人教新目标版八年级英语上学期 第四次单元试卷

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人教新目标版八年级上学期 第四次单元试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . Sorry, my grandma is_so she cant hear what you say.AblindBcleverCdeaf2 . Of all the birds, I like parrots _.AgoodBwellCbetterDbest3 . Mr.Li is busy these days. He _ gets a chance to go to the cinema.AalwaysBeverCevenDseldom4 . _ apples are those?They are mine.AWhatBWhoCWhoseDHow5 . (题文)They said that they were able to use the organ to play music.Aall typesBall types ofCtype ofDa type6 . Audrey won an Oscar _ Best Actress _ her role in this film.Afor, forBfor, asCin, forDof, because7 . Its reported that a person _ 50 kg of food every year.We should save food.Agives awayBthrows awayCputs awayDtakes away8 . I boughtChina Daily from a street-corner machine this morning.Aa page ofBa piece ofCa copy ofDa book of9 . You will lose the ability to pay attention, plan and stay active after one or two nights _ you can sleep well.AuntilBwhenCunlessDif10 . My brother used to _up late, but now he is used to _earlyAget, getBgetting, getCget, gettingDgetting, getting11 . - _, how long does it take you to fly to Xian from Nanjing? - About 2 hours.AIn the wayBBy the wayCOn the wayDIn some ways12 . Can you show me your photo?_ Here you are.AReally?BNot really.CSure.DGood idea!13 . There is_water on the ground.Atoo many B. too muchBmuch too D. a lot14 . -Its hard to learn a foreign language.-Yes, I know. But I will never _.Aset upBcut upCpick upDgive up15 . This story seems_. All of the students want to listen to it again.AbrightBsadCwellDinteresting二、补全短文5选5阅读短文,从A-E五个句子中选择正确选项还原到文中,使短文内容完整、正确。Chen Yujie, 15 studies at a boarding school in Ningbo, Zhejiang 16 . . It was not a short ride home and the trips were tiring. Chen hoped her parents could put the money on a bank card , so she didnt have to travel so often.17 . “Its usually the most relaxing time for our family.” Said Chen.She chose the right time. After a few turns of lobbying (游说) , her parents finally agreed with Chen . 18 . So they have to choose a right time . US magazine Highnight recently surveyed 1,521 kids aged 6-12 in the country , asking questions like “ 19 . ” Results show that American kids seem to know when their parents are most receptive(乐于接受的)。Meal time is discovered to be their most favorite time to talk to their parents. Bed time comes second , followed by time spent in the car.Chinese teenagers seem to have a similar tendency (倾向) over the problem. Qianjiang Daily ,a newspaper in Zhejiang, did a survey about it . 20 . So do you have anything to talk to your parents about? Choose a good time.AWhen you want to talk to your parents about something important ,when is the best time to do it?BShe decided to discuss it with her parents during TV time to talk to their parents.CShe used to go back to her home in Cixi every week to get money from her parents.DThe result shows most teenagers in the city would choose meal time to talk to their parents .E. For most teenagers like Chen talking to parents can be difficult or even worrying.三、完型填空Dear Nancy,You asked about places to go and things to do in our town. The Downtown Mall is always_. Its a_place in the oldest part of town. There are some good stores and restaurants there._, Trendy Clothing Store is in Downtown Mall. Its a fun place to shop, and it has the_quality clothes. The shop assistants are friendly_people. My favorite_. You can eat wonderful noodles there and the beef noodles are the most delicious! You must try the dumplings there, too. But its more expensive than Nicks. The Big Cinema is the best cinema in town. It has the biggest screen and the most_seats. The Del Ray Complex is also a good place to see movies. It doesnt have the_movies, but the tickets are the cheapest.Anyway, there are lots of things to do and to see here. Come for a_soon!Love,Kate21 . AuglyBfunCdullDboring22 . AfishingBskatingCreadingDshopping23 . So thatAFor exampleBSuch asCIn fact24 . AbetterBbestCworseDworst25 . AwithBforCtoDat26 . AschoolBrestaurantChospitalDpark27 . AtooBalsoCeitherDneither28 . AdangerousBcomfortableCimportantDboring29 . AolderBnewerCnewestDoldest30 . AvisitBseeCwalkDdinner四、阅读单选Class schedule for Monday8:amInformation Technology (IT)- Using the Internet Students learn to surf the Internet and use search engines. This lesson also offers students the best websites for online learning.10:amDrama Students learn about a given play and have the chance to act it out in class.11:amPainting with watercolors Students learn how to use watercolors properly. If the weather is good, the lesson may take place outdoors.11:50amLunch break1:00pmScience (Biology/Chemistry) Students can choose either of them. In biology this week, the topic is Human Body. Students will learn about how it works. Alternatively(作为替代), students can study chemistry in the science lab. This week students will learn about H2 and O2.2:00pmSports (football for boys and tennis for girls)a. skillsStudents learn about the skills of a certain sport from videos of past games. b. practice After we pick teams, students will play a match lasting 45 minutes.2:00pm3:00pmAfter schoolHomework IT - search for some websites at home(about 30 minutes).Drama - preview a part for the next lesson (about 40 minutes). Biology/Chemistry - write a short report on the lesson (about 20 minutes).31 . What time are the students having a lesson of drawing pictures?A9:30 a.m.B11:15 a.m.C1:30 p.m.D2:00 p.m.32 . Which subject can students learn on Monday afternoon?APainting.BDrama.CBiology.DIT.33 . What can students learn to do on Monday morning?AWrite reports on dramas.BPlay basketball.CMake a video.DSurf the Internet.34 . How long does it take the students to finish their homework?AHalf an hour.BOne and a half hours.CTwo hours.DTwenty minutes.Yesterday my daughter and I met friends at a parking lot to sell them some of our eggs. It was a cold day. I didnt even want to go outside.As we pulled into the parking lot, there was a man sitting on the roadside, holding his bike, and holding up a piece of paper with “will work for food” on it.He was still sitting there as we left the parking lot, and I asked my daughter, “Should we get him some food or some money?” She said, “Of course, Mum.”So I pulled up next to him, got out of the car, and gave him all my money from selling eggs. I still had another dozen eggs in the car, and asked if he wanted them. but he said no. He said he still had half a dozen and he didnt want to waste things.I felt frozen all over just standing there talking with him for a minute, and he must feel very cold because he sat there all the time.I was glad we stopped, and I was glad I got out of the car and talked with him for a minute.I hoped he would have a warm place to sleep last night.35 . The man was holding his bike .Ato sell itBto find a jobCto buy some eggsDto give it away36 . Why didnt the man want the eggs from the writer?ABecause he didnt like eggs.BBecause he couldnt pay for them.CBecause he didn t know the writer.DBecause he didnt want to waste things.37 . What does the underlined wordfrozenmeans in Chinese?A窘迫的B冻僵的C暴躁的D难过的38 . From the passage we know that the writer was very .ArichBkindCpoorDsillyName: KarishmaAnimal type: Asian elephantAge: 11Weight(重量): 2,300 kgFavorite food: fruit and cakesName: LumpurAnimal type: Asian tigerAge: 11Weight: 130 kgFavorite food: chickenName: EllishAnimal type: African giraffeAge: 4Weight: 750 kgFavorite food: grass and leavesName: SpikeAnimal type: African lionAge: 7Weight: 200 kgFavorite food: beef39 . Where does Karishma come from?AAsia.BAfrica.CAustralia.DSouth America.40 . Whats Lumpurs favorite food?ACakes.BFish.CBeef.DChicken.41 . How old is Ellish?A3.B4.C7.D11.42 . What animal is Lumpur?AA tiger.BA lion.CA giraffe.DAn elephant.43 . Whats the weight of Spike?A130 kg.B200 kg.C750 kg.D2,300 kg.五、用单词的正确形式完成句子仔细阅读下面五个句子,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构、句义和逻辑上正确。(提示:选项中有一个是多余的。)give out nervous provide shy keep out join44 . 45 . I dont like making speeches. I feel _ talking in front of many people.46 . 47 . Be quiet please, class. Im going to _ your test papers.48 . 49 . People think Paul is very _, but in fact he talks a lot with his friends.50 . 51 . The best way to improve your English is to _ an English club.52 . 53 . Could you _ me with information about student exchange programs?六、填写适当的句子补全对话句型转换54 . It takes me half an hour to watch TV every day. (写出同义句)Ihalf an hourTV every day.55 . My father goes to work on his bike. (写出同义句)My fatherhis bikework.56 . Jenny usually goes to schoolby bike. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Jenny usually go to school?57 . Li Mei livesfive milesfrom school. (对划线部分提问)_ _ does Li Mei live from school?58 . It took meten minutesto walk home. (对划线部分提问)_ _ did it take you to walk home?七、材料作文59 . 假如你叔叔是合肥市博物馆的管理员,最近经常有外国友人来博物馆参观。请你根据以下内容,帮你叔叔写一则100词左右的游客须知,说明博物馆的有关规定。(开头和结尾已给出)1保持馆内安静,禁止追逐、大声喧哗;2保持馆内清洁,禁止吃零食、抽烟;3未经允许,不得随意触摸展品,不得对展品进行拍摄;4参观时请关闭手机;5个人参观需答疑时,请咨询展馆导游。第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、二、补全短文5选51、三、完型填空1、四、阅读单选1、2、3、五、用单词的正确形式完成句子1、六、填写适当的句子补全对话1、七、材料作文1、

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