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长春市2019版八年级上学期期末英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、完型填空完形填空My name_Philip. NowI live_China_Sunday, my father often takes me to movies. My favourite_are action (动作)movies.My father likes them, too. Many_people like this kind of movies because theyre_. My good friend, Jim likes thrillers(惊悚片)_. I dont like thrillers.I_they are scary(吓人的)and boring . Jim likes Beijing Opera(戏剧),_And he wants to_a Beijing Opera artist.1 . AisBbeCareDam2 . AonBinCatDof3 . AInBAtCOnDFor4 . AcolorsBsportsCbooksDmovies5 . AyoungBbigCsmallDlong6 . AexcitingBboringCdifficultDdifferent7 . AgoodBfineCbestDnice8 . AaskBbuyChaveDthink9 . AtooBtoCalsoDtwo10 . AisBamCareDbeIts Sunday. Peter doesnt go to _. Now he is free and he wants to _ computer games, but his mother Mrs. Smith asks him to do _ math homework first. Then he can do the things he likes. Peter isnt _. He asks, “Mom, do you love me?”Mrs. Smith says, “Yes, I _, my dear.”“Then why dont you _ me play computer games? Why cant I do _I want?” says Peter.Mrs. Smith puts Peters clothes on the _ and asks him, “Dear, do you love me?” Peter says, “Yes. Thats _.” Then Mrs. Smith says, “Great! Dear, I dont want to do the things I dont like and I dont want to wash(洗)your _. Why do you always ask _ to wash them?” And you can play computer games _ you wash them.”Peter _all the clothes on the sofa and says, “Mom, I must do my _ homework now. I love you.” Then, he goes into his _. What a clever mother!11 . AtripBparkCsleepDschool12 . AbuyBsellCplayDfind13 . AhisBherCyourDmy14 . AtidyBhappyChealthyDfree15 . AdoBamCcanDmust16 . AletBneedCwantDtell17 . AhowBwhereCwhatDwho18 . AbedBdeskCtableDsofa19 . Aso goodBtoo badCfor sureDfor sale20 . AclothesBschoolbagsCtomatoesDapples21 . AthemBhimCusDme22 . AafterBwhenCbeforeDand23 . Aasks forBlooks atCeats upDthinks of24 . AartBhistoryCmathDscience25 . AlibraryBplaneCschoolDroom二、阅读单选All the students in Class l, Grade 9 at Woodland School agreed they loved going to themovies. Different students loved different movies. Their teachers took a survey of the students favourite movies for the year. The graph below shows the results.26 . The graph shows the results of.Ateachers favourite movies in a classBstudents favourite movies in a classCteachers favourite movies in a gradeDstudents favourite movies in a grade27 . According to the graph, the most popular movie was .AMr Manns JourneyBCheeky MonkeysCSuper CrocDMystery Island三、阅读判断Lost:My school ID card.The number is 4480945. My name is Grace Green. Please call 290-5598.Found:Is this your cup?Its white and red.E-mail me at david009gmail.comDavidLost:I lost my English dictionary. I must find it.Call me at 622-7798.LindaCindy,Your notebook is in the lost and found case.Mike根据方框中的信息,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。28 . Graces school ID card number is 4489045.29 . The cup is white and red.30 . If the cup is Pauls, he can call David.31 . Mikes notebook is in the lost and found case.32 . Linda lost a dictionary.四、完成句子. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。33 . 下车前别忘了带上你的东西。Dont forget to take your things before _ the bus.34 . 你可以依靠她来应付这种局面。You can _ her to deal with the situation.35 . 我到家时,我哥哥正在修理他的闹钟。When I got home, my brother was_his alarm.36 . 保罗以沉默来逃避他的问题。Paul ran away from his problems _.37 . 他们没有告诉我们为什么把会议延期。They didnt tell us why they _ the meeting.五、用单词的正确形式完成短文根据短文内容,用as soon as, unless或so . that填空。38 . I got home today, my good friend Mike called me. He said he was 39 . busy these days 40 . he had no time to visit me. Because of this he felt very sorry. On the phone Mike also said he would have a party this weekend. He knew 41 . he invited me, I would not go to the party. But my mother asked me to look after my sister Rita. My mother isnt home now. She went to work. 42 . she comes home from work, Ill tell her the news. 43 . someone can take care of my sister, I wont go to the party because she is 44 . young 45 . she cant look after herself.六、填写适当的句子补全对话A:46 . ?B: Im watching TV.A:The TV show is boring.47 . .B: That sounds great.48 . ?A: Yes, I do. I have a new soccer.B:49 . ?A: Its sunny outside. Its good for sports.B:50 . ?A: At the door of the park, OK?B: Great. See you.AWhere are we going to meet B: What are you doing, TomBHow is the weather outside?CDo you have a soccer ballDLets go and play soccer ballEAre you watching TV七、填空The Internet nowadays opens a wide world to people, including teenagers, but many parents worry that their children may meet with something unhealthy when searching online. In order to solve this problem, a new search engine for children called Kiddle has appeared.Search results are filtered(过滤), so only safe website are shown and descriptions are written in simple language. Searches with bad words are shut off, too.Kiddles uses the same colors as Google in its logo and a similar design on its homepage, too with an extra robot picture. The top three Kiddle search results show safe websites and pages written specially for kids, and those websites and pages are well chosen and checked by Kiddle developers.The fourth to seventh results will be safe and trusted websites that are not written specially for kids, but have content written in a simple way. These results are also chosen and checked.Results on the eighth and onwards pages are safe and famous websites that are written for adults. They provide expert content, but are harder for kids to understand.Unlike on Google, most results appear along with large thumbnail pictures(缩略图)to make it easier for children to find what they are looking for. For example, when searching for meow meow. Google produces pages for information about a drug(毒品)that has meow meow as its nickname(绰号),but Kiddle lists information only about cats, even with some cartoon pictures. The company explained, Websites which appear in Kiddle search results satisfy family-friendly requirements, as we filter websites with unhealthy content.Kiddle a Child-Friendly Search EngineCharacteristicsOnly safe websites are shown.Descriptions are written in simple language.36.51 . bad words appear.LogoIt uses the same colors as Google with a robot picture.ContentThe top three search resultsWebsites and pages are written 37.52 . for kids, after being well chosen and checked.The fourth to seventh resultsWebsites are also worth 38.53 . and have content written in a simple way.The eighth and onwards resultsWebsites are safe and famous, written for adults, and they are not 39.54 . for kids to understand.40.55 . from GoogleKiddle has many thumbnail pictures.Kiddle only gives safe information.AdvantageKiddle satisfies family-friendly requirements.八、话题作文56 . 假如你是李露,学校将组织一场主题为“My dream job“的英语演讲比赛。请根据以下提示写一篇70词左右的英语演讲稿。开头已给出不计入总词数。要点提示:1. 你梦想的职业是什么?2. 你为什么喜欢这一职业?3. 为了实现你的梦想,你将如何行动。写作要求:1。表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯。2. 必须包括所有相关信息,并作适当发挥。3. 不得出现真实姓名及学校。My dream jobGood morning everyone, I am Li lu._Thank you for listening.第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、完型填空1、答案:略2、答案:略二、阅读单选1、三、阅读判断1、答案:略四、完成句子1、五、用单词的正确形式完成短文1、六、填写适当的句子补全对话1、七、填空1、八、话题作文1、


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