
Unit 2 The environment。2. Help Ss use the words about the environment as possible.。2. Help Ss use the words about the environment as possible.。


1、111Unit 2 The environment Project-教案 Teaching aims1.Help Ss learn and use English by doing a project. 2. Encourage Ss to use they have learnt to complete a project. Teaching important points Help Ss how to plan and do research for the report. Teaching difficult pointsHelp Ss how to cooperate each part of work together. Teaching methods1. Students-centered. 2.Teacher & students interaction. 3. Multimedia way. Teaching aids1. The multimedia. 2. The black。

2、111Unit 2 The environmentTaskTeaching aim and demands : 1. Help the students listen and draw conclusions 2. To improve students listening skill.3.Read for information.4. To improve students reading skill.5.Learn to present opinions.6. Design a posterTeaching procedures Sep1 Skills building 1 :In this part , students will learn how to draw conclusions from listening to something .Explain to the students that in order to draw conclusions , they need to think about the sit。

3、111Unit 2 The environment ProjectTeaching aims1.Help Ss learn and use English by doing a project. 2. Encourage Ss to use they have learnt to complete a project. Teaching important points Help Ss how to plan and do research for the report. Teaching difficult pointsHelp Ss how to cooperate each part of work together. Teaching methods1.Students-centered. 2.Teacher & students interaction. 3.Multimedia way. Teaching aids1. The multimedia. 2. The blackboard.。

4、111Unit 2 The environmentTaskTeaching aim and demands : 1. Help the students listen and draw conclusions 2. To improve students listening skill.3.Read for information.4. To improve students reading skill.5.Learn to present opinions.6. Design a posterTeaching procedures Sep1 Skills building 1 :In this part , students will learn how to draw conclusions from listening to something .Explain to the students that in order to draw conclusions , they need to think about the s。

5、111Unit 2 The environment ProjectTeaching aims1.Help Ss learn and use English by doing a project. 2. Encourage Ss to use they have learnt to complete a project. Teaching important points Help Ss how to plan and do research for the report. Teaching difficult pointsHelp Ss how to cooperate each part of work together. Teaching methods1.Students-centered. 2.Teacher & students interaction. 3.Multimedia way. Teaching aids1. The multimedia. 2. The blackboard.。

6、111Unit 2 The environmentReading: The economy or the environment-must we choose?Reading 1The general idea of this period1. The main purpose of this lesson is to make Ss fully understand the text and master the Reading Strategy.Teaching Aims:1. Check and enhance students reading abilities.2. Train students to gain an overall understanding of the article and learn to read a debate.Teaching important points:1.How to make the students fully understand the text.2.How to get 。

7、111Unit 2 The EnvironmentTask-教案Teaching plan: Teaching aim and demands : 1 help the students to listen and draw conclusions 2 train the students listening 3 help the students to read for information4 help the students to read a scientific article 5 help the students to present your point of view6 design a posterTeaching procedures Sep1 Skills building 1 :In this part , students will learn how to draw conclusions from listening to something .Explain to students that in。

8、111Unit 2 The environment Word powerTeaching aims1. Enlarge Ss vocabulary related to the environment. 2. Help Ss use the words about the environment as possible. Teaching important points 1. How to learn the new words effectively. 2. How to use the new words freely. Teaching difficult points1. How to make Ss describe environmental problem briefly. 2. How to solve the environmental problems rapidly. Teaching methods1.Students-centered. (Discussion to make every 。

9、111Unit 2 The environmentWelcome to the unitTeaching aims and demands: Make students know the importance of the environment to the human beings .To show students the current situation of environment .To arouse students sense of environment protection.To learn some words in this lessonTeaching procedures :Step 1 : Brainstorming 1 Review the word environment and let them imagine the adjectives related to environment .Write the words on the blackboard : Harmony, peaceful,。

10、111Unit 2 The EnvironmentReading-教案The general idea of this periodThe main purpose of this lesson is to make Ss fully understand the text and master the Reading Strategy.Teaching Aims:1. Check and enhance students reading abilities.2.Train students to gain an overall understanding of the article and learn to read a debate.Teaching important points:1.How to make the students fully understand the text.2.How to get students to read a debate.Teaching Aids: multimedia and a 。

11、Unit 2 Growing painsPeriod OneTeaching aims:1. To introduce and develop the theme of growing pains.2. To develop speakin。

12、111Teaching plan for Unit 2 Module 5Welcome to the unitTeaching aims and demands: Make students know the importance of the environment to the human beings .To show students the current situation of environment .To arouse students sense of environment protection.To learn some words in this lessonTeaching procedures :Step 1 : Brainstorming 1 Review the word environment and let them imagine the adjectives related to environment .Write the words on the blackboard : Harmony, 。

13、111Unit 2 The environment Word powerTeaching aims1. Enlarge Ss vocabulary related to the environment. 2. Help Ss use the words about the environment as possible. Teaching important points 1. How to learn the new words effectively. 2. How to use the new words freely. Teaching difficult points1. How to make Ss describe environmental problem briefly. 2. How to solve the environmental problems rapidly. Teaching methods1.Students-centered. (Discussion to make every st。

14、111Unit 2 The environmentGrammarTeaching Aims1. Help Ss understand verbing form as an adjective or adverb2. Master a verb-ing as attributive, predicative, object complement ect.Teaching difficult points1. How to use verb-ing form as an adjective or adverb2. How to use verb-ing phrasesTeaching steps;Step1 Lead-in1. The children stopped_as the teacher came inA.talk B.to talk C.talking D.talked2. If he can stop them _there ,I will do itA.go B.to。

15、111Teaching Plan for Grammar and usageTeaching Aims1. Help Ss understand verbing form as an adjective or adverb2. Master a verb-ing as attributive, predicative, object complement ect.Teaching difficult points1. How to use verb-ing form as an adjective or adverb2. How to use verb-ing phrasesTeaching steps;Step1 Lead-in1.&。

16、111Unit 2 The EnvironmentWord power-教案Teaching aims1. Enlarge Ss vocabulary related to the environment. 2. Help Ss use the words about the environment as possible. Teaching important points 1. How to learn the new words effectively. 2. How to use the new words freely. Teaching difficult points1. How to make Ss describe environmental problem briefly. 2. How to solve the environmental problems rapidly. Teaching methods1.Students-centered. (Discussion to make every 。

17、111Unit 2Growing painsPeriod 8 Task 3 Skills building 3: writing a dialogueTeaching objectives: u To develop writing skills by reading the tips.u To understand the mood of the Mums and Jacks feelings.Important and difficult points: Writing a dialogue.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-in The language you use in writing a dialogue: l not too colloquiall not too redundantl descriptiveStep 2 Reading1 Read the instructions and know some tips of wri。

18、111Unit 2 The environmentGrammarTeaching Aims1. Help Ss understand verbing form as an adjective or adverb2. Master a verb-ing as attributive, predicative, object complement ect.Teaching difficult points1. How to use verb-ing form as an adjective or adverb2. How to use verb-ing phrasesTeaching steps;Step1 Lead-in1. The children stopped_as the teacher came inA.talk B.to talk C.talking D.talked2. If he can stop them _there ,I will do itA.go B.to。

19、111课 题M5U2 The Environment课时8-1New words 主备人授 课 时 间教 学 目 标1. let students read the new words correctly.2. get students master some important words. 教学重、难点How to get students master the important words and phrases.教、 学 具slides预习要求workbook教师活动内容、方式学生活动内容、方式旁 注Step 1 GreetingStep2 read after the teacherone word two timesstep3 vocabulary explanation1. poisonous adj. poison n.,vt.poison ones mind 2. flow-flowed-flowedfly-flew-flown。

20、111Unit 2 The environmentWelcome to the unitTeaching aims and demands: Make students know the importance of the environment to the human beings .To show students the current situation of environment .To arouse students sense of environment protection.To learn some words in this lessonTeaching procedures :Step 1 : Brainstorming 1 Review the word environment and let them imagine the adjectives related to environment .Write the words on the blackboard : Harmony, peaceful,。

标签 > EnvironmentTask教案2牛津译林版必修5[编号:3274807]

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