外研版七年级上 Starter Module 3 Unit 3教案

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Starter Module 3 My English book Unit 3 What colour is it?教学目标【知识与技能】1. 能正确使用下列单词和短语:black, white, red, yellow, colour2. 掌握本课句型:1) What colour is it?2) What colour are they?3) Is it a red car? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.【情感、态度与价值观】How to use what Ss have learnt to ask and answer each other. How to use the key sentences in their real life.教学重难点【教学重点】1. Master the key words and expressions.2.Learn to use the key sentences to ask and answer each other.【教学难点】1. Master the key words and expressions in Unit 1.2.Learn to use the key sentences to communicate with each other.教学过程Step 1 Warming upRevise the numbers by a quick test.Step 2 Introduction1. Ask them: what colour is it? To learn different colours and read them together, especially pay attention to their pronunciation. 2. Ask the same questions one by one to check if they have mastered the key sentences.3.Write the different colours below the balls.4.Have a quick test to say the names of different colours .Step 3 Listen and Point.1. Listen to the tape in Part1 at first, then listen again to repeat.2. Read Part 1freely with the help of their teacher.Step 4 Read and match:1.Listen to the tape in Part 3, write the answers at the same time.2.Check answers by listening again.3.work in pairs to read Part 3.Step 5 Listen and write1.Listen to the tape in part 7, write the answers in their books.2. Check answer each other ,read them loud in class.Step 6 Work in pairsWork in pairs to finish Part 5 .Ask some of them to act their dialogues in class, encouragement should be given.Step 7 Write.1. Read the words in the table in Part 5 quickly.2. Divide them into 3 groups according to the table below.3. Check answers and read them together.Step 8 Challenges.1. Draw.2. Ask and answer: what colour is it? What colour are they ?Is it a? Yes, it is .Are they? No, they arent.3. Work in pairs to have a creation.Step 9 ExercisesDo some exercises in class to consolidate what they have learnt in this lesson. Encouragement should be given.Step 10 Words and expressions in Module 3.Listen to the tape of words and expressions in Module 3, read after the tape at the same time.Step 11 A song.Learn to sing the song What colour? after class.Homework1.Draw a picture, Paint it and name the colours correctly.2.Ask and answer according to the pictures: What colour is it? Its3.Read Unit 3 smoothly.教学反思


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