高考英语一轮复习 模块复习方略 课时作业26 新人教版选修6

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课时作业(二十六)(时间:45分钟满分:100分).单句语法填空1The family would_have_arrived (arrive) on time, but their car had a flat tyre on the halfway.2Nobody believed his prediction (predict) then but later it turned out to be true.3In considering people for jobs, we give preference (prefer) to those with some experience.4They will start their project, aimed/aiming (aim) at helping the poor children to be educated in the west of China.5It is typical of him to think about helping others in trouble.6The government made an appeal to everyone to save water.7Not many people can answer this question at the first attempt.8The book written by Mr.Jackson appealed to people in all walks of life, making (make) it the bestseller in England.9We cant figure out why quite a number of insects, birds, and animals are dying out.10Tom is very annoyed because his brother is in possession of all the business.单句改错1Some fortune tellers say that they can predict about future events.去掉about2You cant legally take the possession of the property until three weeks after the contract is signed.去掉take后面的the3It was typical for her to forget.forof4The magazine is intended to appeal working women in their 20s and 30s.appeal后加上to5What coincidence!I didnt expect to see you here.What后加上a6Ive never seen the famous scholar in flesh.in后加上the7The pickpocket broke away the policeman who was holding him.away后加上from8The popular book deals about a permancently new subject:love.aboutwith9John said hed been working in the office for an hour,it was true.itwhich或it前加上and10The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday,but he didnt help.heit.完形填空(2016兰陵一中检测) David was a special education student at Monterey High School who loved_1_but didnt have the coordination(协调性)to play.Instead,_2_in high school and continuing for some 40 years,he_3_at every game as“team manager”,taking care of the balls and towels,slapping players on the back if they did well,and_4_them,if they missed shots.When my husband became_5_,he let David keep the job as the“team manager”_6_he thought David was like part of the team.More than anythingmaybe even more than basketballDavid loved hugs.Im not sure David ever knew my_7_.He called me“Mrs Coach”At every game,hed spot me in the stands and come,parting the_8_like the Red Sea to get a hug.Our oldest child,when he was 5,wanted to be“ball boy”for his dads team.David wouldnt hear of it.He and the boy battled it out tooth and nail for years,_9_over loose balls like dogs over a bone.All was_10_after the boy started high school and played on his dads team.David liked the_11_the boy played.Later,in the years when my husband was battling cancer,David never said much,_12_did his job as always,diligently and well.He_13_sweeping the gym floor.“Sweeping is not the team managers job,”he said.But if he caught the coach sweeping,hed_14_the broom(扫帚)and finish the job without a word.That was_15_.I had not seen David for years.My husband passed away and I_16_.I heard hed retired as team manager.I was back in town for a visit, when I_17_him at my favorite breakfast place.He was sitting at the counter, _18_, grayer,big as ever, with his sweet wife, Stephanie. “David”, I said.Seeing me, his eyes welled up as he rose from the_19_and slowly gave me a big_20_.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。作者回忆了她丈夫球队中的一个成员大卫。他喜欢拥抱别人以示友好。多年过去,作者重回故里,偶遇已经退休的、年迈的大卫,他激动地又一次拥抱了作者。1A.mealsBfootballCbasketball DsportsC考查上下文暗示。下文的内容介绍了大卫在篮球队中的工作,且basketball一词反复出现,故此处用该词最恰当。2A.startingBperformingCleaving DlearningA考查动词词义辨析。此处表示从高中开始并持续了大约40年。故选A。3A.took up Bput upCshowed up Dlooked upA考查动词词义辨析。此处表示每场比赛他都担当起”球队经理”的职责。take up表示“从事”;put up表示“张贴”;show up表示“出现”;look up表示“向上看,查阅”。故选A。4A.criticizingBencouragingCcheering DchargingA考查动词辨析。此处与上文中的“slapping players on the back if they did well”形成对比,表示如果他们投篮不中就批评他们。criticize表示“批评”。5A.playerBmanagerCcoach DheadmasterC考查名词辨析。由下文中的“He called meMrs Coach”可知,此处要用coach(教练)。6A.if BbecauseCthoughDunlessB考查逻辑关系。分析句子结构可知,前后句之间存在因果关系,故用because。7A.child BfamilyCname DhusbandC考查名词辨析。根据后面的“He called meMrs Coach”可知,他称呼我“教练夫人”,所以此处表示“我不知道他知不知道我的名字”。8A.courtsBguidesCcrowds DjobsC考查名词辨析。我在看台上观看比赛,看台上应该挤满了观看比赛的人。那么他应该是分开人群,故选C。 9.A.fightingBstrugglingCquarrelingDarguingA考查动词词义辨析。此处表示他和我儿子多年来一直全力较劲儿,争着捡那些四处散落的球,就像两只小狗争抢一根骨头那样。A项符合语境。10A.continuedBimpressedCappreciated DforgivenD考查动词辨析。在我儿子上了高中,开始在我丈夫的球队打球后,大卫与我儿子之间所有的争执都得到了谅解。continue表示“继续”;impress表示“使印象深刻”;appreciate表示“感激,欣赏”;forgive表示“原谅,宽恕”。故选D。11A.chance BtimeCwayDgameC考查名词辨析。此处表示大卫喜欢我儿子打球的方式。chance表示“机会”,time表示“时间”,way表示“方式”,game表示“比赛”。故选C。12A.even BjustCnor DratherB考查副词辨析。前文介绍了大卫在球队中兢兢业业地工作,因此此处表示我丈夫患了癌症后,大卫没有说太多的话,只是一如既往地勤奋工作。故选B。13A.discussedBlikedChated DplayedC考查上下文暗示。由下文中的“Sweeping was not the team managers job,he said.”可知,他认为打扫地面不是一位经理的工作。故此处表示他不喜欢扫地。14A.grabBgainCcollect DbreakA 考查动词词义辨析。此处表示当大卫看到教练扫地时,他就会把扫帚夺过来,一言不发地完成打扫工作。grab表示”攫取,抓取”,符合语境。15A.far awayBbefore longClong ago Dall alongC考查动词辨析。根据下文中的“I had not seen David for years.”可知,前文描述的是很久以前的事情,故此处用long ago。16A.moved BtravelledCdisappeared Ddivorced考查上下文暗示。根据后文中的“I was back in town for a visit”可知,我在丈夫去世后,也搬走了。move表示“搬家”,符合语境。travel“旅行”;disappear“消失”;divorce“离婚”。17A.picked up Bturned onCfound outDran intoD考查动词短语辨析。此处表示我又回到城镇参观,这时我在我最喜欢的吃早餐的地方遇到了大卫。run into“偶然遇到”,符合语境。pick up“捡起,恢复”;turn on“雇,打开”;find out“发现”。18A.older BstrongerCtallerDlivelierA考查上下文暗示。根据grayer可知此处应用older。19A.tableBfloorCseat DcounterD考查名词辨析。根据“He was sitting at the counter”可知,此处指他从柜台旁站了起来。20A.smileBwelcomeCsurpriseDhugD考查名词辨析。hug与前文中的“More than anythingmaybe even more than basketballDavid loved hugs.”吻合,此处指他给了我一个大大的拥抱。.阅读理解(2016山西省太原五中高三第一学期测试)Western artist RV.(Ron) Jahns creates his unique western wildlife paintings by tapping into (利用) his vast experience of true life.He has rich western experiences out in the mountains in the great Northwest.Ron paints from the heart and his experience as a cowboy in the west.He has a particular passion for the mountains from Eastern Oregon to Alaska and draws from his many years of mountain adventures as inspiration for his western paintings.Born and raised on a farm, this cowboy artist is well knowledgeable with the subjects of his western art.Ron struggles for historical accuracy in his western cowboy paintings when an artist gives a false description of the facts about cowboys in the west!Living in Alaska for 17 years added a new factor to Rons western art.As a hunter and fisherman he observed the wildlife in its natural setting and has conveyed this spirit to his canvas.Rons western art can be viewed throughout the United States, in Europe and through occasional private showings.You can find western wildlife paintings by Ron at various art shows throughout the year.For a list of art shows the cowboy artist will be attending, visit his Art Show page.Although he is a selftaught western artist, Ron himself has taught painting in colleges and through private lessons.Ron is quite a storyteller and the last of an old kind of cowboy poets and western storytellers.If youve met Ron at the Flea Markets in Sumpter, Oregon then you no doubt have already had a taste of his knack (技能) for telling tall tales and sharing his original cowboy poems of true life on the ranch.语篇解读本文主要介绍了牛仔艺术家罗恩。罗恩凭借自己的亲身经历创作了他独一无二的西方野生动物绘画作品,同时他还善于讲故事和作诗。1What is the best title of the passage?AA Handsome CowboyBA Cowboy ArtistCAn Artist in the WestDA Famous ArtistB标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了罗恩作为一个西部牛仔,把自己的经历融入了绘画中的故事,故用“A Cowboy Artist”作文章标题最恰当。2Why can Ron truly present the facts about cowboys life in the west?ABecause he has read a lot about cowboys life.BBecause he has seen many such paintings.CBecause he has experienced such life.DBecause he knows western styles well.C细节理解题。根据第一、二段的内容可知,罗恩之所以能真实地呈现西部牛仔的生活是因为他亲身经历过这种生活,因此选C项。3From the passage we can see Ron is _.Aa good artist as well as a storyteller and poetBskilled at his teachingCa rich artistDa British artistA细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的“Ron is quite a storyteller and the last of an old kind of cowboy poets and western storytellers”可知,罗恩是一个善于讲故事、会作诗的艺术家。4Which of the following is TRUE?ARons painting focuses on city life.BRon learned a lot from his teacher.CRon was born and raised on a farm.DRons paintings cant be seen in Europe.C细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Born and raised on a farm, this cowboy artist”可知,应选C项。


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