高考英语一轮复习 完形填空练习训练(三)1

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高考英语一轮复习 完形填空练习训练(三)1_第1页
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湖南怀化市2017高考英语一轮完形填空练习训练(三)完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。The New York Times published an article recently that shows great regret for the “death of conversation”. It 1 that while technology such as cell phones, e-mails, and Internet posting makes us feel more 2 than ever, theyre also driving us away from people around us. Users get final connectivity at the price of 3 face-to-face conversation. Sherry Turkle, author of the article in The New York Times says people are 4 to a different way of being “alone together”.Actually, 5 text messages or writing micro-blogs allows us to 6 thoughts. But bits and pieces of online cannot 7 a “real conversation.” Lan Guo, 19, a freshman English major from Changsha University, said that she would like to hear peoples tone of voice and see their faces in a (n) 8 . “The give and take of ideas in a conversation sharpens our minds.” she said. She also mentions that burying ourselves in mobile technology reduces our chance of starting conversations with strangers and 9 people.Turkle mentioned the popular 10 of “I share, therefore I am” among this generation. Liu Xuan, a young writer from Taiwan and psychology graduate from Harvard University, thinks its a mindset adopted by most 11 people. They are so busy creating or polishing their online persona (网络人格) that they forget how to live a (n) 12 life. However, experts remind us that its 13 to blame mobile technology. Chen Chen, a sociology expert at China Youth & Children Research Center, 14 out that it is still owners of gadgets, whore avoiding personal contact. “Only by strengthening conversation can we understand each other. 15 throwing away the mobile gadgets is not a solution.” she said.文章大意:纽约时报发表了一篇文章,解释了现在的手机、电子邮件和网上发帖等扼杀了人们真正交流对话的机会。1. A. talksB.C. speaksD. advises【答案】B【解析】考查动词及上下文语境的理解。Talks谈话; suggests建议,暗示; speaks说; advises建议。它表明(suggests)手机、电子邮件和网上发帖使我们感觉联系得更多了。故选B。2. A. received B. sharedC. connectedD. respected 【答案】C【解析】考查动名词及上下文语境的理解。Received收到; shared分享; connected联系; respected尊敬。它表明(suggests)手机、电子邮件和网上发帖使我们感觉联系(connected)得更多了。故选C。3. A. havingB. riskingC. sacrificingD. sharing【答案】C【解析】考查动词及上下文语境的理解。having有; risking冒险; sacrificing牺牲; sharing分享。人们进行交流,是通过手机、电子邮件和网上发帖,牺牲(sacrifice)了面对面的交流,故选C。4. A. relatedB. committedC. devotedD. accustomed【答案】D【解析】考查动词及上下文语境的理解。accustomed习惯于。be accustomed to习惯于。be related to与有关系;be committed to致力于;be devoted to专心于。人们习惯了(accustomed)一种不同的独处的方式。故选D。5. A. sending B. gettingC. readingD. taking【答案】A【解析】考查动词及上下文语境的理解。sending发送; getting得到; reading读; taking拿走。从下文的text messages or writing microblogs看出,是发送(sending)信息。事实上,发一个短信或发一个微博允许我们交流思想,故选A。6. A. change B. exchangeC. explainD. raise【答案】B【解析】考查动词及上下文语境的理解。change 改变; exchange交流; explain解释; raise提高。事实上,发一个短信或发一个微博允许我们交流(exchange)思想,故选B。7. A. indicateB. replaceC. coverD. involve【答案】B【解析】考查动词及上下文语境的理解。indicate表明; replace代替; cover覆盖; involve包括。网上的零碎的交流是不能代替(replace)真正的交流的。故选B。8. A. conversationB. computerC. partyD. Internet【答案】A【解析】考查名词及上下文语境的理解。conversation交谈; computer计算机; party聚会; Internet因特网。在交流(conversation)时,她愿意听人们说话的声音,愿意看他们的面容。面对面的交流可以做到以上的事情。故选A。9. A. interviewingB. introducingC. knowingD. meeting【答案】D【解析】考查动词及上下文语境的理解。interviewing面试,采访; introducing介绍; knowing知道,了解; meeting遇见。把自己掩埋(bury)在移动技术里减少我们与陌生人交流和见面(meeting)的机会。故选D。10. A. feelingB. conceptC. factD. truth【答案】B【解析】考查名词及上下文语境的理解。feeling感情;concept理念; fact事实;truth真理。Turkle提到在这一代中流行的一种理念(concept),“我分享了,我就存在了”。故选B。11. A. shyB. busyC. oldD. young【答案】D【解析】考查形容词及上下文语境的理解。shy害羞的; busy忙的; old老的; young年轻的。那是一个被大多数年轻(young)人都采用的心态,故选D。12. A. realB. interestingC. colorfulD. meaningful【答案】A【解析】考查形容词及上下文语境的理解。real真的; interesting有趣的; colorful多彩的; meaningful有意义的。他们忙于创新或打磨他们的网络人格以至于忘记了怎样过真正的(real)生活。故选A。13. A. important B. necessary C. unfair D. Uncomfortable【答案】C【解析】考查形容词及上下文语境的理解。important 重要的; necessary必要地; unfair 不公平的; uncomfortable不舒服的。可是,专家提醒我们批评移动技术是不公平的,故选C。14. A. reaches B. thinks C. points D. watches 【答案】C【解析】考查动词及上下文语境的理解。reaches到达; thinks 想,认为; points 指出; watches 观看。她指出(point )这些拥有手机和平板电脑的人是在避免个人接触,故选C。15. A. EventuallyB. HardlyC. FinallyD. Simply【答案】D【解析】考查副词及上下文语境的理解。eventually最后,终于; hardly几乎不; finally最终; simply只,仅仅。只是扔掉这些产品不是解决的办法,故选D。【参考答案】1-5 B C C D A 6-10 B B A D B 11-15 D A C C D【2014高考英语哈尔滨市第三中学一模】完型填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Generally speaking, a British is widely regarded as a quiet, shy and conservative (保守) person who is 1 only among those with whom he is familiar. When a stranger is present, he often seems nervous, 2 embarrassed. You have to take a commuter train (通勤车) any morning or evening to 3 the truth of this. Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or 4 off in a corner; hardly anybody talks, since to do so would be considered quite offensive (冒犯的). 5 , there is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior, which, once 6 , makes the offender immediately the object of 7 .One of the few things we can say about the British with certainty is that a British takes a(n) 8 to the discussion of their weather and that, if given a chance, he will talk about it 9 . Some people argue that it is because the British weather 10 follows forecast and thus becomes a source of interest to everyone. This may be so. Certainly a British cannot have much 11 in the weathermen, whose predictions, in many cases, 12 to be wrong! The man in the street seems to be as accurate or as inaccurate as the weathermen in his 13 .Foreigners may be surprised at the number of references 14 weather that the British make to each other in the course of a single day. Very often conversational greetings are 15 by comments on the weather. “Nice day, isnt it?” “Beautiful day!” may well be heard instead of “Good morning, how are you?” 16 the foreigner may consider this exaggerated (夸大) and comic, it is worthwhile pointing out that it could be used to his 17 . If he wants to start a conversation with a British but is 18 to know where to begin, he could do well to mention the state of the weather. It is a(n) 19 subject to which a response may well be 20 of even the most reserved of the British.1.A.relaxedB.frustratedC.amusedD.exhausted2.A.yetB.otherwiseC.evenD.so3.A.experienceB.witnessC.watchD.undertake4.A. whisperingB. murmuringC. nodding D. laughing5. A.HopefullyB.ExactlyC.FrequentlyD.Obviously6.A. developedB.observedC.followedD.broken7.A.doubtB.argumentC.criticismD.praise8.A.emotionB.fancyC.likelinessD.judgment9.A.atlengthB.at lastC.at mostD.at least10. A. alwaysB. oftenC. constantlyD. seldom11.A.faithB.reliefC.honorD.credit12. A. put outB. make out C. turn outD. find out13.A.considerationB.predictionC.approvalD.appreciation14.A.aboutB.onC.inD.to15.A.startedB.conductedC.replacedD.proposed16.A.SinceB.AlthoughC.HoweverD.Onlyif17.A. benefitB. advantageC. disadvantageD. favor18. A.atalossB.in detailC.in groups D.onoccasion19. A. avoidableB. steadyC. optionalD. safe20. A. expected B. askedC. wishedD. reminded【参考答案】15 ACBCD 610 DCBAD 1115 ACBDC 1620 BBADA2016高考完形填空选练 完型填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A homeless man walked up to me and asked me for some small change, “ Ill give you a quarter if you tell me your story,” I said. He laughed, “Youll give me a quarter for my story? I laid the 41 in front of him and 42 myself “No, heres the quarter but it would be nice to hear your story.” Seeing him lost in 43 , I sat down next to him and 44 . “ I was once a sniper(狙击兵)in the army.” he said. “ I was 45 to shoot down the enemy from the distance.” I listened attentively. He told me how he 46 to hunt with his family. He had his own way of 47 animals by not killing more than be needed. When the 48 came knocking on his door, he felt 49 and joined up. All those years of developing his hunting skills could now serve a larger 50 to defend us from the bad guys. He set out to 51 at the front .“ I was a sniper but I never really killed anyone.” he continued. “One day they asked me to 52 a lady from the distance. I saw the kids near her and my hands were on the trigger(扳机). But I couldnt 53 it. She wasnt doing anything to anyone and she was 54 the kids. The story went on as he described 55 being put into prison for 180 days for 56 to follow orders. “ I have no 57 ,” he said. “ I may be homeless now, 58 I never killed that lady.” He continued, “ I can 59 being homeless, but I wouldnt be able to stand killing innocent people.” I met a hero. It just never 60 to me that a hero could be a smelly old sniper. 41. A. note B. coin C. dollar D. wallet42. A. blamed B. reminded C. corrected D. added 43. A. argument B. action C. consideration D. thought44. A. whispered B. nodded C. sighed D. waited 45. A. demandedB. supposedC. reminded D. determined 46. A. desired B. wished C. failed D. used 47. A. trackingB. raising C. training D. respecting 48. A. army B. ministerC. commander D. company49. A. annoyed B. proudC. astonished D. confused 50. A. group B. business C. purposeD. result51. A. serve B. huntC. aim D. survive 52. A. murder B. fightC. shootD. arrest53. A. remain B. fireC. make D. decide 54. A. besidesB. alongC. insideD. among55. A. gradually B. eventually C. deliberately D. desperately56. A. managing B. failingC. hesitating D. forgetting 57. A. ideas B. attempts C. regrets D. feelings 58. A. howeverB. otherwiseC. but D. unless59. A. work outB. meet with C. live with D. get through参考答案4145BCDDB 46-50 DDABC 51-55 ACCDB 56-60 BCCCD【安徽省蚌埠市三县联谊校2014高考二模】完形填空。阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Much meaning can be conveyed clearly with our eyesSo it is often said that eyes can speakDo you have such kind of 36 ?In a bus you may look at a 37 but not too longAnd if he is _38 that he is being stared at, he may feel uncomfortableThe same is in daily lifeIf you are looked at for more than 39 ,you will look at yourself up and down to see if there is anything wrong with youIf 40 goes wrong, you will feel angry toward others stare at you that wayEyes do 41 ,right?Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and 42 . But things are different when it comes to staring at the 43 sexIf a man glances at a woman for more than 10 seconds and 44 to avert (转移) his gaze, his intentions are obvious, that is, he wishes to attract her attention, to make her understand that he is 45 her. 46, the normal eye contact for two people engaged in a 47 is that the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time, in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what the former is speaking, to tell him that he is 48 If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking, as if he tries to control you, you will feel uneasyA poor 49 usually exposes himself by looking too long at the 50 ,since he believes the 51 idea that to look straight in the eye is a sign of 52 communicationQuite the contraryIn fact, continuous eye contact is confined to 53 only, who will enjoy looking at each other tenderly for a long time, to show 54 that words cannot expressEvidently,eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and 55 situation36A.experience B.moment C.Embarrassment Dadventure37A.friend B.child C.stranger D.man38A. saying B. sensing C. judging D. telling39A. rough B. surprised C. necessary D. important40A. anythingB. something C. everything D. nothing41A. tell B. talk C. speak D. say42A. polite B. aggressive C. comfortableD. frustrating43A. same B. opposite C. beautiful D. ugly44A. refuses B. agrees C. rejects D. decides45A. hating B. loving C. attracting D. admiring46A. BesidesB. Therefore C. However D. Consequently 47A. activity B. consult C. discussion D. conversation48A. attentiveB. serious C. confused D. impatient 49A. thief B. liar C. student D. teacher50A. victim B. friend C. speaker D.lover51A. true B. general C. good D. false52A. honest B. dishonest C. boring D. sincere53A. friends B. classmates C. strangers D. lovers54A. trust B. doubt C. friendship D. affection55A. casual B. specific C. urgent D. important【参考答案】3655、ACBCD CBBAD CDABA DADDB


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