高考一轮复习学案人教版选修七《Unit 4 Sharing》

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111 必修 Unit 4.单词拼写1He soon _ (调整;使适应) himself to army life.答案:adjusted2Clothes and blankets have been _ (分发) among the refugees.答案:distributed3Do you know how to _ (操作) the heating system?答案:operate4Last year he _ (捐赠)$1,000 to cancer research.答案:donated5To make sure of the _ (安全),more money should be distributed to the police station.答案:security6Could you tell me how I can _ (购买) health insurance?答案:purchase7Study harder from now on,_ (否则),youll fall behind.答案:otherwise8He needs a high _ (收入) to support such a large family.答案:income9Our members have the _ (特权) of using the lending service of the library答案:privilege10He is an wellknown expert in _ (金融)答案:finance.完成句子1Jerry _ _ _ be a lawyer.杰瑞渴望成为一名律师。答案:is dying to2The writers long separation from society _ _ his imagination.这位作家长期与社会脱节使他的想象力枯竭了。答案:dried up3A very good idea _ _ his mind.他的脑海里出现一个好主意。答案:came across4I rang you several times,but couldnt _ _.我多次给你打过电话,但就是接不通。答案:get through5You look tired and are _ _ _ _ rest.你看起来累了,非常需要休息。答案:in great need of.单项选择1(2012宁波模拟)At the library,I _ a very useful English grammar book.Acame acrossBcame aboutCcame after Dcame at解析:在图书馆里我偶然碰到一本有用的语法书。come across“偶然碰到”;come about“发生”;come after“追赶”;come at“朝袭击”。答案:A2Professionals cant _ the competition.Aparticipate in BjoinCattend to Dplay解析:句意:职业选手不得参加这次比赛。participate in“参加”;join“加入某个组织或团体”;attend to“照料,照顾”。答案:A3Education should not be considered to be a _ in the modern society for everyone has the right to do so.Aprivilege BpowerCusage Didentity解析:句意:在现代社会中,不应该把受教育看成一种特权,因为每一个人都有权力接受教育。privilege“特权,特别优待”;power“能力,力量,权力”;usage“使用,用法”;identity“本身,本体,身份”。由题意可知A项正确。答案:A4(2012宜昌模拟)Must I turn off the gas after cooking?Of course!You can never be _ careful with that.Aenough BtooCso Dvery解析:can never be too.和can never be.enough都意为:“再也不为过”,如果选择A,enough应该置于careful之后。答案:B5The secretary should have all the _ documents ready before the meeting begins.Aconnected BfurtherCseparated Drelevant解析:考查形容词辨析。开会前准备好文件,应该为与会议相关的文件,relevant documents“相关的文件”。A项意为“连接”;B项意为“进一步的”;C项意为“分开的,分别的”。答案:D6He never doubted _ they would succeed.Aif BwhetherCthat Dwhich解析:句意:他从不怀疑他会成功;doubt用于否定句和疑问句中后面用that引导从句。答案:C7(2012台州模拟)The sooner we students _ to the new school,the better it will be _ our studies.Aadapt;for Badjust;toCadopt;for Dadmit;to解析:句意:我们学生对于新学校适应得越快,对于我们的学习越好。答案:A8A much better way must be found to achieve an equal _ of the resources.Adistribution BcontributionCcatalogue Dseparation解析:distribution“分配”;contribution“贡献”;catalogue“目录”;separation“分开,分割线”。根据句中的“资源”和“公平的”判断,此处应该为“分配”。答案:A9(2012聊城模拟)My computer is _ in need of repair because it doesnt work at all.Awell BveryCbadly Drather解析:句意为:我的电脑急需修理,因为它坏了。be in need of“需要”,badly为副词,意为“非常”。答案:C10To tell you the truth,I am _ go abroad to live.Aleading to Baccustomed toCaddicted to Ddying to解析:句意为:实话告诉你,我极想去国外生活。be dying to do sth.极想、渴望做某事。答案:D11(2012滨州模拟)Its freezing cold outside.Put your coat on,_ youll get a cold.Atherefore BhoweverCotherwise Dyet解析:考查副词辨析。句意为:外面很冷。穿上外套,否则你会感冒的。therefore“因此”;however“然而”;otherwise“否则”;yet“但是”。 答案:C12(2012珠海模拟)As a result of the continuous heavy rain,many local people are greatly _ help now.Ain need of Bin honor ofCin case of Din praise of解析:句意:由于连续的大雨,现在很多当地人急需帮助。in need of需要。答案:A13A sports meet took place _ in the small town,which people from all over the town attended.Asome day Bto this dayCday after day Dthe other day解析:句意:不久前的一天,小镇举行了一场运动会,全镇的人都参加了。the other day“不久前的一天”,常和一般过去时态连用。to this day“直到如今”,常和现在完成时态连用;day after day“日复一日”,常和一般现在时态连用。由题意可知D项正确。答案:D14(2012杭州模拟)His house is well designed and everything inside is put in _.Aline BorderCsight Dway解析:句意:他的房子设计得很好,里面的一切物品秩序井然。in order“秩序好、整齐”;in line“成一直线”;in sight“在视野内”。答案:B15The bank has _ some property on which to construct a new building.Apaid BpurchasedCinvested Dapproached解析:句意:为建造一座新大楼,银行投入很多财力;pay“付钱”;purchase“购买”;invest“投资”;approach“靠近;接近”。答案:C.阅读理解The Terrafugia,a small airplane that can drive on roads and has_been_billed as the first “flying car”,is now one step closer to becoming streetandskylegal.The vehicle has cleared a Federal Aviation Administration(FAA)(联邦航空管理委员会)regulation for craft classification(分类) by weight.A welldesigned production model might be just around the corner,according to multiple reports.An issue was massbased company Terrafugia wanting its “Transition” vehicle to be classified as a “Light Sport Aircraft” by the FAA so people eager to fly it would need only 20 hours of flying time.Yet the twoseater vehicle came in 110 pounds overweight in providing roadworthyassuring safety items.The FAA said that so long as customers are advised about this extra weight,the carplane mixture can be soldThe Terrafugia completed its maiden voyage last March in upstate New York.According to its maker,the Terrafugia can transform from a roadable vehicle that can hit a highway speed of 65 miles per hour to a winged aircraft in 30 seconds.The plane version can cruise at about 115 miles per hour and cover about 400 miles worth of the area before needing a refill of regular unleaded gas.The price of a Terrafugia is expected to be around $200,000 and deliveries could start next year,assuming the vehicle passes crash tests.The company has envisioned its vehicle as finding a home with amateur pilots who live near air fields,but as any jetsons fan knows,flying cars might well be the wave of the future.解题导语美国一家公司生产的一种小型飞机有望成为世界上第一辆“会飞的车”,它既能在空中飞行,又能在公路上行驶。1The underlined part in Para.1“has been billed”means _.Ahas been soldBhas been advertisedChas been ordered Dhas been designed解析:考查猜测词义。第一段说,Terrafugia是一种小型飞机,能在道路上行驶,它被billed为第一辆“会飞的车”,其生产模型即将问世。从这些信息看,画线部分的含义不是“已经在出售,已经有人订购,已经设计出来了”,而是即将面市,故选B项,“已经在做广告”。答案:B2The author tells us in the passage that _.Athis vehicle can carry only two passengersBthe driver should weigh less than 110 poundsCanyone can drive this flying car if they wantDthe car flies faster than a modern plane解析:考查细节理解。从第二段中的“the twoseater vehicle”可知这是一种两座的交通工具,故选A。其他三项与原文内容不符。答案:A3It is mentioned in the passage that flying cars might be _.Apopular BlightCconvenient Dsafe enough解析:考查推理判断。最后一段最后一句说,这种飞行汽车“将成为未来的浪潮”,由此判断选A,这种飞机汽车将成为未来的新宠,十分受欢迎。答案:A4Which is the best title of the passage?ACoolest vehicles youll never get to rideBFlying car could transform traffic jamCFlying carone step closer to realityDTransportation in future time解析:考查主旨大意。本文主要介绍了即将问世的第一辆会飞的汽车,因此本文的标题应该是C“飞机汽车离现实更近一步”。答案:C.书面表达2011年3月11日日本本州岛附近海域发生里氏9.0级地震,强震及引发的大规模海啸已给日本带来巨大的灾难。请你给你远在日本的好友Alex写一封信表示关怀和慰问。内容包括:1地震和海啸造成了人员伤亡,数万人无家可归;2表达对好友及灾区人民的关注和安慰;3鼓励他们渡过难关,重建家园。注意:1参考词汇:海啸tsunami;重建rebuild;2词数100左右,不包括已给出的开头和结尾。Dear Alex,I am awfully sorry about the severe earthquake which struck the coast of Japan on March 11th._Please remember that Ill always be at your side when you need any help!Take care.Yours sincerely,Li Hao范文品读Dear_Alex,I_am_awfully_sorry_about_the_severe_earthquake_which_struck_the_coast_of_Japan_on_March_11th.I felt extremely upset when the news came that the strong earthquake and the tsunami caused by it had led to extensive and severe damage in your country,causing loss of lives and leaving tens of thousands of Japanese homeless.Faced with such a horrible natural disaster,the Japanese people remain so calm and strongwilled that we all admire your courage and strength.Here in China people are very concerned about the present situation in your country and we are all determined to make every effort to help.I am sure that with a strong determination and the support from every corner of the world,you and your country can go through the difficulty and a better hometown will be rebuilt soon.Please_remember_that_Ill_always_be_at_your_side_when_you_need_any_help!Take_care.Yours_sincerely,Li_Hao111

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