
Unit 3 Language in use。Unit 3 Language in use。lie in the sun。Unit 1 What’s this in English。Unit 2 What’s the weather like。Module 5 My school day。


1、Module 1 My classmatesUnit 1 Nice to meet you.教学目标【知识与技能】1. 能正确使用下列单词和短语:Chinese, from, where, year, about, what about? Ms, America, not, England, hi, American, our, grade, he, China2. 掌握本课句型:1) Hello / Hi2) Whats your name? My name is .3) How old are you? Im .years old.4) Where are you from? Im from .5) Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you , too.【情感、态度与价值观】1. Learn to respect others when we talk with others.2. Learn to intr。

2、Module 2 My familyUnit 3 Language in use教学目标【知识与技能】1. 能正确使用下列单词和短语:doctor, farm, worker, man, shop, its, their, for example, family tree, farm worker, an English teacher 2. 掌握本课句型:In America, many people have grandparents from different countries.【情感、态度与价值观】1. Learn to respect others when we talk with others.2. Learn to introduce your family member to others in the right way.教学重难点【教学重点】指示代词和人称代词的主格形式和形容词性物主代词【教学难点】。

3、Module 4 Healthy foodUnit 2 Is your food and drink healthy?教学目标【知识与技能】1. 掌握下列单词和短语: healthy, delicious, bread, fish, hamburger, icecream, noodle, rice, sugar, eat, child (pl. children), sweet, right, egg, eye, cheese, tooth (pl. teeth), bit, tired, soup, important, remember, well, stay, fat, or, breakfast, every, lunch, home, dinner, be good for, be bad for, a bit2. 掌握下列句型: and are healthy food but and are my favourite food.3. 能听懂关于食物和饮料的对话。4. 能掌握have。

4、Module 6 A trip to the zooUnit 1 Does it eat meat?教学目标【知识与技能】1. 掌握下列单词和短语:bear, elephant, giraffe, lion, monkey, panda, tiger, zebra, zoo, guide, animal, such, as, come, different, country, other, dangerous, ugh, also, plant, look, tall, leaf (pl. leaves), sure, bamboo, cute, shall, them, which, over, funny, call2. 掌握下列句型:1) Thats a giraffe. Yes, and there are some giraffes2) Do lions eat meat? Yes, they do.3) Does it eat meat? No, it doesnt. It eats。

5、Module 7 ComputersUnit 3 Language in use教学目标【知识与技能】1. 正确运用本模块的词汇。2. 能运用特殊疑问句询问做某事的步骤以及细节。3. 会描述做某事的步骤, 在同学之间进行真实的交际。4. 能简单表示计算机的用途。【情感、态度与价值观】通过学习电脑方面的词汇提高对英语的学习兴趣教学重难点【教学重点】1. 复习巩固一般现在时的用法,尤其是本模块所学的一般现在时特殊疑问形式2. 复习巩固本模块所学的电脑词汇及一些动宾搭配的使用。【教学难点】熟练地运用本模块中所学的词汇和句型,区别应用助动词do, does。教学过程Step。

6、Module 9 People and placesUnit 2 Theyre waiting for buses or trains.教学目标【知识与技能】1. 掌握下列单词和短语:drive, off, get off, leave, restaurant, moment, place, things, most, still, star, run, study2. 掌握句型:1) Theyre waiting for buses or trains.2) At this moment, in different places of the world people are doing different things.3) Theyre working.4) People arent having dinner.5) Some people are still working and some are going home from work.6) They are eating hamburgers or hot dogs a。

7、Starter Module 1 My teacher and my friends Unit 1 Good morning, Miss Zhou.教学目标【知识与技能】1. 能正确使用下列单词和短语:Hello! Class, my, name, Miss, good morning, afternoon, Goodbye!2. 侧能够进行口语问候交际。【情感、态度与价值观】Motivate students interest in learning English. Make friends with all students. 教学重难点【教学重点】1. Master language of daily greetings.2. Be skilled in oral expression of greetings.【教学难点】1. Master language of daily greetings.2. Be skilled in oral expre。

8、Starter Module 2 My teacher and my friends Unit 3 Im twelve.教学目标【知识与技能】1. 掌握本课单词和短语:how old, boy, girl, desk, chair, bag, thirteen, fifteen2. 掌握本课句型:1) How old are you? Im twelve.2) How many girls/ boys are there?【情感、态度与价值观】Cultivate Ss abilities of creation.教学重难点【教学重点】1. Master the new words and expressions.2. Be skilled in oral expression of greetings.【教学难点】1. How to use what they have learnt to ask and answer each other.2. How to write t。

9、Starter Module 4 My everyday lifeUnit 2 Whats the weather like?教学目标【知识与技能】1. 能正确使用下列单词和短语:spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cold, cool2. 掌握本课句型:1) Whats the weather like?2) How is the weather?【情感、态度与价值观】Learn some everyday English and use them to communicate with each other in real life. Cultivate the ability of creation.教学重难点【教学重点】1. Master the key words and expressions.2. How to use the key sentences in real life.【教学难点】1. Mast。

10、Module 2 My familyUnit 1 Is this your mum?教学目标【知识与技能】1. 能正确使用下列单词和短语:aunt, brother, cousin, daughter, family, father, grandfather, grandmother, grandparent, parent, mother, sister, son, uncle, photo, these, they, mum, left, dad, right, who, woman, next, husband, front, those, a photo of, on the left, on the right, next to, in front of 2. 掌握本课句型:1) Is this your family? Yes, it is.2) This is a photo of Tonys family.3) What a big family!4) My mums parents are on the l。

11、Module 3 My schoolUnit 3 Language in use教学目标【知识与技能】1. 能掌握并正确运用本模块的词汇。2. 能掌握“there be”句型的肯定、否定、一般疑问及特殊疑问句式和相应的回答, 能运用此句型来介绍事物。3. 能正确使用表示方位的介词来描述物体的位置关系。4. 提高学习英语兴趣,树立信心,培养其积极主动参与各种语言实践活动的学习态度。【情感、态度与价值观】培养学生的合作学习态度和善于总结复习的学习方法。教学重难点【教学重点】能运用“there be”句型及表方位的介词来描述介绍的学校情况。【教学难点】能运用“there be”。

12、Module 5 My school dayUnit 2 We start work at nine oclock.教学目标【知识与技能】1. 掌握下列单词和短语:week, house, start, work, break, evening, watch, homework, bed, sleep, go to school, get up, have breakfast, have lunch, go home,have dinner, go to bed, go to sleep2. 掌握下列句型:1) This is my school day . I get up at 2) Lessons start at 3) We have a break and talk to our friends.3. 能读懂介绍学校生活的文章。4. 能使用and, but联进两个简单句。5. 能够简单描写个人一天的学校生活。【情感、态度与价。

13、Module 7 ComputersUnit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer?教学目标【知识与技能】1. 掌握下列单词和短语:keyboard, mouse ( pl. mice ), screen, connect, turn, turn on, learn, document, click, use, save, box, finally, print, paper2. 能听懂怎样使用电脑的对话。3. 掌握怎样给出使用说明。【情感、态度与价值观】提高学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生了解更多关于电脑的知识,激励学生自主探索新知识。通过实践、参与、练习,鼓励学生学会互相合作。教学重难点【教学重点】1. 能听懂与电脑操作相关的连续的指令。2. 能掌。

14、Module 8 Choosing presentsUnit 3 Language in use教学目标【知识与技能】1. 能正确运用always, often, sometimes, never, usually, often。2. 能正确运用动词第三人称的单数形式。3. 能运用所学的知识描述家人或朋友的喜好特点并为其挑选生日礼物。【情感、态度与价值观】了解不同国家的人们赠送生日礼物时不同的风俗习惯。培养乐于交友、乐于与他人合作、健康向上的品格。教学重难点【教学重点】1频度副词的使用及在句中的位置。2动词第三人称单数形式。3. 能运用所学的知识描述家人或朋友的喜好特点并为其挑选生日礼物。【教学难点】1。

15、Module 10 Spring FestivalUnit 2 My mothers cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck.教学目标【知识与技能】1. 掌握下列单词和短语:Christmas, February, January, before, sweep away, luck, mean, table, celebrate, traditional, dumpling, programme, sweater, coat, lucky, tree, tell, good luck, bad luck, decorate with, have a haircut, on New Years Day, a kind of at midnight, a few, at Lantern Festival, all the year round, on Spring Festivals Eve, sweep away2. 掌握句型:1) My mothers cleaning our ho。

16、Starter Module 2 My teacher and my friends Unit 1 Open your book.教学目标【知识与技能】1. 能正确使用下列单词和短语:down, open, book, listen, draw, put, up, stand, close2. 掌握本课句型:1) Sit down. 2) Stand up.3) Open your book.4) Close your book.5) Put up your hands.【情感、态度与价值观】Motivate students interest in learning English. 教学重难点【教学重点】1. Master language of daily greetings.2. Be skilled in oral expression of greetings.【教学难点】1. Master language of daily greetings.2. Be。

17、Starter Module 3 My English book Unit 3 What colour is it?教学目标【知识与技能】1. 能正确使用下列单词和短语:black, white, red, yellow, colour2. 掌握本课句型:1) What colour is it?2) What colour are they?3) Is it a red car? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.【情感、态度与价值观】How to use what Ss have learnt to ask and answer each other. How to use the key sentences in their real life.教学重难点【教学重点】1. Master the key words and expressions.2.Learn to use the key sentences to ask and answer each ot。

18、Module 1 My classmatesUnit 2 Im Wang Lingling and Im thirteen years old.教学目标【知识与技能】1. 能正确使用下列单词和短语:everyone, capital, but, very, big, city, small, first, last, all, first name, last name2. 掌握本课句型:1) His / Her name is . 2) He / She is from .3) He / She is . years old.4) He / She is in Class 1, Grade Seven.【情感、态度与价值观】1. Learn to respect others when we talk with others.2. Learn to introduce yourself to your friends in the right way.教学重难点【教学重点】1. 。

19、Module 3 My schoolUnit 1 There are thirty students in my class.教学目标【知识与技能】1. 能正确使用下列单词和短语:There, computer, furniture, map, wall, dictionary, library, picture, television, right, really, many, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, many, how many, lot, a lot of, any, tree, dining hall, hall, library, playground, science, lab, in front of, behind, building, gate, office, between, middle, near, with, for, room, there is, how many, a lot of, dining hall, in fro。

20、Module 4 Healthy foodUnit 3 Language in use教学目标【知识与技能】1. 掌握本模块的单词和短语2. 熟练运用have/has got句型。3. 能在句子中正确使用some, any。4. 正确区分可数名词与不可数名词,并能正确使用可数名词的复数形式。5. 能够运用所学的知识发表自己对食品的看法,在同学之间进行真实的交际。【情感、态度与价值观】让学生学会区分健康食品与垃圾食品,培养学生形成良好的饮食习惯,拥有强健的体魄。教学重难点【教学重点】1. 能够运用所学的知识发表自己对食品的看法。2. 能够制作食品海报并进行展示。【教学难点】1. 能够。

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