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上海版2020年中考二模英语试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处 (共12题;共6分)1. (0.5分)_ is Mr. Wang and he is my teacher. A . HisB . HerC . ThisD . She2. (0.5分)He may arrive _Paris this morning. A . inB . atC . forD . on3. (0.5分)We didnt enjoy the two-day trip _ the weather was so bad. A . becauseB . thoughC . ifD . until4. (0.5分) your telephone number? Its 530-674.A . WhatB . WhatsC . HowD . Hows5. (0.5分)Could I have some snacks between meals, mum?No, you _.A . couldntB . shouldntC . cantD . might not6. (0.5分)Of all the shows, I think game shows are . A . popularB . more popularC . most popularD . the most popular7. (0.5分)What do you usually do on the weekend, Michael ? I usually _.A . go swimingB . go swimmingC . goes swimmingD . went swimming8. (0.5分)How did you learn English ? I _.A . teached myselfB . taught by myselfC . learned myselfD . taught myself9. (0.5分) Did you see Mr Black just now? Yes. He _ his car when I met him.A . parkedB . was parkingC . parksD . will park10. (0.5分)Ms Wang the book for five days.A . have hadB . has hadC . have boughtD . has bought11. (0.5分)- Are you going to Sams birthday party the day after tomorrow? - Im not sure. I will go with you if I _.A . will inviteB . inviteC . will be invitedD . am invited12. (0.5分)Could you please tell me _? Next week.A . when he comes backB . when does he come backC . when he will come backD . when will he come back二、 完形填空(共8分,每小题1分) (共1题;共8分)13. (8分)通读全文,根据短文理解,选择正确的答案填空。 I had never noticed her. She was not the kind of girl who could draw attention. She was not tall 1looked ordinary. In class, she liked sitting at the back, reading or writing notes. One day I asked her 2aloud the text. When I heard her standard (标准) American English, I looked at her with new eyes. And I remembered her nameKelly. Later on, the National College Speech Competition would be held. One student in our school 3to attend. I thought it over and filled in her name. Kelly practiced 4for the competition. However, I was a little worried 5she was always too quiet. Could she really 6well in the competition?7the night of the competition, I sat in the front row of the hall very early. I told her to take it easy. Her face turned red and she said nothing. 8seemed that she was really nervous. I felt upset, but I just patted her on the shoulder and 9her go to draw lots (抽签). As a result, she drew No.9 while No.8 was a boy who was very good at giving speeches.Sure enough, No.8 was very 10. The whole audience made a warm applause.While they 11about his speech with excitement, Kelly appeared on the stage. I with no courage to look at her. It was her 12time to go up the stage, so I couldnt be angry with her for any small mistakes. But at that moment, I found 13I was so afraid of her failure(失败).The strong spotlight and large hall made her so small that nobody seemed to notice she had been on the stage. I felt 14.But the moment that surprised me came. I clearly heard a voice, a very loud voice, Now, please focus on me.Three times in all, louder and louder.The whole audience fell silent.I could hardly believe that loud voice came from the girl, who was usually soft-voiced and didnt catch attention at all. She gave a perfect speech.I think I will never forget this touching lesson which my student taught me-never underestimate(低估) the power of the 15people.(1)A . or B . but C . as well D . and (2)A . read B . reading C . to read D . to reading (3)A . allow B . allowed C . was allowed D . allows (4)A . hard B . hardly C . harder D . hardest (5)A . though B . because C . when D . if (6)A . did B . be done C . do D . doing (7)A . In B . At C . By D . on (8)A . That B . This C . Its D . It (9)A . ask B . stop C . want D . let (10)A . success B . successful C . succeed D . successfully (11)A . talked B . would talk C . as well D . were talking (12)A . one B . the one C . first D . the first (13)A . when B . that C . why D . what (14)A . hopeful B . hopeless C . satisfied D . unsatisfied (15)A . silent B . outgoing C . active D . clever 三、 阅读理解(共36分) (共5题;共36分)14. (6分)请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 I helped to look after some old ladies at the old peoples home every week. Id like to bring them a little happiness. This time I wanted to bring some gifts.This afternoon, when I was about to go there, the telephone rang. It was my husband. Sorry, darling, but I have something important to deal with(处理). So you have to take Taylor home after school. I decided to take my son for the first time because I couldnt find anyone to help me.With my new partner, I started my work. After he and I met the third or the fourth lady, I found that just when we were leaving their rooms, my son kissed everyone on their faces and whispered something in their ears. I wanted to make sure that we could meet all of the ladies, soI didnt stop to ask him what he was whispering, but it seemed that every lady looked happy.Later in the evening, my husband asks how my work went on.It was lots of fun. I said. Whatever Taylor said to the ladies, it truly made them happy, especially when he whispered in their ears.What did you whisper about, Taylor? asked my husband. Looking up at us with his brown eyes, he answered, I whispered, I love you, Grandma, and I just want you to know that you look beautiful today.I asked why he did that. He said, I just know it can make them feel good because of these simple words.(1)Why did the writer take her son to meet the ladies? A . Because the ladies wanted to see her son.B . Because no one could take care of him.C . Because the little boy is lovely.D . Because Taylor is good with the old ladies.(2)What does the underlined word whispered in the third paragraph mean? A . Spoke loudly.B . Answered in a high voice.C . Spoke in a low voice.D . Left quietly.(3)How did Taylor make the old ladies happy? A . He bought them some flowers.B . He helped them do much work there.C . He kissed them and whispered in their ears.D . He telephoned them and talked about his school.(4)What is Taylors best gift? A . His sunny smile.B . His kind words.C . Some beautiful flowers.D . Some interesting stories.15. (6分)根据短文内容,判断正误。Look at this. Its a pencil case. Its orange. Its my pencil case. Whats in it? Look, this is a pen. Its black. This is a pencil. Its red. And this is a ruler. Its green. This is an eraser. Its blue and white. My pencil case is big and nice . I like it.(1)My pen is black. (2)This is an orange pencil case .Its small and nice. (3)There is a pen,a pencil,a ruler,and an eraser in it. (4)My eraser is blue and black. (5)I like my case. 16. (6分)We each have a memory(记忆力). Thats why we can still remember things after a long time. Some people have very good memories and they can easily learn many things by heart, but some people can only remember things when they say or do them again and again. Many of the great men of the world have got surprising memories.A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his mother language when he is a small child. He hears the sounds, remembers them and then he learns to speak. Some children are living with their parents in foreign countries. They can learn two languages as easily as one because they hear, remember and speak two languages every day. In school it is not so easy to learn a foreign language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too.But your memory will become better and better when you do more and more exercises.(1)Some people can easily learn many things by heart because _.A . they always sleep very wellB . they often eat good foodC . they read a lot of booksD . they have very good memories(2)Everybody learns his mother language _.A . at the age of sixB . when he is a small childC . after he goes to schoolD . when he can read and write(3)Before a child can speak, he must _.A . read booksB . write wordsC . hear and remember the soundsD . think hard(4)In school the pupils cant learn a foreign language well because _.A . they have no good memoriesB . they have no recorders(录音机)C . they have too much time for itD . they are busy with other subjects(5)Your memory will become better and better _.A . when you have enough good foodB . when you do more and more exercisesC . when you do morning exercises every dayD . when you get up early17. (8分)阅读理解 You may feel interested in students in other countries. Do they have so much homework? What do they do in their free time? Do they often go to parties? People did a survey in China, Japan, South Korea(韩国) and the US last year. Here are the result.Who studies the hardest?Chinese students spend the most time in studying. About one in two spends more than two hours on their homework every day. Why? Maybe they just want to improve themselves, or they do that just because of the school and their parents.Who sleeps most often in class?About 45 percent of Japanese students doze off in class. 32% of US students feel sleepy in class, while in China, there is 5% students sleeping in class. Why do Japanese students get tired and sleepy in class more easily? Because they always like to stay up late at night!Who is the most distracted?American students are the most active(活跃) in class, but also the most distracted. 64.2% of them talk to friends in class. 46.9% of them eat in class, and 38.9% of them send e-mails or read other books in class.What do they do after school?In their free time, most Chinese students study or surf the Internet. Most American students hang out with their friends or go to parties. Most Japanese students do exercise while most South Korean students watch TV.(1)What percent of Chinese students spend more than 2 hours doing their homework every day. A . 32%B . 45%C . 50%D . 64.2%(2)What does a distracted student usually do in class? A . He listens to his teachers very carefully.B . He keeps quiet and does his homework.C . He always falls asleep in classD . He does things that have nothing to do with learning.(3)What does the passage mainly want to tell us? A . The students from difficult countries have different character.B . Chinese students work much harder than those from other countries.C . The students around the world do something different in their free time.D . Most students in the world are interested in going online or watching TV.18. (10分)阅读下面的短文并按要求完成后面的小题。The story took place in a small town in winter. One day a man met an old lady standing by an expensive car. It was clear that her car broke down. So he stopped his old truck and got out. Although he was smiling, the old lady was worried. “Is he going to hurt me?”The man could see that she was frightened, so in his friendliest voice he said, “Im here to help you, madam. Why dont you wait in the car to get warm? By the way, my name is Bryan Anderson.” It took Bryan about forty minutes to repair the car. The lady felt quite thankful and she asked how much she should pay him.But Bryan wanted no money. 对他来说,帮助别人很正常。He said, “If you want to repay me, next time you see someone in need, just give out your friendly hand.”After saying goodbye, the lady continued down the road till she reached a small caf. She stopped for something to eat. As the pretty waitress stood next to her, the lady noticed she was nearly eight months pregnant (怀孕). Although she looked tired, she still served the customers with a smile on her face. As the old lady was going to pay the $10 bill, she remembered Bryans words.The old lady paid one hundred-dollar bill. But when the waitress returned with the change, the lady was gone. On the table she saw a small note. Her eyes were filled with tears when she read it, “Somebody once helped me the way Im helping you. If you want to pay me back, continue being kind to others. ” Under the note were nine more $100 bills.Was the old lady an angel? The waitress was so excited that she called her husband to tell the story. “BryanBryan Anderson my dear youre not going to believe what has happened ”Love needs to be passed on. Everyone can be an angel.请根据短文内容完成下列任务。(1)将处句子翻译成汉语。_.(2)请在处填入适当的词,使句意完整。Its normal for him _ help _.(3)请写出处句子中划线的同义短语。Her eyes were _ _tears when she read it, . .(4)请根据短文内容将句子补充完整, 使句子意思连贯。The waitress found a small note and _on the table when she returned with the change.(5)What have you learned from the story? (at least one sentence)_四、 书面表达(共10分) (共1题;共10分)19. (10分)假设你是李华,今天正逢端午节,你的英国笔友Jack对中国传统文化很感兴趣,写信向你询问端午节的有关情况。请你根据以下内容提示,给他写一封回信。 1)中国的传统节日之一,已有2000多年的历史(the Dragon Boat Festival; one of the Chinese traditional festivals; two thousand years of history);2)为了纪念著名诗人屈原(honor the great poet Qu Yuan);3)中国南方有赛龙舟的习俗(Dragon Boat races);4)家人团聚听懂粽子和其他美食(eat Zongzi and other delicious food);5)有三天假期,可以外出旅游(a 3 day holiday)。要求:1)80词左右,书信格式;2)内容合理,要点齐全;句子及篇章结构正确、连贯;书写规范。注意:不得出现学校,姓名等个人信息(除所给身份外)。第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处 (共12题;共6分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、二、 完形填空(共8分,每小题1分) (共1题;共8分)13-1、三、 阅读理解(共36分) (共5题;共36分)14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、17-2、17-3、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、四、 书面表达(共10分) (共1题;共10分)19-1、


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