
    A. must       B. should     C. need        D. would。Module 5 Unit 2 The environment。Unit 2 The environment。economic growth B. a。


1、111M5 Unit 2The Environment 第二单元词汇练习1. After a long _ the bill was passed by the House of the Commons.A. argue B. debatesC. discussD. quarrel2. Children wont work hard if they feel _ about their future.A. sureB. confidentC. worriedD. secure 3. These new books are a very welcome _ to the school library.A. additionB. arrivalC. attitudeD. audience4. I would _ very still so that the “enemy” would not discover me.A. layB. hideC. 。

2、111M5 第一单元词汇练习Unit 1Getting along with others1) It is _ of your brother to have missed such an opportunity to get a higher education.A. slowB. stupidC. dullD. absurd2) “Hooray!” shouted the crowd. It was the loudest _ I had ever hared at a meet.A. cheer B. shout C. cry D. noise3) Now that Bob has publicly _ he was wrong, he is sharing the child-raising and household tasks with Pat.A. admittedB. suggestedC. agreedD. explained4. Lily finally admit。

3、111Unit 2Sporting events1. He_you more help, even though he was very busy. A. might have given B. might give C. may have given D. may give2. Jenny_have kept her word. I wonder why she changed her mind.A. must B. should C. need D. would3. . -Could I borrow your dictionary? -Yes, of course 。

4、111Module 5 Unit 2 The environmentGrammar and usageTeaching Plan for Grammar inUnit 2 Module 5Teaching Aims1. Help Ss understand verbing form as an adjective or adverb2. Master a verb-ing as attributive, predicative, object complement ect.Teaching difficult points1. How to use verb-ing form as an adjective or adverb2. How to use verb-ing phrasesTeaching steps;Step1 Lead-in1. The children stopped_as the teacher came talk C.talking D.talked2。

5、111Unit 2Sporting eventsGrammar and usage情态动词专项练习Exercise1: Circle the best answer. 1. Look! The light is out in her room. She to bed already. a. must go b.had to go c.must have gone d.has gone 2. Our Chinese teacher is sixty-six. Oh, no. She over sixty, I think. a. is b.mustnt be c.cant be d.shouldnt be 3. They hurried so that they not miss thee train. a. might b.should c.ought d.could 4. I go home a bit later tonight than come a。

6、111M5 Unit 2The EnvironmentRaise/ lift/riseRaise-to lift or move sth to a higher position-to increase in amount, degree, or sizeRaise ones voice/ raise money for hope project/ raise a childLift-move sth. To a higher level.-to move upwards and often disappear.He raised a question at the meeting.The peoples living standards have been greatly raised.I used to like seeing the sun riseThis box is too heavy for me to lift.He lifted a flag./ He raised a flagSome。

7、111Module Five Unit OneGetting along with othersGrammar and UsageI. 翻译写出下列短语1. 劝说某人什么事_2. 劝说某人做/ 不做某事_3. 他这个人容易被说服_4. 我尽力劝说她戒酒,但最后徒劳_5. 小心做某事_6. 照顾; 照料;喜欢;爱好_7. 关心; 惦念;在意_。

8、111高二牛津版(5)Unit three Science versus natureExercises: 一、Translation1.你认识那个穿着红衣服的妇女吗 2.舒服地坐在椅子上,他在沉思. 3.对于昨天发生的事故,我很震惊. 4.给予更多的关心的话,这些树会长得更好.5.他作了自我介绍,以便使自己被大家认识. 6.昨天,我把衣服让人洗了. 7.上周一,我看到你兄弟被一个陌生人打了. 8.将书合上背诵这篇课文. 9.我提高了声音以便使自己被听见. 10.如果被问及,你不要说我在家里. 11.你参加了昨天举行的会议吗 12.从日本引进的这些种子已经坏了. 13.我想把这封信寄出去. 14.女工人将头发扎在。

9、111M5 Unit 2The Environment Language Points1.economy : n. 经济economic adj. 经济学的,经济上的These are the main economic plants of the region.The railway service in the country is no longer economic.economical adj. 节约的,节省的,不浪费的 The car is economical to run.One should be economial of time and energy.2.debate n.辩论,辩论会; vt / vi 辩论,争论,讨论debate (about) sth. with sb. 与辩论beyond debate 无可辩论open a debate 展开辩论hold a debate 举行辩论会a warm debate 激烈的辩论辨析:deba。

10、111Module 4 Unit 3Tomorrows WorldGrammar and usage 被动语态专项练习单项选择 1. Good books _ again and again.A. should be readed B. should be readC. must read D. ought to read 2. The children _ by the nurse.A. were looked B. looked afterC. were looked after D. looked 3. He _ some pieces of advice, but he _ to them.A. gave, didnt listen B. was given, wasnt listenedC. give, wasnt listened D. was given, didnt listen 4. When_ the accident _。

11、111Unit One School life Important Words 1. experience ( C ) an event that affects people in some way 经历 (u)the process of gaining knowledge or skill by doing and seeing things 经验 adj. experienced 2. attend vt. go to or be present at attend to 专心于/照顾 3. earn vt. get something because of ones qualities or actions 赢得 4. average adj. Usual ,typical or normal 平均的 v. The cost of our lunches averaged 50 y。

12、111Unit 2 The environmentGrammarTeaching Aims1. Help Ss understand verbing form as an adjective or adverb2. Master a verb-ing as attributive, predicative, object complement ect.Teaching difficult points1. How to use verb-ing form as an adjective or adverb2. How to use verb-ing phrasesTeaching steps;Step1 Lead-in1. The children stopped_as the teacher came talk C.talking D.talked2. If he can stop them _there ,I will do itA.go。

13、111Unit 3 Amazing people Grammar and UsageHere we will learn to recognize situations where the past perfect tense is used and the time expressions used together with the tense. We will also see how the tense is formed. You will read two stories and complete them using the correct verb forms. Pay attention to the differences between the past perfect tense and the simple past tense.Step 1: Past perfect tensePast perfect tense is used to indicate that one action occurred before another。

14、111Unit 2 The environmentGrammarTeaching Aims1. Help Ss understand verbing form as an adjective or adverb2. Master a verb-ing as attributive, predicative, object complement ect.Teaching difficult points1. How to use verb-ing form as an adjective or adverb2. How to use verb-ing phrasesTeaching steps;Step1 Lead-in1. The children stopped_as the teacher came talk C.talking D.talked2. If he can stop them _there ,I will do itA.go。

15、111Teaching Plan for Grammar and usageTeaching Aims1. Help Ss understand verbing form as an adjective or adverb2. Master a verb-ing as attributive, predicative, object complement ect.Teaching difficult points1. How to use verb-ing form as an adjective or adverb2. How to use verb-ing phrasesTeaching steps;Step1 Lead-in1.&。

16、111译林牛津版高中英语模块五 Unit 2单元测试Unit 2 The environment第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1. What do you think of his story in the jungle(丛林)?_ , I cant believe it.A. Attractive B. Obvious C. CheerfulD. Ridiculous2. It is reported that _ 3 percent _ was the governments aim.A. 不填; economic growth B. a; economy growthC. the; economical growth D. a; economic growth3. Please dont speak at one time. George may take the _ after the t。

17、111高二英语Module5 Unit1 Getting alone with others知识精讲 译林出版社一. 本周学习内容:Module 5 Unit 1 Getting alone with others二. 学习目标:Unit 1 Grammar三. 学习重难点:预习生词get along 相处,进展get along withget along well withbetray v. 出卖,背叛primary adj. 初步的,初级的;第一位的,主要的primary school 小学secondary school 中学high school 高中academic adj. 学习良好的;学术的academy n. 学术stupid adj. 笨的,愚蠢的foolish, sillyoverlook v. 忽略,忽视;俯瞰cheerful adj. 愉快的,高兴的admit。

18、Grammar and usage,Unit 2,Verb-ing form,非谓语动词,过去分词,不定式,-ing 形式,动名词,现在分词,动名词(Gerund),动名词可以起名词的作用,在句子中作主语,宾语,表语和定语。 1. Playing football is my favourite sport.主语 2. Our work is serving the people. 表语 3. I remember being taken to Wuhan when I was a very small child. 宾语 4. We have a swimming poor in the back yard.定语,Notes:,1.时态和语态及动名词的复合结构 2.动名词与不定式作主语,表语的区别。 3.作宾语时,有些动词后只能用动名词,有些动词后只能。

19、111Unit 3 Science versus nature (Brief Teaching Plan)Grammar and usageTeaching objects:1. Learn the usage of verb-ed form and verb-ed phrases2. Learn the difference and usage of verb-ing and verb-ed as adjectivesTeaching procedures:Step I IntroductionVerb-ed form can be used like an adjective or an adverb in a sentence serving as(充当) attribute(定语), predicative(表语) and object complement(宾语补足语)When the verb-ed form is used as an attribute, it can be changed into an attributi。

20、111Grammar: 动词不定式. 不定式句法功能1. 作主语:The cat said, “To take roller coaster” is terrible. 不定式短语作主语时,可以直接放在句首,但在很多情况下,尤其是在疑问句和感叹句中,往往放在谓语之后,而用先行代词it作形式主语。 The cat said, “Its terrible to take roller coaster.”How long did it take you to take roller coaster?How terrible it is to take roller coaster?不定式作主语常见句型:a) It is + adj. (easy, important, difficult) + 不定式b) It is + n. (a pity, a pleasure, ones duty, a shame。

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