外研版七年级上 Starter Module 2 Unit 3教案

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Starter Module 2 My teacher and my friends Unit 3 Im twelve.教学目标【知识与技能】1. 掌握本课单词和短语:how old, boy, girl, desk, chair, bag, thirteen, fifteen2. 掌握本课句型:1) How old are you? Im twelve.2) How many girls/ boys are there?【情感、态度与价值观】Cultivate Ss abilities of creation.教学重难点【教学重点】1. Master the new words and expressions.2. Be skilled in oral expression of greetings.【教学难点】1. How to use what they have learnt to ask and answer each other.2. How to write the key sentences regularly.教学过程Step 1 Warming up: Revise the numbers in Unit 2 by a quick test.Step 2 Introduction1.learn the new numbers 11-20 and read them together, especially pay attention to their pronunciation. 2.Have a quick test and give them some help and ask some of them to read them in class.3.Match the numbers in Part 3, check answers.4.Tell them how to write the numbers from 21 to 29.5. Learn some other new words and read them together, then freely. Give them some help.Step 3 Listen and Point.Listen to the tape in Part4 at first,check answers, then listen again to repeat.Step 4 Listen and write:1.Listen to the tape in Part 5,write the answers at the same time.2.Check answers and read it one by one.4.Learn about some more, like: plus/minus/multiply/divideStep 5 Listen and write1.Listen to the tape in part 6, write the numbers in their books.2. Check answer each other ,read them loud in class.Step 6 Listen and MatchListen to the tape in Part 7 carefully, check the answers .Step 7 Listen and read.1. Listen to the tape in Part 1and repeat.2. Act the dialogue in pairs.Step 8 Work in pairs.1. Work in pairs : How many boys/girls are there?2. Ask some of them freely in class.Step 9 Inclusion.Sum up the key points and ask more questions freely in class.Step 10 Words and expressions in Module 2:Listen to the tape and repeat after it.Step 11 ExercisesDo some exercises in class to consolidate what they have learnt in this lesson. Encouragement should be given.Homework1.Try to remember the spelling of words in Unit 2 and have a dictation.2.Read Unit 2 and try to recite it.3.Copy the numbers1-20 in their exercise books.教学反思


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