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.国际商务合同起草与翻译 3/3 Unit 10 Reading through the Text liquidated damages 预定违约赔偿金 at ones own expense 自费know-how 实际知识,本事,窍门,技能 to take measures 采取措施transfer 转变,改变 confirmed L/C 保兑信用证in conformity with 与一致 combined trademark 联合商标at ones discretion 单方面 associated trademark 联结商标in case of 假使,如果发生 idle 使停滞at the disposal of 任某人处理 production lines 生产作业流水线substandard 不合格的 arise from 由所发生的compensate sb for sth 因为向某人赔偿 to be governed by 由管辖、控制Arbitration Tribunal 仲裁院 to be binding on/ upon 对有约束力the arbitration award 仲裁裁决 registered letter 信件确认to be borne by 由负担 apply to for 向申请losing party 败诉方 ratify 批准in the course of 在的过程中 ratification 批准to be under 在进行中 respective 个别的exert ones effort to do sth/ exert oneself to sth 尽力做某事 claims 债权 liabilities 债务to have the same effect/ to have the same force/ to have the same legal force/ to be equally authentic 具有同等效力Unit 11 Pitching upon the words cover 包括;应付;偿付;投保 construe 解释to perform a contract/ to fulfill a contract/ to execute a contract/ to implement a contract 履行合同comply with 遵守 all right reserved 版权所有in consideration of 由于 reference 编号,资信情况,谈到,资信备询人;查阅call off 取消 forthwith 立即lodge 提出 grant 许可with reference to 关于 operations 有计划的业务活动choice 优质的 discount (银行业务)贴现commision 委托代理 promissory note 本票through sbs good office 承某人的鼎力帮助 instrument (商业)单据文件;(结算业务)票据的总称freight 运费,货物 in ones favor 以为收益人in the case of 至于;就.来说 in favor 受赏识,受好评in case of 假如 ensure 保证;担保(claim) allowance (索要)赔偿费 in question 正在被谈起的make allowance for 考虑到某事物 out of the question 不可能的negotiable bank 议付行 out of question 毫无疑问negotaible certificate of deposit 流通存单 lieu 代替 impost 税lien 留置权 mortgage 用财产担保(抵押)taxes and levies (政府所征收的)一切税金 pledge 质押(动产或权利)Unit 12 Restructuring the sentence partial shipments 分批发货 exclusive sale 包销at ones own cost 以.为代价 budget 预算take actions 采取行动 convenance (常用复)惯例,习俗agent 代理人 liquidation 结算to be under arbitration 正在仲裁 to be of the opinion that 认为upon the expiration of 在终止时 be entitled to do sth 有权做某事mutually 双方地 come into force 生效after .之日起 divulge 泄露when 如果,倘若 obtain (习惯等)流行,通行,得到公认before .后,才能 paying bank 付款行put into practical use 投入实际应用 brand-new products 新产品prior to 在.之前 surplus 盈余pursuant to 按照 affiliate 附属机构proceeds (从银行贷的)款项 in the event 倘若,如果Unit 1 Ascertaining Basic Documents 询盘 inquiry 发盘 offer 还盘 counter-offer 承诺 acceptance 暂定价格 provisional quotations 印记 stamping 如果订购 in the event of order 发盘人 offerer 受盘人 offeree 设计使用年限和已经使用年限 rated and spent 电子数据交换 Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) 实盘 firm offer 99年产大路货 F.A.Q.99 Corp, 虚盘 non firm-offer 以我方最后确认为准 subject to our final confirmation 以认可样品为准 subject to approval of sample 以未售出为准 subject to prior state 不受约束 without engagement 兹将再次催请立即报价,以免报价到达太晚,用户不予考虑. we have to urge you to send us your quotation by return lest it should arrive here too late for the user to consider 希望以上报盘能为你方所接受,等待你方来试订. we trust the above will be acceptable to you and await with keen interest your trial order. 该货价格上涨完全可由节省的运费抵销,因此这次的报价应与上次相同. the increase in price can be well set off by the saving in freight and thereof the unit price of this order should be identical with that of our last order. 希贵方予以考虑并请传真确认. Pls consider our comments and let us have your confirmation by fax. 如按你公司所提减价10%,很难不影响产品的质量标准,而这不是我公司愿采取的做法.我们建议凡定单值超过1,000美元的,减价5%而不是10%.这样做将不会因减价而影响货品质量. reduce prices by 10% as you mentioned could not be done without considerable lowering our standards of quality. This is something we are not prepared to do. Instead of 10% reduction on XXX, we suggest a reduction of 5% of all lines on order for US$1,000 or more on orders of this size so we could manage to make the reduction without lowering our standards. 希望你公司接受上述建议,并一如既往按时寄来定单. We hope you will agree to our counter suggestion and look forward to receiving regular orders from you as in the past. 除非 provided 要求,请求 request 由 by and between 当收到时 on receipt of 查明,弄清,确定 ascertain 另行封寄 under separate cover 会谈纪要 minute of talk 声称 purport 潜在的客户 prospective buyer 佣金 commision 可(能)做某事 in a position to do sth 充分确切的洽谈 sound and definite negotiation Unite 2 Familiarizing Contract Formats Contracts for international sale of goods 国际货物销售合同 contracts for international techonology transfer 国际技术转让合同 contracts for sino-foreign joint ventures 中外合资经营企业合同 contracts for sino-foreign contractual joint venture 中外合作经营企业合同 contracts for international engineering projects 国际工程承包合同 contracts for compensation trade 补偿贸易合同 contracts for foreign labor services 涉外劳务合同 contracts for international leasing affairs 国际租赁合同 contracts for sino-foreign credits and loans 涉外信贷合同 contracts for international build-operate-transfer (BOT) 国际BOT投资合同 contracts for sino-foreign cooperative development of natural resources 中外合作开采自然资源合同 Unit 3 Standardizing the Structure 违约金 penalty 支付条款 terms of payment赔偿损失 compensation for losses 支付金额 amount of payment支付利息 payment of interest 支付工具 instrument of payment解除合同 cancellation of the contract 支付时间 time of payment和解 conciliation 支付地点 place of payment调解 mediation 支付方式 method of payment仲裁 arbitration 优先购买权 pre-emptive right诉讼 lawsuit 仲裁协议 arbitration provision不可测事件,意外事件 eventuality 中止履行合同 suspension of the contract performance防水的 waterproof 不可抗力 Force Majeure战争险保费 war risk premium 索赔 claim信用证 L/C 提交,呈递 submit sth (to sb/sth)副本 annex 条款 clauseUnit 4 Clarifying the contents 合同的转让 assignment of contracts 保函 Letter of Guarantee合同的变更 modification of contracts 单方法律行为 one-sided act in law转让无效 no assignment shall be effective 单方的 unilaterally 品质担保 guaranty of quality 全体一致的 unanimity权利担保 guaranty of right 障碍 impediment履约担保 guaranty of performance 被诉一方 indictee瑞典斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁院 The Arbitration tribunal of the stockholm chamber of commerce, stockholm, sweden 效力,有效性 validity 独占区域 exclusive territory此后 hereinafter 净销售价 net selling price许可方 licensor 鉴于 whereas被许可方 licensee 转让 assignment条款 terms and conditions 受让人 assignee真正的;真诚的;守信的 bona fide 抵押;以作担保 pledge一式两份 in duplicate 解除 rescission担保 warranty 解除 rescind担保 guaranty 违反合同 breach the contract担保人 guarantor 受损方 aggrieved party被担保人 guarantee 违约方 defaulting party债务人 obligor 受害方 damaged party债权人 obligee 法定违约金 legal penalty受益人 beneficiary 约定违约金 contractual penalty利息 interest 由承担 to be borne by补救措施 remedial measure 受约束 to be bound by有备无患 where there is precaution, there is no danger 依赖于,求助于 seek recourse fromUnit 5 Standardizing Contractual Languages (1) 理舱费 stowage fee 出票人 Drawer平舱费 trimming charges 受票人 Drawee识别标志 dentification mark 受款人 Payee指示标志 indication mark 承兑人 Acceptor警告性标志 warning mark 背书人 Endorser(indorser)主要标志 leading mark 被背书人 endoree唛头 shipping mark 一定的金额 a sum certain in money原产地标志 country of origin mark 屡见不鲜 common occurrence适合海运之木箱 seaworthy wooden cases 书面的无条件支付命令 an unconditional order to pay in writing出票日期和地点 date and place of issue 可自由兑换的货币 freely convertible currency付款地点 place of payment 国际单位制 international system of unit (SI)付款时间 time of payment/ tenor 公制 the metric system根据 in accordance with 英制 the british system考虑到 in consideration of 美制 the U.S. system装运港 port of shipment 卸货港 port of discharge目的港 port of destination 工业产权 industrial property折扣 discount 记账单 accounting unit净价 net price 票据 bill硬货币 hard currency 可转让票据 negotiable instrument软货币 soft currency 汇票 bill of exchange远期汇票 time bill 立即付款 at-once-payment/ prompt payment银行汇票 banks bill 汇付 remittance商业汇票 commercial bill 托收 collection光票汇票 clean bill 分期付款 installment payment/ progressive payment跟票汇票 documentary bill 延期付款 deferred payment即期汇票 sight bill Unit 6 Standardizing Contractual languages (2) fixed price 固定价格 hidden discount 暗扣non-fixed price 非固定价格 sample 样品unit price 单价 duplicate sample 复样hidden commision 暗金 remedial measures 补救措施fixing the price according to the quality of goods 按质论价 grade 等级 quality tolerance 品质公差trade mark 商标 admixture 杂质to raise a claim for 提出索赔 agricultural and sideline products 农副产品unit of measurement 计量单位 industrial and mineral products 工矿产品form of measurement 计量方法 more or less clause 溢短装条款quantity latitude 数量机动幅度 bulk commodities 大宗商品plus or minus clause 增减条款 time of validity of a claim 索赔时效factual evidence 事实依据 event 事件exclusions 除外责任 accident 事故latent defect 潜在的瑕疵 Unit 7 Referencing international conventions and practice delievery terms 交货条件 carriage of palletized goods 托盘运输carriage of container 集装箱运输 special drawing right 特别提款权price terms 价格术语/条件 Unit 8 Going over the text natural person 自然人 fraud 欺诈legal persons 法人 duress 胁迫other organizations 其它组织 controlled company 子公司a legal person for business administration 事业性法人 lack experience 无经验 duplicate sample 复样model contract 格式合同 abide by 遵守tensile strength 抗张强度 lex personalis 属人法sovereignty principle 主权原则 modification clasue 变更条款come into force 生效 assignment clause 转让条款inspection clause 商检条款 in case 假如bring suit in the court 向法庭起诉 free arrival station 集装箱到达站交货personnel 职员;人员 royalty price 提成价格Unit 9 Abiding by Translation Criteria faithfulness 信 offer 要约expressiveness 达 offerer 要约人elegance 雅 accept 承诺net profit 净利润 acceptor 承诺人exclusive contract 专销合同 bearresponsibility 承担责任financial responsibility 经济责任 irrevocable letter of credit 不可撤销的信用证to be subject to 以为准;以为有效 documentary bill 跟单汇票ADV advice 建议 accuse 控诉bring a charge/ infringement 指控 lay a foundation for 为奠定基础exchange views on sth 交流意见 endorsement 背书;保险单上的变更条款bear expenses 承担费用 negotiable 可转让的fair market value 公平市价 Unit 10 Reading through the Text liquidated damages 预定违约赔偿金 at ones own expense 自费know-how 实际知识,本事,窍门,技能 to take measures 采取措施transfer 转变,改变 confirmed L/C 保兑信用证in conformity with 与一致 combined trademark 联合商标at ones discretion 单方面 associated trademark 联结商标in case of 假使,如果发生 idle 使停滞at the disposal of 任某人处理 production lines 生产作业流水线substandard 不合格的 arise from 由所发生的compensate sb for sth 因为向某人赔偿 to be governed by 由管辖、控制Arbitration Tribunal 仲裁院 to be binding on/ upon 对有约束力the arbitration award 仲裁裁决 registered letter 信件确认to be borne by 由负担 apply to for 向申请losing party 败诉方 ratify 批准in the course of 在的过程中 ratification 批准to be under 在进行中 respective 个别的exert ones effort to do sth/ exert oneself to sth 尽力做某事 claims 债权 liabilities 债务to have the same effect/ to have the same force/ to have the same legal force/ to be equally authentic 具有同等效力Unit 11 Pitching upon the words cover 包括;应付;偿付;投保 construe 解释to perform a contract/ to fulfill a contract/ to execute a contract/ to implement a contract 履行合同comply with 遵守 all right reserved 版权所有in consideration of 由于 reference 编号,资信情况,谈到,资信备询人;查阅call off 取消 forthwith 立即lodge 提出 grant 许可with reference to 关于 operations 有计划的业务活动choice 优质的 discount (银行业务)贴现commision 委托代理 promissory note 本票through sbs good office 承某人的鼎力帮助 instrument (商业)单据文件;(结算业务)票据的总称freight 运费,货物 in ones favor 以为收益人in the case of 至于;就.来说 in favor 受赏识,受好评in case of 假如 ensure 保证;担保(claim) allowance (索要)赔偿费 in question 正在被谈起的make allowance for 考虑到某事物 out of the question 不可能的negotiable bank 议付行 out of question 毫无疑问negotaible certificate of deposit 流通存单 lieu 代替 impost 税lien 留置权 mortgage 用财产担保(抵押)taxes and levies (政府所征收的)一切税金 pledge 质押(动产或权利)Unit 12 Restructuring the sentence partial shipments 分批发货 exclusive sale 包销at ones own cost 以.为代价 budget 预算take actions 采取行动 convenance (常用复)惯例,习俗agent 代理人 liquidation 结算to be under arbitration 正在仲裁 to be of the opinion that 认为upon the expiration of 在终止时 be entitled to do sth 有权做某事mutually 双方地 come into force 生效after .之日起 divulge 泄露when 如果,倘若 obtain (习惯等)流行,通行,得到公认before .后,才能 paying bank 付款行put into practical use 投入实际应用 brand-new products 新产品prior to 在.之前 surplus 盈余pursuant to 按照 affiliate 附属机构proceeds (从银行贷的)款项 in the event 倘若,如果Unit 13 Following Contractual Norms (1) hereby (用于公文等中)以此方式;特此;兹 upon the expiry of 在期满时make full endeavors to do sth 竭尽全力做某事 supplier 供方 herein 此中,于此purchaser 买方 hereinafter 在下文exclusive right 专有权 hereto 于此maintenance 维修 herewith 与此,附此courier 信使 thereof 它的,其licensed product 特许产品 therefrom 由此,从那里,从那一点interest period 利息期 thereto 附之,随附accrue (利息)自然增长 thereby 因此;由此shall 应当;必须;将;可以 thereafter 今后;此后Unit 14 Following Contractual Norms(2) subsidiary 子公司 whereas 鉴于in compliance with 依从;按照 in consideration of 由于;鉴于;考虑到if required 如果需要的话 in no case 决不provided that/ on condition that/ suppose/ supposing/ should 如果the above-mentioned/ said/ aforesaid 上述的;前述的 subject to 在.条件下;根据.规定; 在.规定范围内;须经;以.为有效 be entitled to 有权;有资格;应行使 in lieu of 作为.代替in witness whereof/ thereof 兹证明 granting/ granted that 即使也in favor of 以.为受益人;赞同 pertaining to 有关as requested 按要求 Unit 15 Examining and Revising the Translation consultant 咨询方 subconsultant 分包咨询方take practicable steps 采取切实可行的措施 Document against Payment 付款交单accept 承兑 pursuant to 根据holder 汇票持有人 discrepancy 异议presentation 演示;呈现 file 提交document against Acceptance 承兑交单 in accordance with 按.规定equivalent 等值的 null and void 无效的take up something with somebody 向某人提出某事 with respect to 关于;至于;就.而言;在.方面 grace 宽限期trustworthy and reliabe 可靠的;可信任的 amicable 友好的;和睦的Unit 13 Following Contractual Norms (1) hereby (用于公文等中)以此方式;特此;兹 upon the expiry of 在期满时make full endeavors to do sth 竭尽全力做某事 supplier 供方 herein 此中,于此purchaser 买方 hereinafter 在下文exclusive right 专有权 hereto 于此maintenance 维修 herewith 与此,附此courier 信使 thereof 它的,其licensed product 特许产品 therefrom 由此,从那里,从那一点interest period 利息期 thereto 附之,随附accrue (利息)自然增长 thereby 因此;由此shall 应当;必须;将;可以 thereafter 今后;此后Unit 14 Following Contractual Norms(2) subsidiary 子公司 whereas 鉴于in compliance with 依从;按照 in consideration of 由于;鉴于;考虑到if required 如果需要的话 in no case 决不provided that/ on condition that/ suppose/ supposing/ should 如果the above-mentioned/ said/ aforesaid 上述的;前述的 subject to 在.条件下;根据.规定; 在.规定范围内;须经;以.为有效 be entitled to 有权;有资格;应行使 in lieu of 作为.代替in witness whereof/ thereof 兹证明 granting/ granted that 即使也in favor of 以.为受益人;赞同 pertaining to 有关as requested 按要求 Unit 15 Examining and Revising the Translation consultant 咨询方 subconsultant 分包咨询方take practicable steps 采取切实可行的措施 Document against Payment 付款交单accept 承兑 pursuant to 根据holder 汇票持有人 discrepancy 异议presentation 演示;呈现 file 提交document against Acceptance 承兑交单 in accordance with 按.规定equivalent 等值的 null and void 无效的take up something with somebody 向某人提出某事 with respect to 关于;至于;就.而言;在.方面 grace 宽限期trustworthy and reliabe 可靠的;可信任的 amicable 友好的;和睦的欢迎您下载我们的文档,后面内容直接删除就行资料可以编辑修改使用资料可以编辑修改使用致力于合同简历、论文写作、PPT设计、计划书、策划案、学习课件、各类模板等方方面面,打造全网一站式需求Ppt课件制作设计,word文档制作、图文设计制作、发布广告等,秉着以优质的服务对待每一位客户,做到让客户满意!感谢您下载我们文档精选资料


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