高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解选练181

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湖南华容县2017高考英语一轮阅读理解选练2016高考英语训练-阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。Death Valley is a land of beautiful yet dangerous extremesDeath Valley can be dangerously cold during the winter months Storms in the mountains can produce sudden flooding on the floor of the ValleyThe air temperature during the summer has been as high as fifty- seven degrees Celsius The sun can heat the ground so that the temperature of the rocks and soil can be as high as seventy -four degrees Celsius. Death Valley contains evidence of several ancient volcanoes that caused huge explosions Evidence of one of these explosions is called Ubehebe Crater The explosion left a huge hole in the ground almost a kilometer and a half wide In many areas of Death Valley it is easy to see where the ground has been pushed up violently by movement deep in the Earth This movement has created unusual and beautiful rock formations Some are red Others are dark brown, gray, yellow or blackThe area was named by a woman in 1849 Thousands of people from other parts of the country traveled Lo the gold mining areas in California They Were in a hurry to get there before other people didOne group trying to reach California decided to take a path called the Old Spanish Trail By December they had reached Death ValleyThey did not have to survive the terrible heat of summer, hut there was still an extreme lack of waterThere were few plants for their work animals to eatThe people could not find a pass through the call mountains to the west of the Valley, Slowly, they began co suffer from a lack of foodTo survive, they killed their work animals for food and began to walk out of the Valley As they left, one Woman looked back and said, Good -bye, death valley ” The name has never been changedAlmost everyone who visits Death Valley visits a huge house called Scotty s CastleThe building design is Spanish, with high thick walls to provide protection from the fierce heatThe castle is named for Walter Scott , called Scotty by his friends He was a gold minerHe told everyone that he built the house with money he made from his gold mine, Many people believed himBut it was not really the truth1The first two paragraphs discuss Death Valley s A geography B climate C location D Size2The woman who named Death Valley intended to Aexplore the mystery of the valley Bfind an area with plants for animalsCexperience the terrible heat of summer Dlook for gold in California3If the passage continues, it will be about . Athe truth about Scottys Castle Bwhy Spanish built the castleCwhen the castle was built Dwhere the castle lies in1.B段落大意题。根据前两个段主要介绍了死亡谷的温度,暴风和洪水等情况,总之介绍了它的气候。2.D细节理解题。根据The area was named by a woman in 1849Thousands of people from other parts of the country traveled Lo the gold mining areas in CaliforniaAs they left, one Woman looked back and said, Good -bye, death valley ” The name has never been changed她也去加利福尼亚寻找金子,故选D。3.A推理判断题。根据最后一段可知下面将些关于Scottys Castle的真实情况。阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Young adult filmmakers all hope to show their works in international festivals like Sundance and Toronto. But what aboutreally young filmmakers who arent in film school yet and arent,strictly speaking, even adults?They are at the heart of Wingspan Arts Kids Film Festival,tomorrow,in a setting any director might envy:Lincoln Center. Complete with “red carpet” interviews and various awards,the festival has much in common with events for more experienced moviemakers,except for the age of the participants:about 8 to 18.Whats really exciting is that its film for kids by kids,” said Cori Gardner,managing director of Wingspan Arts,a nonprofit organization offering youth arts programs in the New York area. This year the festival will include films not only from Wingspan but also from other city organizations and one from a middle school in Arlington,Virginia. “We want to make this a national event,” Ms. Gardner added.The nine shorts to be shown range from a Claymation biography of B. B. King to a science fiction adventure set in the year 3005. “A lot of the material is really mature,” Ms. Gardner said,talking about films by the New York City branch of Global Action Project,a media arts and leadership-training group. “The Choice is about the history of a family andMaster Anti-Smoker is about the dangers of secondhand smoke.”Dream of the Invisiblesdescribes young immigrants (移民) feelings of both belonging and not belonging in their adopted country.The festival will end with an open reception at which other films will be shown. These include a music video and a full-length film whose title isPressures.1. Wingspan Arts Kids Film Festival.A. is organized by a middle school B. is as famous as the Toronto FestivalC. shows films made by children D. offers awards to film school students2. Which of the following is true of Wingspan Arts?A. It helps young filmmakers to make money.B. It provides arts projects for young people.C. Its a media arts and leadership-training group.D. Its a national organization for young people.3. The underlined word“shorts” in Paragraph 4 refers to.A. short trousersB. short kids C. short filmsD. short stories4. Movies to be shown in the festival.A. cover different subjects B. focus on kids lifeC. are produced by Global Action Project D. are directed by Ms. Gardner5. At the end of this film festival,there will be.A. various awards B. “red carpet” interviewsC. an open reception D. a concert at Lincoln Center【参考答案】15、 CBCAC阅读下列四篇短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B/C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 【2013界广东省汕头市质量监测试题】 We live in central Phoenix, near the canal. Every day I used to see a homeless old man and his scruffy little dog hanging out down there.I would tell my husband we should give him food for the little dog. It wouldnt have been a problem; we have our own mini farm of animals! But he would say OK! and then blow the idea off because of our business.Being in Phoenix, Arizona, you can just imagine how hot it gets here, but his winter was really chilly! I had just come from KFC with take-out food for dinner. As I was turning by the canal, the man and his dog were sitting right there all bundled up. Even the doggy had a coat on! Not even thinking about it, I pulled into the parking lot along the canal and piled up a plate of chicken with al the fixings for the man and his little buddy. I gave it to him with a soda and a bottle of water for the little dog. He said, Thank you, sweetie. You are an angel. And there were tears welling up in his eyes! I told him he ws so welcome, and then went home.When my husband dug into the KFC gag he asked, Were you hungry, or what? I told him what I did and he said, Only you! Then he told me I had done a good thing.A few weeks later, we were walking along the canal and found the man walking to me, with his little dog. He asked whether I would mind adopting the dog. With tears in eyes, he said it had gotten too hard for him to care for the dog. He added that he was planning on heading to Washington State but his dog wouldnt have been up to it, so he hoped to give it to me. Only you! In this city, you are the only person I can believe in!Now, every time I watch and pat the puppy lying near the fireplace, I will recall the old mans words and wish him good luck.26. The author and her husband didnt kelp the old man at the beginning because _ A.they had a farm of animals to feed B.they didnt have food even for themselves. C.they worked busily and often forget it. D.they were unwilling to help a man with a dog.【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。由“But he would say OK! and then blow the idea off because of our business.”可知我们一开始没有帮助老人是因为生意太忙,而忘记了。故选C。27. What can we learn about the author from Paragraph 3? A. She gave the old man some food on a cold day. B. She met the old man after finishing her dinner. C. She offered the old man nothing but chicken. D. She burst into tears after helping the old man.【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。由“I pulled into the parking lot along the canal and piled up a plate of chicken with al the fixings for the man and his little buddy. I gave it to him with a soda and a bottle of water for the little dog.”可知在那个寒冷的日子,作者给了老人一些食物。28. What did the authors husband feel when she told him what she had done? A. Grateful. B. Delighted C. Indifferent D. Disappointed【答案】B【解析】细节理解题。由“Then he told me I had done a good thing.”可知作者的丈夫为她所做的事情感到高兴。故选B。29. Why did the old man hope to give the dog to the author? A. Because he knew thee author was also a dog lover. B. Because the author was the person he could trust. C. Because the author was the only person he knew. D. Because he believed that his dog liked the author.【答案】B【解析】细节理解题。由Only you! In this city, you are the only person I can believe in!可知老人把狗给她,是因为她是老人信任的人。故选B。30. What can we infer from the ending of the passage? A. The author refused the old mans request. B. The author misses the old man and his dog. C. The author feels the old man was very lucky. D. The author adopted the old mans dog.【答案】D【解析】推理判断题。由最后一段“every time I watch and pat the puppy lying near the fireplace,”可知作者收养了老人的狗。故选D. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。【2013界广东省汕头市质量监测试题】 Parents need to be good role models to help their children make sensible financial decisions, according to Adam Hancock and his team, from East Caronlina University in the US. Their work highlights that parents who argue about finances contribute to increasing credit card debt among their children during their students years. Their work is published online in Springers Journal of Family and Economic Issues. Credit card debt among college students has been a growing concern for researchers and policymakers over the last decade. In addition, there is growing concern among educators that more students are dropping out of school, not because of academic failure, but because of financial reasons, and credit card especially. Hancock and colleagues study is the first to examine how parental interactions, and financial knowledge and attitudes may have a cumulative effect(累积效应)on the number of credit cards students own and their level of credit card debt. The researchers analyzed data for 420 undergraduate students from seven different American universities, who took part in the College Student Financial Literacy Survey. According to the online survey, nearly two-thirds of students had a credit card, and nearly a third had more than one. Those students who reported that their parents argued about finances were more likely to have more than two cards than the students whose parents who did not argue about finances.In terms of debt, those students who had two or more credit cards were nearly three times more likely to report having credit card debt over 500.The researchers conclude, It is clear that the influence of parents cannot be neglected. Researchers, educators and policymakers should work in finding effective ways to increase the positive financial behaviors fo college students. We need to help students learn financial skills and establish healthy financial attitudes at earlier ages to prevent poor financial habits from taking root.31. In Adam Hancocks research, students credit card debt is related to their _. A.knowledge B.concerns C.school D.parents【答案】D 【解析】细节理解题。由“Their work highlights that parents who argue about finances contribute to increasing credit card debt among their children during their students years.”可知学生的信用卡债务和他们的父母有关。故选D。32. When college students have credit card debt, they may _. A.quit school B.fail in their exams C.study financial knowledge D.have more credit cards【答案】A【解析】细节理解题。由“there is growing concern among educators that more students are dropping out of school, not because of academic failure, but because of financial reasons, and credit card especially.”可知大学生有信用卡债务时,他们就可能退学。故选A。33. What can we infer from Paragraph 3? A. More than 400 students i a university took the survey. B. The survey was conducted with the paper questionnaire. C. Nearly all the students in this survey have credit cards. D. Students have fewer cards if their parents argue more.【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。由“According to the online survey, nearly two-thirds of students had a credit card, and nearly a third had more than one.”可知在调查中,几乎所有学生都有信用卡。故选C。34. If you have two or more credit cards, you are more likely to _. A.get wealthy B.have argument C.buy more things D.become in debt【答案】D【解析】细节理解题。由“In terms of debt, those students who had two or more credit cards were nearly three times more likely to report having credit card debt over 500.”说明如果你有两个或两个以上的信用卡,你更有可能负债。故选D。35. As a student, what can yo learn from the passage? A. We need to turn to our parents when we have credit card debt. B. We should build correct financial attitudes when we are young. C. We shouldnt have credit cards so that we can avoid argument. D. We can have more credit cards to make life more comfortable.【答案】B 【解析】细节理解题。由“We need to help students learn financial skills and establish healthy financial attitudes at earlier ages to prevent poor financial habits from taking root.”可知我们在小的时候就应该树立正确的财政态度。故选B。


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