山东省2019年英语三年级下册Unit 1 Part B练习卷(I)卷

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山东省2019年英语三年级下册Unit 1 Part B练习卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . 选出不同类的单词,并将序号写在前面括号中。1. (_) A. his B. her C.long hair2. (_) A. desk B. chair C.pen3. (_) A.wall B.floor C. teacher4. (_) A. Chinese B.tall C. thin5. (_) A. math book B Chinese book C. teachers desk2 . _ is it? ( )Its about 60 kilometres.AWhat colourBHow longCHow much选出与句意相符的图片。3 . Therewasalibraryinmyoldschool. ( )AB4 . Icanplaybadmintonnow. ( )AB5 . Ilovetoice-skate. ( )AB6 . Thelittlegirlcouldntswimbefore. ( )AB7 . Tell _ about your school, please. ( )AweBusCour读单词,选出与单词意思一致的图片。8 . cat ( )AB9 . snake ( )AB10 . carrot ( )AB11 . jeep ( )AB12 . book ( )AB选出与所给单词同类的一项。13 . duck( )AheBcatCshe14 . China( )AcatBfriendCCanada15 . student ( )AUSABteacherCtoday16 . one( )AUKBnewCthree17 . he( )AandBgirlCshe二、情景交际18 . 当你想告诉别人东西在那边时,你应该说:( )AIts over there.BWheres my car?19 . 下午遇到布菜克先生,你怎么向他问好呢?( )AGood morning,Mr Black.BGood afternoon. Mr Black.CGood evening, Mr Black.20 . 你想知道同学的尺子是什么颜色,应说:( )AWheres your ruler?BWhat colour is your ruler三、任务型阅读读对话,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。Miss Tan: Good morning, boys and girls.Students: Good morning, Miss Tan.Miss Tan: We have two new friends today. Chen Jing: Hi, Im Chen Jing. Im from Beijing.Tom: Hi, Im Tom. Im from Canada.Students: Welcome!21 . Chen Jing is a teacher. (_)22 . Chen Jing is from Nanjing. (_)23 . Tom is from Canada. (_)24 . Miss Tan is an English teacher. (_)25 . Tom is a new student. (_)四、判断题26 . 判断图片与单词是(T)否(F)相符:(_)homework判断下列图片与句子是(T)否(F)相符。27 . This is the teathers office. (_)28 . We have a playground. (_)29 . That is my school. (_)30 . Go to the music room. Sing and dance. (_)31 . Go to the garden. Water the flowers. (_)五、选内容补全对话读一读,补全对话。A. Where are you from?B. Nice to meet you, too.C. This is my friend, Lucy.D. Good afternoon, Mr Wang.Mr Wang: Good afternoon.Xiao Qiang: 32 . 33 . Mr Wang: Nice to meet you.Lucy: 34 . Mr Wang: 35 . Lucy: Im from Canada.选择合适的句子补全对话。A. Im from Australia.B. Hi, Kate.C. She is a new student.36 . (_)37 . (_)38 . (_)六、匹配题39 . 把问句和相应的答句连起来。(1) What did you do at the weekend?(2)How many bananas do you want?(3)Did he go to London?(4)Where did yougo?(5)Is this Sams T-shirt?AYes ,he did .BI went to the Great Wall.CSix ,please .DYes ,its his.EWe played football.根据问句,选择相应的答句。A. Thank you.B. No, we dont.C. No, it isnt.D. Its so big.E. A pencil box and some books.40 . Is that your office?(_)41 . Whats in the bag? (_)42 . Look at my classroom.(_)43 . This way, please. (_)44 . Do you have a music room?(_)45 . Look and write. (根据图片选择合适的单词填空。)do homeworkwatch TVEnglishplayread booksSundaySaturday1. I often _ after school.2. What do you have on Tuesdays? We have _ on Tuesdays. 3. I often _ football on Saturdays.4. What do you do on Sundays? I _ and _.5. Its _ today. Tomorrow is _.第 8 页 共 8 页


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