Unit 2《The Environment》Grammar and usage学案1(译林版必修5)

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Unit 2《The Environment》Grammar and usage学案1(译林版必修5)_第3页
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111M5 Unit 2The Environment Language Points1.economy : n. 经济economic adj. 经济学的,经济上的These are the main economic plants of the region.The railway service in the country is no longer economic.economical adj. 节约的,节省的,不浪费的 The car is economical to run.One should be economial of time and energy.2.debate n.辩论,辩论会; vt / vi 辩论,争论,讨论debate (about) sth. with sb. 与辩论beyond debate 无可辩论open a debate 展开辩论hold a debate 举行辩论会a warm debate 激烈的辩论辨析:debate / argue / discuss debate: 正式的辩论,通常在一位仲裁人的主持下,按照一定的规则进行,双方各自申诉理由,“交锋”意味较强。其后接名词和连接代词或副词引起的不定式短语,不常接that 从句argue: 指说理、论证,侧重于摆事实,试图说服对方,也可能是激烈的交换意见,以致争吵。其后接名词或that从句,不常接what when whether 等引导的从句和不定式。discuss: 重在交换意见,进行讨论,不含有意说服对方的成分。其后接名词,动名词,不定式短语和when,whether, what等引导的从句,但不常接that从句。The subject was hotly debated.They were debating whether to go to the Mountain Puto or the Mountain Yandang just now.I argued with him for a long time, but he refused to listen to reason.Ill discuss the problem with him later.3. open the floor : 自由发言the floor 发言权,议员席,议会会场 take the floor (在辩论中)发言,参加讨论ask for the floor 要求发言 get (have) the floor 有发言权Now lets open the floor.The president then took the floor and answered the journalists questions.4. voice: vt/ 表达,吐露,用言语说出 n. 呼声,意见,声音,发言权,投票权vioice ones deep feeling for 表达对的深厚感情 voice ones opinions 发表意见give voice to sth. 表达,表露 speek in a loud voice 大声地说with one voice 异口同声的,一致地 lift ones voice 高声叫喊,大声疾呼A spokensman voiced the workers dissatisfaction.With one voice, the workers voted to strike.We have no voice on the matter.Lets go and enjoy the voice of the sea.5. damage: / destory / ruindamage: 用于无生命的东西,主要指对物造成损失, 如价值,效用,外观等物质上的损失.destory: 用强力毁坏或毁灭某物,如建筑物,市街,城壁,王国,名誉,计划,势力,契约等.ruin: 因暴力或疏忽的原因造成的损坏,有指房屋对待修理以致还常指天灾人祸等无形力量彻底摧毁一件事物,特别是摧毁美好珍贵的事物而无法修复.The bridge was badly damaged by the flood.The fire desttoyed several stores in the business district.Heavy somking ruined his health.6.amount: 1). n. 数量 Large amounts of money were spent on that library. 2). n.总额,总值 please give the manager the bill for the full amount. 3). vi. 总计,等于 His answer amounts to a refusal. The cost amounts to 1,000 yuan.联想拓展:a large amount of / large amounts of 大量(修饰不可数名词,谓语动词用单数), much, a great (good) deal of, a little 后接不可数名词;many, dozens of, scores of, a great many, a number of, a few 后接可数名词;a large quantity of 后接可数名词或不可数名词。7. flow 1). 流动;涌出;川流不息;(头发,衣服等)飘扬Rivers flow into the sea. The river flowed over the bank.Ttucks and cars flowed along the highway.Her long hair flows in the wind. 2). n. 流动(物);流量;涌出;川流不息People were happy because there was a steady flow of news of victories.We will se a large instrument to measure the total flow of thw oil.联想拓展:float vi. 漂浮,飘,漂流,飘动 使(某物)漂浮; 使(某物)漂流或飘动 A balloon floated across the sky. There wasnt enough water to float the ship.8. awful adj. 可怕的;非常坏的,极大的an awful accident 一次可怕的事故awful weather 恶劣的天气 That is an awful book.We had an awful earthquake here last year.adv. 十分,极其 I am awful tired.联想拓展:awesome adj. 令人敬畏的Its awesomee! 9. addition 1). n. U 增加;加法,偶尔也可用不顶冠词 C 增加物in addition to sth. / doing sth = as well as; besides “除之外(还有)”,后接名词或词组;另外Additions are made to the list from time to time.In addition to giving a general introduction to computers, the course also provides practical experience.In addition to the names on the list there are six other names. 2).addition 还可表示加“+”My little sister is not good at addition. 3). in addition: 此外,还,可单独用于句首(通常用逗号与句子分开),也可用于句末(可不用逗号与句子分开)。10.lie / lay lie vi. 躺;卧;处于状态;存在;位于lie on the grass 躺在草地上 lie on ones back 仰卧lie on ones sode 侧身睡 lie on ones stomach 俯卧着He is lying on the ground, looking at the sky.A map of China lis on the table.The answer lies in the research.vt. 说谎 He lied to me that he had a stomachache.lay: 放置,产卵,下蛋,设置,铺设(与with 连用),指责(与on / upon 连用)砌砖,奠定基础等Snow laid thick on the ground.Please lay the book on the desk.。The hen lays an egg every other day.By studying we are laying a foundation for the future.注意:lie 与lay 的不同词义,词性及四种基本形式。lie-lay-lain-lying vi. 躺,卧,位于lay-laid-laid-laying vt. 放置,产卵lie-lied-lied-lying vi. 撒谎11.wipe 1). 擦,揩,抹Wipe your hands with this handkerchief. 2). 把擦掉,抹掉,揩掉,与away, off 连用The girl wiped her tears away with a handkerchief. 3). 把擦,抹干净,干等,后接形容词作宾补。Wipe your hands clean.wipe off 抹掉 wipe down 用湿抹布擦干净wipe out 彻底消灭 wipe up 用布把(水,灰等)擦,抹,揩掉或揩干12. approch vt. / vi. 走进,靠近,首次接洽,开始考虑,开始着手,接近,近似。 n. 走进,事物处理的方式或方法Approach to science. 走进科学.We approached the museum.Did he approach (首次接洽)you about a loan?It is not allowed to approach the forbidden area.The approach of the winter brings cold weather.13.expand vt. / vi. 扩大, 扩张,使膨胀, 张开,发展, 详述(常与on 连用)(指范围体积的扩大,膨胀, 扩张) The business has expanded from having one office to having twelve. She expanded her store by adding a second room. He will expand(阐述)his remarks afterawrd.The Nokia company wants to expand its market in Asia.辨析:enlarge v. 扩大,放大 (指尺寸或空间的扩大)enlarge the wedding photo Good reading enlarges the mind. spread v. 展(伸)开,散布, 传谣,蔓延 指物体表面或地域上的扩展传播 Spread the newspaper and you know the news.14.arrest vt. 逮捕,阻止,抑制,吸引(注意) n. 逮捕,阻止,一直,制动under arrest 拘留 The criminal was arrested yesterday. The police made three attests yesterday.15.figure n. 体型,数字,计算(常用复数)图形,人物像,雕像 v. 计算, 想像,认为是 figure sb. to be 料想某人是 figure out (好好思考以)理解,计算出 figure in 把列入考虑 foigure on 期待, 指望 have / keep a good figure 拥有 / 保持好身材 be good / poor at figures 擅长/ 不擅长计算16.situation n. 状况,处境,局势,形式,事态,指一定时期内总的情况,形势。 state: 表示情况,状况,常用单数,可与不定冠词连用,表示人或物在外观、心灵、健康、心理等方面的情形或状况。常用于in a state 或 in a state of condition 条件,情况,状况,其单数形式指人或事物所处的状态,这时与state 意思相近,可互换。但condition 还常着重汉语一定的原因或条件所造成的状态,如人的健康状况,物的完好程度,设备的可用性等。其复数指一般笼统的情况或环境。The present situation calls for entirely new measures.(处施)They were silent for a long time ,in a state of hesitation and doubt.Ive had no exercise for ages, Im really out of condition.17. see as 将视为 consideras 把 看作 , 认为 regard as 把 当作 look upon as 把 看作/视为/当作 think of as 把 看作,以为 是I simply cant see him as a crook.(骗子)I consider him as an expert.They regarded him as the most promising(最有希望的)table-tennis players. He alawys thinks of him as a great man.18. spend / cost / take / pay / pay forspend; 主语必须是夫人,宾语可以是钱,精力,时间等。 cost: 主语必须事物,表示费用,耗费,后接life, money, health, time等,侧重于花费的代价。注意:cost 后不能与具体的时间长度连用,只能与表示抽象概念的时间短语连用,如:some time ,much timde, ten years of hard work.不可说:It cost him ten years to work. 常用结构:It costs sb. some money to do sth.take: 表示花费时,其主语一般一件事,有时主语也可以是人,它说明事情完成花费了,句型为:It takes sb. some time to do sth.It took me ten minutes to go to the post office.注意:take to do 侧重于完成该动作花费的时间,而spenddoing sth. 有时并不说明动作的完成。It took him an hour to read the book.He spent an hour in reading the book.(是否读完并未说明)pay: 支付,作为及物动词,宾语可以是人,钱。pay for: 宾语是物,事,for 表示支付的原因。Of course we have to pay for what we buy.Dont worry about money; Ill pay for you.19.key: n.答案,解决方法;钥匙;要点;关键;秘诀;其后跟介词to,接名词、代词或动名词短语 adj. 重要的;基本的turn the key in the lock 转动锁孔中的钥匙the key to the front door 前门的钥匙a key man 重要人物Diet and exercise are the key to good health.He seems to hold the key to the mystery.20.allow vt. / vi. 允许,准许,容许allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做allow doing sth. 允许做allow for 考虑到allow sb. in / out 允许进入/离开allow of 容许,对留有余地辨析:allow permit 都有让,允许的意思,很多情况下可以互用。allow 侧重于默许,permit侧重于正面允许,语气较allow重,它们可以用于:allow / permit sb. to do sth. allow / permit+v.ing let 也有让,允许的意思,接不to 的不定式作宾补,不接动名词,不用于被动语态。Please allow me to congratulate you your success.We dont allow smoking in the waiting room.Permit me to say a few words.His father wouldnt let him go alone.It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delay.21.include / contain include: 包括,包含,算在内,列在里面 暗含里包含部分不是全部。including是一个独立介词。included 是一个没有比较的形容词,通常用于名词或代词的后面。 contain: 指某容器装有某物或某东西内含有某种成分。暗含了包含部分和全部。Everyone laughed, me included.The members were present at the meeting, including myself.Sea water contains salt.We have included in your bill the cost of the cup you broke.The box contains soap.22.What if ?倘使将会怎么样?What if they do not come?What if it rains when we cant get under shelter?23. a little / a bit a little 23. a little / a bit a little一点;少量 修饰不可数名词,表示少许,具有肯定意义;如仅用little则具有否定意义,表示几乎没有。a little 作为副词性词组,可修饰形容词、副词的原级、比较级,表示有点儿。not a little = very much 很,非常a bit 一点儿,相当 它不能直接修饰名词,修饰名词要用a bit of . a bit of 须接不可数名词。 a bit 作为副词性词组,也可修饰形容词、讽刺的原级和比较级。表示有点儿,可与 a little 换用. not a bit = not at all 一点儿也不There is a little wine in the glass.She knows a bit of English.After the P.E lesson, we were not a little tired. Sorry to have bothered you. Not a bit.24.closely adv. 仔细地;认真地; 密切地;接近地;严密地 listen closely 仔细地听 follow an argument closely 密切注意议论的进行 close adj. 仔细的;密切的;严密的;近的;接近的;adv. 紧紧地,接近v. 关闭;封闭;封锁。close作为形容词,副词,表示空间,时间上密切接近,程度上比near强,后接to才能接宾语。close作定语,表示一种具有抽象意义的“紧密的,密切的”注:表示“关闭的”用closed,不用close. near 既可用形容词、副词,又可用作介词,可直接跟宾语,有“近,接近;在附近”的意思。 next to 与邻接,紧挨着 to 为介词 He is my close friend.Most of the shops are closed on Thursday afternoon.You might give close attention to the matter.Its four kilometres by the nearest road.Th house next to ours is bookshop.form n. 形式;形状;格式;健康状态 vt. / vi 形成,构成,组织,成立,做成,养成,产生in the form of 以 形式an application form 申请表格be in form 状况良好be out of form 状况不好take the form of 以的形式呈现form a company 成立公司form into line 排成队form good health habits 养成良好的卫生习惯111

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