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济南市2019版四年级下册期中检测英语试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_同学们,经过一段时间的学习,你一定长进不少,让我们好好检验一下自己吧!一、选择题1 . I dont like chicken _ beef is OK. ( )AbutBandCor2 . There _ two eggs on the floor.AisBamCare3 . Ill _ a policeman.AamBisCbe4 . He likes books.( )Atoo; readBalso; readCalso; reading5 . _ shoes are they? ( )They are my brothers. AWhoseBWhatCWhere6 . 选出不同的单词:( )AcoldBwinterChot7 . - Which _ do you like best? ( )- I like spring best.AfruitBseasonCdrink8 . Your kite _ your cat? ( )AorBand9 . Wheres my camera? I_it. ( )Aam not findingBam not seeingCcant findDcant look at10 . Have _apple. ( )AaBCan为单词选择正确的图片。11 . chopsticks ( )AB12 . city ( )AB13 . book ( )AB14 . kite ( )AB15 . Look at the girl. She is so _ . ( )AtallBshortCbig16 . I sometimes _ at 6:00 am. ( )AhaveBgoes shoppingCget up17 . They _ go shopping next week. ( )AwillBare goingCare18 . My friends _ in Jinan. ( )AworkBworksCworking二、阅读选择快乐分享。根据短文选一选。Hi! My name is Zhou Yan. This is a picture about me. I was short then. Now Im tall. My hair was long then, but its short now. My little brother Xiaoming was short then, and he was four. His toys were dirty then. Yesterday(昨天)was Sunday, and it was sunny. My little brother and I were in the park yesterday.19 . This is a picture about _. ( )AZhou YanBLingling20 . Zhou Yan is tall now, and his hair is _.( )AshortBlong21 . Xiaomings toys were _ then. ( )AcleanBdirty22 . The weather was _ yesterday. ( )AsunnyBSunday23 . Zhou Yan and Xiaoming were _ yesterday. ( )Ain the parkBin the picture三、填空题根据要求写出相应的单词。24 . up(对应词)_25 . down(对应词)_26 . hello(同义词)_27 . bye-bye(同义词)_28 . hi(同义词)_四、判断题29 . 请判断下列中英文对照是否相符(_) 1. This is my new friend.这是我的新朋友。(_) 2. Whos this girl?这个男孩是谁?(_) 3. Welcome to our school.欢迎来到我家。(_) 4. Im from China.我来自中国。(_) 5. Shes my sister.她是我的姐妹。(_) 6. Nice to see you, too.见到你我也很高兴。判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。30 . Its a pig. (_)31 . Have some cake. (_)32 . Its a dog. (_)33 . Look at my ear. (_)34 . The panda is black and white. (_)35 . Read and write “T” or “F”:I like sweets. (_)36 . 判断图片与句子是(T)否(F)相符:The pair of shoes is broken.(_)37 . Look and write T or F:This T-shirt isnt mine. (_)五、匹配题读句子匹配。AThis is my eyes.BHere you are.CShes Alice.DPears, please.EThank you.38 . May I have a pie, please?(_)39 . Touch your eyes.(_)40 . Can I help you? (_)41 . Who is she? (_)42 . Here you are. (_)六、连词成句连词成句我最棒。43 . draw I can (.)_44 . Shes driver a (.)_45 . teacher he a Is (?)_46 . she Is farmer a (?)_47 . are a You postman (.)_48 . 连词成句1.fine, I, am(.)(连词成句)_2.Mr Li, morning, good(.) (连词成句) _3.hi, I, am, Kitty(.) (连词成句)_4.you, Lily, are(.) (连词成句) _5.am , I , Kitty (.)(连词成句) _6.morning , Mr Liu , good(.)(连词成句) _7.I , Miss Fang , am , hello(.)(连词成句) _8.you , are , Joe(?) (连词成句) _49 . 连词成句。(1)we pick will twenty ._(2)what otherwe pick will fruit._(3)apples I dont but like ._(4)go now lets ._(5)small we are ._连词成句,注意标点符号及字母的大小写。50 . likes, to, my, go, shopping, mother(.)_51 . speak, do, English, you(?)_52 . year, there, cat, is, of, the, no(.)_53 . holiday, is, what, favourite, your(?)_54 . do, you, do, for, Spring Festival, what, the(?)_连词成句。55 . you English can the show I books (.)_56 . here are they (.)_57 . clean your keep desk (.)_58 . read I the here books can (?)_59 . right to keep the (.)_第 8 页 共 8 页


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