Unit 1《School life》grammar and usage同步练习2(牛津译林版必修1)

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Unit 1《School life》grammar and usage同步练习2(牛津译林版必修1)_第1页
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Unit 1《School life》grammar and usage同步练习2(牛津译林版必修1)_第2页
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Unit 1《School life》grammar and usage同步练习2(牛津译林版必修1)_第3页
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111Unit One School life Important Words 1. experience ( C ) an event that affects people in some way 经历 (u)the process of gaining knowledge or skill by doing and seeing things 经验 adj. experienced 2. attend vt. go to or be present at attend to 专心于/照顾 3. earn vt. get something because of ones qualities or actions 赢得 4. average adj. Usual ,typical or normal 平均的 v. The cost of our lunches averaged 50 yuan a week. on average 5. miss vt. feel sorry or unhappy at the absence or loss of 怀念 vt. not hit/catch; fail to see 错过,未击中(赶上) 6. prepare vi.&vi. get or make ready 使。 准备好,预备 7. achieve vt. gain or reach (sth.) by effort ,skill etc 获得,取得,达到 n. make great achievements 8. introduce vt. make sb. know formally to do else 介绍 9. mention vt. write or speak /talk about sb. /sth. briefly 提到 10. available adj. (of things ) that can be used or obtained 可用的,可得到的 11. develop vt.&vi. grow gradually, 使。发展,发育 成长 12. denoate vt. give (money/goods etc) to .捐献 13. display vt. put sth. on show 展示,陈列 14.please vt. make sb. happy 使。愉快,高兴 15. regret vt. feel sorry about sth. 16. inform vt. give sb. knowledge of sth. /tell sb. 通知 17.run vt. 1) 跑步 跑 2)be in charge of /manage 经营 管理 3) organize 举办 开办 18.close adj. /adv 1) 亲密的 20靠近的 19. approve vt.&vi. 赞成,同意 批准 approve of sb. /sth. 20.continue vt.&vi. (cause sth. to ) go on existing or happening not stop 21.select vt. choose sb./sth. esp. as being the best 挑选(最好的) 22. require vt. 1) depend on /need 需要23.drop v. give up sth. Important Phrases and expressions 1.(be) at ease (with sb.)2. an enjoyable experience 3.expereience a different way of life 4. an hour later than usual 5. attend assembly 6. at assembly 7. achieve high grades/achieve ones goals 8. do sth. for free 9. at the end of term 10. eat lots of desserts 11. at the weekend 12. introduce oneself to 13. surf the internet 14. think of sb./sth. immediately 15. be available for sb. 16. sound like 17. develop an interest in (doing) sth. 18. make a speech about/on sth. 19. graduate from university 20. miss the chance to do sth. 21. during break time 22. run a radio club 23. be responsible for 24. inform sb. of sth. 25. consist of 26. read sth. out loud 27. (much) more than 28. make a decision /make decisions 29. sit next to a girl 30. earn respect from 31. drop some subjects 32. a bit not a bit 33. a little ; not a little ; a bit; not a bit ; a bit of34. have a chance to do sth. 35. at the school entrance 36. make the notice clear and attractive 37. be late for my appointment with the headmaster 38. instead of doing sth. 39. refer to 40. take place 41. make a choice 42. in a public place 43. encourage sb. to do sth 44. with his help 45. look forward to doing sth. 46. pay attention to (doing) sth 47. in the early 1920s 48. live a quiet life 49. allow sb to do sth be allowed to do sth 50. spend time (in ) doing /on sth 51. first of all, above all, in all52. achieve their goals53. come up with ones idea54. pay attention toImportant Patterns and structures 1. used to do sth be/ get used to (doing sth) (sth) be used for sth / to do sth 2. 比较级+than (not) as/so +原级+as He is taller than any other boy in his class. He is not as tall as any other boy in his class. 3. as conj - time - reason As he walked in , I was watching TV. such as My English improved a lot as I spent much time on it. 4.upon ( on ) doing sth He called me upon arriving there. 5.I regret to say / to inform that regret doing sth. 6.find sb/sth + infinitive (不定式) ; find it easy to do sth. 7.the +比较级+(主+谓),the +比较级+(主+谓) The sooner ,the better . Exercises单选1. Jumping out of _ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite _ exciting experience.A. /; theB. /; anC. an; anD. the; the2. When he left _college, he got a job as _ reporter in a newspaper.A. /; aB. /; theC. a; theD. the; the3. In some parts of London, missing a bus means _ for another hour.A. waitingB. to waitC. waitD. to be waiting4. -Why havent you bought any butter? -I _ to but I forgot about it.A. likedB. wishedC. meantD. expected5. The accident is reported to have occurred _ the first Sunday in February.A. atB. onC. inD. to 6. _ made the school proud was _ more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.A. What; becauseB. What; thatC. That; whatD. That; because7.Youre standing too near the camera. Can you move _?A. a bit farB. a little fartherC. a bit of fartherD. a little far8.Ive worked with children before, so I knew what _in my job.A. expectedB. to expectC. to be expectingD. expects9.-Have you been to New Zealand?-No. Id like to, _.A. tooB. thoughC. yetD. either10.My mind wasnt on what he was saying so Im afraid I _ half of it.A. was missingB. had missedC. will missD. missed11.Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you.-Thanks. You _ it. I could manage it myself.A. neednt do B. neednt have doneC. mustnt do D. shouldnt have done12. An awful accident _, however, occur the other day.A. doesB. didC. has to D. had to13. Me? Going there alone? You dont _ to say so.A. hopeB. wantC. expect D. mean14. -What should I do first? -The instructions _ that you should mix flour with water carefully first.A. go B. tellC. write D. say15. My uncle lives _103 Chaoyang Street In Beijing. His flat is _ the tenth floor.A. at; onB. on; atC. in; on D. of; to16. Im so worried abut your healthy situation. Can I do something to _ you of your burden?A. takeB. bringC. ease D. carry17. -Look. The architecture of this tower is quite different from _ building nearby. -Yes, it looks more beautiful than _ building weve visited since the tour began.A. any other; anyB. any other; any otherC. any other; any D. any; any other18. -About twenty of the students did well in the exam. -Oh. What about _.A. anotherB. the othersC. others D. the other19. -_? -He is kind and very helpful.A. What does he likeB. What is he like C. What does he look likeD. Whats he20.He _ becoming a famous scientist in the future.A. dreams ofB. imaginesC. expects D. hopes21.He is a man with _, so you can know many funny things from him.A. experienceB. experiencesC. experiment D. experiments22.When knowing that he has been out of _ school. She wanted to make him _ member of her group.A. / ; /B. the ; theC. /; a D. /; the23.Well have learned more than 1,000 new words _ the end of this termA. atB. inC. by D. on24. _ makes the shop different is that it offers more personal services.A. WhatB. WhoC. Whatever D. Whoever25. You can learn a lot from _ his lecture.A. attendingB. taking part inC. joining D. going to26. See the flag on top of the building? That was _ we did this morning.A. whenB. whichC. where D. what27. Theres _ cooking oil left in the house. Would you go to the corner store and get _?A. little; someB. little; anyC. a little; some D. a little; any28. If you go by _ train, you can have quite a comfortable journey, but make sure you get _ fast one.A. the/ theB. /; aC. the; a D. / ; /29. Elephants have their own way to tell the shape of an object and _ it is rough or smooth.A. /B. whetherC. how D. what30. The English play _ my students acted at the New Years party was a great success.A. for whichB. at whichC. in which D. on which31. There were two buildings, _ stands nearly a hundred feet high.A. the larger B. the larger of themC. the larger on that D. the larger of which32. George Orwell, _ was Eric Arthur, wrote many political novels and essays.A. the real name B. what his real nameC. his real name D. whose real name33.A fast-food restaurant is the place _, just as the name suggests, eating is performed quickly.A. whichB. whereC. there D. what34. He is the only one of the students who _ a winner of scholarship for three years.A. isB. areC. have been D. has been35.A new cinama _ here. They hope t finish it next month.A. will be builtB. is builtC. has been built D. is being built36.I dont mind picking up your things from the store, _, the walk will do me good.A. Sooner or laterB. StillC. In time D. Besides37. At this time tomorrow _ over the Atlantic Ocean.A. were going to flyB. well be flyingC. well fly D. were to fly38. The only language _ is easy to learn is the mother tongue.A. whichB. whoseC. that D. it39. _ hearing the good news, they all jumped up with joy.A. AtB. OnC. In D. As40. _ finishing his homework, the boy was allowed to play with his friends.A. OnB. AtC. After D. Before41. When studying in the university, he _ the habit of getting up every morning.A. developedB. fell intoC. improved D. involved42. -Its weekend. I can go home and see my parents again.-_.A. Good luck with youB. Enjoy yourselfC. Give my best wishes to themD. Have a good time43. As an dishonest boy, he always makes a(an) _ for his being late.A. excuseB. explanationC. instructions D. word44. My father _ take a nap after supper, but now hes _ taking a walk.A. got used to; used toB. used to; used toC. used to; got used toD. got used to; been used to45. Some people may know little about basketball, but when it _ the Little Giant Yao Ming, they must be familiar with him.A. deals withB. refers toC. talks with D. comes to46. _ he has limited technical knowledge, the old worker has a lot of experience.A. SinceB. UnlessC. As D. Though47. She wont leave the TV set, _ her husband is waiting for the supper. A. as thoughB. even thoughC. whether D. whenever48. Its quite _ that he will be present at the meeting.A. sureB. certainC. exact D. afraid49. The final examination is coming; all the students _ it.A. are prepared forB. are preparingC. are preparing forD. are making preparation50.After a care ful investigation, they decided to _ that equipment for their company.A. introduceB. bringC. takeD. instruct. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1. City people want to be outdoors on the weekend and do something _, like mountain climbing ,cycling and so on .( challenge )2. While I was busy _( prepare ) for the final examination ,I spent some time doing exercises every day .3. Listening to some music is one of the best way to _( relaxation ) when you feel nervous 4.The bad weather meant _( delay 延迟、耽搁)the rocket for 48 hours .5. According to a recent Us survey ,children spent up to 25 hours a week _( watch ) TV.6. He used to _( play ) cards, but now he is used to _( take ) a walk after supper.7.Students in class 8 _( make ) great progress in the past few months .8.The manager hope _( inform ) of how our business was going on .改错1.He has a lot of experiences in teaching 2.It is looked like rain 3. He attended to an important meeting yesterday.4.I am looking forward to meet you soon !5.I once read a poem about the nature in our school garden 翻译句子1. 发短信给1659,你就会免费获得一个精美礼品.2.你能告诉我学好英语的方法吗?3.周末在家上网听起来像个不错的主意.4.在过去4年里,我的英语水平获得很大的提高5.一听到这个消息,他就哭了.6.作为英语老师,我们应该尽我们所能去培养学生学英语的兴趣.7.不要错过这次出国的机会,要不然你遗憾的.Keys单选1-5CAACB6-10BBBBD11-15BBDDA16-20CDBBA21-25BCCAA26-30DABBC 31-35DDBDD36-40DBCBC41-45ACACD46-50DBBCA填空1. challenging 2 preparing 3. relax 4. delaying 5. watching 6. play,taking 7. have made 8. to be informed 改错1. experiences-experience 2. is 去掉 3. to去掉 4. meet meeting 5. the去掉翻译 1.Send the short message to 1659,and you will get a wonderful gift for free 2. Can you tell me the way you study English ? 3. To surf the Internet at home at the weekends sounds like a good idea .4. In the past four years , My English had improved a lot . 5. On hearing the news , he cried 6. As English teachers , we should do all we can to develop the students interest in learning English 7. Dont miss the chance to go abroad ,or you will regret .英语练习与巩固 (Unit 1 )单选1 .All passengers could get _ as soon as they got onto the ship.A. food for free B. for free food C. for food free D. food freely2. If most breadwinners _ a days pay to the Hope Project, then it will be hopeful. A. gift B. donate C. present D give3. -Id like to book a room for tonight. -Sorry, sir, but we dont have any rooms_ right now. A. unable B.comfortable C.available D .suitable4. For the young, _ should be showed to their parents, teachers and old people. A. respect B. seriousness C. laugh D.laziness5. This kind of exercise is most _, and therefore is a good test of your students ability. A. surprising B. encouraging C. exciting D. challenging6. Only by hard working can you _ the goal.A. achieve B. receive C. make D. take7. She _ me _ her parents as I met them for the first time.A. showed; to B. drove; to C. brought; to D. introduced; to8. When we are doing an experiment, we usually spend two hours with a short _ in the middle. A. break B. resting C. breaking D. broken9. In order to earn more money for his new car, the young man has to work for three _ hours in the evening. A. extra B. many C. else D. another10. - Would you like to go to the cinema by car? - No. I _ walking, for it is not far from here. A. like B. am fond of C. prefer D. enjoy11. After Yang Li Wei succeeded in circling the earth, _ our astronauts desire to do is to walk in space. A. where B. what C. that D. how12. Hand in hand with reading, Dave _ the habit of making notes.A. caused B. brought C. created D. developed13. Although the boy came back to life, _ he remained weak. A. but B. yet C. however D. so14. We will wait for further information, you should keep us _. A. heard B. informed C. realized D. recognized15. Marie Curie paid no attention _ the prize that she won because of her achievements in physics. A. to B. of C. about D. from16. More than 5,000 people _ the important meeting. A. took B. attended C. took part D. joined17_ for some time after a tiring day is very enjoyable and exciting for me in summer. A. Swim B. Swimming C. Go swimming D. To swim18.Last month I came to Britain. My English has improved a lot _ I use it all the time. A. since B. while C. when D. as19. How do you like the cake? Its quite different from _ I had last month. A.that B. which C. the one D. what 20. All the flowers smelling sweet look _. A. beautifully B. lovely C. wonderfully D. well21. - Why havent you bought any butter? - I _ to, but I forgot about it. A. liked B. wished C. meant D. expected22.-I regret _you John has been fired . -I can hardly believe my ears .He is such a fine worker .A. telling B. having told C. to tell D. to have told 23. _it is to jump into a pool or go swimming in the sea when you visit Hawaii! A. What fun B. What a fun C. How fun D. How a fun 24. My mind wasnt on what he was saying so Im afraid I _half of it .A. was missing B. had missed C. will miss D.missed .25. Joe, Jones, the eldest of the eight children ,had to _out of high school at the age of 16 to help his father on the farm . A. leave B. drop C. fall D. go 26. 21st century school edition is _a newspaper .It helps us to improve our English a lot . A. no less than B. no more than C. less than D. more than 27.-Did you drink any wine at the party ? -I would love _much, but I had a stomachache that day .A. to drink B. to have drunk C. drinking D. having drunk 28._ Hearing his travelling _, I knew that he was an _ traveler. A. experiences; experienced B. experience: experience C. experiences ;experiencing D. experience; experienced 29.She was not _frightened( 害怕);in fact she was nearly frightened to death . A. a bit B. at all C. a little D. much 30._me, he walked up to me ,smiling. A. To see B. For seeing C. On seeing D. Because seeing 选择适当的单词或短语填空1.sound like / look like ( 1 ) My friends after they heard what had happened to me in the forest in south America, all said it _an adventure (冒险经历)( 2 ) The man was tall and strong ,and his friends said he _a sportsman .2. use to / be used to He _going to bed at 10 oclock every night ,which was good for his health Todays children are not like what we _be .They are much more confident .3. because / because of The sports meet was finally put off _the bad weather .More and more people do exercise every week ,_they have realized the importance of good health .4. fun/ funny She felt it _that the man made up such a story exactly the same as hers .The first step to using the web for business or for _is learning how to workout a web “browser”5. spend / take Though it _us some time to help him with his study ,we were happy anyway.Paul Gauguin_most his life painting French farmers6 prepare for / prepare Last Sunday ,I gave our house a thorough cleaning and then _a wonderful meal and cooked a special dish for my wife . When people moved to a new country ,they have to first _the new surroundings.(环境)缺词填空 Last week ,Weihua met David .Soon they became good friends . She invited David to make a s_to her classmates in the a_ hall .David said that he liked s_ the internet and doing some reading in the library when he was in China .He b_back some interesting books ,dictionaries and photographs. He would like to d_them to the school library .But first of all ,they would be d_

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