Unit 2《The Environment》-welcome教案1(牛津译林版必修5)

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Unit 2《The Environment》-welcome教案1(牛津译林版必修5)_第1页
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Unit 2《The Environment》-welcome教案1(牛津译林版必修5)_第2页
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111Teaching plan for Unit 2 Module 5Welcome to the unitTeaching aims and demands: Make students know the importance of the environment to the human beings .To show students the current situation of environment .To arouse students sense of environment protection.To learn some words in this lessonTeaching procedures :Step 1 : Brainstorming 1 Review the word environment and let them imagine the adjectives related to environment .Write the words on the blackboard : Harmony, peaceful, destructive , pollution, disaster , protection, environmentalists.2 Ask students to express their opinions freely by asking them questions below:1) Compared to the last few years , do you think the environment is getting better or worse ?2) What might be the reasons for the changes?Step 2 : Sharing information 1. Before moving on to discuss the pictures , encourage students to talk about some environmental problems they know about , e,g , floods , forests fires , the greenhouse effect and acid rain.2. Ask students to read the instructions and study the pictures one by one . 3. Show the students the other pictures and let them talk.4. Ask students to read the three questions and put students into groups of four and ask them to discuss the questions .5. Ask some students to report their answers to the class.6. Ask students to think about other causes to the pollution of environment . 7. Ask students to think about the ways to protect the environment .Homework : 1.Preview reading 2.Do the exercise in the workbook 3.Write a short passage about the environment .111


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