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外研版(三起)五年级上册期末测试英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . - Letsthe metro to the cinema. ( )-Good idea.AtakingBbyCtake2 . We dont go to school _ the weekend. ( )AatBinCof3 . She _ a little cat. ( )AhaveBhasCare4 . 找出不同类的一项:( )AmathsBscienceCsleep5 . How many new words are there in _ lesson? ( )There are only _.Afive; fifthBfifth; fiveCthe fifth; the fiveDthe fifth; five6 . _ T-shirt do you like? ( )I like the orange one.AWhat colorBWhatCWhich7 . The weather _ cold. ( )AamBisCare8 . 读单词,选出不同类的一项:( )AthatBthisCstand9 . - Did your father catch _ fish? ( )- Yes, he _ a big fish.Asome, caughtBany, caughtCsome, catchDany, catch10 . _ are you going to go? ( )To the airport.AWhereBWhoCWhen11 . Xiao Li and I _hamburgers very much. ( )AlikesBlikedClike12 . 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(_)1. A. father B. he C. she D. I(_)2. A. UK B. mother C. USA D. China(_)3. A. man B. woman C. teacher D. boy(_)4. A. Canada B. grandma C. grandpa D. grandmother(_)5. A. brother B. mother C. student D. sister13 . The lion wants _ the mouse. ( )AeatBeatingCto eat二、填空题14 . 按要求作答。1. round face(中文)_2. young(对应词)_3. tall(反义词)_4. eye (复数) _5. have (现在分词) _用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。每空一词。15 . Youre ill. Please take some _ (medicine).16 . Jack drinks a lot of water, but he still _ (feel) thirsty.17 . Your jacket is fine, but the trousers dont _ (fit).18 . Dad is cooking eggs with _ (tomato).19 . _ (mother) Day is on the second Sunday of May.20 . 读句子,选词填空(注意:个别词需要填写其正确形式)。across, dance, between, visit, never, Chinese, different, hobby, straight, toy, seafood, picnic1. There is a supermarket_from the hospital.2. Amy_plays the violin.3. The cinema is_the school and the post office.4. My sister is good at_.5. Yaoyao is from_.6. I want to_Big Ben this summer vacation.7. Lets go for a_this Sunday.8. Emma wants to buy some_for her brother.9. Linda and Lucy go to_schools every day.10.I like to eat nice_in Qingdao. 11.Mike has many_. He likes drawing, writing, singing and dancing.12.Go_and turn right at the second crossroads.根据首字母提示写出所缺单词,补全句子。21 . Dont _ here!22 . Which season do you like best?I like _ best. Because I can _.23 . What can you see on the desk? A _.24 . _ (欢迎) to my home.25 . In s_, its h_. Its not cold. The s_ shines and shines. We can stay at h_. We can e_ ice cream. We can swim i_the river.26 . Whats this?Its a _.27 . 选词填空。library about swimming date wants1. Dont worry_your lessons.2. What was the_yesterday?3. Is there a_near here?4. He_to have a party.5. He went_last Saturday.28 . 按要求写出下列单词。1. rule_(复数) 2. families_(单数)3. walk_(第三人称单数)4. library_(复数)5. men_(单数)6. take_(过去式)7. rain_(形容词 ) 8. go_(过去式) 9. have_(第三人称单数)10. visit_(过去式)29 . Write the names.(根据提示写出动物名称)1. Its a mammal with very big ears. Its an_. 2. This fish is the biggest animal in the world.Its a_. 3. Its a kind of insect with beautiful wings. Its a_.4. It looks like the man and can climb trees very well. Itsa_30 . Our Chinese test is on _(May 17/ May 17th)31 . 根据汉语意思完成下列各句。每空只填一词。(1)我们该去吃晚饭了。Its time _ us _ havesupper.(2)这座楼房和那座楼房一样高。This building is as _ _that one.(3)如果你不早起,上学就会迟到。_ you dont get up early, youll_ late for school.(4)王力跑得如此快,以至于我赶不上他。Wang Li ran _ fast _I couldnt catch up with him.(5)昨天他直到做完作业才去睡觉。He did _ go to bed _he finished his homework yesterday.32 . 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Lucy_(do)not go to school by bus this morning.2. We are_(go)some shopping now.3. In the UK,people often_(talk)about the weather.4. I will go_(swim).5. I have_(second)tickets here.6. The birds_(go) back every summer.7. The farmers_(build) a new house next year.8. Peter_(not do) his homework yesterday.9. My father_(go) to Wuhan on business yesterday.10. They_(plant) trees on the hill now.33 . lose(过去式) _用所给单词的适当形式填空。34 . What do they often _ (do) on Saturdays?35 . Your parents _ (read) newspapers every day.36 . The girl _ (teach) us English on Sundays.37 . She and I _ (take) a walk together every evening.38 . The Wangs _ (drive) to the supermarket at weekend.39 . 选择动词填空。wash, sing, water, do, clean, make(1) _ the flowers(2) _ the clothes(3) _ the bed(4) _ the table(5) _ a song(6) _ some shopping40 . 填空题。1. “地铁”用英语怎么说:_.2. We go to school _3. _ do you come to school?By bike.4. Alice and I _ to school together.(步行)5. She walks _ her school.(填上合适的介词)6.和far from意思相反的是_。7. I always come to school_ .41 . 选择单词并用其适当形式填空。exercise walks should be take care of1. We should_ happy.2. We _ brush our teeth every day. 3. We should learn to _ ourselves.4. They can jog and take long _.5. She does _ every morning.用所给单词的适当形式填空。42 . He sometimes _(eat)in a restaurant.43 . Lets _(go)shopping.44 . There _(be)lots of shops and a restaurant.45 . There _(be)a big tree and beautiful flowers.三、单词拼写46 . 根据首字母提示,补全单词,完成句子:Today I helped my father on the farm all day. Now I feel t_.47 . place(复数形式)_48 . 根据首字母和句意填入所缺单词,完成句子,每空一词。【小题1】-Wheres Mr.Green? He was here just now.- Perhaps hes in the park now, he likes w_in the park after dinner.【小题2】We didnt bring any raincoats or umbrellas. So we were w_.【小题3】It was sunny, Children b_some bread and some d_for lunch.【小题4】The story was i_,I want to r_it again.【小题5】MingMing is a c_boy, he knows many things.【小题6】Make often w_films in the evening. This evening she w_shopping with his father.【小题7】He lookssad, because he l_ a new pen.四、阅读回答问题阅读短文,判断正()误()。There is a new park near my house. Its a fine day today my family and I are in the park now. On my left, there is a cafe. On my right, there is a big lake. There are many flowers and trees near the lake. Theres a small hill behind the lake. Near the lake, there is a sign. It says, “Dont swim in the lake!” There is a playground in the middle (中间) of the park. There are some small shops near the gate. The park is so beautiful. We like it very much.49 . The park near my house is new and beautiful. (_)50 . The park is between the cafe and the lake. (_)51 . People can swim in the lake. (_)52 . The shops in the park are not small. (_)53 . There is a playground behind the park. (_)五、任务型阅读54 . Read and judge(读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否一致,用“V”“X”表示)Mike is at home today.Hes in his own room.There is a bed,a mirror,a closet and a shelf.There are blue curtains.There is an old table near the bed. There is an air-conditioner over the bed.The shelf is near the closet.The books are on the shelf.Now Mike is cleaning his room.He can sweep the floor,do the dishes and empty the trash.After housework he wants to do his homework.Hes busy today.( )(1)There are green curtains in Mikes room.( )(2)There are two old tables near the bed.( )(3)There are books on the shelf.( )(4)The air-conditioner is near the closet.( )(5)Mike can sweep the floor and wash the clothes.55 . 阅读短文,回答问题。(每小题2分,共10分)Its a fine Saturday. The weather is nice. Two brothers often go to climb mountains. Jack is tall and smart. John is short and funny. There is a beautiful forest in the mountain. Near the forest, there is a big lake. There are many fish in the lake. In front of the lake. there is a river. They can see a bridge over the river. They take some pictures on the bridge. They want to go to the nature park, but they have no time.(1)What do Jack and John do on Saturday?_(2)Is John short?_(3)Where is the lake?_(4)Is there a bridge over the lake?_(5)Do they go to the nature park?_六、英译汉56 . Theres a pair of shoes over there! ( )A双B只57 . 核心短语(英译汉)。1. teach sb. to do sth. _2. learn to do sth. _3. write a book about oneself_4. become blind and deaf_七、汉译英翻译句子。58 . 这个标识意味着我们不能爬树。The sign means we cant_the tree.59 . 我正在找我的蓝色钢笔。I am_my blue pen.60 . -那个公园里有一些标识吗? -是的,有一些。-_there _signs in the park?-Yes, there_.61 . -有人在湖里游泳吗?-是的,太危险了!-_swimming in the lake?-Yes. Its too dangerous!62 . 汉译英。1.爬树_2.在床上跳_3.玩捉迷藏_4.做早操_63 . 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,毎空一词1.你的美术老师长什么样?_ does your _ teacher_?2.他喜欢运动吗?_ he love _?3.他个子小而且瘦。Hes _ and _4.他擅长足球吗?_ he _ at football?八、句型转换句型转换64 . Im playing football. (对划线部分提问)_ are you _?65 . Sam is watching TV. (对划线部分提问)_ is Sam _?66 . Look at this picture. (改为复数句)Look at _.67 . He is flying a kite. (变为否定句)He _ a kite.68 . riding, Amy, bike, a, is (.) (连词组句)_69 . Im going to run the 100 metres.(对划线部分提问)_九、匹配题70 . 句子配对。(_) 1. How do you go to school?ASure.(_)2. Can I go on foot?BIts near a snack bar.(_)3. Where is your home?CI go there by bus.(_)4. Look at my new skirt.DYou can get there on foot.(_)5. How can I get to the park?EHow nice!(_)6.Is it far from here?FNo, it isnt.(_)7. How old are you?GYes, she does.(_)8.Does your sister like stickers? H. She is a worker.(_)9. What is his mother? I. I am twelve.十、连词成句连词成句。71 . watch I TV on often Sundays(.)_72 . on you What do Wednesdays do(?)_73 . you often football play Do here(?)_74 . often to music on I the listen weekend(.)_75 . park very much I this like(.)_76 . English have Mondays We Thursdays on and(.)_连词成句。77 . you, can, fast, run (?)_78 . cant, you, high, jump (.)_79 . are, you, winner, the (.)_80 . Lingling, can, basketball, play (?)_81 . is, she, our star (.)_82 . 连词成句。1. leave , this , dont , your , things , like (.)_2. is , dictionary , that , my (.)_3. animals , made ,the , we ,all (.)_4. is , sun cap ,this , whose (?)_十一、书面表达83 . 书面表达。请根据下面的提示写一篇介绍Sally的短文。_第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、填空题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、三、单词拼写1、2、3、四、阅读回答问题1、五、任务型阅读1、2、六、英译汉1、2、七、汉译英1、2、3、八、句型转换1、2、九、匹配题1、十、连词成句1、2、3、十一、书面表达1、


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