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牛津中文英文牛津中文英文P2一杯果汁a glass of juiceP10瞎的blind西瓜watermelon回答answer葡萄grapeP12在上午in the morning李子plum在下午in the afternoon樱桃cherry在晚上in the evening草莓strawberry升起riseP4一些水果some fruit影子shadow味道taste落下go down脆的crunchyP13小山hill圆的round草坪lawn在葡萄树上on a vine小路path这些these长椅bench像be like P14在前面in front of那些those在后面behind酸的sourP15咬bite甜的sweet听到声音hear a soundP7小刀knifeP17海报poster谁的whose羽毛球俱乐部the badminton clubP8尖的sharp最爱的favourite钝的blunt加入join硬的hardP18踢足球play football软的soft打乒乓play table tennis粗糙的rough打网球play volleyball泳帽swimming cap打篮球play basketball健康的healthyP19一副泳镜A pair of goggles光滑的smooth进入水里面去go into the water厚的thick泳衣swimsuit薄的thin爱好hobby触摸touchP21在业余时间in my spare time放进putinP22狗粮dog foodP9沙子sandP23狗骨头bone摇晃shake鹦鹉parrot脱掉takeoff乌龟tortoise穿上put onP24落下来fall down当然of course需要 want钥匙keyP25醒来wake up询问ask 跳下来jump off在那边over thereP27浴室bathroom失物处the lost-property厨房kitchen带去taketo捉老鼠catch mice牛津中文英文牛津中文英文做家作do homeworkP44拜访祖父母visit grandparents做模型飞机make a model planeP46开会have a meeting洗头wash hairP48钢琴piano烧饭cook dinner小提琴violin帮忙help三角铁triangle卧室bedroom鼓drum客厅living roomP49给giveP29打开turn onP52春节Spring Festival关掉turn off中国人Chinese关于about端午节the dragon Boat Festival聊天chat中秋节the Mid-autumn FestivalP30蓝天the blue sky重阳节the Double Ninth Festival去游泳go swimmingP53学习learnP32在外面outsideP54买新衣buy clothes门铃doorbell传统食品traditional foodP33轻的quiet团圆饭a big dinner响的loud亲戚relatives一把剪刀a pair of scissors红包red envelopes一些线some string吃饺子eat dumplingsP34感到生气get angry看烟火watch fireworksP35哭cry 龙舟比赛dragon boat races小睡have a nap赏月watch the moon不高兴unhappy爬山climb the mountainP37起床get up吃粽子eat rice dumplings刷牙brush teeth周一Monday吃早饭eat breakfast周二Tuesday 七点一刻a quarter past seven周三Wednesday七点半half past seven周四Thursday八点差一刻a quarter to eight周五FridayP38拼图do a puzzle周六Saturday完成finish周日SundayP39电池battery在周一on Monday读故事书read a story book在周一下午on Monday afternoon离家leave home泳装swimsuit一路all the wayP57小鸭子ducklingP42一直always白天鹅swan经常usually鸟巢nest经常often可爱的lovely / cute有时sometimes喂养feedwith从来不never丑陋的ugly从到fromto 漂亮的beautiful在周末at weekends孤独lonely玩得高兴have a good time在草里in the grassM1-M2单词句型汇总 一、词汇列表M1U1核心词汇watermelon西瓜grape 她的plum梅子;李子cherry 樱桃a glass of一杯strawberry草莓juice果汁around周围;四周inside里面or 或者; 还是vine葡萄藤fox狐狸think 想;认为want想要notat all一点也不其它词汇sit 坐yard院子who谁 fruit水果 enjoy享受 one(代词)when什么时候 on sunny afternoons 在阳光明媚的下午 M1U2核心词汇hard 硬的soft 软的rough 粗糙的smooth光滑的whose 谁的sharp尖的blunt钝的thick厚的thin薄的find 发现knife小刀;刀pencil 铅笔 pencil case铅笔袋blind 盲的beach 海滨all 所有;全体 其他词汇Another 另一个floor 地板key 钥匙 lost-property office事物招领处 over there 在那边man 男人 purse(女式)钱包 round 圆的 sand 沙 taketo把拿到Something 某物 thing 东西;物品 take off脱下(衣服)M1U3核心词汇hill 小山lawn 草坪path 小路bench 长椅behind在后面shadow 影子 (the) sun太阳rise升起;上升noon中午in front of在前面go down落下again又;再 grow变得high高的down沿着;朝下walk行走其他词汇also也back向后;朝后bite 咬 cry哭 tea茶sky天空 stop停止 stay停留;待 follow跟着tear眼泪deer鹿 wait等待M2U1核心词汇play football踢足球play table tennis打乒乓球play volleyball 打排球spare time业余时间play badminton打羽毛球play basketball 打篮球sport 体育运动 hobby业余爱好poster 海报join 加入;参加club俱乐部 healthy健康的favourite最喜欢的 其他词汇ask 问after在之后before 在之前 exercise运动;训练活动swimming pool游泳池notice通知 pie派;果馅饼 never从不 sure一定warm-up热身活动 yourself你自己 swimsuit泳衣swimming goggles泳镜M2U2核心词汇bone 骨头fish 鱼dog food狗粮 cat food猫粮jump off逃离parrot 鹦鹉 tortoise乌龟cute可爱的sleep睡觉run away 跑开meat 肉pet 宠物shake摇晃catch抓到wake up醒来hungry饥饿的angry生气的 climb爬be afraid害怕其他词汇bowl碗dirty脏的hole 洞 large大的 vet兽医leaf树叶 sad伤心的 add加 toe脚趾goat山羊M2U3核心词汇bedroom卧室living room客厅bathroom卫生间 kitchen厨房dinner 晚餐homework作业model plane飞机模型wash 洗其他词汇bedtime就寝时间chat聊天cook做饭 Earth Hour地球一小时voice声音fairy tale童话help帮助holiday假期 interesting有趣的make做;制作noise噪音shell贝壳 storybook故事书tell 告诉themselves他们自己turn off关掉(灯)usually通常 二、句型汇总M1U1 1. Is it a peach or an apple? 2. Its watermelon, I think.3. The purple grapes are sweet. How about the green ones?4. What nice grapes! 5. Those grapes are not sweet at all.M1U21. Whose ruler is this/that? Its Kittys.2. Whose books are these/those? Theyre my books.3. Danny, put your pencil in the bag. 4. Ouch! Whats the matter?5. Lets take it to the lost-property office. 6.Here comes a man on the elephant.M1U31. In the morning, it (the sun) rises behind the hill.2. The trees shadow grows short. 3. Henry the dog walks down the road.4. He looks back and sees a black shape behind him.5. You are like me. M2U11. Does Alice like playing basketball? Yes, she does./No, she doesnt.2. It makes you healthy and strong. 3. Would you like to come with us?4. Who else would like to join? 5. Oh, sure. Id love to.6. Will Kitty come too? 7. Enjoy yourself in the swimming class!M2U21. What food does a eat/like?2. The dog likes bones best. The dog doesnt eat dog food at all.3. The elephant shakes the tree and the apple falls down.4. The cat wakes up. The mouse climbs onto the door.5. He wants to be a vet.M2U31. Where are you? Im in the living room.2. What are you doing? Im making a model plane.3. Come and help me, please.4. I usually watch TV with my parents at night, but now were looking at the stars.5. What a beautiful beach!


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