英语九年级UNIT 3 Section A课时练习

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英语九年级UNIT 3 Section A课时练习姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its a top secret. Yes, I see. I will keep the secret_ you and me.AwithBamongCbetweenDfor2 . Whats your plan for this weekend? We _ to raise money for the homeless people.AhelpBhelpedCwill helpDwere helping3 . The room needs _,but itll have to wait until Sunday.AcleaningBbe cleanedCcleanDbeing cleaned4 . If it is quite to you, Ill visit you next Tuesday.AconvenientBfairCeasyDcomfortable5 . Tell me what isyour mind, and youll feel less.Ain; worryingBon; worriedCat; worryingDto; worried6 . - Do you have any idea_?- Most people think it is the terrible weather. And I think so.Awhich is the way to the laboratoryBwhen is the perfect time to visit StonehengeCwhy did he stay thereDwhat often causes an accident二、句型转换完成句子7 . There is nothing new in the newspaper. (改为同义句)There _ new in the newspaper.8 . Do you often look after your grandmother at home?(改为同义句)Do you often _ of your grandmother at home?9 . He is brave boy. (改为感叹句)_ the boy is!10 . She did her homework yesterday evening.(改为否定句)She _ her homework yesterday evening.11 . When fish sleep, they keep their eyes open.(改为同义句)Fish sleep _ their eyes _ .12 . 我们可以在湖上划船。We can _ a _ on the lake.13 . 我的电脑坏了。我打算叫个电脑工程师检查一下。My computer doesnt _ Im going to ask a computer engineer to _ it.14 . 我可以替他捎个口信吗?May I _ a _ for him?15 . 她已经足够大了,可以自主做出决定。She is _ to make her own decision.16 . 你的书在椅子下面,请把它捡起来。Your book is under the desk. Please _ it _.三、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和中文注释,在答题卷相应的横线上,写出所给单词的正确形式。17 . -I think the football game without Messi boring.-I dont think so. One player cant make a _(队).18 . Thanks for your help! We dont need to _(改变) our plan for the holiday.19 . Books by Liu Qinxuan are very _(受欢迎) among students in junior schools.20 . Every year, for Chinese, a fish dish is a must-have on the Chinese New Years Eve dinner_(菜单).21 . Linda _(似乎) very busy every day buying presents for her friends.22 . When my mother gets my favourite cake _ (准备好) for me, I know little things can be special in life.23 . On Halloween, children like _(穿衣) up as ghosts and painting their faces.24 . Students in the UK can enjoy 3D-printed food at school. _ (也许) we can also eat it soon in China.四、用所给单词的正确形式填空动词填空25 . Simon hopes _ (play) football in the World Cup one day.26 . My cousin Andy doesnt enjoy _ (write) at all. He hates it.27 . _ (listen) to the music. How nice it is!28 . Look! The students each _ (have) an iPad when having an English class.29 . Would you please make the boy _ (not cry)? I want to sleep.30 . One of my friends _ (come) from Shanghai.31 . _ Li Lei with his classmates often _ (play) basketball after school?32 . The hard-working student, Tim , _ (be) never late for school.第 3 页 共 3 页


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