Unit 1《Getting along with others》Grammar and Usage同步练习2(译林版必修5)

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Unit 1《Getting along with others》Grammar and Usage同步练习2(译林版必修5)_第1页
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Unit 1《Getting along with others》Grammar and Usage同步练习2(译林版必修5)_第2页
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Unit 1《Getting along with others》Grammar and Usage同步练习2(译林版必修5)_第3页
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111M5 第一单元词汇练习Unit 1Getting along with others1) It is _ of your brother to have missed such an opportunity to get a higher education. A. slowB. stupidC. dullD. absurd2) “Hooray!” shouted the crowd. It was the loudest _ I had ever hared at a meet.A. cheer B. shout C. cry D. noise3) Now that Bob has publicly _ he was wrong, he is sharing the child-raising and household tasks with Pat.A. admittedB. suggestedC. agreedD. explained4. Lily finally admitted _ my umbrella by mistake.A. to takeB. to have taken C. having takenD. have taken5. She _ the person who was in her way.A. swore atB. promised C. swore inD. sworn6. The Chinese people will never_ the Japanese crimes that they did in the Second World War. A. excuse B. pardon C. forgive D. understand7. Wouldnt it be _ wonderful world if all nations lived in _ peace with one another? A. a; / B. the; / C. a; theD. the; the8. Our room is very tidy, for Mother wants everything in _. A. public B. sightC. person D. place9. I looked at him in _, I didnt expect to see him again in such an occasion. A. public B. person C. secretD. surprise10. Only by _ your attention _ what youre learning can you learn it well. A. focus; on B. focusing; on C. paying; on D. pay; on11. My cousin must have made an effort to get himself into shape. _, at the point in our game when Ed have predicated the score to be about 9 to 1 in my favour. A. After all B. As a result C. Above all D. At last12. _ his being late again, he lost his job and had to stay at home. A. Owe to B. As result of C. In case of D. Because of13. -Im sorry, but I didnt mean _ out your secret. -But you know, letting out secret means _ ones feelings. A. to let; to hurt B. letting; hurting C. to let; hurting D. letting; to hurt14. In some parts of London, missing a bus means _ for another hour. A. waiting B. to wait C. waitD. to be waiting15. Paul strongly denied that he was guilty _ cheating innocent customers. A. againstB. about C. ofD. for16. Whether it can _ the test of time remains to be seen. A. lastB. continue C. accept D. stand17. She stood _ among the students by her beauty. A. forB. outC. byD. up18. The headmaster told the boy _ angry teacher, but he refused to. A. to apologize B. apologize to C, to apologize for D. to apologize to19. You must apologize _ her _ what you have done. A. /; for B. for; to C. to; / D. to; for20. I must _ her an apology for not going to her party. A. make B. offer C. do D. accept21. The poor all had _ life before liberation. A. suffered B. cruel C. bitter D. crueler22. He will never forget that _ experience, but he really learnt something from it. A. bitter B. hard C. strict D. past23. The mother didnt know who _ for broken glass. A. will blame B. to blame C. blamed D. blames24. There is no doubt _ John will come by bus. A. if B. why C. that D. how25. There is no doubt _ hes an honest boy, so there is no doubt _ his honesty. A. whether; for B. that; of C. what; about D. why; of26. She looked very much _ when she made speeches in public for the first time. A. bewildered B. embarrassed C. disappointed D. discouraged27. The album of paintings in this museum is a _ from an old professor. A. gift B. present C. talent D. genius28. Filled with great _, the boy lift the heavy bag onto his shoulder. A. power B. energy C. strength D. force29. Competition, they believe, will _the national character rather than currpt it. A. strengthen B. strong C. strength D. force30. We agreed _ her but so far she hasnt turned up yet. A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met31. The manager has _ to improve the working conditions in the company. A. accepted B. allowed C. permitted D. agreed32. We agreed _ leaving there the next day, but he didnt agree _ get there on foot. A. to; to B. on; to C. with; to D. on; on33. His selfishness and greediness at last brought him to _. A. ruins B. ruin C. damage D. damages34. His house was slightly _ in this flood. A. ruined B. destroyed C. damaged D. broken35. Although the town had been attacked by the storm several times, _ was done. A. a few damages B. few damages C. little damage D. a little damage36. I _ him not to smoke, but he didnt think it necessary. A. persuade B. advised C. hoped D. suggested37. The number of de1ths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people _ to eat more fruit and vegetables. A. persuade B. will persuade C. be persuaded D. are persuaded38. Have you got a pen and piece of paper? I will _ what he had told me.A. make a note of B. make the note of C. make notes D. make a note39. Peter thought the matter had nothing to do with him, so he _ nothing _ it. A. knew; by B. cared; of C. cared; about D. cared; with40. On getting to the kindergarten, the mother was glad to see her baby well _. A. looked for B. cared for C. cared about D. cared after41. At work, I became mad when my fellow workers tried to _ me from using the phone. A. save B. reduce D. protect D. stop42. The government is considering further action to keep the pound _ in value. A. falling B. being fallen C. from falling D. from being fallen43. To our _, Geoffreys illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared. A. anxiety B. relief C. worry D. care44. The doctors _ his health. A. are eager about B. are eager for C. are anxious for D. are anxious about45. _ from heart trouble for years, Mr. White has to take some medicine with him whenever he goes. A. Suffered B. suffering C. Having suffered D. Being suffered46. The old lady _ great pain when her only son was killed in a traffic accident. A. took B. suffered C. suffered from D. stood47. When we play our vacation, Mother often offers _ suggestions. A. careful B. practical C. effective D. acceptable.48. -What about the protection? -Lets keep the surface _ dirty by putting a cover over it. A. far from B. free from C. apart from D. away from49. We have to _ the wheat as soon as possible because a storm is on the way. A. get away B. get across C. get through D. get in50 They_ all the details of the plan time and again to make sure that the project went smoothly. A. get through B. went through C. got over D. dipped into51. Facing the _ situation the sales manager looked _. A. puzzling; puzzled B. puzzling; puzzling C. puzzled; puzzled D. puzzled; puzzling52. The scientist was _ in thoughts. A. deeply B. stuck C. got D. absorbed53. _ I entered the room he was _ in his book and didnt notice me. A. When; devoted B. While; absorbed C. When; absorbed D. While; dovoted54. She still hesitating _ her son to college. A. to send B. at sending C. in sending D. about sending55. The pop music fans _ to music in many ways when listening to a concert. A. respond B. refer C. reply D. react56. The school should _ immediately to the parents request that students attend classes on Sundays. A. answer B. obey C. follow D. respond57. _ of the consequences. He did whatever he liked to and nobody could stop him. A. Regarding B. as regards C. Regardless D. With regard58. “How long had the bookstore been in business?” “_ 1932.” A. AfterB. In C. AfterwardsD. Since59. _ the day went on, the weather got worse. A. WithB. Since C. WhileD. As60. You _ be tired. Youve only been working for an hour. A. must notB. wont C. cantD. may not61. “Tom graduated from college at a very young age.” “Oh, he _ have been a very smart boy then.” A. could B. shouldC. mightD. must62. “Excuse m. Is this the right way to the Summer Palace? “Sorry, I am not sure. But it _ be. A. mightB. willC. must D. can63. Mr Black is on time for everything. How _ it be that he was late for the opening ceremony? A. canB. should D. mayD. must64. The rich counties must do whatever they can _ others. A. help B. helpingC. to helpD. to be helping65. Recently I have been busy with a paper on pollution, so I cant help _ the housework at home. A. doing B. to doC. to makeD. making66. Seeing the fat lady burst into _, the children couldnt help _. A. crying; laughingB. tears; laughterC. tears; laughing D. crying; laughing67. “You cant catch me” Janet shouted, _ away. A. runB. runningC. to runD. ran68. When I went in, he was lying on the floor _ at the ceiling. A. to stare B. staredC. was staringD. staring69. _ more attention, the tree could have grown better. A. GivenB. GivingC. Having givenD. To give70. There s a house _ the base of the mountain. A. inB. overC. atD. by71. Without facts, we cannot form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factual knowledge _ our thinking. A. which to bass uponB. which to be based on C. upon which to base D. to which to be based72. “_ we move the picture over there? Do you think itll look better?” “I cant agree with you more.” A. What you think B. What if C. Even if D. Only if73. “Will you go to Marys birthday party?” “No, _ invited, I cant go to it, Ill be too busy then.” A. if B. unless C. even though D. When74. Attention, please. And keep _ when I am taking a photograph of you. A. calmB. quietC. stillD. silent75. She felt even more _ when she was waling _ among strangers. A. lonely; lonely B. alone; alone C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone76. He is studying in America _, but he does not feel _, for he has made many good friends there.A. lonely; lonely B. alone; alone C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone77. _ it is to go for a picnic on such a find day! A. What a fun B. What fun C. How fun D. How a fun78. Im leaning French _ fun, but I cant say _ certain whether Ill learn it well. A. for; for B. in; in C. in; for D. for; in79. It was _ fun to play on the beach that it attracted countless children. A. such great B. so great C. such a great D. so great a80. “-Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?” “I dont know, _. A. nor dont I care. B. Nor do I care C. I dont care D. I dont care also1. BA ACA 6. CADDB 11. BDCAC 16. DBDDB 21. CABCB 26. BACAC31. DBBCC 36. BDACB 41. DCBDC 46. BBBDB 51. ADCDA 56. DCDDC61. DAACB 66. CBDAC 71. CBCCD 76. CBAAB111


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