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人教版(PEP)六年级下册小升初冲刺名校模拟英语试卷(三)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Benny is playing_.( )Athe footballBfootballCwith football2 . Helen _ to school early every day. ( )AgoBwentCgoes3 . 选择合适的选项,补全单词: Briti_ _( )AchBsh4 . - _pants are these? ( )-Theyre Mikes.AWhoseBWhoCWhat5 . There _ many computers in our school now. ( )AisBareCwere6 . My uncle _ the game yesterday. ( )AwinsBwonCwin7 . Can you finish the work well with _ money and _ people. ( )Aless; lessBless; moreCmore; fewerDless; fewer8 . - Im going to buy an English book.ADo you have comic book?BWhat are you going to buy?CThis afternoon.9 . _ Tom playing with you ? ( )ADoesBDoCIs10 . Miss Zhang_Chinese next year. ( )Ais going to teach usBteaches usCteaches our11 . _ do you go to school, Liu Tao? ( )At seven.AWhereBWhenCHow二、阅读选择阅读短文,选择正确选项。Im Jack. Today is Saturday. Myfamily are at home. My mother is in the kitchen. She is cooking fish for us. My father is in the bedroom. He likes reading newspapers on the bed. Im in the toilet. Where is my little brother, Tom? He is in the living room. He is playing with a toy car. He likes it very much. I love my family very much12 . Yesterday was . ( )A. SaturdayB. Friday13 . Where is Jacks mother ? ( )A. In the kitchen.B. She is cooking fish for us.14 . Where is Jack? ( )A. In the kitchen.B. In the toilet.15 . What is Tom playing with? ( )A. A toy car.B. His family.16 . There are_ people in Jacks family. ( )A. fourB. five三、填空题写出下列单词的-ing形式。17 . make_18 . play_19 . see_20 . keep_21 . swim_22 . sing_23 . dance_24 . watch_25 . take_26 . read_27 . write_28 . run_29 . Think and choose.AwhiteBlittleCwatchingDthisElistening1.They are playing their_ toys.2.He is _to music.3.My parents are _TV at home.4.This is my _sister.5.Is _your camera?四、句型转换30 . 句型转换:(24分)(1)yesterday, did, what, Mike, do (连词成句)(2)did, last, read, you, weekend, books(连词成句)(3)my, I, yesterday, grandparents, visited(连词成句)(4)football, last, Zhang Pang, played, Mike, and, Sunday(连词成句)(5)washed, room, the, and, afternoon, the, clothes, cleaned, I, in(连词成句)(6)Tom does homework every day.(变为一般疑问句)(7)She is in her room.(对划线部分提问)(8)Can you play chess?(做否定回答)(9)My parents like music.(变同意句)(10)My brother is twelve.(就划线部分提问)(11)The boy is taking a shower.(变为否定句)(12)The girls are cleaning the classroom.(变为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)五、选内容补全对话31 . 读短文,选择合适的单词补全短文,每空只填一词,每词只用一次。like tomatoes sometimes funny university math favourite Friday do readHello. My name is Liu Mei. Im twelve years old. Im in Grade Five. Mr Gao is our new math teacher. Hes a 【小题1】 student. Hes 【小题2】 and active. We like him. My 【小题3】 day is Friday. We have 【小题4】, Chinese and P.Aclass. We have mutton, green beans and 【小题5】 for lunch. Tomatoes are my favorite food.【小题6】 is a great day! On the weekends, I often watch TV,【小题7】 books and 【小题8】 some housework, and I dont often play sports, 【小题9】 I play football with my friend Amy. Amy likes beef best. But I dont 【小题10】 beef.六、看图题32 . 判断下列句子和图片是(T)否(F)相符。(_)1. Lingling has got some photos .(_)2.He lives there with his three children .(_)3.She rode a horse .(_)4.She visited the Tianchi Lake .(_)5.Why dont you give him a kite ?第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、阅读选择1、三、填空题1、2、四、句型转换1、五、选内容补全对话1、六、看图题1、


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