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2019-2020年度人教PEP版四年级上册期末综合测试英语试卷1(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Let _ sing! ( )AisBus2 . - _( )- Seven.AHow many kites?BWhats your name?CHow are you?根据图片选择单词。3 . ( )AgirlBgift4 . ( )AbigBpig5 . ( )AsixBsit6 . ( )AmilkBMike7 . ( )AbigBthin8 . Look, its _ apple. Its _ green. ( )Aan; aBa; /Can; /9 . _pens? ( )Fourteen pens. AWhatBHow muchCHow many10 . -Where does she come from? ( )-_.AShe comes ShanghaiBShe is come from China.CShe comes from China.11 . Can I try the sweater on?_.AYoure welcomeBOf course. Here you areCIts just right.12 . 一Are they green beans? 一No Athey areBthey arentCthey not13 . 改错。(把错误的选项写在括号内,并在横线上改正。)14 . I like salad. _tasty. ( )ATheyreBitsCIts15 . It is raining today, but its very ( )AwarmBcoldCcool二、填空题选词填空。look, dressed, take, gifts, was16 . Did they _ pictures yesterday?17 . We _ up and made a funny play.18 . How _ your holiday?19 . Come and _ at my pictures.20 . These _ are for your children.三、任务型阅读任务型阅读。This is my room. Near the window there is a desk. I often do my homework at it. There is a chair in front of the desk. I often sit there and read books. There are many books and a vase(花瓶)on the bookshelf. There are some beautiful flowers in the vase.On the wall there is a picture. Its a picture of my family. You can see my parents, my grandparents and me in the picture. There is a clock on the wall, too. Its above my bed. It rings every morning. I usually put my football under my bed, because I love playing football very much.21 . 阅读短文,判断句子正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。1. There is a vase on the desk. (_)2. There is a clock above the bed. (_)3. I often do my homework in my room. (_)4. I can play football. (_)22 . 阅读短文,选择合适的选项。1. -Where is the picture? -Its_. (_)A. on the desk B. under the bed C. on the wall2. Whats under the bed? (_)A. A ruler. B. A football. C. A clock.3. Whats in the vase? (_)A. There are some flowers. B. There is some water. C. There are some pencils.4. What can you see in the picture? (_)A. Family members. B. A cat. C. A book.四、匹配题23 . 问题和答案配对连线。1. What are you doing?AIts six yuan.2. How much is it?BIm watching TV.3. Can I help you?CI want some fish.4. Where is Sam?DNo, thank you.5. Do you want some rice?EHes behind the door.五、连词成句连词成句。24 . nice,are,these,shoes(. )_25 . are,they,small,too(. )_26 . I,can,them,try,on(. )_27 . us,size,6,let,try(. )_六、连线题28 . 英汉好朋友,手拉手。1. too 2. my 3. name 4. is 5. byea. 是 b. 再见 c. 我的 d. 也,太 e.名字第 7 页 共 7 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、二、填空题1、三、任务型阅读1、四、匹配题1、五、连词成句1、六、连线题1、


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