外研版七年级上 Module 8 Unit 3教案

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Module 8 Choosing presentsUnit 3 Language in use教学目标【知识与技能】1. 能正确运用always, often, sometimes, never, usually, often。2. 能正确运用动词第三人称的单数形式。3. 能运用所学的知识描述家人或朋友的喜好特点并为其挑选生日礼物。【情感、态度与价值观】了解不同国家的人们赠送生日礼物时不同的风俗习惯。培养乐于交友、乐于与他人合作、健康向上的品格。教学重难点【教学重点】1频度副词的使用及在句中的位置。2动词第三人称单数形式。3. 能运用所学的知识描述家人或朋友的喜好特点并为其挑选生日礼物。【教学难点】1频度副词的使用及在句中的位置。2动词第三人称单数形式。教学过程Step 1 RevisionReview the text of Unit 1 and Unit 2 .Step 2 Language practice1. Read through the example sentences in the box with the whole class.2. Ask the students to repeat the sentences in the box.3. Grammar: Adverbs of frequency.Step 3 Work in pairs1. Ask one or two students the question: Does Grandpa always watch TV?Yes, he does.2. Ask and answer questions about Grandpa.3. Carry on with other students until everyone understands the aim of the activity.4. Complete the table in Activity 1 for yourself.5. Work in pairs. 6. Ask and answer.Step 4 Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets.1. Review the using of often, usually, always, never.2. Ask the students to do this activity on their own, then check with a partner.3. Call back the answers from the whole class, check the answers.Keys :1. I often go to the cinema. 2. He usually plays football on Saturday. 3. She always gets up at 7:00. 4. They never eat chocolate at home.Step 5 Complete the sentences with Would you like or Lets.1. Ask the students to read through the example sentence.2. Complete the sentences with Would you like or Lets.2. Call back the answers from the whole class, check the answers.Keys:1. Would you like 2. Lets 3. Lets 4. Would you like 5. Would you like 6. LetsStep 6 Read the emails and check () the true sentences. 1. Ask the students to read through the emails.2. Ask the students to check () the true sentences3. Call back the answers from the whole class, check the answers.Keys:1. 2. 3. 4.Step 7 Around the world: Birthday presents1. Ask the students to look at the picture and discuss what they can see.2. Read through the information with the whole class, and talk something about them.Step 8 Module task: Planning a classmates birthday party.A. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about each others birthday party.1. When is your birthday?2. Do you always have a birthday party?3. What do you usually do at your birthday party?B. Plan a birthday party for your partner.Choose the time and place Choose the food Choose what to doC. Work with the whole class. Describe your plans for your partners birthday party.Dont say who your partner is Now guess who your partner isHomeworkFinish the workbook of Unit 3.教学反思


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