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任务型阅读理解专练(1)As we know, Xiao Shenyang and Liu Qian did wonderful jobs in the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. Now many people are crazy about these two persons. But how much do you know about them?Xiao Shenyang was born in a poor peasant family which is in difficult family conditions. His real name is Shen He. He is an actor. He is good at Er Ren Zhuan. He learned acts, following Zhao Benshan. During the school life, he was very active in many activities. He looks like a simple man, but he never stops pursuing (追求) his artistic aspiration (渴望). More and more people like his style of performance, and we hope he can make great progress in the future.Liu Qian is a young magician from Taiwan. At the age of 7, Liu saw a cute magic toy in a shop. At that moment he began to love and decided to learn magic. Liu didnt go to any magic school. he practiced tricks every day to improve his skills, until one day he was able to put on a show for his class. He saw the surprise on everyones face, and he felt it was cool. He often does street shows for passers-by, police and farmers. He worked hard at it. Now he is a famous magiciaXiao ShenyangLiu QianJob An actorA young magician from TaiwanHow to succeedHe learned acts, following Zhao Benshan.During the school life, he 78._.He looks like 80._. But he never stops pursuing the artistic aspiration.He always learned magic 77._ at the beginning.At his show for his class, he found everyone 79._ and he felt it was cool.He often does street shows for people. He works hard at it.(2)One of the most well-known directors of our time is Stephen Spielberg. He was born in Cincinnati on 18 December 1946. His father was an electric engineer and his mother was a performing pianist. His sister, Anne Spielberg, became a screenwriter who wrote the stories for many famous films.Stephen had always wanted to be a director ever since he was a young boy. When he was just 13 years old, he made a 40-minute film. It won a local competition. Three years later, he produced a film called Firelight, which made one hundred dollars profit at the cinema in his hometown. Many of the ideas from this film were later used for one of his most famous films called Close Encounters of the Third Kind.When he was 18 years old, he wanted to go to film school so that he could improve his skills and become an even better director. Unluckily, he was unsuccessful in getting a place at this school so he went to a university in California to study English. Even though he had failed to get into the school he wanted to go to, he didnt let this stop him following his dream to become a great director.Stephen Spielberg has directed many films since his first major film in 1976. He now owns many different businesses, most of which are involved in the film industry.Year What happened194676. Stephen Spielberg_ _ in Cincinnati.195977. Stephen Spielberg made a _ film and it_ a local competition.196278. Stephen Spielberg produced a film called_, from which many _ were later used for Close Encounters of the Third Kind.79._ Though he_ to get into the film school he wanted to go to, Stephen Spielberg didnt give up his dream to become a great director.197680. Stephen Spielberg_ his _ major film.(3)A Page From Li Mengs DiaryThursday, January 23 SunnyToday I was so happy to know that I did quite well in my last weeks science exam. Thanks to Daniel, he taught me a new way of going over lessons. It is called “map idea”.Because of the map idea, Ive learned how to find out the main idea in every lesson. And in my mind I can draw a map of all the important knowledge I need to remember. Its really good. I can remember so much in that way.I never thought of changing the way of my study before. I was always complaining about my poor memory, but now my memory has become good because of the map idea. It made my study much easier and more enjoyable. I realized learning how to learn well is the most important for us students.96. There was a science exam in Li Mengs class .97. Daniel taught Li Meng a good way to study. That is .98. Li Meng complain about his bad memory.99. Li Meng has learned a new way of lessons.100. It is the most important how to learn well.(4)Dear Miss Li,Id like to thank you for sending money to “Animal Helpers”,an organization set up to help diabled people.For sure you have helped make it possible for me to have Lucky, who has filed my life with pleasure.“Lucy” is a specialy trained dog for the disabled.It is a good name for him because I feel very lucky to have him. Being blind, deaf, unable to use my hands easily are the challenges I face. Lucky helps me open and shut the doors,even answer the telephone.He cheers me up a lot.Il send you a photo of him if you like,and Icould show you how he helps me too one day.And I thank you again for supporting Animal Helpers. It is important that this organization does not run out of money. Your donation is greatly appreciated and the money is well used to help disabled people like me.Best wishes,Liz Smith71.Liz Smith is a_man who is_to see or hear.72.Lucky is the_of a specialy_dog.73.Animal Helpers is an organization that was_up to_the disabled.74.Liz Smith will_Miss Lia a photo of the dog and_her how Lucky helps him.75.LizSmithwrote this letter to_Miss Li for her_to Animal Helpers.(5)(6)Dear Sir,We joined your Happy Summer Camp, but we are not happy at all! Where are your comfortable rooms? Im writing this letter in my tent and its raining again out there. Water is coming through the tent. Everything is wet.Is this the river? How can we swim in the river? It is so dirty and the rubbish is here and there. What kind of fish can live in it? What about our excellent food? We eat potatoes almost every meal and they were badly cooked! So we arent even full enough. Yes, there is a swimming pool, but is it as big as an Olympic size pool? And it is always closed. There are 20 mountain bikes here. But you see most of them dont work. Everything is bad herewe cant stay here any longer!Unhappy May 116. May is not _ when she is writing the letter. 117. May and her friends _ swim neither in the river nor in the swimming pool. 118. The food in the camp is not well cooked, so that they always feel _. 119. May complains about _ in the camp. 120. They cant wait to _ the camp.(7)(8)Enjoy a Wonderful Holiday The holiday season is a wonderful time to stay with the family and to enjoy delicious food you like best. But along with the many joys of the holiday, there is also quite a lot of stress (压力). Exercise is an excellent way to fight that stress. Traveling, shopping, and many other exercises as well as eating well are also good for health. Here are some holiday tips that will help you save time for holiday necessities and prevent you from getting weight. Make time for a walk and do some activities every day. Take the stairs instead of waiting for the lift Make time for breakfast. Even a quick breakfast , like fruits or juice, whole-grain cereal and milk, can prevent hunger during the day. Drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Enough water prevents hunger and tiredness. You can choose good drinks like water, juice and tea. Eat at least five kinds of fruits and vegetables every day. If you want to eat something between breakfast and lunch, pick fruits and vegetables. They are great snacks! Wish all of you a very healthy and happy holiday season!The main idea is about the ways to enjoy a wonderful_81_.Some holidaytips that aregood for your health:u Make time for a walk and do some activities. Dont wait for the lift. Take the82_instead.u Make time for _83_ , even a quick one.u Drink at least eight glasses of _84_every day.u Eat at least five kinds of 85_and _86_ every day.任务型阅读答案阅读理解在一方面考查考生的信息输入能力,另考查考生根据所获得的信息进行信息输出的能力,这种题型正在被各地广为接受。答案有些在原文中找到,有些可将原文中某些片语的进行加工整合,用一、两个词进行替换。(1)77. by himself78. joined in / took (active) part in / was very active in many activities79. (was) surprised80. asimple man(2)76. was born 77. 40-minute; won 78. Firelight; ideas 79. 1964; failed 80. directed/ made/ produced; first。(3)96last week。97map idea / Map Idea。98used to。“used to do sth.”可以表示“was/were always doing sth.”的意思99going over / reviewing his100to learn / to know / to study / to realize(4)71.disabled;unable72.name;trained73.set;help74.send/give/show;show75.thank;donation/help(5)78. raise/collect 79. one 80. ticket 81. home 82. special (6)116.happy117.can118. hungry119. everything120. leave(7)68. seven/7 69.farmer 70. feet 71. left/most


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