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外研版(三起)六年级下学期期中考试英语试卷2姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . What _ your father and mother like to do? ( )Ato doBdoCdoes2 . This _ Danny. ( )AamBisCare3 . ( )AThe cat is in the box.BThe box is on the cat.4 . _do you play basketball ?Three times a week .AHow longBHow oftenCHow many5 . We have dumplings _ Monday. ( )AinBatCon6 . _ your bag. ( )ACarryBshowCDo根据图片提示,选择正确的单词。7 . This is a _ . ( )AdeskBblackboard8 . Good morning! Im _ Green. ( )AMsBMr9 . It is white and _ . ( )AblackBgreen10 . Im a _ . ( )AsnakeBchameleon11 . 你看见同学很难受的样子,你应该走过去并对他/她说:AWhats the matter?BWhats wrong?CWhat happened?12 . _ go to the supermarket.ALetBLetsCLet is13 . He wants to get something _ . ( )AdrinkBto drinkCdrinking二、阅读选择阅读下面短文,选择正确答案。Hello! I am Peter. I am a student. I am tall but I am not fat. I like playing football. I can sing and swim. This is my family. I love my parents. My mum is tall and beautiful. She can dance very well. The tall man is my father. He is 35 years old. He is an English teacher.Oh! Look at this picture. This is my cousin. His name is Tom. He is my Aunt Mollys son. He is very young. He is only one. He is very lovely.(可爱) I have three cousins. Do you have any cousins?14 . Peter isbut not fat. ( )AfatBshortCtall15 . Peter can. ( )AsingBswimCA and B16 . The tall man is Peters. ( )AfatherBuncleCcousin17 . Peters father is a. ( )AstudentBteacherCworker18 . Peter hascousins. ( )AnoBtwoCthree三、完形填空19 . 完形填空。Nearly everybody enjoys chicken, and the most famous name in chicken is Kentucky Fried Chicken. Mr. Sanders, the man who started this _1_ was not always very rich. At one time, he _2_ a small gas station next to a highway(公路). Many truck drivers _3_ there to get gas and take a rest. Mr. Sanders realized they were often _4_, so he began serving sandwiches and coffee. _5_ the sandwiches he made tasted good, and didnt _6_ too much, more and more _7_ came to eat at his place. _8_ Mr. Sanders began to serve fried chicken. People _9_ it very much, and his new business grew rapidly. Not long after, however, another highway was _10_, and many drivers no longer went _11_ Mr. Sanders restaurant. So he had to _12_ it. Then he traveled around the country _13_ to sell his idea of opening fried chicken restaurants. He _14_.By 1967, there were almost 5 000 Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants. And now, _15_ you go in the United States, you will see one. If you like chicken,Im sure, youll enjoy eating Kentucky Fried Chicken.( ) 1. A. businessB. shopC. lifeD. search( ) 2. A. foundB. workedC. sawD. owned( ) 3. A. passed B. got toC. stoppedD. left( ) 4. A. lateB. hungryC. tiredD. sick( ) 5. A. AlthoughB. IfC. AsD. Once( ) 6. A. needB. payC. spendD. cost( ) 7. A. passengers B. driversC. studentsD. doctors( ) 8. A. ThenB. SoC. ButD. For( ) 9. A. ateB. likedC. triedD. drank( ) 10. A. appearedB. foundC. builtD. broken( ) 11. A. outB. toC. overD. on( ) 12. A. close B. runC. returnD. take( ) 13. A. tryingB. believingC. thinking D. suggesting( ) 14. A. failedB. failsC. succeedsD. succeeded( ) 15. A. wheneverB. wherever C. whereD. When四、填空题20 . 猜猜他(她)是谁?1fathers father _2mothers brother _3fathers sister _4mothers mother _21 . 选词填空。Atraffic rulesBSlow down and stop CStop and wait Dgreen lightELook at(1) _ at a yellow light .(2)Remember the _.(3)Go at a _.(4)_ the traffic lights.(5)_ at a red light.五、单词拼写22 . 词型变化。lmen(单数)2young(反义词)3here(对应词)4four(同音词)5swim(现在分词)6watch(第三人称单数)7I(宾格)8you(物主代词)9do(过去式)10. thin(比较级)六、阅读回答问题根据文章判断下列句子,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示I am Billy. I am ten years old. I have a sister. Her name is Susan. She is eight years old. We go to school by bus. I like to play with my dog. Susan likes to play her doll. We live in Beijing. We live with our grandfather and grandmother. My father and my mother live in Shanghai.23 . Billy is ten years old and Susan is nine years old. (_)24 . Billy is Susans brother. (_)25 . Susan likes to play with her dog. (_)26 . They go to school by car. (_)27 . Their father and mother are in Shanghai. (_)七、句型转换按要求完成句子28 . These are her baseballs. (改为一般疑问句)_baseballs?29 . That is his computer. (改为否定句That_his computer.30 . These are pencil boxes. (对画线部分提问)_these?31 . Is that her ruler? (作肯定回答)_,_.32 . you, thank, your, for, help(.)(连词成句)_八、选内容补全对话33 . 补全对话。Mike: Excuse me. 1. _ the park, please?Kate: Its near the 2. _.Mike: Wheres the cinema, please?Kate: 3. _ straight and turn 4. _ 5. _ the first traffic 6. _. Then go down the street. 7. _ right at the second traffic lights. You can 8. _ the cinema on your 9. _. The 10. _ is near the cinema.Mike: Thank you.A. cinema B. Go C. at D. right E. Wheres F. park G. left H. lights I. Turn J. seeA. cinema B. Go C. at D. right E. Wheres F. park G. left H. lights I. Turn J. see九、改错34 . 找出错误并改正:We had a lot of funs at this party._十、匹配题看图,选择与图意相符的短语。Adrive a busBget newsCuse numbersDgrow foodEmake machinesFbuild housesGtake a shower35 . _36 . _37 . _38 . _39 . _40 . _41 . _十一、书面表达42 . 书面表达。介绍一下你的一次难忘的旅行,可以描写一处景色或你参加的活动,不少于五句话。_第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、2、五、单词拼写1、六、阅读回答问题1、七、句型转换1、八、选内容补全对话1、九、改错1、十、匹配题1、十一、书面表达1、


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