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牛津译林版九年级英语上册期末复习综合测试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Its a pity that I missed the show of Qibaishis paintings.Well, you have a second chance. They sometime next month.Awill displayBare going to displayCwere displayedDwill be displayed2 . She likes that kind of music that I can sing _.AtoBinCalongDwith3 . When I got into the room, my mother was talking _the phoneAtoBwithCaboutDon4 . The teacher asked the students_.Awhere did they goBthat they should do it carefullyCif their parents allowed them to come hereDhow they can finish it in such a short time5 . Its important to keep a balance between work and rest, too little rest often _ illness.Akeep healthyBlead toCin a hurryDever since6 . What _heavy rain it was!I love _air after it rains. It smells so fresh.Aa;theBthe;aCa;aDthe;/7 . How do you western people celebrate _? They usually make special pumpkin lanterns.AChristmasBThanksgiving DayCHalloweenDNew Years Day8 . Tom likes English ,_ANeither does PaulBSo does PaulCSo has PaulDNeither has Paula9 . -Ive got the first prize for the English speech contest. How happy I am!- _.ANever mind.BThats all right.CThank you.DYou deserved to win.10 . It is raining heavily outside, _ we decide to stay at home and watch TV.AbecauseBorCbutDso11 . What should I do to be a green man?It is easy.For example,_ your own bags when _.Atake;shoppingBtaking;shoppingCtaking;you shoppingDtake;you shopping12 . -_ girl May is! - Yes, she is! She never _ lies.AWhat a honest; tellBWhat an honest; tellsCHow honest; tellDHow an honest; tells13 . Hurry up, we must be the first to interview the pop star.Sure._.AEast or west, home is the bestBThe early bird catches the wormCMany hands make light workDDont put all your eggs in one basket二、完型填空One day, two little boys were walking along the road. They overtook a woman carrying a large basket of apples.The boys thought the woman looked very _ and tired, so they said, “Are you going to town? If you are, we will carry your _.”“Thank you,” replied the woman, “You are very kind. You see I am weak and ill.” Then she told them that she was a widow (寡妇), and had a lame (跛足的) son to raise.She lived in a cottage three miles away, and was now going to the market to _ the apples which grew _ the only tree in her garden. She wanted the money to _ her rent.“We are going the _ way you are,” said the boys. “Let us have the basket” And they took hold of it, one on each side, and trudged (艰难地走) along with _ hearts.The poor widow looked glad, and said that she hoped their mother would not be _ with them. “Oh, no,” they replied, “Our mother has _ us to be kind to everybody, and to be useful in any way that we can.”She then offered to give them a few of the ripest apples for their _. “No thank you,” said they, “We do not want any pay for want we have done.”Upon arriving at home, she told her lame _ what had happened on the road, and they were both made happier that day by the _ of the two boys.The other day, I saw a little girl stop and _ a piece of orange peel (果皮), which she threw into the gutter. “I wish the boys would not throw orange peel on the sidewalk,” said she. “Someone may be on it, and _.”Perhaps some may say that these are _ things. So they are. But we must not wait for chances to do great things. We must begin with little labors of love.14 . AniceBuglyCpaleDhealthy15 . AbackpackBbasketCsuitcaseDpacket16 . AbuyBborrowCsellDkeep17 . AinBonCaboveDover18 . AcostBtakeCspendDpay19 . AwrongBcorrectCsameDdifferent20 . AheavyBlightCbrokenDcold21 . AhappyBsatisfiedCfriendlyDangry22 . AtaughtBmadeCwarnedDforced23 . AchallengeBtroubleCcourageDtravel24 . AdaughterBhusbandCbrotherDson25 . AkindnessBpromiseCprotectionDhonesty26 . Aturn upBcome upCpick upDput up27 . Afall offBfall downCfall intoDfall on28 . AlittleBgreatCimportantDdifficult三、阅读单选When talking about Australia, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? This summer, Chinese people will have the chance to closely experience one unusual symbol of Australian Aboriginal (原始的,土著的)culture- bark painting.Bark painting is thought to be one of the most famous Aboriginal art forms. Most bark paintings come from northern Australia. They are highly stylized, very colorful and beautiful. These paintings show the life and activities of local people.With over. 2,000 works of art on bark, the National Museum of Australia (澳大利亚国家博物馆)takes place the worlds largest and richest collection of bark paintings. Earlier, this year,the museum decided to hold an exhibition (展览)tour of bark paintings in China. The exhibition will open at the National Museum of China in Beijing this July. It will later open in cities including Shanghai, Chengdu and Shenzhen It will also be the first time that the bark paintings are exhibited outside Australia.Art is a very good belt to link people from different countries together. If your city is part of the tour, why not visit the exhibition and experience Australian Aboriginal culture with your families and friends during the holidays? This is a rare chance.29 . Most bark paintings come from_AEastern AustraliaBWestern AustraliaCSouthern AustraliaDNorthern Australia30 . Which of the following is NOT a characteristic (特征)of bark painting?AColorful.BBoring.CStylized.DBeautiful.31 . The exhibition of bark paintings will open at the National Museum of China in_ABeijingBShanghaiCChengduDShenzhen32 . According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?ABark paintings are considered as one of the most famous Aboriginal art forms.BBark paintings show the life and activities of the Aborigines.CThe exhibition of bark paintings will later open in cities including Nanjing and Shanghai.DThe bark paintings have never been exhibited outside Australia before.33 . From the passage, we can learn that_can link people from differentcountries together very well.AMusicBSportsCLoveDArtMike was ten years old and he went to the Ashland School. He was very good at football, so he was chosen(被选中) by the school team. He always played very well in the matches, and he scored a lot of goals (得分很多). One day Mike said to his parents, “we will play football with the Gum Tree School .Will you come and cheer us on?” And they agreed to come.The match was in the park. The Gum Tree School team wore green shirts and blue shorts (短裤), and Mikes team wore white shirts and red shorts. In the first two minutes of the match, Mike ran with the ball and kicked it into the goal. All the Ashland School boys and their families were very excited about it.After that, Mike scored two goals before half time. Then in the second half of the match he almost scored another goal, but he kicked the ball with his foot lightly , and the goalkeeper caught it easily and threw it out.After the match, Mikes father said to him, “You missed a good chance (机会) to score another goal, Mike. Why did you kick it lightly?” “Because there were tears (眼泪) in the goalkeepers eyes,” Mike answered.34 . Mike was chosen in the school team because he_ .Astudied wellBran fastClike basketballDplayed football well35 . What color shirts did Mikes team wear?ABlueBGreenCRedDWhite36 . How many goals did Mike score in the match? .ATwoBFourCThreeDFive37 . What does the word” goalkeeper” mean in the third paragraph? .A教练B守门员C裁判D观众38 . From the passage we know _AMikes farther didnt like playing footballBthe Gum Tree School Team lost the match because of the goalkeeperCthe goalkeeper was happy when they won the matchDMike was a good player and was kind to othersMr and Mrs Green come from Australia .They are in Beijing now .Mr Green is a teacher in a high school .He teaches English ,He likes reading and running .His son, Jim, is a student.He likes playing football very much .He likes school, too. He does his homework every day . Mrs Green is a teacher ,too. She can speak a little Chinese. She likes Chinese food .She doesnt like doing housework at all, but she likes cooking .They all like China a lot.39 . Mr and Mrs Green come from _ACanadaBAmericaCAustraliaDEnglish40 . _likes running.ATheyB TomCMrs GreenDMr Green41 . _ can speak a little Chinese. ATheyB TomCMrs GreenDMr Green42 . Mrs Green doesnt like _at all.AChinese foodBteachingCdoing houseworkDcooking43 . They all like _very much.A ChinaBChinese peopleCplayingD schoolFrank Smithson woke up and leaned over to turn off the alarm clock. “Oh,no!”he thought to himself.“Another day at that office;a boss who shouts at me all the time.”As Frank went downstairs his eyes fell on a large brown envelope by the door. He was overjoyed when he opened it and read the letter inside. “Bigwoods Football Pools would like to congratulate you. You have won half a million pounds.”Frank suddenly came to life. The cigarette fell from his lips as he let out a shout that could be heard halfway down the street.At 11:30 Frank arrived at work.“Please explain why youre so late,”his boss said.“_,” replied Frank. “Ive just come into a little money so this is goodbye.Find yourself someone else to shout at.”That evening Frank was smoking a very expensive Havana cigar when a knock was heard on the door. He rushed to the door. Outside were two men,neatly dressed in grey suits. “Mr Smithson,” one of them said,“Were from Bigwoods Football Pools. Im afraid theres been a terrible mistake”44 . What do we know about Frank? _.A. He was a lazy man. B. He was a lucky person.C. He made a lot of money. D. He didnt get on well with his boss.45 . When Frank said,” Go and jump in the lake”, he probably_.A. told his boss to drop dead. B. asked his boss to swim in the lake.C. celebrated with his boss by the lake . D. wanted to go fishing with his fish.46 . When he heard the knock at the door, Frank probably thought _.A. someone had come to make an apologyB. his workmates had come to comfort him .C. his neighbours had come to ask about the football pools.D. his friends had come to congratulate him on his luck.47 . On hearing“theres been a terrible mistake”Frank was most likely to be_.A. disappointed. B. worried. C. nervous. D. curious.48 . The story tells us the truth that _.A. good luck is always against a lazy fellow.B. dont count your chickens before they are hatched(孵化)C. never quarrel with your boss until you find a new jobD. the chances of getting rich quickly always lie in the Football Pools四、根据首字母、中文提示填空A. 根据句意、首字母或中英文提示写出单词。49 . Huang Jiguang is one of the bravest h_ in my heart.50 . Who often p_ tennis on Wednesday in your class?51 . I like the film because its very _(有趣).52 . He goes to the dancing lessons _(两次) a month.53 . I hope we can have more weeks _ (休息)than before.54 . My cakes are bigger than his, but my milk is _ (少)than his.55 . Do you like play _ (羽毛球), Mike?56 . Of all the subjects, I like _ (物理) best.五、单词填空根据材料内容及首字母提示写出所缺的单词Peter goes to the town to buy himself a p57 . of socks . When he comes back home , he goes into his room and tries t58 . on . He finds they are in different colours .Peter gores into the kitchen . His mother and his sister are c59 . dinner . He says to them .“My new socks are in different colours . One is blue but the other is g60 . . Mum ,could you make them into the s61 . colour ,please ?”His mother and sister are busy and they dont say a62 . . So Peter puts the socks in his bedroom ,and t63 . he starts to watch TV . After supper .while Peter is watching TV, his mother makes the green sock into blue w64 . telling Peter . A65 . ,his sister goes into his bedroom and makes the blue sock into green.Finally ,the socks are still in d66 . colours六、信息归纳六、任务型阅读阅读下列短文,根据短文信息完成文后表格,每空一词。What do you do when you come across a problem while doing your homework? Andy would take out his smart phone, open a special app and searched the problem. Answers soon appeared on the screen.Nowadays, many students do homework with the help of the Internet like Andy. They search information online, use apps or discuss through social networks like QQ and WeChat.“Its convenient(方便的). You dont have to wait or get a tutor(导师) on the spot(地点,场所),” Andy said. “You also learn by seeing how others work them out.”It also improves students abilities , said John, another student. He said its especially true for new types of homework.Johns Chinese teacher often asks students to give speeches on great authors. When it comes to Johns turn, he usually searches online, picks out certain stories and makes PowerPoint presentations.“Ive become skilled at finding information online and using Microsoft Office,” Wang said.However, many students think this trend (趋势) also brings up problems. Some students just copy the answers online without thinking. They become lazy.A head teacher in Andy and Johns school said that knowing how to use the Internet is important. The key is to have good self-control.“No matter how difficult the problem is, think about it independently (独立地) first,” the teacher said. “Be sure to understand the reasons behind the answers, or you wont make progress. If you dont have confidence about your self-control, ask your parents for help.” Getting Help on ScreenThe phenomenon(现象)Many students do homework with the help of the67 . . They use apps or 68 . networks. Two 69 . When meeting a problem with homework, Andy would turn to his 70 . and search.John usually searches for information and 71 . certain stories and makes PowerPoint presentations when he is asked to give a 72 . .Opinions from students on this phenomenonSome think it convenient and can 73 . students abilities. Many think it makes students 74 . when they just copy. Opinions from teachersHaving good self-control is the 75 . . No 76 . will be made unless students understand the reasons behind the answers.If students arent confident about their self-control, they should turn to parents for help.七、汉译英:整句五.翻译句子(每小题2分,共10分)77 . 我想自学如何制作风筝。_78 . 我哥哥至少和你一样细心。_79 . 同学们迫不及待地上了车。_80 . 如果你来北京,我会带你参观这儿的名胜。_81 . 看到如此多五颜六色的花儿,我简直无法相信自己的眼睛。_八、材料作文82 . (题文)书面表达为帮助同学们更好地学习英语,你校广播电台想开办一个英语节目,现特向同学们征求意见。假设你是王文雅,请根据下面的提示写一封80词左右的邮件,把你的想法告知张老师。提示:1.听英语新闻;2.写作好的学生可以当新闻记者;3.发音好的学生可以当新闻播报员(newsreader)。Dear Mr Zhang,Yours,Wang Wenya第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、4、四、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、五、单词填空1、六、信息归纳1、七、汉译英:整句1、八、材料作文1、


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