牛津译林版八年级英语上册 8A Unit3 单元检测卷

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牛津译林版八年级上册 8A Unit3 单元检测卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . -Do you often _your mother _housework?-Of course.Ahelp , forBhelp , withCask , forDask , with2 . Who likes watching news?Greg does.He hopes_about everything new.AknowBknowingCto knowDknew3 . -Oh, My God! Mesut Qzil-my favourite football star. This is_time I see him in person.What a handsome man he is!-Wake up,girl.Dont just stand there. Lets go and say hello to himAoneBtheCfirstDthe first4 . I often feel before exam.Maybe you should learn to relax.ApleasedBnervousCsurprised5 . London was famous as a _ city because of heavy _.Afoggy; fogBfoggy; foggyCfog; fogDfog; foggy6 . Jane was told to _ at the meeting. But she didnt know what to _.Asay, speakBspeak, sayCtalk, speakDspeak, talk7 . Mary is used _ on a plane and is not afraid_ any more.Ato work; of flyingBto working; of flyingCto working; to flyDof working; to fly8 . Ge Dexiao is the first Chinese who won three Golden Prizes in British Cake International. His_ comes from his hard work.AcareerBsuccessCdream9 . Look at the scarf. How beautiful! May I _?Atry on itBtry it onCtry on themDtry them on10 . The book on the shelf is _. She wrote _name on the book _.Ahers, her, herselfBher, hers, herselfCherself, her, hersDit;them;her11 . Success _ hard-working people in the end.Aagrees toBtalks toCbelongs toDshouts to12 . Did you the party last night? Yes, it was a good chance some new friends.Ajoin in; makingBjoin; makingCjoin in; to makeDjoin; to make13 . Who teaches _painting?Nobody, I teach _.Ayour; mineByour; myCyou; myselfDyou; me二、完型填空That day, the bathroom door heavily shut behind me. Then there came my little brothers loud _. Oh, my god! The door had slammed on his finger! Now he asked me to take his fingernail back. Without thinking, I rushed into the bathroom. _, it couldnt be found. I knew from the look on his face that he was so scared and painful. He couldnt _ one of his parts was gone in such a way. He kept sobbing, and I felt worried and _ because our parents would come back soon and they would be angry with me.Suddenly, a _ idea came to me. I whispered in his ear, “Toby, do you know that lizards (蜥蜴) grow their _ back and little boys can grow their fingernails back too?” Tobys soft green eyes grew wide and he became very excited. “They can?” he asked. Quite surprised by the _, “And how?”I told him, “_ that nothing is impossible. From now on, you just need to keep a little _ in your heart and tell your fingernail how much you love it and how much you need it.” I could see Tobys little face _. Then I continued, “We should _ the whole thing from Mom and Dad.” Toby nodded firmly. After a while, Toby said to me _, “Im talking to my fingernail, wishing it to grow quickly.”A week later, with a joyful burst of laughter, Toby ran towards me. “See!” he said, “its really growing back and becomes well again just as any _ fingernails!”“Its a real _! Everything can go well _ you truly believe.” Toby said happily.14 . AsmileBcryCcheerDcall15 . AHeavilyBCompletelyCUnexpectedlyDUnluckily16 . AguessBstandCunderstandDexplain17 . AhelplessBcarelessCsillyDwrong18 . AfairBstrangeCbrightDtrue19 . AfeetBheadsCtailsDfingers20 . AsceneBthoughtCplanDobject21 . ARecordBRealizeCRememberDRemind22 . AsongBnoiseCsoundDvoice23 . Aturned upBshowed upClit upDput up24 . AhideBstopCcheatDhold25 . AbravelyBsadlyCnervouslyDquietly26 . AwholeBnormalCusualDtypical27 . AstickBskillCmagicDjoke28 . AwhileBuntilCifDunless三、阅读单选Places to Have Fun in Shapingba DistrictName: Wangshaolong Hotpot Address: No. 8, Shanan Street Opening Hours: 10: 00am-11: 30pm Phone: 023-65476386Special Dishes: duck intestine,spicy beef, meatballs served with cilantro, snacks Price: About 60 yuan each personName: UME Cinema Address: On 6th floor in Xuandi Shopping Center, Three Gorges Square Opening Hours: Monday to Friday-10: 00 am-12: 00 pm, Saturday & Sunday. 9: 00 am-12: 00 pmPhone: 023-65365599The Latest Movies: My People, My Country, The Captain, The Climbers. Price: About 40yuan each person.Name: Kaide Shopping Mall Address: No. 6, Shuangxiangzi Street Opening Hours: 10: 00 am-10: 00pmPhone: 023-65406816Goods(商品): clothes, cosmetics, glasses, toys, food.29 . UME Cinema is in _.AShanan StreetBShuangxiangzi StreetCKaide Shopping MallDXuandi Shopping Center30 . If Amy wants to watch a movie in UME Cinema and eat hotpot in Wangshaolong, she-should-spend about _.A40yuanB60yuanC100yuanD120yuan31 . We may see the material(材料)above in a_.AdictionaryBnewspaperCmapDdiaryAnts Everywhere!You can find ants in lots of different places. You can find them in the grass and dirt in your yard. You can find them on trees and in your home.Ants can be different colors. They can be black, brown, red, green, or yellow. Ants have antennae(触须) that they use to touch and smell.What Do Ants Look Like?Ants are insects. Their bodies have three parts, and they have six strong legs. Some ants have large, strong jaws. They use their jaws to cut food and to fight.Ants can be tiny or large. Some big ants are as large as a paper clip. Ants are very strong for their size.Groups of AntsMost ants build nests under or on tops of the ground. Different ants in the nest have different jobs. The queen ant lays all the eggs. Some worker ants take care of the eggs and baby ants. Some worker ants get food. Soldier ants guard the nest.32 . Which words describe what an ant can look like?Aas large as a paper clipBas blue as the skyCas big as a persons footDas clever as a fox33 . What do ants probably do with their antennae?ATo lay eggs.BTo cut food.CTo touch and smell.DTo fight.C34 . How is the queen ants job different from the jobs of other ants?AThe queen gets the food.BThe queen guards the nest.CThe queen lays the eggs.DThe queen looks after the baby ants.四、根据首字母、中文提示填空35 . A_ is my favorite season.36 . Could you give me some a_ on how to learn math well?37 . He became a writer after graduating(毕业) from the c_.38 . Pandas are i_ danger. We should take care of them.39 . She is writing something on a piece of p_.五、用所给单词的正确形式填空40 . Spring is the best time to go out and enjoy the _ (nature) world.41 . In his book, Aron tells of the _ (important) of making good decisions.42 . Mike is the best worker here. No one can take_ (he) place.43 . We must take some _ (active) to help the poor students in the northwest area of China.44 . Early in the_ (twenty) century, two famous scientists developed their personal ideas about dreams.45 . Wed like to get some suggestions on how to learn_ (wise) and well.46 . Listening to quiet music makes me feel _ (relax).47 . Red Sorghum is a famous novel _ (write) by Mo Yan.六、汉译英:整句翻译句子48 . 冰箱里也许没有食物了。_49 . 用这些钱我们可以买几听可乐?_50 . 你能带他们去购物中心吗?_51 . 在我们城市里有足够的学校。_52 . 张老师非常喜欢打羽毛球。_七、话题作文53 . 作文你一定去过不少地方吧。你能谈一谈你曾去过的最有趣的地方吗?在那里,你感到最有趣的东西是什么?如果有机会,你还想再去那里吗?第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、六、汉译英:整句1、七、话题作文1、


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