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陕西省2019-2020学年九年级上学期期中英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . An explosion(爆炸)happened at Yancheng chemical plant _ the afternoon of March 21, 2019. More than 70 people died _ the explosion.Im sorry to hear that. We should always remember: Safety first.Aon; ofBon; fromCin; forDin; in2 . Nobody knows Nike will come or not.But he comes,I shall give him a warm welcome.Awhether;whetherBif;whetherCwhether;ifDif;if3 . _ my brother _ I am going to the basketball game tonight because we both love basketball a lot.ABoth , andBNeither , norCEither , orDNot only , but also4 . - Do you like her friends?- Yes. One of her friends often _ her _ her English in the class.Ahelp, withBhelp, to doChelps, doingDhelps, with5 . What about some green beans? _. Thats my cup of tea.ANot a good idea.BNo, thanks.CWhy not?DLet me have a look.6 . On weekends, we have nothing to do but _ TV.AwatchBwatchesCto watchDwatching7 . I wonder _. He seems to be very worried. His favourite pen has gone missing and he is looking for it around the school.Awhats wrong with MikeBwhen Mike came to schoolCwho Mike talked with yesterdayDhow Mike came to school this morning8 . How long havent you been on vacation? For a year. I will go to Mexico for a trip when my season project .Ais finishedBhave been finishedCwill be finishedDhas finished9 . Dont get off the bus _ it stops.AthenBsoCbecauseDuntil10 . Which sentence should be put at the end of the paragraph on the right?I like to see the mountains. There are some small mountains and some tall mountains. The small mountains are green and have lots of tree. _AThe mountains are tall.BThe mountains are tall and nice.CThe nice mountains are interesting to look at.DThe tall mountains are covered with white snow.11 . “one two zero”表示_。A火警B电话号码查询台C急救中心12 . -A car accident has happened, so what we have to wait?-Dont worry. When the road is _, I will drive you home.AfreeBtidyClightDclear13 . He worked late _ eleven oclock yesterday.AafterBuntilCsinceDat14 . Where are we going to have dinner this evening?Id like to have some _ in a Japanese restaurant.AhamburgersBfish and chipsCpizzaDsushi15 . More than 20 people _ in traffic accidents _ last May.Ahave died, for B. have been dead, sinceBhave died, since D. have been dead, for二、完型填空Which season do you like best? I love summer best_I can do many outdoor activities.I like going to the park,after a long days_.In summer its very_to go camping.I also love to_in the sea and lie on the beach reading a book.The temperature there is_than that in other places,so I feel really comfortable.I also love to drive up to the north.It is_there.The leaves are so nice with much sunshine.When I wake up,I can hear the birds_there.I love summer because flowers come out with beautiful colours.I love to sit in my garden.There I can_the flowers.I love to walk on the beach as the_goes down before darkness and I think it is beautiful.When it is_outside,I love to jump into a swimming pool and I feel so relaxed.16 . AafterBbecauseCbeforeDuntil17 . AsleepBrestCworkDplay18 . AniceBawfulCbadDpolite19 . AskateBswimCrunDwalk20 . AhigherBtallerCshorterDlower21 . AwindyBsunnyCcloudyDrainy22 . AsingingBcryingCsleepingDreading23 . AhearBsmellCtasteDcut24 . AearthBmoonCMarsDsun25 . AcoolBcoldChotDwarm三、阅读单选Growing up in England, the best thing for my classmates and I was reading stories. Among them, The Ugly Duckling(丑小鸭) was a popular one.The story of The Ugly Duckling describes a poor young bird. All the ducks laugh at him for his ugly looks- he is small and grey. Feeling sad, he runs away from home. Along the way, he meets wild ducks and hens, but cant find a good friend. After lots of sadness and difficluty, the poor duckling looks down into a pond. He is shocked by his reflection(倒影) in the water. He finds that he has grown up to be a beautiful swan.This childrens fairy tale has been beloved for years. Its even been made into a musical and a Disney movie. Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen wrote it in 1843. The story teaches us many valuable lessons. For example, we should not judge(评价) a person by his or her looks. It is inner beauty that makes a person special.The storys message is well-known around the world. Today, we use the phrase ugly duckling to describe something ugly that ends up becoming beautiful later.26 . All the ducks laugh at the ugly duckling because .Ahe cant swim as well as the other ducksBhe sounds different from other ducksChe has an ugly looksDhe is afraid to be around others.27 . The ugly duckling runs away from home because he feels .AsadBangryCworriedDsurprised28 . The writer of the fairy tale is from .ADenmarkBEnglandCFranceDAmerica29 . The lesson we can learn from the story is that .AWe shouldnt judge a book by its cover.BWe should be nice to our friends.CLooks are very important to some people.DNever believe what you see.Making Music with WaterHave you ever tried making music with glasses or bottles filled with water? I bet your favorite band hasnt. Experiment with your own special sounds by turning glasses of water into instruments, make some cool music and find out how it works.What youll need:Five or more drinking glasses or glass bottles.Water.Wooden stick such as a pencil.Instructions:Line the glasses up next to each other and fill them with different amounts of water. The first should have just a little water while the last should be almost full, and the ones in between should have slightly more than the first.Hit the glass with the least amount of water and watch the sound, then hit the glass with the most water, which makes the higher sound?九年级英语试题卷(第3页,共8页)Hit the other glasses and see what noise they make. See if you can get a tune going by hitting the glasses in a certain order.Whats happening?Each of the glasses will have a different tone when you hit with the pencil. The glass with the most water will have the lowest tone while the glass with the least water will have the highest. Small vibrations are made when you hit the glass, and this creates sound waves which travel through the water. More water means slower vibrations and a deeper tone.30 . How many glasses or bottles are needed in the experiment according to the passage?ATwo.BThree.CFour.DFive or more.31 . What can we get from the experiment in the passage?ALight.BMusic.CWater.DGlasses.32 . Which glass can have the lowest tone in the experiment?AThe glass with no water.BThe glass with the most water.CThe glass with the least water.DAll the glasses.33 . What does the underlined word “vibrations” mean?A破碎B响声C震动D裂纹34 . Where may the passage come from?ATV program.BStorybook.CScience book.DAdvertisement.A student got a C in cooking class and didnt like it. She didnt like it so much that her dad complained that her cooking teacher, who is white, looked down upon his daughter, who is black. He went to the school to ask the cooking teacher to change her grade from a C to an A. Virginia Brown is in the ninth grade at Ashley High School. Since her first year in school, she has been a perfect student and all her grades have been As. Virginias father said her heart was broken when she got the C. “She cried the whole weekend,” he said. “She wouldnt come out of her room. Her eyes were red. My little girl hasnt been so sad since her cat got run over by a car when she was six years old. ”Virginia is a model student. Shes the class president. Shes on the swim team and the volleyball team. She is a member in the chess club. The cooking teacher is 28-year-old Jessica Smith. This is her first year teaching. Ms Smith said that she didnt look down upon Virginia Brown. “Some of my best friends are African-Americans and we have been getting along well with each other,”she said. The schoolmaster, who grew up in India, said that he fully supported Ms Smith. He said that Virginia is an excellent student who would have no problem getting into the best universities even with a C in cooking. “She wont have any difficulty finding a great university, but she might have problems finding a husband,” he laughed. “Shed better look for a man who likes to eat out a lot.”35 . When he knew his daughter got a C in cooking class, Virginias father was very angry with _.Aher daughterBthe cooking teacherCthe school masterDhimself36 . Virginia was so sad that. _.Ashe cried the whole weekendBshe asked the teacher to change her gradeCshe thought the teacher looked down upon herDher cat got run over by a car37 . What can we infer from the story?AVirginias cooking teacher is Jessica Smith.BVirginia Brown is six years old.CVirginias father has no work and stays at home.DVirginia has wide interests.38 . Which of the following is NOT right?AThe school master didnt think Ms Smith was right.BVirginia Brown is a top student in the school.CIt is the first year for Ms Smith to teach.DTheres no problem for Virginia to get into the best universities.39 . From the story we know that the school master is very_.AstrictBtallChumourousDcreative四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及汉语提示完成单词40 . The headmaster will _ (授予) the prize to the winners after the match.41 . Most of the girls like _ (裙子) because they want to be more beautiful.42 . I have a _ (感觉) that we can pass the exam easily.43 . If you like, you can _ (添加) some sugar to your coffee.44 . The girl cried and _ (冲) out of the room.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given words (用括号中所给单词适当形式完成下列句子)45 . Next month, my uncle is going to have a big party for his _ birthday. (forty)46 . Husbands should say sorry first to their _ when they make mistakes. (wife)47 . Peter would like to make a paper ship at the water festival _. (he)48 . Mr. Wind blew fiercely to show his _. (strong)49 . Its _ to finish your homework in an hour every day because you do it slowly. (possible)50 . The people in the hall shouted happily with a lot of _. (laugh)51 . These people will _ die if they dont have any water to drink in a few days. (certain)六、用单词的正确形式完成短文根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确. wear, happy, call, sleep, follow, cry, worry, have, be, kingThere lived an52 . king a long time ago. He53 . badly. His face was always pale. He often54 . for no reason . This made the queen55 . . One day, a doctor56 . in to examine the king. He said to the queen, “Something is wrong in his mind. He needs57 . the shirt of a happy person to make himself happy.” Then, the palace singer came to the palace and said, “Its true that Im famous. But Im not happy because Im always worried about 58 . by others.” Finally, a poor man came to the59 . room. This was what he said, “Even though I60 . neither an officer nor a famous person, Im happy, because I have everything I want and I dont want what I cant61 . . ”七、单词填空Yangzhou is one of the most f62 . areas in China for its jade(碧玉,翡翠) production and long h63 . in jade carving(玉雕). Over t64 . of years, generations of jade craftsmen(工匠) have d65 . themselves to continuing and innovating(创新) the ancient t66 . skills to create many beautiful jade articles of different shapes and sizes. In 2010, China opened its first national-level jade museum, w67 . was updated from the original Yangzhou Jadeware Museum, in Yangzhou. China Jade Museum is opposite Yangzhou Jadeware Factory and c68 . an area of 2,875 square meters. Yangzhou jade culture is fully displayed in different forms .As one of the carriers(载体) of history, China Jade Museum will play an i69 . role in protecting Yangzhou jade carving effectivelythe National Intangible Cultural Heritage(国家非物质遗产), and in further advancing Chinas jade c70 . and pushing the d71 . of traditional arts and crafts.八、填空It is said that the eyes are “the windows of our soul”. Beautiful and bright eyes not only show a good health but also make you look very attractive(有吸引力). However, to have healthy eyes you have to look after them properly. Your eyes need taking good care of.Be careful with your diet. First, eat food that is good for your eyes. They are fresh fruits and vegetables as fish, eggs, and milk. Besides, a regular amount of vitamins A and B2 should also be taken.A good sleep is a must. It relaxes your eyes and gives them enough rest. Sleep not only helps repair the tired body. Usually, you must sleep for at least seven to eight hours every day. Loss of sleep can give you dark circles under the eye.You must exercise your eyes every day. Blink(眨眼) yours eyes at regular periods, which makes the eyeballs full of water and gives them a good wash.We use our eyes in many wrong ways. Fox example, if a small thing goes into our eye we start rubbing it, which is wrong. Rubbing can hurt your eyes. Dont read or write in poor or bright sunlight. Always use sunglasses as sunlight can cause eye tiredness. Light should not shine directly in your eyes. Too much reading, writing, watching TV or working on the computer can also cause eye tiredness.Remember to always take care of Gods most beautiful gift to you. Your life will be very colorless without your eyes.72 . to keep your eyes healthy73 . Eating food good for your eyes,74 . as fresh fruits, vegetables and food high in protein(蛋白质).Taking a proper amount of Vitamins A and B2 regularly.SleepHaving a good sleep is75 . .Reducing loss of76 . .Eye77 . Having your eyes exercised every day.Blinking your eyes at regular periods.Eye usingIts78 . to rub your eye when something goes in.Read or write in soft sunlight.Light should never shine in your eyes in a79 . way.Take a80 . after reading, writing, watching TV or working on the computer.ConclusionIts very important to81 . your eyes.九、汉译英:整句根据中文意思,翻译下列句子。82 . 真遗憾,我们不应该再买皮草了。83 . 过量的工作和过少的休息将会导致疾病。84 . 中国政府制定了法律来防止这些事。85 . 随身带一本笔记本为了记下你所看到的。86 . 这几年在扬州的旅游者数量越来越多。十、书信作文87 . 书面表达假如你是三年级一班的王林,你所在学校的“爱心倶乐部(Helping Hands Club)”将吸收新会员,你想加入该俱乐部。请根据下面表格和图示信息,用英语写一封自荐信。本人特点身体健康;学习刻苦;乐于助人;与同学相处友好平时表现(见图片)加入目的(写出两点)ABCD要求:1.表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯;2.要点须包括表格和四幅图片中的提示信息;3.表格中“加入目的”一栏内容自拟;4.词数:80左右。信的开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Chairman,I am a student from Class 1,Grade 3. Id like to be a member of the Helping Hands Club._I will be glad if I am accepted. I am waiting for your answer.Yours,Wang Lin第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、七、单词填空1、八、填空1、九、汉译英:整句1、十、书信作文1、


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