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海口市2019版六年级下册小升初模拟测试英语试卷(四)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . What is the little boy_?( )He is sleeping.AdoBdoesCdoing2 . This sweater is so nice. Can I_? ( )Atry it onBtry them onCtry on it3 . -_ you often play sports ?- No, I _.ADo ;dontBAre ; am notCDo ; do4 . I got many _presents last Childrens Day. ( )AwonderfulBdeliciousCexcited5 . Weplay with matches.First. ( )Amustnt, SafeBdo, SafetyCmustnt, Safety6 . I can _.( )AsingBsong7 . 根据同类单词选出不同:( )AbehindBeveningCmorning8 . _will you do on Friday? ( )AHowBWhatCWhats9 . There _ some kites under the chair. ( )AisBtheCare10 . Which number is wrong? _.( )ANinetyBNinteenCNinthDNineteenth11 . -Can I take off my coat today? ( )-_.ANo, you arent.BYes, you can.CNo, I cant.12 . What does he do in autumn? ( ) _AI play football in autumn.BHe plays football in autumn.13 . I swim_, but she swims_. ( )Agood; badlyBgood; wellCbadly; well14 . _ I have some juice? ( )Here you are.AWouldBCanCShould15 . Sam had _chocolate biscuits yesterday. ( )Alot ofBlots ofCanyDa16 . - Can you draw an apple? ( )- _. Its easy.ANoBSureCSorry二、阅读选择阅读对话,选择正确的答案。Zip: I love the film(电影).Zoom: Yes. The bear is great.Zip: Wow! The bear is riding a motorbike(摩托车).Zoom: Its so clever and helpful.Zip: Whats that noise?Zoom: Im eating popcorn.Zip: Its so funny!Zoom: Yes, it is!Tiger: Shh! Talk quietly!Zoom: Im sorry.Zip: Zoom, look at the sign(指示牌)on the wall.Zoom: Keep clean! Oh, no! My popcorn.17 . Zip and Zoom are watching a film about _.Aa bearBa dogCa cat18 . Whats the bear doing? Its _.Ariding a bikeBriding a motorbikeCdriving a car19 . _ is eating popcorn.AZipBThe tigerCZoom20 . The sign on the wall said(写着)“ _”.ATalk quietly!BKeep clean!CWork quietly!21 . We have to _ in the cinema(电影院)Atalk quietlyBkeep cleanCtalk quietly and keep clean根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。Christmas is a very special western festival! Before Christmas, people decorate(装饰) their homes. People send Christmas cards to their families and friends. And people buy Christmas trees. They buy presents, too. They put the presents under their Christmas trees. Some families open their presents on Christmas Day. Then everyone gets together and has a big meal. Everyone loves Christmas.22 . Christmas is a western _.( )AfestivalBpresentCmeal23 . Before Christmas, people like to decorate their _. ( )ApresentsBlightsChomes24 . People like to send _ before Christmas. ( )AemailsBcardsCtrees25 . People put presents _ their Christmas trees. ( )AinBnearCunder26 . Everyone has a _ meal on Christmas Day. ( )AbigBdeliciousCsmall三、填空题选词填空。expensive much pretty cheaplook27 . How_thisskirt?28 . Yoursweaterisvery_.29 . 180yuan,wow!Too_.30 . _atthat dress.31 . Its_.32 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. My sister is coming _(see) me this morning.2. Li Ming never _(go) to school late.3. The boy is singing _(bad)4. What about _ (go) _(fish)with me?5.Sam _(not brush) his teeth every day.四、单词拼写单词拼写(词汇运用)33 . How can I g_to the cinema?34 . I love beef noodles. Theyre d_.35 . _(不要)_(跑) with me.36 . If you want to see a film, you can go to the _.37 . Im very t_. Please give me something to drink.五、句型转换38 . 按要求写句子。1. Hows the weather today? (改为同义句)_2. Is it going to be hot in Beijing tomorrow? (做否定回答)_3. Are you going to play football? (改为同义句)_4. Its cold in Jilin. (改为一般疑问句)_六、匹配题读句子,选择正确的汉语意思。A. 这是我的飞机。B. 请问,我可以喝一些水吗?C. 这是给你的果汁。D. 我有一个新的轮船。E. 让我们画一只老鼠吧!39 . I have a new ship.(_)40 . Can I have some water, please? (_)41 . Heres a juice for you. (_)42 . This is my plane. (_)43 . Lets draw a mouse. (_)七、连词成句连词成句44 . the, yesterday, did, you, to, go, park(?)_45 . by, home, bus, I, went, yesterday(.)_46 . you, do, city, live, in, this(?)_47 . are, we, home, now, going(.)_48 . you, buy, what, did, London, in(?)_八、书面表达49 . 读读写写。同学们,本单元我们学习了介绍交通路线的句子,请你以How can I get to school?为题,用所学知识介绍下从你家到学校的路线图吧。How can I get to school?_第 8 页 共 8 页


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