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2013年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)决赛高二年级组试题(总分:150分 答题时间:120分钟)听力部分(共三大题,记30分)I. Responses (句子应答)(共5小题;每小题1分,记5分)Please listen to the following five sentences and choose the best response to each one you hear. Each sentence will be read only once.(请听下面句子,然后选出一个能够恰当应答你所听到的句子的最佳选项。每个句子只读一遍。)(答案涂在答题纸上)1. A. I think its OK for you. B. We have no friends working in stores. C. I have the same bag as you. D. We often go shopping after work.2. A. I wish you wouldnt. B. Mary and I dont like the window. C. I think they will go out. D. The machine needs to be cleaned.3. A. We can take a train there. B. OK. Lets go to the park. C. The coffee here is nice. D. Yes. Theres a good film on TV.4. A. My parents like running in the morning. B. They prefer talking with their teachers online. C. Im going back to my hometown. D. My experience in London was wonderful. 5. A. No, I dont have time to help you. B. I had a good time in the factory. C. I usually visit my friends on Saturdays. D. Yes, I went with my wife last weekend. II. Dialogues(对话理解)(共10小题;每小题1分,记10分)Please listen to the following five mini-dialogues. Each dialogue is followed by a question. Choose the best answer or picture for each question. Each dialogue and question will be read twice.(请听下面五组小对话,每组对话后有一个问题,根据你所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问的最佳选项。每组对话和问题均读两遍。) (答案涂在答题纸上) 6 7. 8. A. Sunshine and showers. B. A strong wind. C. Sunshine and snow. D. A heavy rain.9. A. Because he has to fix his car at home. B. Because his bike was stolen. C. Because something is wrong with his feet. D. Because his broken bike hasnt been repaired.10. A. Behind the door. B. Between the beds. C. Under the little window. D. In the big kitchen.B) Listen to the following dialogue and choose the best answer to each question. The dialogue will be read twice.(请听下面一段对话,选择能回答下列问题的最佳选项。对话读两遍。) (答案涂在答题纸上)11. Why is the man not happy with his new car? A. Because it isnt the latest model. B. Because he cant start it every morning. C. Because it was damaged in a recent accident. D. Because he didnt know where to park it.12. When did the man buy his new car? A. Last year. B. Last month. C. Last week. D. Last night.13. Where does the man keep his car at night? A. In front of the gate. B. In the parking lot. C. In the company. D. In the garage.14. What does the man insist on in the dialogue? A. The model of the car should be changed. B. The woman should lend a car to him. C. His car should be checked as soon as possible. D. The woman should return the money to him.15. How long does the woman want to keep the car? A. An hour. B. A whole day. C. A week. D. A month.III. Passages(短文理解)(共10小题;16-20每小题1分,21-25每小题2分计15分)A) Listen to the following material and choose the best answer to each question according to the material you hear. The material will be read twice. (请听下面一段材料,根据你所听到的内容,选择能回答所提问的最佳选项。材料读两遍。) (答案涂在答题纸上)16. What happened to Rebecca? A. She died in a serious car accident. B. She drowned in a boating accident. C. She hurt her leg in a boating accident. D. She went to Italy on holiday. 17. Where did the young girl spend her honeymoon? A. In England. B. In America, C. In Italy. D. In Egypt. 18. What was Mrs. Danvers attitude towards the girl? A. Kindly. B. Careful. C. Helpful. D. Unfriendly. 19. Why didnt Maxim want his wife to go to the cottage? A. Because he had bad memories of it. B. Because he wanted to sell the cottage. C. Because he would pull down the cottage. D. Because he placed something in it.20. Who often stayed in the cottage? A. Maxim. B. Mrs. Danvers. C. Rebecca. D. The young girl.B) Please listen to the following material, and fill in the blanks according to the material youhear with one or two words. The material will be read twice. (请听下面一段材料,根据你所听到的材料内容填空,每空填一到两个单词。材料读两遍。) I. 笔试部分(共七大题,计120分)I. Multiple-choice(选择填空)(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)For each of the following sentences or dialogues, there are four choices, marked A, B, C, and D. Please choose the answer that best completes the sentence.(下列各句或对话均含有A,B, C,D 四个选项中,请从四个选项中选出可以完成该句或对话的最佳选项。) (答案涂在答题纸上) 26. Since your brother is an excellent student, I dont think will be difficult for him to work out this math problem. A. that B. it C. this D. one 27. -What do you think of the washing machines here? -The price of the washing machines in your shop is than that in other shops, but the quality is not as_. A. higher; dearer B. lower; good C. more expensive; brighter D. cheaper; kind 28. Its quite obvious that the aging population in China will be heavy burden on whole society in the future. A. a; / B. the; the C. a; the D. the; / 29. By 6 p.m. they had covered of the whole trip. After another drive, they would get to their holiday camp. A. thirds-four; two hours B. three-fourth; two hours C. By following the green signs. D. By walking along the street and then turning left. C. three-fourths; two-hour D. third-fours; two-hours 30. There is very little the company can do about this it is not their responsibility. A. that; because B. for which; though C. which; as if D. what; unless 31. Lucy, as well as her parents, a great job in the fight against the flood in her hometown. A. were doing B. are doing C. has done D. was done 32. Catherine felt uncomfortable a speech before the public and she thought shed ask the others for help. A. make B. made C. making D. having made 33. Tina _like dogs very much, but one attacked her two years ago so she doesnt like them anymore. A. ought to B. used to C. must D. would 34. It _at yesterdays meeting to raise salaries _ 10% in the next two years. A. was decided; by B. has decided; with C. announced; until D. has announced; at 35. Computers keep us about the news, and also provide entertainment for US. A. informed; latest B. to know; later C. learning; latter D. to think; late36. -I dont feel like going to the party this evening. - . What about watching the tennis game on the computer? A. Sb do I B. Nor I do C. And I do D. Neither do I37. Tommy the watch from the office. He didnt come into the room on the day it was stolen. A. cant have stolen B. might have taken C. must have taken D. neednt have stolen38. -Is that the time? I didnt realise it was so late. I really must be going. -_ -Im afraid so, Ive got to start work early tomorrow. A. Didnt you have a wonderful time? B. Do you have to leave so early? C. Can we see each other again soon? D. Will you please stay longer?39. -Could you tell me the times of trains to Cambridge? -Yes, they leave on the hour._ -Oh, I have to wait for half an hour! A. If you hurry you might just get it on time. B. The next train will arrive in two minutes. C. You have no time to catch the next train. D. And the next one goes at 5 oclock.40. -Oh, excuse me, I cant get it to accept my card. -I dont think so. Would you like me to help you? -Thanks, thats really kind of you. A. can you give me your phone number? B. do you mind posting the letter for me? C. can you tell me the way to the nearest bank? D. is this machine out of order?. Cloze (完形填空) (共15小题:每题1分,计15分)A) Please read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the proper forms of 5 words out of the 7 given ones in the box according to the context. (请阅读下面的短文,并根据其内容提示,从方框中所给的7个单词中选出5个,并用其适当的形式填空。) (答案写在答题纸上) carry, expand, do, three, newspaper, predict, time This boy lives in Mumbai, India, where an estimated ( 估计的 ) 300 people arrive every day from the countryside. They also come to look for work. But they also need somewhere to live. While Mumbai is (41)_really quickly, other cities are growing even more rapidly. Where are all these new arrivals going to live? Until we take this question seriously, the problem will get wore Every day almost 180,000 people around the world move into cities from the countryside- thats about 70 million people a year. A recent report (42) that two billion more people will have moved to cities by 2030. Unless something is (43)_, up to half of these will live in the worst kind of housing: slums (贫民窟). In 2005 one billion people were living in slums worldwide-about a (44) of the people who live in cities. By 2030 it is estimated that a further billion will be living in slums. If people were more aware of the situation, they would get their governments to act. But poor housing receives little media attention. If only TVs and (45) gave as much attention to world poverty as they give to sport. Only when people work together, can the situation be improved.B) Please read the following passage and fill in each blank with one word in one of the following three ways: based on the context; using the proper form of the given words; based on the given letters of the words. (阅读下面的短文,用以下三种形式之一完成短文填空:根据上下文填空;用所给单词的正确形式填空;根据单词随给首字母填空。每空一词。) (答案写在答题纸上) As you settle down in front of your television, have you ever wondered how TV ratings are calculated? Dont worry, were not being (46) (watch) while were in front of the TV. Its the Audience Research Board (ARB) that works (47) the ratings for each program. To do this, the board appoints researchers whose task is to choose a sample group of viewers, (48) receive a small payment for their cooperation. To gather the required information the researchers connect the viewers TV set and video recorder to electronic meters which record when these appliances (装置) are (49) (turn) on and off and what is being viewed.There is a difference (50) b counting TV progams and those recorded on video. To count the latter, the day, time and channel are imprinted (压印) by the electronic meter. (51) Ho , only when the video is watched does the program recorder on the meter become activated (激活). It sounds complicated but the ARB needs to (52) sep_ live recordings from taped ones.(53) A _ problem is the number of viewers in one household. If there is more than one viewer, then the household is given a special remote control. Every (54) someone makes use of it, they have to press their given number so that the meter reeognises who is watching. Finally, (55) w_ all the figures are collected, they are compared to the TV guides and in the end the national viewing figures are calculated.III. Reading Comprehension(阅读理解)(共20小题,56-60每小题1分,61-75每小题2分计35分)Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions. Please respond to the questions according to the requirements given at the end of each question.(阅读下列短文,每篇短文后设有若干问题,请根据短文后的要求回答问题) (56-58小题大案涂在答题纸上,59-75小题答案写在答题纸上)AGlobal warming is no longer just a threat-it is a reality. Most global warming has been caused by the production of greenhouse gases, in particular, carbon dioxide (CO2). Whenever we turn on the TV, drive a ear or take a flight, we add more CO2 to the atmosphere. Today we talk to environmental campaigner Gina Freeman about carbon emissions(排放物)Reporter: Is it too late to do something about carbon emissions ? Gina: No, it isnt. And as soon as carbon emissions decrease, air pollution will decrease.But unless we take action now, we wont reduce the effect of global warming. Reporter: Youre particularly concerned about the increase in air travel. Why? Gina: Air travel is a major source of carbon emissions. Its estimated that by 2020 it will be the single biggest cause of global warming. I believe that we wont prevent global warming until we stop flying. Reporter: So what can we do? Gina: Take holidays closer to home. If we dont travel so far, well reduce carbon emissions. And if we travel by train, well only produce 12.5% of the emissions of a flight. Reporter: But how do I visit my grandparents in Canada? I cant get there by train! Gina: One solution is to offset (抵消), or balance, carbon emissions. For example, if you take a return London-Montreal flight, you will produce 1.46 tonnes of CO2. If you pay an organisation to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere by the same amount, you will offset your carbon emissions. There are several organisations which fund carbon offset projects. Reporter: What kind of projects? Gina: For example, planting trees, which absorb CO from the atmosphere. Reporter: So it will be OK for me to fly if I plant enough trees. Gina: Its better not to fly at all. But if you cant avoid producing carbon, the next best thing is to offset it. Reporter: Will carbon offset projects solve the problem of global warming? Gina: No, they wont. But the situation wont improve unless we all work together. And the future will look brighter when all governments agree to reduce carbon emissions.Questions 56-58: Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D according to the passage.56. If we travel by train, well only produce of the carbon emissions of a flight. A. one eighth B. one quarter C. two fifths D. three fourths57. Freeman thinks that will be the biggest cause of global warming by 2020. A. train travel B. bus travel C. car travel D. air travel58. The main idea of this passage is about_. A. the advantages of train traveling B. air pollution and carbon offset projects C. carbon emissions by trains and planes D. global warming and government efforts Questions 59-60: Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage. 59. Gina Freeman thinks that planting trees cant absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. 60. One solution to solve the problem of global warming is to balance carbon emissions. B Francis Crick and James Watson solved the mystery of human DNA in 1953 and shared the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1962. (61)_. Many believe that Crick and Watsons discovery was largely based on X-ray pictures of atoms taken by a woman scientist, Rosalind Franklin. (62) _ She believed that the structure of DNA could be discovered from them. In the race to describe DNA, either Franklin or Crick and Watson could have been the first to publish their results. But did the men win by cheating? (63) Her father had refused to pay for her to study at Cambridge until he was persuaded to change his mind. And when she passed her exams, the university did not give her a full degree-only men could be given full degrees. At Kings College women couldnt be served in the same dining room as male scientists. Whats more, her male colleague, Maurice Wilkins, treated her like an assistant; according to Watson, he believed that Franklin had to go or be put in her place. Yet it was Franklins pictures described as the most beautiful X-ray photographs of any substance (物质) ever taken that provided the clue (线索) to the mystery of DNA. (64)_ Wilkins explained to Watson how the picture could be used to work out the structure of DNA. Both Crick and Watson clearly benefited from Franklins work, but they didnt acknowledge (承认) it at the time. But the cancer from which Franklin died five years later, at the age of 37, was probably caused by X-rays. (65) _ However, Nobel prizes may only be given to the living, so Franklin cant be honored in this way. But her life shouldnt be seen as a failure. She is beginning to be recognised as a brilliant scientist. Questions 61-65: Choose from the sentences A-G to complete the passage. There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use. A. Franklin was accustomed (习惯的) to male prejudice (偏见) against female scientists. B. In 1953 Maurice Wilkins showed one of Franklins X-rays (Photo 51) to Watson without telling her. C. Francis Crick and James Watson had helped in the finding of DNA and their work was practiced in medicine. D. Franklin preferred taking photos to playing games when she was a child. E. In 1950 Franklin started taking photos of atoms at Kings College London. F. But was it all their own work, or did they steal someone elses? G. Now many people think that Franklin deserves to be awarded a Nobel Prize.CPeople have been talking about space tourism ever since astronauts first landed on the moon. Will the dream ever become reality? Believe it or not, were counting down to the first space tourist flight. The Virgin Galactic Spaceship is due for lift-off ( 升空 ) soon, and well enjoy a great journey! How exciting! Im going to book a ticket! Hang on, it wont be cheap-each passenger will pay US $200,000 for the three-hour flight. Over a thousand dollars a minute-thats extremely expensive! Yes, but the space tourists will fly at three times the speed of sound, theyll experience four to five minutes of weightlessness and theyll be able to look down on Earth. Every passenger will have a spectacular (壮观的) view; they will have large windows and luxurious (豪华的) seats, says Virgin boss Sir Richard Branson, whos going to travel on the first flight with members of his family. And the holiday will include pre-flight training and three days luxury accommodation at the Virgin Galactic space camp. Initially (起初) the spaceships will take off from the Mojave Desert near Los Angeles, but later therell be a spaceport in New Mexico.And what about people who dont have thousands of dollars? Im sure the cost of space flights will come down, and one day ordinary travelers will be able to go on trips into space. So perhaps our grandchildren will spend their holidays on the moon. But meanwhile, you can book a spaceship flight online at www.virgingalactic.com.Forget it! Ive got to go-Im flying to Florida today and Im visiting the Kennedy Space Center tomorrow. The tour starts at 9:45 a.m. Questions 66-70: Answer the following questions according to the passage.66. How much will you pay if you take the Virgin Galactic Spaceship?67. How long will you experience weightlessness during the flight?68. Who are mentioned in the passage that will be among the first passengers?69. Which place will the spaceship take off from initially?70. At what website can you book a spaceship flight online? DThe mobile phone explosion is changing Africa. It has already become the


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