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人教版(PEP)六年级下册小升初全真模拟测试英语试卷(三)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . We should eat fruit and vegetables _ day. ( )AeveryBallCtwo2 . _ you take him to the park? ( )AAreBCanCIs3 . -What would you like . ( ) -A glass of water,please.AdrinkBto drinkCeatDto eat4 . 选出不同类的一项(_) 1. A.bus B.bikeC.like(_) 2. A.bike B.kite C.ship(_) 3. A.canB.bike C.car5 . Please turn right at the bank. Go straight and turn right_.( )AalsoBtooCagain6 . I _ two then. ( )AwasBwereCam7 . I want _. ( )AshipBtoy shipCa toy ship8 . I hatedishes every day. ( )AwashesBwashCwashingDwashed9 . She is trying the bus. ( )Aget onBto get onCgets onDgetting on10 . -Is he young?No, _.Ahe is old.Bhe is kind.二、阅读选择阅读短文,选出正确的选项。Jack is 8 years old. He lives in Qingdao. His favourite food is cakes because they are very delicious. On his last birthday, his family bought a very big cake for him. He was very happy. But his mother doesnt allow (允许) him to eat a lot because he will be a fat boy if he has lots of cakes.11 . Jack likes _ best. ( )AcakesBhamburgersCsandwiches12 . Why does Jack like cakes? ( )ABecause theyre delicious.BBecause theyre big.CBecause theyre beautiful.13 . Jacks _ would not allow him to eat lots of cakes. ( )AfatherBbrotherCmother14 . If Jack has a lot of cakes, he will be very _.( )AfatBthinCtall15 . When did the family buy a cake for Jack? ( )AOn one Sunday.BOn his birthday.COn his fathers birthday.三、完形填空完形填空。Its Thursday today. We have art on Thursdays. We can _ in art class. Our art teacher is_Brown. He is funny but sometimes_. He just moved into a new house. He lives_the nature park now. The park is very beautiful.There is a mountain in it._the mountain, there is an old_. There are some houses in it. There is a_in the park, too. People can go fishing and _there. On the weekend, my art teacher often_in the nature park. Its so_! He loves reading!16 . Ado kung fuBdraw cartoonsCspeak English17 . AMissBMsCMr18 . AcleverBhelpfulCstrict19 . AbetweenBaboveCbeside20 . AAboveBBesideCBetween21 . AvillageBhillCriver22 . AforestBtreeClake23 . AcookingBboatingCshopping24 . Awashes clothesBplays basketballCreads books25 . AwonderfulBdeliciousCsweet四、填空题26 . I want_ (write) an e-mail to my English friend.五、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断正误。Today is Sunday. Its a sunny day. Lisa and Tina are having a picnic in the garden. Look, the sun is shining. The flowers look so beautiful. Lisa and Tina are looking at some ducks on the lake. The ducks are very hungry. They are noisy too. They are swimming in the water. Lisa gives some food to them. These ducks eat happily. Lisa and Tina are having a good time.27 . Lisa and Tina are having a picnic on Saturday. (_)28 . It is rainy today. (_)29 . The ducks are swimming on the pond. (_)30 . The ducks are hungry and noisy. (_)31 . Lisa and Tina are very happy today. (_)六、汉译英汉译英32 . 不,不行。穿你的旧裤子。_33 . 爸爸,我今天能穿新裤子吗?_七、判断题34 . Read and judge.判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的用表示,不同的用表示。(_) 1. A. schoolB. chocolate (_) 2. A. girlB. thirsty(_) 3. A. headB. speak(_) 4. A. bearB. wear(_) 5. A. park B. past(_) 6. A. theirsB. newspaper八、句型转换35 . 句型转换,按括号的要求改写句子(10)(1)She found it interesting to listen to music.(同义句)She _ _ _ music.(2)Maybe you can find it somewhere.(否定句)Perhaps you _ _ _ _.(3)You must look after your pet.(提问)_ _ you _?(4)Theres a little milk in the bottle. (提问)_ _ _ _ there in the bottle?(5)The weather is very bad today.(改为感叹句)_ bad _ it _ today!(6)Did you hear from your parents last week?(同义句)Did you_ _ _ from your parents last week?九、匹配题选择配伍。A. Lets go to the playground.B. We have Music and Maths.C. Nice to see you too.D. Me too.E. I like Chinese and Maths.36 . Nice to see you, Miss Li. (_)37 . What subjects do you like? (_)38 . Its time for PA(_)39 . What lessons do we have this morning? (_)40 . I like English. (_)41 . 读问句,选答句。A. OK!B. Yes, I do.C. At 6:00 a.m.D. I often watch TV.E. My mum worked 1last night.【小题1】When do you get up? (_)【小题2】What do you do on Sundays? (_)【小题3】Why are you shopping today? (_)【小题4】Do you often play sports? (_)【小题5】Clean the classroom, please. (_)十、书面表达42 . 请你以“How to protect the Earth”为题写一篇小短文。How to protect the EarthTo protect the Earth, we should plant trees and grass in spring._ _ _ _ We should use paper bags and grass bottles.第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、阅读选择1、三、完形填空1、四、填空题1、五、任务型阅读1、六、汉译英1、七、判断题1、八、句型转换1、九、匹配题1、2、十、书面表达1、


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