
The True North。课时作业 新人教版必修3 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.Their daughter has a gift for language while their son is a gifted(gift) pianist。it’s so cold outside a。


1、2019年高考英语大一轮复习 第1部分 模块复习方略 Unit 5 Canada-“The True North”课时作业 新人教版必修3 .单句语法填空 1Their daughter has a gift for language while their son is a gifted(gift) pianist。

2、课时作业(二十九)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1I find it hard to concentrate on my studies with some people having small talks around me.2The magician picked several persons at random from the audience。

3、课时作业(二十七)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1In everyday communication, information conveyed (convey) by gestures is often misinterpreted.2It is a surprise that the faraway village has been transforme。

4、课时作业(二十六)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1The family would_have_arrived (arrive) on time, but their car had a flat tyre on the halfway.2Nobody believed his prediction (predict) then but later it tu。

5、课时作业(九)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1I received a letter containing (contain) some important information about the project.2Men and women must be treated equally in education and employment (emp。

6、课时作业(十一)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1They held a party to celebrate their success and the celebration (celebrate) lasted about two hours.2On arriving (arrive) in France on March 27,2014, Presid。

7、课时作业(三)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1Im quite satisfied, and I prefer to_rent (rent) such an apartment rather than buy (buy) one.2Im afraid well have to work extra hours, for some problems ar。

8、课时作业(三十九)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1Helen was chosen for the job because she was far superior to any other candidate.2Sometimes the couples should make compromises with each other in order to。

9、课时作业(三十七)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1John is strongly convinced that extra time spent studying now will pay off in the future.2After the city was_struck (strike) by the earthquake, the people。

10、课时作业(四)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1Its useless (use) arguing with the foolish person.2Seeing the frightening (frighten) scene, the boy began to cry.3The girl is an extremely (extreme) popu。

11、课时作业(三十)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1We guarantee to_deliver (deliver) your goods within a week.2Kelly was about to go under the knife when her surgeon stopped everything.3(2014浙江高考单选)Amie S。

12、课时作业(二十)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1Three years ago, a society was set up to_preserve (preserve) the endangered animal and plant life from dying out in this area.2Nowadays, people get news aro。

13、课时作业(二十八)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1Students like the fact that teachers are willing to take a risk, even if the lesson is a failure, and try something new in it.2Mum, its so cold outside a。

14、课时作业(十)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1It is not impossible for you to do it without others help.2Jack has been in low spirits these days.Having broken up with his girlfriend last week, he was a。

15、课时作业(十五)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1I live nearby.My house is within walking distance of the university.2My teacher impressed the importance of reading on me.3Their daughter has a gift for。

16、课时作业(三十五)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1Being able to afford a drink would be a comfort in those tough times.2It is recommended that you (should)_set (set) aside a few minutes every day to commun。

17、课时作业(六)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1What do you think of the book?Oh, excellent.It is worth reading (read) a second time.2On National Day, the buildings in Beijing were decorated with red f。

18、课时作业(三十三)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1Being_educated (educate) in a famous university is what most students wish for.2Its a good chance to reflect on what they should be thankful for.3At th。

19、课时作业(三十四)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1We thought it a privilege to have been invited to such a wedding party, where all guests drank a toast for the bride and bridegroom.2In my opinion, everyon。

20、课时作业(二十五)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1Youd better put things back in place. Otherwise, it will be difficult to find them.2Youd better go to the party, but I doubt if/whether itll be very exc。

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