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人教版2019-2020学年七年级第二学期第一次月考英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The _doctors like carrot noodles, but the girl students dont like noodles with_.Awoman, carrotBwomen, carrotsCwomen, carrotDwoman, carrots2 . My elder brother is _ engineer. He works very hard.AtheBaC/Dan3 . Do you have a kite? - _.AYes, I haveBNo, I haventCYes, I doDNo, I do4 . Which of the following is not a capital city?AOttawa.BLondon.CNew York.DTokyo.5 . -What did the teacher say just now?- The teacher told us _ our hands before _ the questions.Ato rise; answeredBrise; answeringCto raise; answeringDraise; answered6 . If you meet new words while reading, you can _the dictionary, but not too often.Aask forBpick upCturn to7 . The girl spent all her time she had_ others.Ato helpBhelpingChelpedDto helping8 . My father_ free on Sunday. He often plays with me.AisBdoesCisnt beDdoesnt be9 . _ people have been to the famous _ mountain.Athree millions; 2000-meter-highBthree millions; 2000-meters-highCthree million; 2000-meters-highDthree million; 2000-meter-high10 . I would like to know about the Dragon Boat Festival.AeverythingBnothingCanythingDsomething11 . We should brush our _ every day.AtoothBteethChand12 . My parents always encourage me and help to _ the best in me.Atake outBbring outCcare about13 . Im sorry I cant play soccer with you this afternoon, I have _ homework to do.Atoo manyBtoo muchCmuch tooDmany too14 . He _ at school.Amay beBmaybeCmay isDmay15 . Sun Yang is a _ swimmer. He can swim very _.Awell; goodBgood; wellCgood; fine16 . I think being a teacher is great. _ you want to be a teacher,you must be good with kids.AButBIfCSoDAnd17 . (题文)Hey, what will you dowith it?III look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little _ .AwaitBtimeCpatienceDrest18 . We have nine _ students and eighty-five teachers in our school.AhundredsBhundredChundreds of二、完型填空A man comes home from work late. His 5-year-old son is _for him. “Daddy, can you give me $ 10?” his son asks. The father is very _ and says,” If you want to buy a toy, you can go to your_and go to bed.” After about an hour, the man _, “Maybe he really needs to buy something. He doesnt ask for money very_.”Then the man goes to the little boys room. “I am too tired and not very happy. Heres $10,” says the man. The little boy _up, smiling, “Oh, thank you, Daddy!” he says. Then , from under his pillow(枕头) he takes out some_Then the man starts to get angry again. “Why do you want more money if you already have some?” he asks. “_ I didnt have enough, but now I do,” the little boy answers. “Daddy, I have$20 now. Can I _an hour of your time? Please _early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.”19 . AwaitingBaskingClookingDworking20 . AhappyBtiredCangryDsad21 . AroomBschoolCshopDhome22 . AsaysBasksCthinksDhopes23 . AlateBearlyCmuchDoften24 . AstandsBsitsClooksDputs25 . AtoysBbooksCfoodDmoney26 . ABecauseBSoCButDOr27 . AhaveBmakeCdoDbuy28 . Ago to workBcome homeCgo to bedDgo shopping三、阅读单选Mr. Green lives in the country. He is very poor. He has a daughter. Her name is Lily. She is 6. Last year, on the Eve of Christmas, the girl used some money to buy a piece of wrapping paper(一张包装纸). She wanted to use it to wrap(包) a gift. The father wasnt glad because he didnt have much money.The next morning, Lily gave the gift to her father. The man was a little happy. But when he opened the box, he was not happy again. He couldnt see anything in it. He shouted at her, Why do you give me an empty(空的)box? Oh, Daddy. It isnt empty at all. I blow kisses(亲吻) into the box. They are all for you, Daddy. Lily said. Her father was moved and kissed her, Im sorry, dear. The box is full of your love. I like it so much! I love you! I love you, too. Daddy! Lily was very happy.29 . How old is Lily?AFourBFiveCSixDSeven30 . What festival was it?ASpring FestivalBThanksgivingCChristmasDEaster31 . What did Lily want to wrap?ASome moneyBA boxCA birthday giftDSome paper32 . Why wasnt the father happy when he opened the box?ABecause he didnt like her daughterBBecause there was nothing in itCBecause the gift was not beautifulDBecause he is poor33 . The underlined(下划线的) word moved means in ChineseA生气B搬动C难过D感动The fathers role in the family is important. One researcher says babies who are cared for by their fathers have greater cognitive (认知的) development at one year of age than babies not cared for by their fathers. Another researcher reports that by spending time with their pre-school children, fathers can help to develop childrens language ability. Researchers also point out that for school-age children, fathers are one bridge with the outside world.Fathers who value (重视) education have children who do better in school than those children whose fathers dont value education. Whats more, fathers who spend quality time with their children may give their children happy memories which may last a lifetime.While each father is auniqueperson who educates children in his own style, good fathers have something in common.Good fathers attend their childrens school activities. They also involve the children in their lives and the adult world by taking them to see the workplace, or by taking them when the car needs to be repaired, etc.Good fathers expect a great deal from their children, but also accept and support the unique individuals (个体) that their children are becoming.Good fathers prefer explanations and reasoning to force.Good fathers know their time with children is really an investment (投资) in them.Being an involved father is good for children and good for fathers. Both children and fathers have the chance for growth and development. Todays lifestyles are changing. More and more fathers are keeping a balance between their personal life, work, and family time.34 . The passage is mainly about _.Ahow to be a qualified fatherBthe growth and development of both fathers and childrenCthe fathers role in the growth and development of childrenDthe change of the fathers role in modern society35 . Auniqueperson in the third paragraph means “a person who”.Ahas the same ideas as othersBis the only one of his typeCdoes everything without considering others ideasDtries to do everything well36 . Which of the following statements is CORRECT according to the passage?AGood fathers attend their childrens school activities but never take them to their workplace.BGood fathers expect a great deal from their children and force them to work hard.CGood fathers try to make it clear to their children that staying with their fathers is an investment.DGood fathers improve themselves when they spend time with their children.37 . According to the passage, fathers involvement in their childrens lives may NOT lead to _.Athe good fate(命运) of their childrenBbetter reading levels of their childrenChappy memories which may last a lifetimeDgreater cognitive development of their childrenIt was a rainy night in New Orleans, US. At a bus station, I watched a young girl cry as her baggage(行李) was taken down. It seemed shed lost her ticket. She begged the bus driver not to leave her behind.“Losing your ticket is like losing money,” the bus driver said, and left her in the rain.But then an old man stood up and blocked the drivers way. “How can you leave that girl out there? You know she had a ticket. You cant just leave her here. You cant leave her in a city where she doesnt have a friend. You will meet your schedule(日程安排), but she might meet her end.”The driver showed no sign that hed heard or even cared about the young girls problem, or how her travels went.So the old gentleman said: “Ill pay for her ticket. Ill give her a little money to help her on her way.”He went and bought a ticket for the girl. “How can I repay the kindness youve shown tonight?” she asked. “Were strangers who wont meet again. A mere thank you doesnt seem right.”The old man said: “What goes around comes around. Ive learned this with time. What you give, you always get back. Always be helpful to others and give what you can spare(分让).”38 . Why was the girls baggage taken down from the bus?ABecause she needed to go to the hospital.BBecause the bus driver wanted to drop her.CBecause she wanted to leave for another city.DBecause it was hard to carry heavy baggage on a rainy day.39 . What did the old man ask the driver to do?ALet the girl go.BDont leave the girl outCPay for the ticket.DGive the girl some money.40 . Which one is TRUE according to the story?AThe girl lost her ticket and bought one again.BThe old gentleman lent money to the girl for a ticket.CThe girl wanted to return the money to the old gentleman.DThe bus driver wanted the girl to leave since she lost her ticket.41 . Which is close to the meaning of “What goes around comes around”?ADo well and have well.BBetter late than never.CTake the world as it is.DBarking dogs never bite.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。42 . Sam needs to find a p_ job to make more money.43 . Sixteen-year-olds shouldnt be a_to drive because they arent serious enough.44 . John got his drivers_(证件)last month.45 . Dont be so _(愚蠢的)!46 . Do you mind me _(吸烟) here?五、用所给单词的正确形式填空Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words.47 . Who is your favourite football _ (play)?48 . The Great Wall is a good place _(visit).49 . My mother _ (play) the piano every Sunday.50 . There are _ (hundred) of fans waiting for LuYi outside.51 . Sam enjoys music, but Linda enjoys _ (draw) pictures.六、句子配对52 . Your new dress looks very nice! AYes, it is so nice.BWhere? Where?CThank you.DThats all right.七、单词填空Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给): A group of frogs were traveling through the woods when two of them fell into a deep pit(坑). All the other frogs came around the pit. When they saw how d53 . the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were dying. The two frogs wouldnt listen to their words and tried to jump out of the pit. The other frogs kept telling them to stop. F54 . , one of the frogs listened to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died. The other frog c55 . to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the group of frogs shouted at him to give up and wait for the d56 . . He jumped even harder and in the end he made it out. When he got out, the other frog asked: “Did you not hear us ?” To their surprise, the frog explained to them that he couldnt hear clearly. He thought they were encouraging him the w57 . time. Words have the power of life and death. An encouraging word spoken to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it t58 . their difficulties. A destructive word to someone who is down can sometimes kill that person. So always be careful of what you say.八、填空You cant just stop worrying. Worrying has been a huge positive in my life. There is lots of evidence(证据) that worriers are better prepared for lifes challenges and so tend to do better in the long run. I wouldnt give it up at all. I read this sentence somewhere and kept it saved on my phone to remind myself “Worry is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but takes you nowhere. ” Its possible to live better with worry. There you learn to deal with worrying in your study and life.Divert (转移) your mind. Make yourself get rid of the thoughts that worry you. Go out. Do some things. Keep yourself busy. Talk it out. It works for a lot of people. Talk to somebody who really understands you. If they are busy, get online. There are many anxiety forums(论坛) where people are there to listen.Take a break from your schedule. If you get a holiday with your family, your friends or just tour a new city alone,you will return and become new. Write a diary. I experienced that writing your worries gives better feelings, reduces the pressure in your head and decreases the frequency(经常性) of worrisome(令人烦恼的) thoughts. Watch something positively. A good speech, inspiring movie, or video sometimes gives us the confidence and courage to do something, moving past our worries. All in all, dont take life that seriously. Remember that you have only one life to live. Its almost no use wasting it over a lot of things that we worry about. Breathe deeply! It will get better. Title:59 . PurposeThe article wants to tell you some methods about 60 . with worrying in your study and life. How to treat worriesKeep yourself busy so that you have no time to 61 . about something. Talk about your worries with somebody who really understands you.Your holiday will make you new to something if you spare some time to take a holiday.Writing diaries can make you have better feelings.You will feel confident and have courage by watching a good speech, an inspiring movie, or a video when you watch something in a 62 . attitude. ConclusionIts no use wasting life over things that we worry about. Take a deep 63 . , and it will be better.九、回答问题My name is Millie. My dream home is a big house at the top of a hill. There is a swimming pool and a big garden. There are five floors so I have a lift instead of stairs.On the ground floor, there is a big room for parties. There are twelve tables in the room and each table is big enough for ten people. There is also a small cinema for watching videos and DVDs.On the first floor, there are eight bedrooms. Each bedroom has bunk beds, a TV set and a balcony. The second floor is for my dog Baby. She has lots of toys there. There is a computer room on the third floor, a sitting room and a kitchen on the fourth floor.64 . Where is Millies dream home?_65 . How does Millie go upstairs?_66 . How many people can Millie invite for a party each time?_67 . Where is the cinema?_68 . Which floor is for Millies dog Baby?_十、材料作文69 . 书面表达请以“My room”为题,根据以下提示写一篇50词左右的短文。提示:房间内有一张桌子、一把椅子、一个书架,桌子上有电脑和一些照片,书架上有收音机和飞机模型,墙上有一些图片,棒球在椅子下面。第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、句子配对1、七、单词填空1、八、填空1、九、回答问题1、十、材料作文1、


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