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2019-2020年度外研版英语七年级下册第八模块综合提优测评卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、单选题1 . The boy noticed a man_the house just now.AenteredBto enterCentersDenter2 . After finishing_his homework, Tom decided_a walk in the park.Ato do;to takeBdoing; takingCdoing; to takeDto do; taking3 . 一_ your sister_ a birthday party every year?一Yes,she does.ADoes;hasBDoes;haveCDo;haveDDo;has4 . - _ your cousin like milk?- Yes, he likes _ very much.ADoes, itBDo, itCDoes, themDIs, them5 . Do you know who this building _ ?AbelongBbelongsCbelongs toDis belonging to6 . What did you do at last? I the house alone.AcleanBcleanedCcleaningDwas cleaning7 . There is a book on the ground. Please _.Apick up themBpick them upCpick it upDpick up it8 . John was sad because his cup was.Ain piecesBon piecesCon pieceDin piece9 . It is such a great movie and its worth _AwatchBwatchingCto watchDwatched10 . Vera, turn the heat down, _ your cake will burn.AorBandCbut11 . Our teacher often keeps usclassroom every day,so we must keep our classroom.Aclean,cleanBcleaning,cleaningCcleaning,cleanDclean,cleaning二、完型填空Once theres a kingdom (王国)of tall people and a kingdom of short people. The tall people_ lots of apple trees, because its _ for them to pick apples. Every year they have a meeting to decide the tallest man _ their king(国王).The short people grow _ strawberries, because its not difficult for them to get strawberries. Every year they _ have a meeting to decide the shortest man as their king. One day a tall man_ a short man. He says to the short man, “You can never grow tall _ eat apples!” The short man says, “You can _bend down (弯腰) or eat strawberries!” Then an old man comes to _and says, “Dont look down upon(看不起) each other! Go back and tell your kings that helping _is helping yourself.”The two kings both think the old man is right, so they begin to help each other and the people in the two kingdoms become good friends.12 . AbuyBgrowCtakeDbring13 . AeasyBinterestingCdifficultDboring14 . AasBforCaboutDfrom15 . AmuchBfewClittleDmany16 . AtooBevenCalsoDever17 . AmeetsBenjoysCgetsDpasses18 . AandBorCbutDso19 . AalwaysBoftenCneverDusually20 . AitBusCyouDthem21 . AothersBotherCanotherDothers三、阅读单选Billy and Sam were twins. They were in the same class. They were both very happy. One day their teacher asked the class to write a composition(作文)My Mother. Sam wrote one, but Billy was lazy. He just copied his brothers. The next day, the teacher asked Billy why his composition was the same as Sams. We have the same mother, dont we? answered Billy.根据短文内容选择正确的答案。22 . Sam was _Billy.A. older than(比) B. as old as C. younger than23 . Sam and Billy were in _A. the same class B. different classesC. the same grade24 . The name of the composition was _AMy brotherBMy MotherCMy fatherD“My sister”25 . Billys composition was_ SamsAdifferentBdifferent fromCthe same asDthe same26 . Billy was very _.AlazyBnot lazyCcleverDnot clever(题文)During my second year of nursing school, our teacher gave us an exam. I was a hardworking student and I did well in all the subjects. I finished the questions successfully until I read the last one: “What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?”Of course this was a joke. I saw the cleaning woman every day. She is short and about 60 years old. She has dark hair. But how would I know her name? I had never talked with her before. In fact, Id never even thought about talking to her. I stared at my paper and started to feel rather guilty. Finally, I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank.Before the class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our grade.“Certainly,” the teacher said. “In your life, you will meet many people. All are important. They deserve(值得) your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say hello.”Ive never forgotten that lesson. Everyone deserves my attention and I should get to know all of the people who work and live around me. That was, perhaps, the most important lesson of my life. I also learned the cleaning womans name was Dorothy.27 . (小题1)At the nursing school, the writer.A. know everyones name around herB. did well in all subjectsC. didnt like to have an exam28 . (小题2)The writer wroteto the last question.A. “Dorothy” B. “blank” C. nothing29 . (小题3)From the teachers words, we can know that.A. only one student didnt know the answerB. the last question was part of the examC. the students neednt answer the last question30 . (小题4)The writer thought that.A. the exam gave her a lessonB. the teacher was jokingC. the clean lady was important.31 . (小题5)The teacher wanted the students to know that they shouldthrough the last question.A. pay attention to everyone around them.B. be friendly to the cleaning ladyC. try to make as many friends as they can in their life.Dick lived in England. One day in January he said to his wife, Im going to fly to New York next week because Ive got some work there. Where are you going to stay there? his wife asked. I dont know yet. Dick answered. Please send me your address from there in a telegram(电报), his wife said. All right, Dick answered.He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the city. He put his things in his room and then he sent his wife a telegram. He put the address of his hotel in it.In the evening he didnt have any work, so he went to a cinema. He came out at nine oclock and said, Now Im going back to my hotel and have a nice dinner.He found a taxi and the driver said, Where do you want to go? But Dick didnt remember the name and address of his hotel.Which hotel are my things in? he said, And what am I going to do tonight? But the driver of the taxi did not know. So Dick got out and went into a post office. There he sent his wife another telegram, and in it he wrote, Please send me my address at this post office.根据短文内容,选择正确答案32 . Dick flew to New York because.Ahe went there for a holidayBhe had work thereChe went there for sightseeing33 . Why did his wife want a telegram from him?ABecause she didnt know his address yetBBecause she wanted to go to New York, tooCBecause she might send him another telegram34 . Where did Dick stay in New York?AIn the center of the city.BIn a hotel.CIn a restaurant.35 . Who would send him the name and address of his hotel?AThe manager of his hotel.BThe police office.CHis wife.36 . Which of the following is not true?ADick stayed at a nice hotel in the center of the city.BDick didnt work on the first night of his arrival.CDick forgot to send his wife a telegram.四、句型转换.句型转换37 . The local people taught the pioneers how they could grow corn.(改为简单句)The local people taught the pioneers _ corn.38 . They have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America.(对画线部分提问)_ they celebrated the festival?39 . They had a good time in Shanghai last winter holiday.(改为同义句)They _ in Shanghai last winter holiday.40 . It took Mr Smith two months to build the new house.(改为同义句)Mr Smith _ two months _ the new house.41 . I like playing football. I like singing, too.(改为同义句)I like playing football. I like singing _.五、根据首字母、中文提示填空根据句意和首字母提示完成句子中的单词。42 . Once u_ a time, there was a beautiful girl called Snow White.43 . I was very tired. I was a_soon.44 . On a clear day, Lucy d_to go for a walk.45 . Look at the sign. Dont p_the apples.46 . Lingling h_to school without having breakfast this morning.六、用所给单词的正确形式填空用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。47 . Have you been to Wuxi _(late)?48 . I value my _(friend) with my classmates.49 . The _(bank) is a kind man. He gives away much money to the poor.50 . Are you in _(agree) about the price?51 . Mr. Green is often _(call) to school by his sons teacher.52 . They are lying on the beach and look pretty _(relax).53 . Dont be _ (easy) about your future. Just do everything as well as possible.54 . I think _ (healthy) is the most important. It can make us live happily.55 . _ (speak) at the meeting made her very nervous.56 . Please give up_ (smoke) because its bad for your health.七、完成句子根据所给中文意思完成句子,每空限填一词57 . 他拿出相机开始拍照.He took out his camera and started_.58 . 上周,我的朋友大卫带着一本新书到我家来访.Last week. my friend David_with a new book.59 . 火车再一次晚点._, the train was late.60 . 很高兴收到你的来信.Its great to_you61 . 奶奶喜欢缝制衣服而不是去服装店里买.Grandmother likes making clothes_buying them in the shops.八、填写适当的句子补全对话补全对话A: 62 . ?B: I was at home yesterday.A: 63 . ?B: I was ill in bed.A: I m sorry to hear that. 64 . ?B: Yes, I went to the hospital yesterday morning.A: 65 . ?B: He told me to have more rest.A: 66 . .B: Thankyou, sir.九、多任务混合问题Answer the questions according to the passage you read.A great French writer said that we should help everyone as much as we can, because we often need help ourselves. Sometimes the small can help the great. And he told the following story.An ant was drinking by a small river and fell in. She tried her best to reach the bank(岸), but she couldnt move at all. The poor ant got too tried but was still doing her best. Then a big bird saw her. The bird threw a piece of wood into the water. With it the ant reached the bank again.While she was resting and drying herself on the grass, she heard a man coming up. The man was walking with a gun(枪) in his hand. As soon as he saw the bird, he wanted to kill her. But the ant bit(咬) him on one of his feet and at the moment the bird flew away at once.The ant saved the birds life.67 . According to the French writer, we often need help from others, so what should we do?_68 . What does the sentence “we often need help ourselves”?_69 . Why did the ant couldnt reach the bank when it fell into the river?_70 . Though the poor ant was too tried, what did she do?_71 . 请将画线句子翻译成汉语。_十、材料作文72 . 书面表达有没有那么一件事是你一直想做的,但又因为种种原因迟迟未付诸行动?也许是被搁置的新年愿望,或许是对父母的一句“我爱你”,抑或是一直没有动身前往的地方?请将“Its never too late to .”补充完整,并以此为题写一篇英语作文。词数:不少于100词。要点:1. 写一件让你心心念念的事;2. 谈谈你一直想做这件事,但没能实现的原因;3. 谈谈你下一步的计划。注意: 1.所写内容应包括所提供的信息,可适当发挥;2.不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、单选题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、完型填空1、三、阅读单选1、2、3、四、句型转换1、五、根据首字母、中文提示填空1、六、用所给单词的正确形式填空1、七、完成句子1、八、填写适当的句子补全对话1、九、多任务混合问题1、十、材料作文1、


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