 一个,另一个联系动词-stay+形容词 stay gone表示状态和状态的持续,如: be(是), seem(似乎), look(看起来), appear(似乎), feel(觉得), sound(听起来), smell(闻起来), taste(尝起来), keep(保持), remain(保持), stand(站立), lie(躺), stay(停留)等。表示从一种状态转变为另一种状态,如:become(变成), go(变得), get(变得), turn(变成), grow(变成), fall(变成某种状态), come(成为), run(变成)等。4 What?! A meat- eating plant?!herbivorous h:bivrs a. 食草性的carnivorous k:nivrs a. 食肉性的the pitcher plant pit 猪笼草sundew sn,du: n. 毛膏菜be composed of kmpuzd 由.组成slippery slipri a. 滑的rim rim n. (尤指圆形物的)边缘preventfrom doing sth. 防止做某事nectar nekt n. 花蜜projection prdekn n. 突起,突状物suffocate sfkeit v. 使窒息fearfully fifli adv. 可怕地定语从句Those that eat plants; and those that eat meat.People in Asia could tell you about the pitcher plant, which is shaded with bright red color and produces a honey-like juice that attracts insects.The fluid then suffocate the insect, which gradually is digested by the plant.divide into 把分成believe it or not 信不信由你,不管你是否相信for example:for instance 例如tell sb. about sth.is shaded with 掩映在.之中(被动语态)be composed of 由.构成extremely slippery=very slipperylean over 弯下身子,俯身于之上lose ones footing 失足at the bottom of 在.的底部drown the insect 将昆虫淹死 draundigest. as food for the plant 将它作为植物的美食消化掉secrete a sticky substance sikri:t 分泌一种粘稠的物质preventfrom doing sth. 防止做某事struggle to free itself 挣扎着想飞走adapt to 适应5 Light night, dark starshaze heiz n. 薄雾artificial ,:tifil adj. 人造的surround sraund vt. 包围, 环境be surrounded by 被.环绕invisible invizbl adj. 看不见的, 无形的disorient dis:rint vt. 使失去方向感, 使迷惑efficient Ifint adj. (直接)生效的, 有效率的, 能干的energy-efficient a. 节能的shielding i:ldi n. 护罩blind n.(pl.) 百叶窗,窗帘internal a. 内在的,内部的形容词、副词比较级more wisely and with less wasteeven worse/ far more difficulton a clear night 在一个晴朗的晚上block the view 挡住视线see. from afar 从远处看witness light pollution 见识光污染be made up of 由.组成makeeven worse 使. 更严重this haze of light 这团光雾make it far more difficult for sb. to do sth. it 为形式宾语depend on 依靠,依赖guide them into the water 指路回到水中end up doing sth. 以结束Key structures and Phraseshead towardby mistake 错误地朝着走lit-up parking lots 灯火通明的停车场It is estimated that 据估计preventfrom doing sth.in use 使用中encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事motion-sensor lights 感应灯energy-efficient light bulbs 节能灯泡shine skyward 向天空照可修饰比较级的词1)a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even等2)还可以用表示倍数的词或度量名词作修饰语3)以上词(除by far)外,必须置于比较级形容词或副词的前面6 Dont eat that sandwich!contaminate kntmineit v. 弄脏,污染bacteria bktiri n. 细菌vomit vmit v.呕吐diarrhea ,dairi n. 痢疾,腹泻organism :nizm n. 有机体,有机组织symptom simptm n. 症状Salmonella slmnel n. 沙门氏菌thoroughly rli ad. 彻底地,完全地attach to tt 附在.上in the rush to do sth.急匆匆地做某事throw it away 扔掉follow a rule 遵循规则single celled organisms 单细胞有机体cause illnesses: cause diseasescommon symptoms 常见的症状food borne bacteria食物上滋生的细菌 (bear- bore- born/borne)make people sickearlier this year 今年年初attach to 附在上according to 根据,据说carry out a series of experiments 开展一系列实验it takes sb. some time to do sth.toss it out 把它丢弃, 扔掉be careful (not) to do sth. 当心(别)做某事at the manufacturing plant 在生产厂家 mnjufktbe found in raw eggs and chicken 被动语态raw- cooked 反义词cook thoroughly 烧熟 tip n. 提示, 技巧动名词-动词原形+ing构成,具有名词,动词一些特征Being a good housekeeper is a second tip for preventing infection.动名词:动名词在形式上和现在分词相同,然而现在分词具有形容词或副词的特点;而动名词具有名词的特点,在句子中可作主语、表语、宾语或介词的宾语。e.g.Working with you is a pleasure. 和你一起工作是一种乐趣。 (主语)Seeing is believing.眼见为实。(主语)Another goal was ending the chaos in the country. 另一个目标是结束国家的混乱状态。(表语)My job is teaching.我的工作是教学。(表语)Her shoes wants mending. 她的鞋该修理了。(宾语)I have finished writing this book.我已经写完这本书了。 (宾语)She left without saying good-bye to us.她没有向我们告别就走了。(介词宾语)My brother is fond of skating. 我弟弟喜欢滑冰(介词宾语)Thank you for giving me some help. 谢谢你给我些帮助。 (介词宾语)Being a good housekeeper is a second tip for preventing infection.7. A different way to wake upassignment sainmnt n. 作业halogen hldn n. 卤素cured kjud a. 腌制的clang kl v. 发出当当声strip strip n. 条preserved priz:vd a. 保鲜的spoil spil v. 坏掉nostril nstril n. 鼻孔beep bi:p n. 喇叭work on a degree in art and technology 攻读艺术与技术学位in electronic class 在电子班create something for the household 开发一个家居用品an alarm clock 闹铃deal withwake up to 被.叫醒instead of 替代clanging 发出当当声的rather than 而不是There is no danger of burning 不会有失火的危险use for doing sth. = use to do sth. 用来做某事turn off automatically 自动熄灭(关闭)a couple of(= several) frozen strip 几条速冻的肉the night before 前一天晚上spoil v. 坏掉,腐坏set the alarm for 把闹钟设在(几点)under the halogen bulbsblow the scent out 把香味吹出smell yourself awake 烤肉的香味把自己叫醒on the side 边上的被动语态 be+过去分词Just a few easy steps are required to set the alarm.8. Europe tops the world charts for quality of lifetop n.盖,加以顶,高达,超越chart 图表,这里指排行榜quality of life 生活质量showas显示为tie n.(投票等的)同数,(比赛时)同分,平局;v. 不分胜负tying tie的ing形式criteria kraitirin.标准key criteria 关键的(主要的)评选标准be lacking in “缺乏”magnify mgnifai v.放大,扩大scrape skreip v.刮擦,摩擦,“触地”stakes n.木桩,“方面”knock into把打入、击入dominate dmineit v. 支配, 占优势rank rk n. 排名 v. 排列,归类于,列于annual njul a. 每年的;全年的consultancy knsltnsi n. 顾问retain ritein vt. 保持, 保留distinction distinkn n. 声望Brazzaville brzvil 布拉柴维尔Congo kngu 刚果in which to live用来修饰先行词cityZurich zurik n. 苏黎世Vancouver vnku:v 温哥华(加拿大一港市)Vienna vienn. 维也纳(奥地利首都)be used to 被用于desirability di,zairbilti n.愿望, 需求v. desire 渴望 -able 形容词后缀 -ability 能力natural and socio-cutural environment siu 自然人文环境recreation rekriei()n 娱乐,消遣equal with 与.相等,与.并列senior researcher si:nj 高级研究员basic comforts of life 基本的生活舒适度hygiene haidi:n n. 卫生personal safety 个人安全differentiators difrni,eit 差距developing countries 发展中国家developed countries 发达国家instability n.不稳定性stable a. 稳定的-stability n.稳定性- instabilityround out 充实,还有,丰满in the environmental stakes 在环境方面pollution-choked 城市污染严重的 choke窒息Frankfurt frnkft 法兰克福Helsinki helsiki 赫尔辛基Auckland :klnd 奥克兰Copenhagen ,kupnheign 哥本哈根Ouagadougou wa:gdu:gu:瓦加杜古Burkina Faso b:kin fsu布基纳法索(非洲国家)Baghdad bgdd巴格达Calgary klgri 卡尔加里Mexico City meksiku 墨西哥被动语态 be+过去分词 was used as/ were used to/ is magnified by现在完成时have/has+过去分词 Though the worlds living standards have risen slightly since last year, rise- rose risen 上升用于现在完成时的词:already, yet, ever, never, before, just, lately, up to now, up till now, now, so far, for+一段时间, since+时间点, three times.9. Skip the milk chocolate, dark is better for youskip 跳过bonbon bnbn 糖果be better off (doing sth.) 最好做某事,做某事很明智protect against 使免受interfere with 妨碍,干扰dietary daitri a. 饮食上的 diet n.饮食flavonoid fleivnid 类黄酮degenerative disease n.变性疾病,变异疾病 didenrtivbe good for -be better forif, mightfavor vt.支持, 赞成, 喜欢 favorite a.喜爱的favorover喜欢胜过variety n.品种,种类 a variety of 各种各样的 varied a. 各式各样的be better off switching 最好还是改变一下antioxidant ntiksidnt抗氧化剂, 硬化防止剂 anti- 反,抗 oxid- 氧气,氧化oxygen 氧气 carbon-dioxide 二氧化碳 carbon monoxide 一氧化碳raise +n. vt 及物动词,后接名词 n.上升, 高地,rise vi. 不及物动词,后不接名词 n. 上升, 增加protect against 使免受heart disease 心脏疾病along with 伴着interfere with 妨碍,干扰 ,intfiabsorption n.吸收 absorb v.scientific journal Nature 科学杂志自然100 grams of 100克blood analysis nlisis 血液分析epicatechin epiktitin 表儿茶酸associate suieit n. 同事,助手in contrast 相反,对比 a- moreover= in addition 此外(in the) bloodstream 血流highlight the possibility 增加了可能性highlight v.使显著 possible-possibilitytake into account 重视,考虑dietary habits 饮食习惯assess v. 评估 assessment n.被动语态 be+过去分词 is/ was eaten/was seen形容词比较级 is better for be better off doing sth. much lower thangood- better best much more- most many- more-most10. Lots of fruit in childhood cuts adult cancer riskcuts adult cancer risk 成年少生癌症the more. the more越越.have an effect on 对.有影响fill in 填写(表格)inventory invntri n.清单be less likely to 可能性较小suffer from 患(某种病); 受(某种病痛)折磨cancer kns 癌症the more.the less likely越多,的可能性就越小lung, bowel and breast cancer baul 肠 brest 乳房 肺癌,肠癌,乳腺癌childhood fruit consumption knsmpn 孩提时代水果的食用量 (consume v.消耗,消费)have an effect on 对有影响in adulthood 在成年以后Medical Research Council 医学研究会look into 浏览,调查in rural and urban areas rurl 农村的 :bn 城市的up to 直到,多达diagnose the case of cancer诊断患癌症病例in addition to 除了fewer= make fewer 减少be associated with 与有关,与有关系 suieit be loaded with 富含 lud装载, 装载量,负荷vitamin vitmin 维他命nutrient nju:trint 营养物,营养品genetic damage dinetik 遗传学 遗传损伤;遗传性损伤lead to 导致the development of cancer 癌变impact impkt n. 影响, 作用the impact on 在.方面的影响beta carotene bi:tkrti:n 胡萝卜素evidence evidns 证据; 迹象individual ,ndividjul adj. 个别的, 单独的, 个人的as protective as 和一样有效prtektiv adj. 保护的, 防护的过去完成时 had+过去分词 had eaten/ had been diagnosed11. Internet may cause depressionappear to= seem to 似乎,好像log on lg 上网be contrary to 与.相反 kntrriaccount for 解释per se p:sei ad.本身,就其本身而论in terms of 和.相关decline diklainn. 下降, 减少, 衰退in psychological well-being 心理健康 ,saikldikl adj. 心理的; 精神的well-being n. 健康,康乐,安宁according to 根据depression dipren n. 忧伤, 消沉, 沮丧loneliness lunliniz n. 孤独lonely a. lonelinessalone 单独的less frequently频率较低 fri:kwntli adv. 常常,频繁地,经常地two-year study 复合形容词spend time on sth.it is not.but. 不是,而是actually ktuli adv. 实际上, 确实puzzle over 对.困惑不解be contrary to 与相反expectation ekspektein n. 预料; 期望expect ikspekt v.预料,预期socially suli adv.从社交角度上healthy- healthier (than)since= becauseavailable veilbl adj. 可用的或可得到的hypothesize haipisaizv.假设,假定,猜测faceless 见不到面的bodiless 看不见人的(body)virtual communicationv:tjul adj. 实质上的, 事实上的, 实际上的k,mju:nikein n. 交流, 交际, 通讯psychologically satisfying 心理满足actual conversation 现实的沟通shallow- shallower 更浅exposure to 暴露 ikspuexpose v. exposure n.via= through 通过be satisfied with 对感到满意psychology n.心理学-psychological a. - psychologically adv. - psychologist n. 心理学家sponsor spns发起人point to 指向application ,plikein 实际应用12. What is color blindness?tease sb. about sth. ti:z 嘲笑某人have trouble doing sth. 做某事有困难tricky triki a. 棘手的trick vt. 哄骗; 欺骗normal n:ml正常的respond to 对作出反应inherited trait inheritid遗传特征far more likely to do sth. 更容易,更可能at least 至少lend him a hand =give him some helphad better do sth. 最好做某事13. 2009s eclipse iklipssolar eclipse就是自然奇观“日食”。Solar源于希腊语,指“of,relating to,or proceeding from the sun”(和太阳有关的或从太阳发出的),其相关的表达如:solar calendar(阳历),solar cooker(太阳灶),solar heating system(太阳能加热系统)。 eclipse,由于它指代“天体的部分或全部受其它天体的遮掩而变得晦暗”,我们可以将其引申为“使黯然失色”,用在英语写作或口语表达上会您增色不少。 “日全食”-total solar eclipse “日偏食”-partial solar eclipse月食:lunar eclipse; eclipse of the moon; moons eclipsebe into.对.感兴趣spectacular spektkjul 壮观,场面浩大charter t:t 包租,承租humidity hju:miditi 空气湿度,潮湿 humid a. 潮湿的sky-gazers 观天象者,天文爱好者gaze v.凝视-gazer n.凝视者eternity It:niti永恒eternal a. 永恒的junkie n.对入迷/上瘾的人 dkia total solar eclipse 日全食book a trip= reserve a tripsell out 卖完as soon as 一就on average 平均被动语态 are announced 被宣布 are created equal 被平等地创造 dark a. -darken v. 使变暗make a huge difference有很大关系take place= occur= happenfrequent a. 时常发生的,常见的humidity n. 空气湿度,潮湿make for 致使relatively adv. 相对地easy-to-reach 交通便利的predicted length 预计的长度long a.- length n.even longer even+比较级get out to sea 出海Iwo Jima 硫磺岛 i:wu di:m14. Why do people shrink?shrink rik v. 缩gravity rviti n. 重力cushion kun n. 垫子spine spain n.脊柱press v. 挤压osteoporosis,stiup:rusis n.骨质疏松症replace v. 代替 recover v. 恢复become tiny enough become+ adj. 联系动词+形容词又如: become smaller and weaker stay strong形容词+enough enough+名词it is +adj+for sb. to do sth.a little shorter a little +形容词比较级over time 随着时间的流逝over years 年复一年at all 根本 take hold 控制get compressed= be compressedend up doing sth.以结束lose a little height 使人变矮high a. - height n. 高度break down 衰弱下来is said to be lost 据说 被流失its not being replaced 现在进行时的被动语态eat a well-balanced diet 均衡地饮食rich in 富含bone-building mineral calcium 强骨矿物钙质 klsim 钙exercise regularly 有规律地运动not as tall as 不如高15. Benjamin Franklin and the discovery of electricityknow more about it 对他多一些了解pass through metal 穿过金属base 根部brass a-a:thundercloud ndklaud 雷雨云pick up electrical charges 获得电荷wet-wet/wetted- wet/wettedcautiously k:sli 谨慎地reach out his finger 伸出他的手指a series of sparks 一串火花thus 因此might+现在完成时 表示对过去发生的事进行猜测 如:might have been killeda bolt of lightning 一道闪电figure out a way 找到一个解决办法16. Einsteins theory of relativitytheory of relativity 相对论 iri reltivtibe famous for 以而闻名mass ms 质量unchangeable 一成不变be relative to 与.相对in my point of view 就我的角度来看different points of view 不同角度from your point of view 从你的角度construct a theory构建一个理论apply to 应用到the world of physics 物理世界make advancement 取得进步it is +adj+ for sb.+ to do sth.remain the same 保持不变elevator =lift 直达电梯crash at the bottom 摔至底部it seems that 似乎depend on 取决于You wont feel like youre being pulled on anymore than gravity usually does.你不会感觉到向下的拉力,正如你平时也不会感受到重力一样。 feel like / sound like / taste like / smell like / look likeIfwere, it would .虚拟语气are being pulled 正在被拽着使用被动语态应注意什么被动语态的不同时态被动语态由“be+过去分词”,其中be根据情况可使用各种不同时态。这句口诀是“被动语态必有be done,时态在be上体现” ,也就是说只在“be动词上做文章,过去分词不动!”初中阶段要掌握六个时态的被动语态和情态动词的被动语态一般过去时的被动语态:was/were done过去进行时的被动语态:was/were being done现在完成时的被动语态:has/have been done一般现在时的被动语态:am/is/are done现在进行时的被动语态:am/is/are being done一般将来时的被动语态:will be done;am/is/are going to be done否定句和疑问句都在助动词be后加not,疑问句把助动词be提前情态动词的被动语态:can/may/must/could/should be done否定句和疑问句都在情态动词后加not,疑问句把情态动词提前哪些动词无被动语态:不及物动词没有被动语态。因为不及物动词没有宾语,所以若将其用于被动语态则没有主语,故不能用于被动语态。如:take place(发生),happen(发生),break out(爆发),appear(出现),disappear(消失),last(持续),spread等:17. Animals compassescompass kmps n. 罗盘,指南针navigate nvieit v. 导航,航行 navigation n.magnetic mnetik a. 磁性nectar nekt n. 花蜜hive haiv n. 蜂箱,蜂房migrate maireit v. 迁徙migrating animals 迁徙的动物a variety of 各种各样的vary vri v. 呈现不同various vris adj.各种不同的, 各种各样的-variety vraiti n. 品种, 种类inner compasses 体内的指南针steer =navigate sti 掌舵,驾驶the position of the Sun 太阳的位置switch to 转向the homing pigeon 信鸽homing (鸟、动物)有返回原地能力的the Earths magnetic fields 地球的磁场indication ,ndikein n.迹象mollusk mlsk n. 软体动物make use of 利用otherwise 否则complicated kmplikeitid复杂的naturalist ntrlst n. 博物学家bee scout skaut 侦查员in relation to 与.有关gather the food 采集食物may have changed 可能已经改变了somewhat 有点,稍微In later trips during the day, the Sun will seem to move farther and farther toward the west.出发地越迟,太阳就越偏西。 far fartherfarthest far further- furthestchange their course correspondingly 相应地改变前进的方向course k:s n. 课程,进程, 过程,航向, 航线,一道菜correspondingly ,krispndiliadv.相对地,比照地,相应地18. Colour and lifeoptimist ptimist n. 乐观主义者-optimistic a. 乐观的- optimismptimizm n. 乐观主义; 乐观pessimist n. 悲观主义者-pessimistic a. pessimism depressing a.令人沮丧的-depressed a.感到沮丧的depression n.沮丧,忧伤suicide sjuisaid n 自杀excitement n. 兴奋,激动(的事)exciteexcitedexcitingwould rather than宁愿而不是tend to do sth.倾向做某事at least 至少what psychologist tell us 做be动词的表语have been seriously studying 一直在认认真真地研究 现在完成进行时the meaning of colour preference 色彩偏爱的意义prefrnsas well as 也have effect on 在的影响 Ifektinfluence our moods 影响我们的情绪influns v.n.影响 mu:d n.心情,情绪doubt daut n. 怀疑cheerful 欢乐的,高兴的relaxed 轻松的,自在的on the other hand 在另一个方面used to be 过去常常scene si:n 现场,地点any other +名词单数 any other bridge any other student any other boypaint-repaint be repainted 被动语态suicide attempt 自杀的企图sharply adv. 急剧地


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